Changeset 2507
- Timestamp:
- Apr 28, 2021, 1:00:13 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/dyn3d/gcm.F90 ¶
r2478 r2507 24 24 raz_date,anneeref,starttime,dayref, & 25 25 ok_dyn_ins,ok_dyn_ave,iecri,periodav, & 26 less1day,fractday,ndynstep,nsplit_phys 26 less1day,fractday,ndynstep,nsplit_phys,& 27 ecritstart 27 28 USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: COMM_LMDZ 28 29 use cpdet_mod, only: ini_cpdet … … 299 300 300 301 ! 301 ! on remet le calendrier àzero si demande302 ! on remet le calendrier a zero si demande 302 303 ! 303 304 IF (start_time /= starttime) then 304 305 WRITE(lunout,*)' GCM: Attention l''heure de depart lue dans le' & 305 ,' fichier restart ne correspond pas àcelle lue dans le run.def'306 ,' fichier restart ne correspond pas a celle lue dans le run.def' 306 307 IF (raz_date == 1) then 307 308 WRITE(lunout,*)'Je prends l''heure lue dans run.def' … … 468 469 469 470 471 ! If we want to save multiple restart at different time (ecritstart.GT.0) 472 ! We will write in restart the initial day of the simulation and put all 473 ! the different time in the Time variable 474 ! However, if we write only one restart, we save the last day of the 475 ! simulation and put the remaining time (which is 0 if we do fulls days) 476 ! in the Time variable 477 470 478 if (planet_type=="mars") then 479 if (ecritstart.GT.0) then 471 480 ! For Mars we transmit day_ini 472 CALL dynredem0("", day_ini, phis) 481 CALL dynredem0("", day_ini, phis) 482 else 483 CALL dynredem0("", day_end, phis) 484 endif 473 485 else 474 486 CALL dynredem0("", day_end, phis) -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/dyn3d/leapfrog.F ¶
r2380 r2507 31 31 . statcl,conser,apdiss,purmats,tidal,ok_strato 32 32 USE temps_mod, ONLY: jD_ref,jH_ref,itaufin,day_ini,day_ref, 33 . start_time,dt,hour_ini 33 . start_time,dt,hour_ini,day_end 34 34 35 35 IMPLICIT NONE … … 278 278 abort_message = 'PK non strictement decroissante' 279 279 call abort_gcm(modname,abort_message,1) 280 c write(*,*) "ATTENTION, Test PK deconnect é..."280 c write(*,*) "ATTENTION, Test PK deconnecte..." 281 281 endif 282 282 enddo … … 500 500 IF ((planet_type.eq."titan").and.(tidal)) then 501 501 c----------------------------------------------------------------------- 502 c Mar ées gravitationnelles causées par Saturne502 c Marees gravitationnelles causees par Saturne 503 503 c B. Charnay (28/10/2010) 504 504 c ---------------------------------------------------------- … … 579 579 c+jld 580 580 581 c Diagnostique de conservation de l' énergie : initialisation581 c Diagnostique de conservation de l'energie : initialisation 582 582 IF ( ) THEN 583 583 ztit='bil dyn' … … 635 635 ENDIF 636 636 637 c Diagnostique de conservation de l' énergie : difference637 c Diagnostique de conservation de l'energie : difference 638 638 IF ( ) THEN 639 639 ztit='bil phys' … … 907 907 IF (lrestart) THEN 908 908 if (planet_type=="mars") then 909 CALL dynredem1("",REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 910 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 909 if(ecritstart.GT.0) then 910 CALL dynredem1("", 911 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 912 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 913 else 914 CALL dynredem1("", 915 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step)-(day_end-day_ini), 916 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 917 endif 911 918 else 912 919 CALL dynredem1("",start_time, … … 1053 1060 IF (lrestart) THEN 1054 1061 if (planet_type=="mars") then 1055 CALL dynredem1("",REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 1062 if(ecritstart.GT.0) then 1063 CALL dynredem1("", 1064 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 1056 1065 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 1066 else 1067 CALL dynredem1("", 1068 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step)-(day_end-day_ini), 1069 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 1070 endif 1057 1071 else 1058 1072 CALL dynredem1("",start_time, -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/dyn3d_common/dynredem.F90 ¶
r2426 r2507 146 146 147 147 if (planet_type=="mars") then ! For Mars only 148 tab_cntrl(29)=hour_ini 148 !tab_cntrl(29)=hour_ini 149 tab_cntrl(29)=0 149 150 endif 150 151 -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/dyn3dpar/dynredem_p.F90 ¶
r2426 r2507 147 147 148 148 if (planet_type=="mars") then ! For Mars only 149 tab_cntrl(29)=hour_ini 149 ! tab_cntrl(29)=hour_ini 150 tab_cntrl(29)=0 150 151 endif 151 152 -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/dyn3dpar/gcm.F ¶
