Changeset 2644

Mar 21, 2022, 5:00:11 PM (3 years ago)

OMP : update the batch example for Occigen and the README associated

3 edited



    r2643 r2644  
    24662466microphysics (just like water clouds). The amplitude is spantCO2, also read from callphys.def
    24672467- The previous logical microphysco2 has been removed.
    2468 - Cloud opacity at 1µm is now computed in the co2cloud.F routine
     2468- Cloud opacity at 1µm is now computed in the co2cloud.F routine
    24692469- Most of the co2 ice clouds scheme writediagfi are now in co2clouds.F
    24702470- Some cleaning of the CO2 ice clouds routine has been done. Not perfect yet!
    24822482  if a gravity wave propagates to the mesosphere or not (wheter the wave saturates on its way or not).
    24832483  The sub-grid temperature distribution is cancelled if the saturation index value of the column (between 12 and 80 km) is > 0.1, and is applied (+/- 3K) otherwise. if the keyword satindexco2=.true. in callphys.def (only applies if CLFvaryingCO2=.true. anyway). If set to .false., deactivate this filter and the sub grid T distribution applies everywhere and everytime. See comments in co2clouds.F
    2484 - All that you need to launch a GCM run with co2 clouds is described in co2clouds.F comments. Ehouarn Millour and Anni Määttänen have the files.
     2484- All that you need to launch a GCM run with co2 clouds is described in co2clouds.F comments. Ehouarn Millour and Anni Määttänen have the files.
    24862486== 15/11/2017 == EM
    36613661Implementation of the IRabs-to-VISext dust scenario conversion, depending on the GCM effective radius :
    36623662- new flag 'reff_driven_IRtoVIS_scenario', false by default, must be set to true to use this dynamic conversion
    3663   (otherwise, the coefficient takes the constant value of 2.6, eqv to reff=1.5µm, as before)
     3663  (otherwise, the coefficient takes the constant value of 2.6, eqv to reff=1.5\B5m, as before)
    36643664  A specific line is added in deftank/callphys.def.GCM6
    36653665- this flag requires the 'dustiropacity' to be set to 'tes' to match the IR scenario's wavelength.
    36683668  (only at the first call to callradite during each physical timestep)
    36693669- change read_dust_scenario into module read_dust_scenario_mod
     3671== 21/03/2022 == RV
     3672OMP : update the batch example for Occigen and the README associated
  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/deftank/occigen/README

    r2216 r2644  
    33a job "run_month2" which runs a simulation for month #2 which then possibly
    44launches a job "run_month3" etc.
     6OMP : in "run_month1" the number denoted A, B and C should be choose according
     7to these rules :
     8_ AxB = number of MPI threads should be .LE. to #lat/2
     9_ C = number of OMP tasks should be .LE. to #lev/10
     10_ BxC compatible to the node specification (ex; here BDW28 so .LT. 28 )
     11_ Be carefull to change the line "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=" to the correct number C
    513The starting and ending months of the simulation can be set in "run_month1"
    614One should adapt the script (and underlying "run0" and "run.def.ref") to
  • trunk/LMDZ.MARS/deftank/occigen/run_month1

    r2216 r2644  
    2 #SBATCH --nodes=1
    3 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=24
     2#SBATCH --nodes=6                          #A
     3#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4                #B
     4#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=5                  #C
    45#SBATCH -J clim
    56#SBATCH --time=13:00:00
    67#SBATCH --output run_month1.%j.out
    78##SBATCH --mem=8GB
    8 #SBATCH --constraint=[HSW24|BDW28]
     9#SBATCH --constraint=[BDW28]
    910#SBATCH --exclusive
    3334\rm -f  error; touch error
     36# environment setup for OpenMP:
     37export I_MPI_DOMAIN=auto
     38export I_MPI_PIN_RESPECT_CPUSET=0
     39#Make sure that OMP_NUM_THREADS = cpus-per-task * KMP_HW_SUBSET
     40export KMP_HW_SUBSET=1T
     41export OMP_NUM_THREADS=5                    #C
     42export OMP_STACKSIZE=400M
     43export KMP_AFFINITY=granularity=fine,compact,1,0,verbose
    3545case $true_num in
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