Changeset 253 for trunk/LMDZ.GENERIC/libf/dyn3d
- Timestamp:
- Aug 2, 2011, 11:13:07 AM (14 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk/LMDZ.GENERIC/libf/dyn3d
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 11 edited
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r135 r253 135 135 c ENDDO 136 136 137 ! increment tracers 137 138 DO iq = 1, nq 138 139 DO k = 1,llm 139 140 DO j = 1,ip1jmp1 141 ! pq(j,k,iq)= pdqfi(j,k,iq) * pdt 140 142 pq(j,k,iq)= pq(j,k,iq) + pdqfi(j,k,iq) * pdt 141 pq(j,k,iq)= AMAX1( pq(j,k,iq), qtestt ) 143 pq(j,k,iq)= AMAX1( pq(j,k,iq), qtestt ) ! forbid negative tracer values 142 144 ENDDO 143 145 ENDDO 144 146 ENDDO 147 ! print*,'MAJOR TRACER MOD in addfi for test' 145 148 146 149 -
r135 r253 1 1 SUBROUTINE disvert 2 3 ! to use 'getin' 4 USE ioipsl_getincom 2 5 3 6 c Auteur : F. Forget Y. Wanherdrick, P. Levan … … 11 14 #include "comconst.h" 12 15 #include "logic.h" 16 17 #include "callkeys.h" 18 19 13 20 c 14 21 c======================================================================= … … 26 33 REAL zsig(llm) 27 34 INTEGER np,ierr 28 integer :: ierr1,ierr2,ierr3,ierr4 35 integer :: ierr1,ierr2,ierr3,ierr4 29 36 REAL x 30 37 … … 39 46 real z, ps,p 40 47 48 49 real psurf, hmax ! for autozlevs 50 41 51 c 42 52 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 44 54 pi=2.*ASIN(1.) 45 55 46 ! Ouverture possible de fichiers typiquement E.T. 47 48 open(99,file="esasig.def",status='old',form='formatted', 49 s iostat=ierr2) 50 if( then 51 close(99) 52 open(99,file="z2sig.def",status='old',form='formatted', 53 s iostat=ierr4) 54 endif 55 56 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 c cas 1 on lit les options dans esasig.def: 58 c ---------------------------------------- 59 60 IF(ierr2.eq.0) then 61 62 c Lecture de esasig.def : 63 c Systeme peu souple, mais qui respecte en theorie 64 c La conservation de l'energie (conversion Energie potentielle 65 c <-> energie cinetique, d'apres la note de Frederic Hourdin... 66 67 PRINT*,'*****************************' 68 PRINT*,'WARNING Lecture de esasig.def' 69 PRINT*,'*****************************' 70 READ(99,*) h 71 READ(99,*) dz0 72 READ(99,*) dz1 73 READ(99,*) nhaut 74 CLOSE(99) 75 76 dz0=dz0/h 77 dz1=dz1/h 78 79 sig1=(1.-dz1)/tanh(.5*(llm-1)/nhaut) 80 81 esig=1. 82 83 do l=1,20 84 esig=-log((1./sig1-1.)*exp(-dz0)/esig)/(llm-1.) 85 enddo 86 csig=(1./sig1-1.)/(exp(esig)-1.) 87 88 DO L = 2, llm 89 zz=csig*(exp(esig*(l-1.))-1.) 90 sig(l) =1./(1.+zz) 91 & * tanh(.5*(llm+1-l)/nhaut) 92 ENDDO 93 sig(1)=1. 94 sig(llm+1)=0. 95 quoi = 1. + 2.* kappa 96 s( llm ) = 1. 97 s(llm-1) = quoi 98 IF( ) THEN 99 DO ll = 2, llm-1 100 l = llm+1 - ll 101 quand = sig(l+1)/ sig(l) 102 s(l-1) = quoi * (1.-quand) * s(l) + quand * s(l+1) 103 ENDDO 104 END IF 105 c 106 snorm=(1.-.5*sig(2)+kappa*(1.-sig(2)))*s(1)+.5*sig(2)*s(2) 107 DO l = 1, llm 108 s(l) = s(l)/ snorm 109 ENDDO 110 111 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 112 c cas 2 on lit les options dans z2sig.def: 113 c ---------------------------------------- 114 115 ELSE IF(ierr4.eq.0) then 56 open(99,file="z2sig.def",status='old',form='formatted', 57 s iostat=ierr4) 58 59 60 autozlevs=.false. 61 PRINT *,'Auto-discretise vertical levels ?' 62 call getin("autozlevs",autozlevs) 63 write(*,*) " autozlevs = ", autozlevs 64 65 write(*,*)"Operate in kastprof mode?" 66 kastprof=.false. 67 call getin("kastprof",kastprof) 68 write(*,*)" kastprof = ",kastprof 69 70 print*,'kast=',kastprof 71 72 pceil=100.0 ! Pascals 73 PRINT *,'Ceiling pressure (Pa) ?' 74 call getin("pceil",pceil) 75 write(*,*) " pceil = ", pceil 76 77 if( 78 print*,'autozlevs no good in 3D...' 79 call abort 80 endif 81 82 if( 83 print*,'kastprof no good in 3D...' 84 call abort 85 endif 86 87 psurf=610. ! default value for psurf 88 PRINT *,'Surface pressure (Pa) ?' 89 call getin("psurf",psurf) 90 write(*,*) " psurf = ",psurf 91 92 if(kastprof)then 93 94 sig(1)=1 95 do l=2,llm 96 !sig(l)=1. - real(l-1)/real(llm) ! uses linear sigma spacing 97 !sig(l)=exp(-real(l-1)*h/real(llm)) ! uses log sigma spacing 98 !sig(l)=exp(-real(l-1)*Hmax/real(llm)) ! uses log sigma spacing 99 sig(l)=(pceil/psurf)**(real(l-1)/real(llm)) ! uses log sigma spacing 100 101 end do 102 sig(llm+1)=0 103 104 elseIF(ierr4.eq.0)then 116 105 PRINT*,'****************************' 117 106 PRINT*,'Lecture de z2sig.def' … … 124 113 CLOSE(99) 125 114 126 sig(1) =1 127 do l=2,llm 115 116 if(autozlevs)then 117 open(91,file="z2sig.def",form='formatted') 118 read(91,*) h 119 DO l=1,llm-2 120 read(91,*) Hmax 121 enddo 122 close(91) 123 124 print*,'Hmax = ',Hmax,' km' 125 print*,'Auto-shifting h in disvert.F to:' 126 ! h = Hmax / log(psurf/100.0) 127 h = Hmax / log(psurf/pceil) 128 print*,'h = ',h,' km' 129 endif 130 131 sig(1)=1 132 do l=2,llm 128 133 sig(l) = 0.5 * ( exp(-zsig(l)/h) + exp(-zsig(l-1)/h) ) 129 130 sig(llm+1)=0134 end do 135 sig(llm+1)=0 131 136 132 137 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 133 138 ELSE 134 write(*,*) 'didn t you forget something ???'135 write(*,*) 'We need the file z2sig.def 139 write(*,*) 'didn_t you forget something?' 140 write(*,*) 'We need the file z2sig.def!'! (OR esasig.def) ' 136 141 stop 137 142 ENDIF … … 206 211 else 207 212 bps(llm) = bps(llm-1)**2 / bps(llm-2) 208 aps(llm) = 0. 213 aps(llm) = 0. ! what the hell is this??? 209 214 end if 210 215 … … 213 218 PRINT *,' APs' 214 219 PRINT *, aps 220 215 221 216 222 DO l = 1, llm -
r135 r253 51 51 INTEGER ierr, nid, nvarid, nqold 52 52 CHARACTER str3*3,yes*1 53 54 55 ! added by RW for test 56 real pmean,airetot 57 integer ij 53 58 54 59 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 421 426 *rrage est differente de la valeur dtinteg =',i4//) 422 427 428 429 430 431 432 423 433 RETURN 424 434 END -
r135 r253 132 132 ! flag to set/remove calls to groupeun 133 133 logical callgroupeun 134 parameter (callgroupeun = . true.)134 parameter (callgroupeun = .false.) 135 135 136 136 ! added by RDW for tests without dynamics … … 138 138 parameter (calldyn = .true.) 139 139 140 ! added by RW for test 141 ! real pmean,airetot 142 143 ! added by FF for dissipation / energy conservation tests 144 logical dissip_conservative 145 parameter (dissip_conservative = .false.) 