ok_iondiff: keyword supposed to activate ion ambipolar diffusion
nbapp_chem: replaces nbapp_chim, in order to characterize the Number of calls to the chemistry routines (per Venusian day)
Calculation of the Ion Ambipolar Diffusion for 13 ions on 14:
O2+, O+, C+, N+, CO2+,
NO+, CO+, H+, H2O+, H3O+,
HCO+, N2+, OH+
The ion temperature is fixed as the half of the electron temperature
calculated in ion_h.F for the stability of the program and because the
ion temperature is lower than electron temperature.
parameters of the ambipolar diffusion scheme:
parameter (Pdiffion = 7.0D-4) ! pressure in Pa below which ion diffusion is computed
parameter (naltvert = 168) ! number of level on the altimetric subgrid
parameter (nsubvert = 24000) ! ptimephysiq/nsubvert - minimum sub-timestep allowed
parameter ( nsubmin = 40) ! ptimephysiq/nsubmin - maximum sub-timestep allowed
nbapp_chem is not fixed anymore here but deftank/in physiq.def
Ambipolar diffusion activated if (ok_iondiff) is true
add ok_iondiff as parameters to read from physiq.def file set to .false. by default
add nbapp_chem as parameters to characterize the Number of calls to the chemistry routines (per Venusian day) instead of be fixed in physic_mod.F
to read from physiq.def file set to 24000 by default
added ok_iondiff & nbapp_chem in COMMON/clesphys_l/
removed nbapp_chim
Added security in the calculation of the sza_local in order to avoid the rare case where the |range| is above 1