Mar 24, 2014, 9:46:50 AM (11 years ago)


A quite major commit, at least for MESOSCALE.
In a word: any ngrid deserves to be free.

  • no need to recompile when changing number of horizontal grid points or number of processors
  • latest version of LMDZ.MARS physics can be used
  • WARNING! Nesting is still yet to be fixed (since r1027)

Also some small bug fixes to LMDZ.MARS.

Changes in LMDZ.MARS

--> fixed a potential bug in thermal plume model because zlmax was computed both in thermcell_main_mars and calltherm_interface... so made it an OUT argument of calltherm_interface. also: changed the name to limz. and added precompiling flags to avoid the use of planetwide in MESOSCALE. in MESOSCALE we just go high enough (nlayer-5) and do not care about computational cost (although we certainly gain from not using MAXVAL).
--> moved allocations upward in inifis. does not change anything for GCM, but make MESOSCALE modifications simpler, and overall make inifis better organized: first allocations, then reading callphys.def file.
--> added precompiling flags around lines that are both useless for MESOSCALE (notably I/O) and recently adapted to parallel computations in the GCM
--> tidied up what is MESOSCALE vs. GCM in surfini

Changes in MESOSCALE

--> changed makemeso to allow dynamically set nx ny nprocs
--> changed makemeso to remove links to Fortran code adapted to parallel GCM and useless for mesoscale
--> changed ngridmx to ngrid in inifis includes

1 edited


  • trunk/MESOSCALE/LMD_MM_MARS/SRC/WRFV2/phys/module_lmd_driver.F

    r1128 r1212  
    388388wappel_phys = RADT
    389389ptimestep = dt*wappel_phys            ! physical timestep (s)
    390 ngrid=(ipe-ips+1)*(jpe-jps+1)         ! size of the horizontal grid: ngridmx = wiim * wjjm
     390ngrid=(ipe-ips+1)*(jpe-jps+1)         ! size of the horizontal grid
    391391nlayer = kpe-kps+1                    ! number of vertical layers: nlayermx
    392392nsoil = NUM_SOIL_LAYERS               ! number of soil layers: nsoilmx
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