146 REAL ecin(ip1jmp1,llm),ecin0(ip1jmp1,llm) 147 ! d (theta)/ d t (pot. temperature) due to the creation 148 ! of thermal energy by dissipation 149 REAL dtetaecdt(ip1jmp1,llm) 150 REAL vcont(ip1jm,llm),ucont(ip1jmp1,llm) 151 REAL vnat(ip1jm,llm),unat(ip1jmp1,llm) 152 140 153 141 154 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 151 164 CALL iniadvtrac(nq,numvanle) 152 165 166 153 167 CALL dynetat0("",nqmx,vcov,ucov, 154 168 . teta,q,masse,ps,phis, time_0) 155 169 156 170 CALL defrun_new( 99, .TRUE. ) 157 158 171 159 172 c on recalcule eventuellement le pas de temps … … 176 189 CALL iniconst 177 190 CALL inigeom 178 179 191 CALL inifilr 180 192 … … 192 204 CALL exner_hyb( ip1jmp1, ps, p,beta, pks, pk, pkf ) 193 205 194 c 206 195 207 c numero de stockage pour les fichiers de redemarrage: 196 208 … … 303 315 CALL geopot ( ip1jmp1, teta , pk , pks, phis , phi ) 304 316 305 306 317 if(calldyn)then 307 318 CALL caldyn … … 314 325 c ------------------------------------------------------------- 315 326 327 328 316 329 if (tracer) then 317 330 IF( forward. OR . leapf ) THEN … … 360 373 $ dv,du,dteta,dq,dp,vcov,ucov,teta,q,ps,masse,phis, 361 374 $ finvmaold) 375 else 376 print*,'Currently no dynamics in this GCM...' 362 377 endif 363 378 … … 407 422 c ajout des tendances physiques: 408 423 c ------------------------------ 424 ! if(1.eq.2)then 409 425 CALL addfi( nqmx, dtphys, leapf, forward , 410 426 $ ucov, vcov, teta , q ,ps , masse, 411 427 $ dufi, dvfi, dhfi , dqfi ,dpfi ) 428 ! else 429 ! print*,'Currently no physics in this GCM...' 430 ! endif 412 431 c 413 432 ENDIF … … 436 455 c Dissipation horizontale 437 456 c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 457 458 459 if(dissip_conservative) then 460 ! calculate kinetic energy before dissipation 461 call covcont(llm,ucov,vcov,ucont,vcont) 462 call enercin(vcov,ucov,vcont,ucont,ecin0) 463 end if 464 438 465 CALL dissip(vcov,ucov,teta,p,dvdis,dudis,dhdis) 439 466 440 467 CALL addit( ijp1llm,ucov ,dudis,ucov ) 441 468 CALL addit( ijmllm ,vcov ,dvdis,vcov ) 469 470 471 if (dissip_conservative) then 472 C On rajoute la tendance due a la transform. Ec -> E therm. cree 473 C lors de la dissipation 474 call covcont(llm,ucov,vcov,ucont,vcont) 475 call enercin(vcov,ucov,vcont,ucont,ecin) 476 dtetaecdt(:,:) = (ecin0(:,:)-ecin(:,:))/ pk(:,:) 477 dhdis(:,:) = dhdis(:,:) + dtetaecdt(:,:) 478 endif 479 442 480 CALL addit( ijp1llm,teta ,dhdis,teta ) 443 481 -
r135 r253 48 48 49 49 50 ! MODIFICATION TO TEST WITHOUT TRACER ADVECTION BY RDW 51 !do iq=1,nq 52 ! iadv(iq)=0 53 !enddo 54 !print*,'TRACERS ARE NO LONGER ADVECTED IN THE GCM!!!!!!' 55 50 ! MODIFICATION TO TEST OTHER SCHEMES BY RDW 51 ! do iq=1,nq 52 ! iadv(iq)=1 53 ! enddo 54 ! print*,'IADV SET TO 1 IN iniadvtrac!!!!' 56 55 57 56 do iq=1,nq -
r135 r253 51 51 c FF 2004 52 52 if (pseudoalt(llm).lt.160.) then 53 ! currently disabled for the universal model!!! 53 54 fac_mid=2 ! coeff pour dissipation aux basses/moyennes altitudes 54 55 fac_up=10 ! coeff multiplicateur pour dissipation hautes altitudes 55 56 startalt=90. ! altitude en Km de la transition mid / up 56 57 delta=20.! Intervalle (km) pour le changement mid / up 58 59 ! fac_mid=1 ! coeff pour dissipation aux basses/moyennes altitudes 60 ! fac_up=1 ! coeff multiplicateur pour dissipation hautes altitudes 61 ! startalt=100. ! altitude en Km de la transition mid / up 62 ! delta=20.! Intervalle (km) pour le changement mid / up 63 57 64 else ! thermosphere model 58 65 fac_mid=2 ! coeff pour dissipation aux basses/moyennes altitudes -
r135 r253 2 2 & t,ucov,vcov,ps,h,phisold_newgrid, 3 3 & q,qsurf,surfith,nid) 4 4 5 c======================================================================= 5 6 c … … 1102 1103 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1103 1104 ! write(*,*) 'Soil' 1105 1106 !print*,'Problem in lect_start_archive interpolating' 1107 !print*,'to new resolution!!' 1108 1104 1109 ! Recast temperatures along soil depth, if necessary 1105 1110 if (olddepthdef) then … … 1109 1114 do i=1,imold+1 1110 1115 do j=1,jmold+1 1116 1117 !if( .or. 1118 !print*,'Problem in lect_start_archive interpolating' 1119 !print*,'to new resolution!!' 1120 !call abort 1121 !endif 1122 1111 1123 ! copy values 1112 oldval(1)=tsurfS(i,j) 1124 oldval(1)=tsurfold(i,j) 1125 ! oldval(1)=tsurfS(i,j) 1113 1126 oldval(2:nsoilold+1)=tsoilold(i,j,1:nsoilold) 1114 1127 ! build vertical coordinate … … 1142 1155 do j=1,jmold+1 1143 1156 ! copy values 1144 oldval(1)=tsurfS(i,j) 1157 oldval(1)=tsurfold(i,j) 1158 ! oldval(1)=tsurfS(i,j) 1145 1159 oldval(2:nsoilold+1)=tsoilold(i,j,1:nsoilold) 1146 1160 ! interpolate -
r135 r253 3 3 4 4 COMMON/logic/ purmats,physic,forward,leapf,apphys,grireg, 5 * statcl,conser,apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus,hybrid 5 * statcl,conser,apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus,hybrid,autozlevs 6 6 7 7 LOGICAL purmats,physic,forward,leapf,apphys,grireg,statcl,conser, 8 * apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus,hybrid 8 * apdiss,apdelq,saison,ecripar,fxyhypb,ysinus,hybrid,autozlevs 9 9 10 10 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
r135 r253 154 154 real :: MONS_coeffN ! coeff for northern hemisphere 155 155 ! real,parameter :: icedepthmin=1.e-3 ! Ice begins at most at that depth 156 157 ! added by RW for test 158 real pmean, phi0 159 160 ! added by BC for equilibrium temperature startup 161 real teque 162 163 ! added by BC for cloud fraction setup 164 REAL hice(ngridmx),cloudfrac(ngridmx,nlayermx) 165 REAL totalfrac(ngridmx) 166 167 ! added by RW for nuketharsis 168 real fact1 169 real fact2 170 156 171 157 172 c sortie visu pour les champs dynamiques … … 425 440 CALL phyetat0 (fichnom,tab0,Lmodif,nsoilmx,nqmx, 426 441 . day_ini,time, 427 . tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf) 428 442 . tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf, !) ! temporary modif by RDW 443 . cloudfrac,totalfrac,hice) 444 429 445 ! copy albedo and soil thermal inertia 430 446 do i=1,ngridmx … … 457 473 write(*,*) 458 474 write(*,*) 'flat : no topography ("aquaplanet")' 475 write(*,*) 'nuketharsis : no Tharsis bulge' 459 476 write(*,*) 'bilball : uniform albedo and thermal inertia' 460 477 write(*,*) 'coldspole : cold subsurface and high albedo at S.pole' … … 471 488 write(*,*) 'watercapn : H20 ice on permanent N polar cap ' 472 489 write(*,*) 'watercaps : H20 ice on permanent S polar cap ' 490 write(*,*) 'noacglac : H2O ice across Noachis Terra' 473 491 write(*,*) 'oborealis : H2O ice across Vastitas Borealis' 492 write(*,*) 'iceball : Thick ice layer all over surface' 474 493 write(*,*) 'wetstart : start with a wet atmosphere' 475 write(*,*) 'isotherm : Isothermal Temperatures, wind set to zero' 494 write(*,*) 'isotherm : Isothermal Temperatures, wind set to zero' 495 write(*,*) 'radequi : Earth-like radiative equilibrium temperature 496 $ profile (lat-alt) and winds set to zero' 476 497 write(*,*) 'coldstart : Start X K above the CO2 frost point and 477 498 $set wind to zero (assumes 100% CO2)' … … 479 500 write(*,*) 'ptot : change total pressure' 480 501 write(*,*) 'emis : change surface emissivity' 481 write(*,*) 'therm_ini_s : Set soil thermal inertia to reference sur502 write(*,*) 'therm_ini_s : Set soil thermal inertia to reference sur 482 503 &face values' 483 write(*,*) 'subsoilice_n: Put deep underground ice layer in northe484 &rn hemisphere'485 write(*,*) 'subsoilice_s: Put deep underground ice layer in southe486 &rn hemisphere'487 write(*,*) 'mons_ice: Put underground ice layer according to MONS-488 &derived data'504 ! write(*,*) 'subsoilice_n : Put deep underground ice layer in northe 505 ! &rn hemisphere' 506 ! write(*,*) 'subsoilice_s : Put deep underground ice layer in southe 507 ! &rn hemisphere' 508 ! write(*,*) 'mons_ice : Put underground ice layer according to MONS- 509 ! &derived data' 489 510 490 511 write(*,*) … … 510 531 & ' were not set to zero ! => set calllott to F' 511 532 512 c Choice forsurface pressure533 c Choice of surface pressure 513 534 yes=' ' 514 535 do while (('y').and.