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r223 r257 6 6 \paragraph{Contact} The main contact to reach at LMD to become an user of the model is Aymeric SPIGA (main developper, \href{}{\nolinkurl{}}). Alternative contacts at LMD for mesoscale modeling inquiries are Ehouarn MILLOUR~\url{} or Fran\c cois FORGET~\url{}. We are open to questions and suggestions on new scientific collaborations, teaching/outreach actions or contractual proposals. 7 7 8 \paragraph{Copyright (LMD)} The LMD Martian Mesoscale Model sources are made available on the condition that we make no representations or warranties regarding the reliability or validity of the model predictions nor the use to which such model predictions should be put, disclaim any and all responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the model predictions and bear no responsibility for any use made of this model predictions by any party. Scientific use of LMD Martian Mesoscale Model simulations is freely allowed provided that the reference paper \textit{Spiga and Forget} [2009]\nocite{Spig:09} is correctly quoted in all publications and that we are kept informed of usage and developments. .If your paper makes use of specific simulations carried out with the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model, please consider including Aymeric SPIGA as a co-author of your work and asking, if needed, for help with writing the part related to mesoscale modeling. If your study requires additional work on a specific Martian physical parameterization, please consider including other members of the LMD team in addition to Aymeric SPIGA. The LMD Martian Mesoscale Model may not be put to any commercial use without specific authorization.8 \paragraph{Copyright (LMD)} The LMD Martian Mesoscale Model sources are made available on the condition that we make no representations or warranties regarding the reliability or validity of the model predictions nor the use to which such model predictions should be put, disclaim any and all responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the model predictions and bear no responsibility for any use made of this model predictions by any party. Scientific use of LMD Martian Mesoscale Model simulations is freely allowed provided that the reference paper \textit{Spiga and Forget} [2009]\nocite{Spig:09} is correctly quoted in all publications and that we are kept informed of usage and developments. If your paper makes use of specific simulations carried out with the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model, please consider including Aymeric SPIGA as a co-author of your work and asking, if needed, for help with writing the part related to mesoscale modeling. If your study requires additional work on a specific Martian physical parameterization, please consider including other members of the LMD team in addition to Aymeric SPIGA. The LMD Martian Mesoscale Model may not be put to any commercial use without specific authorization. 9 9 10 10 \paragraph{Copyright (WRF)} Part of the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model is based on the terrestrial model WRF which is in the public domain. If you are an user of the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model, you are therefore an user of the WRF model. Please take a minute to fill in the WRF registration form so that the WRF development team knows about the people using their model: \url{}. \noindent \scriptsize \emph{WRF was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) which is operated by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). NCAR and UCAR make no proprietary claims, either statutory or otherwise, to this version and release of WRF and consider WRF to be in the public domain for use by any person or entity for any purpose without any fee or charge. UCAR requests that any WRF user include this notice on any partial or full copies of WRF. WRF is provided on an "AS IS" basis and any warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of non-infringement, originality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed. In no event shall UCAR be liable for any damages, whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, consequential or special, that arise out of or in connection with the access, use or performance of WRF, including infringement actions. WRF is a registered trademark of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).} \normalsize -
