Jul 5, 2022, 11:56:27 PM (3 years ago)

made the vertical discretization for Titan LES similar to that of Mars (simple linear law for znw and refinement close to the surface). no more need to prepare a file levels, just put ztop and number of levels in namelist. a file levels is saved at the end of the znw computation so that it can be read in update_inputs_physiq_mod in the case of Titan.

added MESOSCALE precompiling flags in call_profilgases to set constant methane abundance. therefore no need for profile.def file and the number of vertical levels is set by namelist -- no need to set the same number in both levels and profile.def

outputing ustar from vdifc

ending hardcoding of ptop in update_inputs_physiq_mod for Titan and generic LES/mesoscale. streamlining grod%ptop through module_lmd_driver as ptopwrf within variables_mod module.

adding flux outputs to check surface and atmosphere energy budgets

3 edited


  • trunk/MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/SRC/WRFV2/phys/dynphy_wrf_titan_lmd_new/update_inputs_physiq_mod.F

    r2742 r2743  
    187187   use comgeomfi_h, only: totarea, totarea_planet
    188188   use planete_mod, only: ini_planete_mod
     189   ! in LMD-WRF interface
     190   USE variables_mod, only: ptopwrf
    190192   INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ims,ime,jms,jme
    198200   REAL, DIMENSION(nlayer+1) :: znw
    199201   REAL*8, DIMENSION(nlayer+1) :: apdyn,bpdyn
    200    REAL :: ptop
    201202   REAL*8 :: PP0
    202203   DO j = jps,jpe
    280281   close(12)
    282    ptop=0.5
    283    apdyn=ptop*(1-znw)
     283   apdyn=ptopwrf*(1-znw)
    284284   bpdyn=znw
    285285   PP0=p0
  • trunk/MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/SRC/WRFV2/phys/dynphy_wrf_titan_lmd_new/variables_mod.F

    r2295 r2743  
    77REAL*8 :: zdt_split !ptimestep !zdt_split ! time step over which the physics are evaluated
    88REAL*8 :: phour_ini ! start time (fraction of day) of the run 0=<phour_ini<1
     9REAL*8 :: ptopwrf ! pressure at top of model in WRF [should be equal to grid%p_top]
    910REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: zplev_omp !pplev !zplev_omp(klon,llm+1) ! interlayer pressure (Pa)
    1011REAL*8,DIMENSION(:,:),ALLOCATABLE :: zplay_omp !pplay !zplay_omp(klon,llm) ! mid-layer pressure (Pa)
  • trunk/MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/SRC/WRFV2/phys/module_lmd_driver.F.new

    r2208 r2743  
    264264wappel_phys = RADT
    265265zdt_split = dt*wappel_phys            ! physical timestep (s)
     266ptopwrf = ptop                        ! top pressure in WRF coordinates (in variables_mod)
    266267ngrid=(ipe-ips+1)*(jpe-jps+1)         ! size of the horizontal grid
    267268nlayer = kpe-kps+1                    ! number of vertical layers: nlayermx
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