('n')) … … 533 554 end if 534 555 535 c bilball : albedo, inertie thermique uniforme 536 c -------------------------------------------- 556 c 'nuketharsis : no tharsis bulge for Early Mars' 557 c --------------------------------------------- 558 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'nuketharsis') then 559 560 DO j=1,jjp1 561 DO i=1,iim 562 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 563 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 564 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 565 566 fact1=(((rlonv(i)*180./pi)+100)**2 + 567 & (rlatu(j)*180./pi)**2)/65**2 568 fact2=exp( -fact1**2.5 ) 569 570 phis(i,j) = phis(i,j) - (phis(i,j)+4000.*g)*fact2 571 572 ! if(phis(i,j).gt.2500.*g)then 573 ! if(rlatu(j)*180./ ! avoid chopping south polar cap 574 ! phis(i,j)=2500.*g 575 ! endif 576 ! endif 577 578 ENDDO 579 ENDDO 580 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) 581 582 583 c bilball : uniform albedo, thermal inertia 584 c ----------------------------------------- 537 585 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'bilball') then 538 586 write(*,*) 'constante albedo and iner.therm:' … … 654 702 enddo 655 703 enddo 704 705 656 706 657 707 c Correction pour la conservation des traceurs … … 908 958 c -------------------------------------------------- 909 959 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'noglacier') then 960 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 961 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 962 stop 963 endif 910 964 do ig=1,ngridmx 911 965 j=(ig-2)/iim +2 … … 921 975 c -------------------------------------------------- 922 976 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'watercapn') then 923 do ig=1,ngridmx 924 j=(ig-2)/iim +2 925 if(ig.eq.1) j=1 926 if (rlatu(j)*180./ then 927 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 928 write(*,*) 'ig=',ig,' H2O ice mass (kg/m2)= ', 929 & qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) 930 write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh South boundary (deg)= ', 931 & rlatv(j)*180./pi 932 end if 933 enddo 977 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 978 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 979 stop 980 endif 981 982 DO j=1,jjp1 983 DO i=1,iim 984 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 985 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 986 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 987 988 if (rlatu(j)*180./ then 989 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 990 ith(i,j,isoil) = 18000. ! thermal inertia 991 enddo 992 write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh North boundary (deg)= ', 993 & rlatv(j-1)*180./pi 994 end if 995 ENDDO 996 ENDDO 997 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 998 999 c$$$ do ig=1,ngridmx 1000 c$$$ j=(ig-2)/iim +2 1001 c$$$ if(ig.eq.1) j=1 1002 c$$$ if (rlatu(j)*180./ then 1003 c$$$ 1004 c$$$ qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 1005 c$$$ qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_vap)=0.0!1.e5 1006 c$$$ 1007 c$$$ write(*,*) 'ig=',ig,' H2O ice mass (kg/m2)= ', 1008 c$$$ & qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) 1009 c$$$ 1010 c$$$ write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh South boundary (deg)= ', 1011 c$$$ & rlatv(j)*180./pi 1012 c$$$ end if 1013 c$$$ enddo 934 1014 935 1015 c watercaps : H20 ice on permanent southern cap 936 1016 c ------------------------------------------------- 937 1017 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'watercaps') then 938 do ig=1,ngridmx 939 j=(ig-2)/iim +2 940 if(ig.eq.1) j=1 941 if (rlatu(j)*180./ then 942 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 943 write(*,*) 'ig=',ig,' H2O ice mass (kg/m2)= ', 944 & qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) 945 write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh North boundary (deg)= ', 946 & rlatv(j-1)*180./pi 947 end if 948 enddo 949 950 c oborealis : H2O ice across Vastitas Borealis 1018 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 1019 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 1020 stop 1021 endif 1022 1023 DO j=1,jjp1 1024 DO i=1,iim 1025 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 1026 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 1027 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 1028 1029 if (rlatu(j)*180./ then 1030 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1031 ith(i,j,isoil) = 18000. ! thermal inertia 1032 enddo 1033 write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh South boundary (deg)= ', 1034 & rlatv(j-1)*180./pi 1035 end if 1036 ENDDO 1037 ENDDO 1038 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1039 1040 c$$$ do ig=1,ngridmx 1041 c$$$ j=(ig-2)/iim +2 1042 c$$$ if(ig.eq.1) j=1 1043 c$$$ if (rlatu(j)*180./ then 1044 c$$$ qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 1045 c$$$ qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_vap)=0.0 !1.e5 1046 c$$$ 1047 c$$$ write(*,*) 'ig=',ig,' H2O ice mass (kg/m2)= ', 1048 c$$$ & qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) 1049 c$$$ write(*,*)' ==> Ice mesh North boundary (deg)= ', 1050 c$$$ & rlatv(j-1)*180./pi 1051 c$$$ end if 1052 c$$$ enddo 1053 1054 1055 c noacglac : H2O ice across highest terrain 951 1056 c -------------------------------------------- 952 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'oborealis') then 1057 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'noacglac') then 1058 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 1059 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 1060 stop 1061 endif 953 1062 DO j=1,jjp1 954 1063 DO i=1,iim … … 957 1066 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 958 1067 959 if(phis(i,j).lt.-4000.)then 960 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e5 961 phis(i,j)=-4000.0 1068 if(phis(i,j).gt.1000.