r248 r257 102 102 When executing the \ttt{runmeso} script, useful information about the simulation and the system in which you plan to run it are prompted, before an invitation appears about the choice of step(s) to process with: 103 103 % 104 \ scriptsize104 \footnotesize 105 105 \codesource{runmeso_output} 106 106 \normalsize … … 110 110 \item A first test of \ttt{runmeso} can be carried out with the test case of section~\ref{sc:arsia}. Please create a directory (e.g. \ttt{test}) and copy the files \ttt{namelist.input}, \ttt{callphys.def} and \ttt{namelist.wps} referring to this Arsia Mons test case in this directory. Then run \ttt{runmeso} and make choice~$1$, i.e. going through all steps detailed in \ref{steps} and \ref{zecommands}. 111 111 \item The execution of \ttt{runmeso} stops if an error is encountered: e.g., the environment variable \ttt{MESO} is not defined, one of the two files~\ttt{namelist.input} or~\ttt{callphys.def} are not present in the working directory, etc... 112 \item If \ttt{namelist.wps} is not present in the simulation directory, the \ttt{runmeso} script will propose to create it and will prompt $4$~additional questions about map projection, data source, latitude for center of domain, longitude for center of domain. The remaining information to be set in \ttt{namelist.wps} (cf. section~\ref{wps}) is then copied from \ttt{namelist.input} to ensure all common parameters between the two files are the same. The program \ttt{geogrid.exe} is then run and, if \ttt{ncview} is installed on your system, this program is prompted so that you can explore the file \ttt{geo\_em } file to check the created domain.112 \item If \ttt{namelist.wps} is not present in the simulation directory, the \ttt{runmeso} script will propose to create it and will prompt $4$~additional questions about map projection, data source, latitude for center of domain, longitude for center of domain. The remaining information to be set in \ttt{namelist.wps} (cf. section~\ref{wps}) is then copied from \ttt{namelist.input} to ensure all common parameters between the two files are the same. The program \ttt{geogrid.exe} is then run and, if \ttt{ncview} is installed on your system, this program is prompted so that you can explore the file \ttt{geo\} file to check the created domain. 113 113 \item An \ttt{xeyes} session is prompted when the \ttt{runmeso} script has finished processing required steps. 114 114 \item If \ttt{runmeso} went well through steps~$1$ and~$2$, but encountered an error in~$3$, once the error has been corrected \ttt{runmeso} is not required to perform steps~$1$ and~$2$ again and can be started directly at step~$3$ (by typing~$3$, see possible choices above). 115 \item The \ttt{LMD:*} files created by a \ttt{runmeso} call which features step~$1$ are kept in \ttt{WPSFEED} (located in \ttt{\$MESO/TMPDIR}). Those files will be overwritten by subsequent calls to \ttt{runmeso} if you choose to run the GCM at similar dates. 116 \item The \ttt{met\_em*} files created by a \ttt{runmeso} call which features step~$2$ are kept in a directory in \ttt{WRFFEED} (located in \ttt{\$MESO/TMPDIR}) which name refers to precise date and time, so that it will not be overwritten by subsequent calls to \ttt{runmeso} for other simulations. In the simulation directory \ttt{runmeso} creates a \ttt{met\_em} directory which contains links towards the \ttt{met\_em*} files. 117 \item The contents of directories in \ttt{\$MESO/TMPDIR} (\ttt{GCMINI}, \ttt{WPSFEED}, \ttt{WRFFEED}) might grow large as you launch more and more simulations with \ttt{runmeso}. It is probably a good idea to clean up files referring to old simulations from time to time. 115 118 \end{finger} 116 119 -
r223 r257 67 67 %\vskip -0.3cm 68 68 \sk 69 \ small69 \footnotesize 70 70 \codesource{callphys.def} 71 71 \normalsize 72 72 73 \mk 74 \begin{finger} 75 \item In the given example convective adjustment, gravity wave parameterization and NLTE schemes are turned off, as is usually the case in typical Martian tropospheric mesoscale simulations (see chapter~\ref{whatis}). 76 \item \ttt{iradia} sets the frequency (in dynamical timesteps) at which the radiative computations are performed. To obtain the interval in seconds at which radiative computations are performed, one simply has to multiply \ttt{iradia} to the value of \ttt{time\_step} in \ttt{namelist.input}. 77 \end{finger} 78 73 79 \clearemptydoublepage -
r248 r257 76 76 77 77 \sk 78 The LMD Martian GCM is supposed to be run to compute meteorological fields that will be used as initial and boundary conditions each one or two Martian hours to the limited-area LMD Martian Mesoscale Model. Hence the LMD Martian GCM must be compiled in your system (see the LMD-MGCM user manual for further details \url{}). If you did not get the model using the \ttt{svn} method, please request us to send you an archive containing the LMD-MGCM named \ttt{LMDZ.MARS.meso.tar.gz}, which you have to extract in the \ttt{\$MESO} directory. If you got the model using \ttt{svn}, you do not have to request this file. In the \ttt{\$MESO/LMDZ.MARS} directory, a script named \ttt{compile} can be found and must be used \emph{on the system you plan to run the mesoscale model on} to compile