r2478 r2507 24 24 & raz_date,anneeref,starttime,dayref, 25 25 & ok_dyn_ins,ok_dyn_ave,iecri,periodav, 26 & less1day,fractday,ndynstep,nsplit_phys 26 & less1day,fractday,ndynstep,nsplit_phys, 27 & ecritstart 27 28 use cpdet_mod, only: ini_cpdet 28 29 … … 322 323 323 324 C 324 C on remet le calendrier àzero si demande325 C on remet le calendrier a zero si demande 325 326 c 326 327 IF (start_time /= starttime) then 327 328 WRITE(lunout,*)' GCM: Attention l''heure de depart lue dans le' 328 &,' fichier restart ne correspond pas àcelle lue dans le run.def'329 &,' fichier restart ne correspond pas a celle lue dans le run.def' 329 330 IF (raz_date == 1) then 330 331 WRITE(lunout,*)'Je prends l''heure lue dans run.def' … … 496 497 if (planet_type=="mars") then 497 498 ! For Mars we transmit day_ini 498 CALL dynredem0_p("", day_ini, phis) 499 !CALL dynredem0_p("", day_ini, phis) 500 if (ecritstart.GT.0) then 501 CALL dynredem0_p("", day_ini, phis) 502 else 503 CALL dynredem0_p("", day_end, phis) 504 endif 499 505 else 500 506 CALL dynredem0_p("", day_end, phis) -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.COMMON/libf/dyn3dpar/leapfrog_p.F ¶
r2380 r2507 39 39 . statcl,conser,apdiss,purmats,tidal,ok_strato 40 40 USE temps_mod, ONLY: itaufin,jD_ref,jH_ref,day_ini, 41 . day_ref,start_time,dt,hour_ini 41 . day_ref,start_time,dt,hour_ini,day_end 42 42 43 43 … … 1813 1813 c$OMP MASTER 1814 1814 if (planet_type=="mars") then 1815 CALL dynredem1_p("",REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 1816 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 1815 ! CALL dynredem1_p("",REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 1816 ! & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 1817 if(ecritstart.GT.0) then 1818 CALL dynredem1_p("", 1819 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 1820 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 1821 else 1822 CALL dynredem1_p("", 1823 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step)-(day_end-day_ini), 1824 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 1825 endif 1817 1826 else 1818 1827 CALL dynredem1_p("",start_time, … … 2026 2035 c$OMP MASTER 2027 2036 if (planet_type=="mars") then 2028 CALL dynredem1_p("", 2029 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 2030 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 2037 ! CALL dynredem1_p("", 2038 ! & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 2039 ! & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 2040 if(ecritstart.GT.0) then 2041 CALL dynredem1_p("", 2042 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step), 2043 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 2044 else 2045 CALL dynredem1_p("", 2046 & REAL(itau)/REAL(day_step)-(day_end-day_ini), 2047 & vcov,ucov,teta,q,masse,ps) 2048 endif 2031 2049 else 2032 2050 CALL dynredem1_p("",start_time, -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.MARS/README ¶
r2505 r2507 3339 3339 point to LMDZ.COMMON routines 3340 3340 3341 == 27/04/2021 == RV 3342 - update of day_ini, time and hour_ini in restart and retstartfi. 3343 Hour_ini is obsolete. If we write one restart file: day_ini is the last day 3344 of the simulation and the remaining time is in Time (often=0), if we write 3345 multiple restart nothing changes -
TabularUnified trunk/LMDZ.MARS/libf/phymars/physiq_mod.F ¶
r2501 r2507 87 87 USE mod_phys_lmdz_omp_data, ONLY: is_omp_master 88 88 #endif 89 USE temps_mod, ONLY: day_end 89 90 90 91 #ifdef CPP_XIOS … … 518 519 c 1.1 Initialisation only at first call 519 520 c --------------------------------------- 521 520 522 IF (firstcall) THEN 521 523 … … 688 690 if (callslope) call getslopes(ngrid,phisfi) 689 691 ! no need to create a restart file in 1d 690 call physdem0("",longitude,latitude, 692 if (ecritstart.GT.0) then 693 call physdem0("",longitude,latitude, 691 694 & nsoilmx,ngrid,nlayer,nq, 692 695 & ptimestep,pday,time_phys,cell_area, 693 696 & albedodat,inertiedat,zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe, 694 697 & hmons,summit,base) 698 else 699 call physdem0("",longitude,latitude, 700 & nsoilmx,ngrid,nlayer,nq, 701 & ptimestep,float(day_end),time_phys,cell_area, 702 & albedodat,inertiedat,zmea,zstd,zsig,zgam,zthe, 703 & hmons,summit,base) 704 endif 695 705 endif 696 706 … … 2294 2304 . .or. lastcall ) THEN 2295 2305 2296 ztime_fin = pday + ptime + ptimestep/(float(iphysiq)*daysec) 2297 . - day_ini - time_phys 2298 IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN 2306 IF (grid_type==unstructured) THEN !IF DYNAMICO 2307 2299 2308 ! When running Dynamico, no need to add a dynamics time step to ztime_fin 2300 2309 IF (ptime.LE. 1.E-10) THEN … … 2306 2315 . - day_ini - time_phys 2307 2316 ENDIF 2317 2318 ELSE ! IF LMDZ 2319 2320 if (ecritstart.GT.0) then !IF MULTIPLE RESTARTS nothing change 2321 ztime_fin = pday + ptime + ptimestep/(float(iphysiq)*daysec) 2322 . - day_ini - time_phys 2323 else !IF ONE RESTART final time in top of day_end 2324 ztime_fin = pday + ptime + ptimestep/(float(iphysiq)*daysec) 2325 . - day_ini - time_phys-(day_end-day_ini) 2326 endif 2327 2308 2328 ENDIF 2309 2329 write(*,'(A,I7,A,F12.5)') … … 2311 2331 . icount,' date=',ztime_fin 2312 2332 2313 2314 2333 call physdem1("",nsoilmx,ngrid,nlayer,nq, 2315 2334 . ptimestep,ztime_fin,
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