*g)then 1069 alb(i,j) = 0.5 ! snow value 1070 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1071 ith(i,j,isoil) = 18000. ! thermal inertia 1072 ! this leads to rnat set to 'ocean' in physiq.F90 1073 ! actually no, because it is soil not surface 1074 enddo 962 1075 endif 963 1076 ENDDO 964 1077 ENDDO 1078 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1079 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) 1080 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) 1081 1082 1083 1084 c oborealis : H2O oceans across Vastitas Borealis 1085 c ----------------------------------------------- 1086 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'oborealis') then 1087 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 1088 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 1089 stop 1090 endif 1091 DO j=1,jjp1 1092 DO i=1,iim 1093 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 1094 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 1095 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 1096 1097 if(phis(i,j).lt.-4000.*g)then 1098 ! if( (phis(i,j).lt.-4000.*g) 1099 ! & .and. (rlatu(j)*180./ )then ! south hemisphere only 1100 ! phis(i,j)=-8000.0*g ! proper ocean 1101 phis(i,j)=-4000.0*g ! scanty ocean 1102 1103 alb(i,j) = 0.07 ! oceanic value 1104 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1105 ith(i,j,isoil) = 18000. ! thermal inertia 1106 ! this leads to rnat set to 'ocean' in physiq.F90 1107 ! actually no, because it is soil not surface 1108 enddo 1109 endif 1110 ENDDO 1111 ENDDO 1112 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1113 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) 1114 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) 1115 1116 c iborealis : H2O ice in Northern plains 1117 c -------------------------------------- 1118 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'iborealis') then 1119 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 1120 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 1121 stop 1122 endif 1123 DO j=1,jjp1 1124 DO i=1,iim 1125 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 1126 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 1127 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 1128 1129 if(phis(i,j).lt.-4000.*g)then 1130 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=1.e3 1131 endif 1132 ENDDO 1133 ENDDO 1134 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1135 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) 1136 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) 1137 1138 1139 c oceanball : H2O liquid everywhere 1140 c ---------------------------- 1141 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'oceanball') then 1142 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 1143 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 1144 stop 1145 endif 1146 DO j=1,jjp1 1147 DO i=1,iim 1148 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 1149 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 1150 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 1151 1152 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_vap)=0.0 ! for ocean, this is infinite source 1153 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=0.0 1154 alb(i,j) = 0.07 ! ocean value 1155 1156 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1157 ith(i,j,isoil) = 18000. ! thermal inertia 1158 !ith(i,j,isoil) = 50. ! extremely low for test 1159 ! this leads to rnat set to 'ocean' in physiq.F90 1160 enddo 1161 1162 ENDDO 1163 ENDDO 1164 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1165 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) 1166 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,phis,phisfi) 1167 1168 c iceball : H2O ice everywhere 1169 c ---------------------------- 1170 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'iceball') then 1171 if (igcm_h2o_ice.eq.0) then 1172 write(*,*) "No water ice tracer! Can't use this option" 1173 stop 1174 endif 1175 DO j=1,jjp1 1176 DO i=1,iim 1177 ig=1+(j-2)*iim +i 1178 if(j.eq.1) ig=1 1179 if(j.eq.jjp1) ig=ngridmx 1180 1181 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_vap)=-50. ! for ocean, this is infinite source 1182 qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice)=50. ! == to 0.05 m of oceanic ice 1183 alb(i,j) = 0.6 ! ice albedo value 1184 1185 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1186 !ith(i,j,isoil) = 18000. ! thermal inertia 1187 ! this leads to rnat set to 'ocean' in physiq.F90 1188 enddo 1189 1190 ENDDO 1191 ENDDO 1192 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1193 CALL gr_dyn_fi(1,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,alb,albfi) 965 1194 966 1195 c isotherm : Isothermal temperatures and no winds 967 c ----------------------------------------------- -1196 c ----------------------------------------------- 968 1197 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'isotherm') then 969 1198 … … 994 1223 call initial0(ngridmx*(llm+1),q2) 995 1224 1225 c radequi : Radiative equilibrium profile of temperatures and no winds 1226 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1227 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. 'radequi') then 1228 1229 write(*,*)'radiative equilibrium temperature profile' 1230 1231 do ig=1, ngridmx 1232 teque= 335.0-60.0*sin(latfi(ig))*sin(latfi(ig))- 1233 & 10.0*cos(latfi(ig))*cos(latfi(ig)) 1234 tsurf(ig) = MAX(220.0,teque) 1235 end do 1236 do l=2,nsoilmx 1237 do ig=1, ngridmx 1238 tsoil(ig,l) = tsurf(ig) 1239 end do 1240 end do 1241 DO j=1,jjp1 1242 DO i=1,iim 1243 Do l=1,llm 1244 teque=335.-60.0*sin(rlatu(j))*sin(rlatu(j))- 1245 & 10.0*cos(rlatu(j))*cos(rlatu(j)) 1246 Tset(i,j,l)=MAX(220.0,teque) 1247 end do 1248 end do 1249 end do 1250 flagtset=.true. 1251 call initial0(llm*ip1jmp1,ucov) 1252 call initial0(llm*ip1jm,vcov) 1253 call initial0(ngridmx*(llm+1),q2) 996 1254 997 1255 c coldstart : T set 1K above CO2 frost point and no winds … … 1069 1327 ! enddo 1070 1328 1071 ! subsoilice_n: Put deep ice layer in northern hemisphere soil 1072 ! ------------------------------------------------------------ 1073 1074 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)).eq.'subsoilice_n') then 1075 1076 write(*,*)'From which latitude (in deg.), up to the north pole, 1077 &should we put subterranean ice?' 1078 ierr=1 1079 do while ( 1080 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val 1081 if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value 1082 ! do a sanity check 1083 if(( then 1084 write(*,*)'Latitude should be between 0 and 90 deg. !!!' 