the GCM. The \ttt{compile} script is actually just a wrapper for the \ttt{makegcm} script which compile the GCM for you; the default \ttt{makegcm} script only works with Portland Group Fortran compiler \ttt{pgf90} but scripts allowing to compile the model using other Fortran compilers (including \ttt{g95} or \ttt{ifort}) are available upon request. The following commands should yield the compilation of two executables \ttt{newstart.e} and \ttt{gcm.e}:78 The LMD Martian GCM is supposed to be run to compute meteorological fields that will be used as initial and boundary conditions each one or two Martian hours to the limited-area LMD Martian Mesoscale Model. Hence the LMD Martian GCM must be compiled in your system (see the LMD-MGCM user manual for further details \url{}). If you did not get the model using the \ttt{svn} method, please request us to send you an archive containing the LMD-MGCM named \ttt{LMDZ.MARS.meso.tar.gz}, which you have to extract in the \ttt{\$MESO} directory. If you got the model using \ttt{svn}, you do not have to request this file. In the \ttt{\$MESO/LMDZ.MARS} directory, a script named \ttt{compile} can be found and must be used \emph{on the system you plan to run the mesoscale model on} to compile the GCM. The \ttt{compile} script is actually just a wrapper for the \ttt{makegcm} script which compile the GCM for you; the default \ttt{makegcm} script only works with Portland Group Fortran compiler \ttt{pgf90} but scripts to compile the model using other Fortran compilers (including \ttt{g95} or \ttt{ifort}) are also available. The following commands should yield the compilation of two executables \ttt{newstart.e} and \ttt{gcm.e}: 79 79 80 80 \begin{verbatim} … … 177 177 The input datasets for topography and soil properties can be set in \ttt{namelist.wps} through the keyword \ttt{geog\_data\_res}. Possible choices are 178 178 \begin{citemize} 179 \item \ttt{'gcm'}: coarse-resolution datasets ,180 \item \ttt{'32ppd'}: coarse-resolution datasets, but 32ppd MOLA topography ,181 \item \ttt{'64ppd'}: fine-resolution datasets: TES albedo \& thermal inertia, 64ppd MOLA topography ,182 \item \ttt{'64ppd\_noHRti'}: fine-resolution datasets, but coarse-resolution thermal inertia ,179 \item \ttt{'gcm'}: coarse-resolution datasets; 180 \item \ttt{'32ppd'}: coarse-resolution datasets, but 32ppd MOLA topography; 181 \item \ttt{'64ppd'}: fine-resolution datasets: TES albedo \& thermal inertia, 64ppd MOLA topography; 182 \item \ttt{'64ppd\_noHRti'}: fine-resolution datasets, but coarse-resolution thermal inertia; 183 183 \item \ttt{'32ppd\_HRalb'}: fine-resolution albedo, coarse-resolution thermal inertia, 32ppd topography. 184 184 \end{citemize} -
r248 r257 93 93 \include{preproc} 94 94 \include{guide} 95 %\include{user_manual_txt}96 %\end{document}95 \include{advance} 96 \include{faq} 97 97 98 98 \backmatter -
r248 r257 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \chapter{Advanced use}10 11 \section{Grid nesting}\label{nests}12 13 \codesource{namelist.wps_NEST}14 15 \section{geogrid.tbl}16 17 \section{Tracers}18 19 \section{New physics}20 21 \section{controlling outputs}22 23 different callphys.def24 the step datafile.h is not needed anymore ! use callphys.def.25 26 \chapter{Outputs}27 28 \mk29 \section{Postprocessing utilities and graphics}\label{postproc}30 31 \begin{remarque}32 To be completed. Do-it-all \ttt{idl} scripts33 would be described here !34 \end{remarque}35 36 \mk37 \section{Modify the outputs}38 39 \begin{remarque}40 To be completed.41 Though the method is different,42 we kept all the convenient aspects of \ttt{writediagfi}43 \end{remarque}44 45 \chapter{Frequently Asked Questions}46 47 48 \begin{finger}49 \item Which timestep should I choose to avoid crashes of the model ?50 \item In the Martian simulations, why can't I define boundaries each 6 hours as on Earth ?51 \item Help ! I get strange assembler errors or ILM errors while compiling !52 \item Is it possible to run the model on a specific configuration that is not supported ?53 \item Why do I have to define four less rows in the parent domain54 when performing nested runs ?55 \item I am kind of nostalgic of early/middle Mars. How could I run56 mesoscale simulations at low/high obliquity ?57 \item Why \ttt{real.exe} is crashing when the model top pressure is58 lower than $2$~Pa ?59 \item Can I use the two-way nesting ?60 \item How can I change smoothing surface properties ?61 \end{finger}62 63 \begin{remarque}64 To be completed.65 \end{remarque}66 1 67 2 … … 76 11 77 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 -
r223 r257 1 \chapter{What is the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model?} 1 \chapter{What is the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model?}\label{whatis} 2 2 3 3 \vk
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