1085 ierr=1 1086 else ! find corresponding jref (nearest latitude) 1087 ! note: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude 1088 ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 1089 do j=1,jjp1 1090 if ((rlatu(j)*180./ 1091 & (rlatu(j+1)*180./pi.le.val)) then 1092 ! find which grid point is nearest to val: 1093 if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi-val).le. 1094 & abs((rlatu(j+1)*180./pi-val))) then 1095 jref=j 1096 else 1097 jref=j+1 1098 endif 1099 1100 write(*,*)'Will use nearest grid latitude which is:', 1101 & rlatu(jref)*180./pi 1102 endif 1103 enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 1104 endif ! of if(( 1105 endif !of if (ierr.eq.0) 1106 enddo ! of do while 1107 1108 ! Build layers() (as in soil_settings.F) 1109 val2=sqrt(mlayer(0)*mlayer(1)) 1110 val3=mlayer(1)/mlayer(0) 1111 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1112 layer(isoil)=val2*(val3**(isoil-1)) 1113 enddo 1114 1115 write(*,*)'At which depth (in m.) does the ice layer begin?' 1116 write(*,*)'(currently, the deepest soil layer extends down to:' 1117 & ,layer(nsoilmx),')' 1118 ierr=1 1119 do while ( 1120 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val2 1121 ! write(*,*)'val2:',val2,'ierr=',ierr 1122 if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value, but do a sanity check 1123 if( then 1124 write(*,*)'Depth should be less than ',layer(nsoilmx) 1125 ierr=1 1126 endif 1127 if( then 1128 write(*,*)'Depth should be more than ',layer(1) 1129 ierr=1 1130 endif 1131 endif 1132 enddo ! of do while 1133 1134 ! find the reference index iref the depth corresponds to 1135 ! if ( then 1136 ! iref=1 1137 ! else 1138 do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 1139 if(( 1140 & then 1141 iref=isoil 1142 exit 1143 endif 1144 enddo 1145 ! endif 1146 1147 ! write(*,*)'iref:',iref,' jref:',jref 1148 ! write(*,*)'layer',layer 1149 ! write(*,*)'mlayer',mlayer 1150 1151 ! thermal inertia of the ice: 1152 ierr=1 1153 do while ( 1154 write(*,*)'What is the value of subterranean ice thermal inert 1155 &ia? (e.g.: 2000)' 1156 read(*,*,iostat=ierr)iceith 1157 enddo ! of do while 1158 1159 ! recast ithfi() onto ith() 1160 call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) 1161 1162 do j=1,jref 1163 ! write(*,*)'j:',j,'rlatu(j)*180./pi:',rlatu(j)*180./pi 1164 do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes 1165 ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer 1166 ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ 1167 & (((val2-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref)**2))+ 1168 & ((layer(iref+1)-val2)/(iceith)**2))) 1169 ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers 1170 do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx 1171 ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith ! ice 1172 enddo 1173 enddo ! of do i=1,iip1 1174 enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 1175 1176 1177 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1178 1179 ! do i=1,nsoilmx 1180 ! write(*,*)'i:',i,'ithfi(1,i):',ithfi(1,i) 1181 ! enddo 1329 1330 1331 1332 c$$$! subsoilice_n: Put deep ice layer in northern hemisphere soil 1333 c$$$! ------------------------------------------------------------ 1334 c$$$ 1335 c$$$ else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)).eq.'subsoilice_n') then 1336 c$$$ 1337 c$$$ write(*,*)'From which latitude (in deg.), up to the north pole, 1338 c$$$ &should we put subterranean ice?' 1339 c$$$ ierr=1 1340 c$$$ do while ( 1341 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val 1342 c$$$ if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value 1343 c$$$ ! do a sanity check 1344 c$$$ if(( then 1345 c$$$ write(*,*)'Latitude should be between 0 and 90 deg. !!!' 1346 c$$$ ierr=1 1347 c$$$ else ! find corresponding jref (nearest latitude) 1348 c$$$ ! note: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude 1349 c$$$ ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 1350 c$$$ do j=1,jjp1 1351 c$$$ if ((rlatu(j)*180./ 1352 c$$$ & (rlatu(j+1)*180./pi.le.val)) then 1353 c$$$ ! find which grid point is nearest to val: 1354 c$$$ if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi-val).le. 1355 c$$$ & abs((rlatu(j+1)*180./pi-val))) then 1356 c$$$ jref=j 1357 c$$$ else 1358 c$$$ jref=j+1 1359 c$$$ endif 1360 c$$$ 1361 c$$$ write(*,*)'Will use nearest grid latitude which is:', 1362 c$$$ & rlatu(jref)*180./pi 1363 c$$$ endif 1364 c$$$ enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 1365 c$$$ endif ! of if(( 1366 c$$$ endif !of if (ierr.eq.0) 1367 c$$$ enddo ! of do while 1368 c$$$ 1369 c$$$ ! Build layers() (as in soil_settings.F) 1370 c$$$ val2=sqrt(mlayer(0)*mlayer(1)) 1371 c$$$ val3=mlayer(1)/mlayer(0) 1372 c$$$ do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1373 c$$$ layer(isoil)=val2*(val3**(isoil-1)) 1374 c$$$ enddo 1375 c$$$ 1376 c$$$ write(*,*)'At which depth (in m.) does the ice layer begin?' 1377 c$$$ write(*,*)'(currently, the deepest soil layer extends down to:' 1378 c$$$ & ,layer(nsoilmx),')' 1379 c$$$ ierr=1 1380 c$$$ do while ( 1381 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val2 1382 c$$$! write(*,*)'val2:',val2,'ierr=',ierr 1383 c$$$ if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value, but do a sanity check 1384 c$$$ if( then 1385 c$$$ write(*,*)'Depth should be less than ',layer(nsoilmx) 1386 c$$$ ierr=1 1387 c$$$ endif 1388 c$$$ if( then 1389 c$$$ write(*,*)'Depth should be more than ',layer(1) 1390 c$$$ ierr=1 1391 c$$$ endif 1392 c$$$ endif 1393 c$$$ enddo ! of do while 1394 c$$$ 1395 c$$$ ! find the reference index iref the depth corresponds to 1396 c$$$! if ( then 1397 c$$$! iref=1 1398 c$$$! else 1399 c$$$ do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 1400 c$$$ if(( 1401 c$$$ & then 1402 c$$$ iref=isoil 1403 c$$$ exit 1404 c$$$ endif 1405 c$$$ enddo 1406 c$$$! endif 1407 c$$$ 1408 c$$$! write(*,*)'iref:',iref,' jref:',jref 1409 c$$$! write(*,*)'layer',layer 1410 c$$$! write(*,*)'mlayer',mlayer 1411 c$$$ 1412 c$$$ ! thermal inertia of the ice: 1413 c$$$ ierr=1 1414 c$$$ do while ( 1415 c$$$ write(*,*)'What is the value of subterranean ice thermal inert 1416 c$$$ &ia? (e.g.: 2000)' 1417 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr)iceith 1418 c$$$ enddo ! of do while 1419 c$$$ 1420 c$$$ ! recast ithfi() onto ith() 1421 c$$$ call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) 1422 c$$$ 1423 c$$$ do j=1,jref 1424 c$$$! write(*,*)'j:',j,'rlatu(j)*180./pi:',rlatu(j)*180./pi 1425 c$$$ do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes 1426 c$$$ ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer 1427 c$$$ ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ 1428 c$$$ & (((val2-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref)**2))+ 1429 c$$$ & ((layer(iref+1)-val2)/(iceith)**2))) 1430 c$$$ ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers 1431 c$$$ do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx 1432 c$$$ ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith ! ice 1433 c$$$ enddo 1434 c$$$ enddo ! of do i=1,iip1 1435 c$$$ enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 1436 c$$$ 1437 c$$$ 1438 c$$$ CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1439 c$$$ 1440 c$$$! do i=1,nsoilmx 1441 c$$$! write(*,*)'i:',i,'ithfi(1,i):',ithfi(1,i) 1442 c$$$! enddo 1182 1443 1183 1444 1184 ! subsoilice_s: Put deep ice layer in southern hemisphere soil 1185 ! ------------------------------------------------------------ 1186 1187 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)).eq.'subsoilice_s') then 1188 1189 write(*,*)'From which latitude (in deg.), down to the south pol 1190 &e, should we put subterranean ice?' 1191 ierr=1 1192 do while ( 1193 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val 1194 if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value 1195 ! do a sanity check 1196 if(( then 1197 write(*,*)'Latitude should be between 0 and -90 deg. !!!' 1198 ierr=1 1199 else ! find corresponding jref (nearest latitude) 1200 ! note: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude 1201 ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 1202 do j=1,jjp1 1203 if ((rlatu(j)*180./ 1204 & (rlatu(j+1)*180./pi.le.val)) then 1205 ! find which grid point is nearest to val: 1206 if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi-val).le. 1207 & abs((rlatu(j+1)*180./pi-val))) then 1208 jref=j 1209 else 1210 jref=j+1 1211 endif 1212 1213 write(*,*)'Will use nearest grid latitude which is:', 1214 & rlatu(jref)*180./pi 1215 endif 1216 enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 1217 endif ! of if(( 1218 endif !of if (ierr.eq.0) 1219 enddo ! of do while 1220 1221 ! Build layers() (as in soil_settings.F) 1222 val2=sqrt(mlayer(0)*mlayer(1)) 1223 val3=mlayer(1)/mlayer(0) 1224 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1225 layer(isoil)=val2*(val3**(isoil-1)) 1226 enddo 1227 1228 write(*,*)'At which depth (in m.) does the ice layer begin?' 1229 write(*,*)'(currently, the deepest soil layer extends down to:' 1230 & ,layer(nsoilmx),')' 1231 ierr=1 1232 do while ( 1233 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val2 1234 ! write(*,*)'val2:',val2,'ierr=',ierr 1235 if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value, but do a sanity check 1236 if( then 1237 write(*,*)'Depth should be less than ',layer(nsoilmx) 1238 ierr=1 1239 endif 1240 if( then 1241 write(*,*)'Depth should be more than ',layer(1) 1242 ierr=1 1243 endif 1244 endif 1245 enddo ! of do while 1246 1247 ! find the reference index iref the depth corresponds to 1248 do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 1249 if(( 1250 & then 1251 iref=isoil 1252 exit 1253 endif 1254 enddo 1255 1256 ! write(*,*)'iref:',iref,' jref:',jref 1257 1258 ! thermal inertia of the ice: 1259 ierr=1 1260 do while ( 1261 write(*,*)'What is the value of subterranean ice thermal inert 1262 &ia? (e.g.: 2000)' 1263 read(*,*,iostat=ierr)iceith 1264 enddo ! of do while 1265 1266 ! recast ithfi() onto ith() 1267 call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) 1268 1269 do j=jref,jjp1 1270 ! write(*,*)'j:',j,'rlatu(j)*180./pi:',rlatu(j)*180./pi 1271 do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes 1272 ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer 1273 ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ 1274 & (((val2-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref)**2))+ 1275 & ((layer(iref+1)-val2)/(iceith)**2))) 1276 ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers 1277 do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx 1278 ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith ! ice 1279 enddo 1280 enddo ! of do i=1,iip1 1281 enddo ! of do j=jref,jjp1 1282 1283 1284 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1285 1286 c 'mons_ice' : use MONS data to build subsurface ice table 1287 c -------------------------------------------------------- 1288 else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)).eq.'mons_ice') then 1289 1290 ! 1. Load MONS data 1291 call load_MONS_data(MONS_Hdn,MONS_d21) 1292 1293 ! 2. Get parameters from user 1294 ierr=1 1295 do while ( 1296 write(*,*) "Coefficient to apply to MONS 'depth' in Northern", 1297 & " Hemisphere?" 1298 write(*,*) " (should be somewhere between 3.2e-4 and 1.3e-3)" 1299 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) MONS_coeffN 1300 enddo 1301 ierr=1 1302 do while ( 1303 write(*,*) "Coefficient to apply to MONS 'depth' in Southern", 1304 & " Hemisphere?" 1305 write(*,*) " (should be somewhere between 3.2e-4 and 1.3e-3)" 1306 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) MONS_coeffS 1307 enddo 1308 ierr=1 1309 do while ( 1310 write(*,*) "Value of subterranean ice thermal inertia?" 1311 write(*,*) " (e.g.: 2000, or perhaps 2290)" 1312 read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceith 1313 enddo 1314 1315 ! 3. Build subterranean thermal inertia 1316 1317 ! initialise subsurface inertia with reference surface values 1318 do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1319 ithfi(1:ngridmx,isoil)=surfithfi(1:ngridmx) 1320 enddo 1321 ! recast ithfi() onto ith() 1322 call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) 1323 1324 do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes 1325 do j=1,jjp1 ! loop on latitudes 1326 ! set MONS_coeff 1327 if (rlatu(j).ge.0) then ! northern hemisphere 1328 ! N.B: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude 1329 ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 1330 MONS_coeff=MONS_coeffN 1331 else ! southern hemisphere 1332 MONS_coeff=MONS_coeffS 1333 endif 1334 ! check if we should put subterranean ice 1335 if (MONS_Hdn(i,j).ge.14.0) then ! no ice if Hdn<14% 1336 ! compute depth at which ice lies: 1337 val=MONS_d21(i,j)*MONS_coeff 1338 ! compute val2= the diurnal skin depth of surface inertia 1339 ! assuming a volumetric heat cap. of C=1.e6 J.m-3.K-1 1340 val2=ith(i,j,1)*1.e-6*sqrt(88775./3.14159) 1341 if ( then 1342 ! ice must be below the (surface inertia) diurnal skin depth 1343 val=val2 1344 endif 1345 if ( then ! subterranean ice 1346 ! find the reference index iref that depth corresponds to 1347 iref=0 1348 do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 1349 if (( 1350 & then 1351 iref=isoil 1352 exit 1353 endif 1354 enddo 1355 ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer 1356 ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ 1357 & (((val-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref+1)**2))+ 1358 & ((layer(iref+1)-val)/(iceith)**2))) 1359 ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers 1360 do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx 1361 ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith 1362 enddo 1363 endif ! of if ( 1364 endif ! of if (MONS_Hdn(i,j).lt.14.0) 1365 enddo ! do j=1,jjp1 1366 enddo ! do i=1,iip1 1367 1368 ! Check: 1369 ! do i=1,iip1 1370 ! do j=1,jjp1 1371 ! do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1372 ! write(77,*) i,j,isoil," ",ith(i,j,isoil) 1373 ! enddo 1374 ! enddo 1375 ! enddo 1376 1377 ! recast ith() into ithfi() 1378 CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1379 1380 else 1381 write(*,*) ' Unknown (misspelled?) option!!!' 1445 c$$$! subsoilice_s: Put deep ice layer in southern hemisphere soil 1446 c$$$! ------------------------------------------------------------ 1447 c$$$ 1448 c$$$ else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)).eq.'subsoilice_s') then 1449 c$$$ 1450 c$$$ write(*,*)'From which latitude (in deg.), down to the south pol 1451 c$$$ &e, should we put subterranean ice?' 1452 c$$$ ierr=1 1453 c$$$ do while ( 1454 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val 1455 c$$$ if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value 1456 c$$$ ! do a sanity check 1457 c$$$ if(( then 1458 c$$$ write(*,*)'Latitude should be between 0 and -90 deg. !!!' 1459 c$$$ ierr=1 1460 c$$$ else ! find corresponding jref (nearest latitude) 1461 c$$$ ! note: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude 1462 c$$$ ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 1463 c$$$ do j=1,jjp1 1464 c$$$ if ((rlatu(j)*180./ 1465 c$$$ & (rlatu(j+1)*180./pi.le.val)) then 1466 c$$$ ! find which grid point is nearest to val: 1467 c$$$ if (abs(rlatu(j)*180./pi-val).le. 1468 c$$$ & abs((rlatu(j+1)*180./pi-val))) then 1469 c$$$ jref=j 1470 c$$$ else 1471 c$$$ jref=j+1 1472 c$$$ endif 1473 c$$$ 1474 c$$$ write(*,*)'Will use nearest grid latitude which is:', 1475 c$$$ & rlatu(jref)*180./pi 1476 c$$$ endif 1477 c$$$ enddo ! of do j=1,jjp1 1478 c$$$ endif ! of if(( 1479 c$$$ endif !of if (ierr.eq.0) 1480 c$$$ enddo ! of do while 1481 c$$$ 1482 c$$$ ! Build layers() (as in soil_settings.F) 1483 c$$$ val2=sqrt(mlayer(0)*mlayer(1)) 1484 c$$$ val3=mlayer(1)/mlayer(0) 1485 c$$$ do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1486 c$$$ layer(isoil)=val2*(val3**(isoil-1)) 1487 c$$$ enddo 1488 c$$$ 1489 c$$$ write(*,*)'At which depth (in m.) does the ice layer begin?' 1490 c$$$ write(*,*)'(currently, the deepest soil layer extends down to:' 1491 c$$$ & ,layer(nsoilmx),')' 1492 c$$$ ierr=1 1493 c$$$ do while ( 1494 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) val2 1495 c$$$! write(*,*)'val2:',val2,'ierr=',ierr 1496 c$$$ if (ierr.eq.0) then ! got a value, but do a sanity check 1497 c$$$ if( then 1498 c$$$ write(*,*)'Depth should be less than ',layer(nsoilmx) 1499 c$$$ ierr=1 1500 c$$$ endif 1501 c$$$ if( then 1502 c$$$ write(*,*)'Depth should be more than ',layer(1) 1503 c$$$ ierr=1 1504 c$$$ endif 1505 c$$$ endif 1506 c$$$ enddo ! of do while 1507 c$$$ 1508 c$$$ ! find the reference index iref the depth corresponds to 1509 c$$$ do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 1510 c$$$ if(( 1511 c$$$ & then 1512 c$$$ iref=isoil 1513 c$$$ exit 1514 c$$$ endif 1515 c$$$ enddo 1516 c$$$ 1517 c$$$! write(*,*)'iref:',iref,' jref:',jref 1518 c$$$ 1519 c$$$ ! thermal inertia of the ice: 1520 c$$$ ierr=1 1521 c$$$ do while ( 1522 c$$$ write(*,*)'What is the value of subterranean ice thermal inert 1523 c$$$ &ia? (e.g.: 2000)' 1524 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr)iceith 1525 c$$$ enddo ! of do while 1526 c$$$ 1527 c$$$ ! recast ithfi() onto ith() 1528 c$$$ call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) 1529 c$$$ 1530 c$$$ do j=jref,jjp1 1531 c$$$! write(*,*)'j:',j,'rlatu(j)*180./pi:',rlatu(j)*180./pi 1532 c$$$ do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes 1533 c$$$ ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer 1534 c$$$ ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ 1535 c$$$ & (((val2-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref)**2))+ 1536 c$$$ & ((layer(iref+1)-val2)/(iceith)**2))) 1537 c$$$ ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers 1538 c$$$ do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx 1539 c$$$ ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith ! ice 1540 c$$$ enddo 1541 c$$$ enddo ! of do i=1,iip1 1542 c$$$ enddo ! of do j=jref,jjp1 1543 c$$$ 1544 c$$$ 1545 c$$$ CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1546 1547 1548 c$$$c 'mons_ice' : use MONS data to build subsurface ice table 1549 c$$$c -------------------------------------------------------- 1550 c$$$ else if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)).eq.'mons_ice') then 1551 c$$$ 1552 c$$$ ! 1. Load MONS data 1553 c$$$ call load_MONS_data(MONS_Hdn,MONS_d21) 1554 c$$$ 1555 c$$$ ! 2. Get parameters from user 1556 c$$$ ierr=1 1557 c$$$ do while ( 1558 c$$$ write(*,*) "Coefficient to apply to MONS 'depth' in Northern", 1559 c$$$ & " Hemisphere?" 1560 c$$$ write(*,*) " (should be somewhere between 3.2e-4 and 1.3e-3)" 1561 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) MONS_coeffN 1562 c$$$ enddo 1563 c$$$ ierr=1 1564 c$$$ do while ( 1565 c$$$ write(*,*) "Coefficient to apply to MONS 'depth' in Southern", 1566 c$$$ & " Hemisphere?" 1567 c$$$ write(*,*) " (should be somewhere between 3.2e-4 and 1.3e-3)" 1568 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) MONS_coeffS 1569 c$$$ enddo 1570 c$$$ ierr=1 1571 c$$$ do while ( 1572 c$$$ write(*,*) "Value of subterranean ice thermal inertia?" 1573 c$$$ write(*,*) " (e.g.: 2000, or perhaps 2290)" 1574 c$$$ read(*,*,iostat=ierr) iceith 1575 c$$$ enddo 1576 c$$$ 1577 c$$$ ! 3. Build subterranean thermal inertia 1578 c$$$ 1579 c$$$ ! initialise subsurface inertia with reference surface values 1580 c$$$ do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1581 c$$$ ithfi(1:ngridmx,isoil)=surfithfi(1:ngridmx) 1582 c$$$ enddo 1583 c$$$ ! recast ithfi() onto ith() 1584 c$$$ call gr_fi_dyn(nsoilmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,ithfi,ith) 1585 c$$$ 1586 c$$$ do i=1,iip1 ! loop on longitudes 1587 c$$$ do j=1,jjp1 ! loop on latitudes 1588 c$$$ ! set MONS_coeff 1589 c$$$ if (rlatu(j).ge.0) then ! northern hemisphere 1590 c$$$ ! N.B: rlatu(:) contains decreasing values of latitude 1591 c$$$ ! starting from PI/2 to -PI/2 1592 c$$$ MONS_coeff=MONS_coeffN 1593 c$$$ else ! southern hemisphere 1594 c$$$ MONS_coeff=MONS_coeffS 1595 c$$$ endif 1596 c$$$ ! check if we should put subterranean ice 1597 c$$$ if (MONS_Hdn(i,j).ge.14.0) then ! no ice if Hdn<14% 1598 c$$$ ! compute depth at which ice lies: 1599 c$$$ val=MONS_d21(i,j)*MONS_coeff 1600 c$$$ ! compute val2= the diurnal skin depth of surface inertia 1601 c$$$ ! assuming a volumetric heat cap. of C=1.e6 J.m-3.K-1 1602 c$$$ val2=ith(i,j,1)*1.e-6*sqrt(88775./3.14159) 1603 c$$$ if ( then 1604 c$$$ ! ice must be below the (surface inertia) diurnal skin depth 1605 c$$$ val=val2 1606 c$$$ endif 1607 c$$$ if ( then ! subterranean ice 1608 c$$$ ! find the reference index iref that depth corresponds to 1609 c$$$ iref=0 1610 c$$$ do isoil=1,nsoilmx-1 1611 c$$$ if (( 1612 c$$$ & then 1613 c$$$ iref=isoil 1614 c$$$ exit 1615 c$$$ endif 1616 c$$$ enddo 1617 c$$$ ! Build "equivalent" thermal inertia for the mixed layer 1618 c$$$ ith(i,j,iref+1)=sqrt((layer(iref+1)-layer(iref))/ 1619 c$$$ & (((val-layer(iref))/(ith(i,j,iref+1)**2))+ 1620 c$$$ & ((layer(iref+1)-val)/(iceith)**2))) 1621 c$$$ ! Set thermal inertia of lower layers 1622 c$$$ do isoil=iref+2,nsoilmx 1623 c$$$ ith(i,j,isoil)=iceith 1624 c$$$ enddo 1625 c$$$ endif ! of if ( 1626 c$$$ endif ! of if (MONS_Hdn(i,j).lt.14.0) 1627 c$$$ enddo ! do j=1,jjp1 1628 c$$$ enddo ! do i=1,iip1 1629 c$$$ 1630 c$$$! Check: 1631 c$$$! do i=1,iip1 1632 c$$$! do j=1,jjp1 1633 c$$$! do isoil=1,nsoilmx 1634 c$$$! write(77,*) i,j,isoil," ",ith(i,j,isoil) 1635 c$$$! enddo 1636 c$$$! enddo 1637 c$$$! enddo 1638 c$$$ 1639 c$$$ ! recast ith() into ithfi() 1640 c$$$ CALL gr_dyn_fi(nsoilmx,iip1,jjp1,ngridmx,ith,ithfi) 1641 c$$$ 1642 c$$$ else 1643 c$$$ write(*,*) ' Unknown (misspelled?) option!!!' 1382 1644 end if ! of if (modif(1:len_trim(modif)) .eq. '...') elseif ... 1383 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1384 1656 enddo ! of do ! infinite loop on liste of changes 1385 1657 … … 1387 1659 1388 1660 1661 c======================================================================= 1662 c Initialisation for cloud fraction and oceanic ice (added by BC 2010) 1663 c======================================================================= 1664 DO ig=1, ngridmx 1665 totalfrac(ig)=0.5 1666 DO l=1,llm 1667 cloudfrac(ig,l)=0.5 1668 ENDDO 1669 ENDDO 1670 1671 c======================================================== 1672 1673 ! DO ig=1,ngridmx 1674 ! IF(tsurf(ig) .LT. 273.16-1.8) THEN 1675 ! hice(ig)=(273.16-1.8-tsurf(ig))/(273.16-1.8-240)*1. 1676 ! hice(ig)=min(hice(ig),1.0) 1677 ! ENDIF 1678 ! ENDDO 1679 1680 1389 1681 c======================================================================= 1390 1682 c Correct pressure on the new grid (menu 0) … … 1393 1685 if ((choix_1.eq.0).and.(.not.flagps0)) then 1394 1686 r = 1000.*8.31/mugaz 1687 1688 phi0=0.0 1689 do j=1,jjp1 1690 do i=1,iip1 1691 phi0 = phi0+phis(i,j)*aire(i,j) 1692 end do 1693 end do 1694 phi0=phi0/airetot 1395 1695 1396 1696 do j=1,jjp1 … … 1398 1698 ps(i,j) = ps(i,j) * 1399 1699 ! . exp((phisold_newgrid(i,j)-phis(i,j)) / 1400 . exp(( -phis(i,j)) /1700 . exp((phi0-phis(i,j)) / 1401 1701 . (t(i,j,1) * r)) 1402 1702 end do 1403 1703 end do 1404 1704 1405 c periodicity of surface ps in longitude 1705 ! we must renormalise pressures AGAIN, because exp(-phi) is nonlinear 1706 ptot=0.0 1406 1707 do j=1,jjp1 1407 ps(1,j) = ps(iip1,j) 1708 do i=1,iip1 1709 ptot=ptot+ps(i,j)*aire(i,j) 1710 enddo 1711 enddo 1712 do j=1,jjp1 1713 do i=1,iip1 1714 ps(i,j)=ps(i,j)*ptotn/ptot 1715 enddo 1716 enddo 1717 1718 ! periodicity of surface ps in longitude 1719 do j=1,jjp1 1720 ps(1,j) = ps(iip1,j) 1408 1721 end do 1722 1409 1723 end if 1410 1724 1725 1411 1726 c======================================================================= 1412 1727 c======================================================================= … … 1415 1730 c Initialisation de la physique / ecriture de newstartfi : 1416 1731 c======================================================================= 1417 1418 1732 1419 1733 CALL inifilr … … 1447 1761 endif 1448 1762 1763 1449 1764 C Calcul intermediaire 1450 1765 c … … 1490 1805 C 1491 1806 1807 ! do ig=1,ngridmx 1808 ! print*,'surface ice in newstart=',qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_ice) 1809 ! print*,'surface liq in newstart=',qsurf(ig,igcm_h2o_vap) 1810 ! enddo 1811 ! stop 1812 1813 1492 1814 call physdem1("",lonfi,latfi,nsoilmx,nqmx, 1493 1815 . dtphys,float(day_ini), 1494 1816 . time,tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf, 1495 . airefi,albfi,ithfi,zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe) 1817 . airefi,albfi,ithfi,zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe, 1818 . cloudfrac,totalfrac,hice) 1496 1819 1497 1820 c======================================================================= -
r135 r253 68 68 INTEGER*4 day_ini_fi 69 69 70 ! added by FF for cloud fraction setup 71 REAL hice(ngridmx) 72 REAL cloudfrac(ngridmx,nlayermx),totalcloudfrac(ngridmx) 73 74 70 75 c Variable naturelle / grille scalaire 71 76 c ------------------------------------ … … 78 83 REAL emisS(ip1jmp1) 79 84 85 ! added by FF for cloud fraction setup 86 REAL hiceS(ip1jmp1) 87 REAL cloudfracS(ip1jmp1,llm),totalcloudfracS(ip1jmp1) 88 80 89 c Variables intermediaires : vent naturel, mais pas coord scalaire 81 90 c---------------------------------------------------------------- … … 127 136 128 137 CALL phyetat0 (fichnom,0,Lmodif,nsoilmx,nqmx,day_ini_fi,timefi, 129 . tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf) 138 . tsurf,tsoil,emis,q2,qsurf, 139 ! change FF 05/2011 140 . cloudfrac,totalcloudfrac,hice) 141 142 130 143 131 144 ierr = NF_OPEN (fichnom, NF_NOWRITE,nid1) … … 233 246 call gr_fi_dyn(llm+1,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,q2,q2S) 234 247 call gr_fi_dyn(nqmx,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,qsurf,qsurfS) 248 call gr_fi_dyn(llm,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,cloudfrac,cloudfracS) 249 call gr_fi_dyn(1,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,hice,hiceS) 250 call gr_fi_dyn(1,ngridmx,iip1,jjp1,totalcloudfrac,totalcloudfracS) 235 251 236 252 c======================================================================= … … 376 392 ! Note: no need to write volcapa, it is stored in "controle" table 377 393 394 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 395 c Ecriture du champs cloudfrac,hice,totalcloudfrac 396 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 397 call write_archive(nid,ntime,'hice', 398 & 'Height of oceanic ice','m',2,hiceS) 399 call write_archive(nid,ntime,'totalcloudfrac', 400 & 'Total cloud Fraction','',2,totalcloudfracS) 401 call write_archive(nid,ntime,'cloudfrac' 402 & ,'Cloud fraction','',3,cloudfracS) 403 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 404 c Fin 405 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 378 406 ierr=NF_CLOSE(nid) 379 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------380 c Fin381 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------382 407 383 408 end -
r135 r253 72 72 c Test pour savoir si on advecte a ce pas de temps 73 73 IF ( iadvtr.EQ.iapp_tracvl ) THEN 74 ! print*,'WARNING: ALL TRACER ADVECTION HALTED IN TRACVL.F' 75 ! if(2.eq.1)then 76 74 77 75 78 cc .. Modif P.Le Van ( 20/12/97 ) ....
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