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26 | \begin{document} |
27 | \pagestyle{plain} |
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29 | \begin{center} |
30 | {\bf \LARGE |
31 | Documentation for LMDZ, Planets version |
32 | |
33 | \vspace{1cm} |
34 | \Large |
35 | The Cp(T) dependency |
36 | } |
37 | |
38 | \vspace{1cm} |
39 | S\'ebastien Lebonnois |
40 | |
41 | \vspace{1cm} |
42 | Latest version: \today |
43 | \end{center} |
44 | |
45 | \section{Theoretical aspects} |
46 | |
47 | Taken from \cite{lebonnois10}. |
48 | |
49 | The standard version of the LMDZ dynamical core uses a single value for the |
50 | specific heat $C_p$, but $C_p$ varies in the atmosphere of Venus from |
51 | 738~J/kg/K at 100~km altitude to 1181~J/kg/K near the surface |
52 | \cite[values taken from the Venus International Reference Atmosphere,][]{seiff85}. |
53 | This variation of $C_p$ with temperature needs to be taken into account, |
54 | in order to get realistic adiabatic lapse rates in the whole atmosphere. |
55 | We use an analytic approximation for this temperature dependence, |
56 | that yields values very close to the VIRA profile for $C_p$ |
57 | (within 4\% for temperatures below 200~K, below 1\% everywhere else): |
58 | |
59 | \begin{equation} |
60 | C_p(T) = C_{p_0} \times \left(\frac{T}{T_0}\right)^{\nu}, |
61 | \label{eq:cpdet} |
62 | \end{equation} |
63 | with $C_{p_0} = 1000$~J/kg/K, $T_0 = 460$~K, and $\nu = 0.35$. |
64 | |
65 | In the LMDZ model, the potential temperature is one of the fundamental |
66 | pronostic variable in the equations of energy conservation. |
67 | The potential temperature $\theta$ is the temperature an air parcel initially at |
68 | temperature $T$ and pressure $p$ would reach when brought to a reference |
69 | pressure $p_{\rm ref}$ (typically, the surface pressure) adiabatically: |
70 | |
71 | \begin{equation} |
72 | \int_\theta^T{C_p \frac{dT}{T}} = \int_{p_{\rm ref}}^p{R \frac{dp}{p}} |
73 | \label{eq:tpot} |
74 | \end{equation} |
75 | ($R$ is the atmospheric gas constant). Equation~\ref{eq:tpot} is |
76 | obtained from the first principle of thermodynamics when a parcel of air at |
77 | pressure $p$ and temperature $T$ is brought adiabatically to the reference |
78 | pressure $p_{\rm ref}$. |
79 | |
80 | When $C_p$ is taken as constant with temperature, Eq.~\ref{eq:tpot} yields |
81 | the classical expression of potential temperature |
82 | $\theta = T \times (p_{\rm ref}/p)^\kappa$, with $\kappa = R/C_p$. |
83 | However, when $C_p$ depends on temperature, this expression is no longer valid. |
84 | |
85 | To keep modifications of the dynamical core to the minimum, we have kept |
86 | potential temperature as a key variable in the dynamics. Thus, we have |
87 | calculated the new expression of potential temperature under these conditions. |
88 | Introducing the expression of $C_p(T)$ (Eq.~\ref{eq:cpdet}) in Eq.~\ref{eq:tpot} yields |
89 | |
90 | \begin{equation} |
91 | \int_\theta^T{\frac{T^{\nu-1}}{T_0^\nu}dT} |
92 | = \frac{R}{C_{p_0}} \ln \frac{p}{p_{\rm ref}}, |
93 | \end{equation} |
94 | then (for $\nu \neq 0$) |
95 | |
96 | \begin{equation} |
97 | \frac{1}{\nu T_0^\nu} \left( T^\nu - \theta^\nu \right) |
98 | = \ln \left( \frac{p}{p_{\rm ref}} \right)^{\kappa_0}, |
99 | \end{equation} |
100 | where $\kappa_0 = \frac{R}{C_{p_0}}$. This yields the new expression for the |
101 | potential temperature: |
102 | |
103 | \begin{equation} |
104 | \theta^\nu = T^\nu + \nu T_0^\nu \ln \left( \frac{p_{\rm ref}}{p} \right)^{\kappa_0}. |
105 | \label{eq:newtpot} |
106 | \end{equation} |
107 | |
108 | The adjustments done in the dynamical core enable us to run the GCM with any |
109 | formulation of $C_p$ and the corresponding potential temperature based on |
110 | Eq.~\ref{eq:tpot}. |
111 | |
112 | \section{Pratical aspects in the code} |
113 | |
114 | A specific file has been added to the dynamical core, cpdet.F, which includes |
115 | all the needed routines to take the $C_p(T)$ possibility into account. |
116 | These routines take advantage of the keyword \textsf{planet\_type} to |
117 | implement different expressions of $C_p(T)$. These routines are: |
118 | \begin{itemize} |
119 | \item \textsf{ini\_cpdet}: initializes the parameters $\nu$ (\textsf{nu\_venus}) |
120 | and $T_0$ (\textsf{t0\_venus}) to either the Venus values, or zero. |
121 | It is called just once at the begining of the main routine. |
122 | These parameters are declared in \textsf{comconst.h}. |
123 | \item \textsf{cpdet}: function, that computes $C_p$ for a given $T$. |
124 | For other planets than Venus, it is just \textsf{cpdet(T)=cpp}. |
125 | \item \textsf{t2tpot}: converts a temperature vector to a potential temperature |
126 | vector. |
127 | \item \textsf{tpot2t}: converts a potential temperature vector to a temperature |
128 | vector. |
129 | \end{itemize} |
130 | |
131 | In the routines, instead of using the constants \textsf{cpp} (dynamical core) |
132 | or \textsf{RCPD} (physical module), we need to use the |
133 | function \textsf{cpdet(T)} where T is the temperature at a given point. |
134 | |
135 | Since the potential temperature is the variable used in the dynamical core, |
136 | the temperature is scarcely used. But in some places, it was computed directly |
137 | from the potential temperature and the Exner function |
138 | ${\rm pk} = {\rm cpp}\times(\frac{\rm play}{\rm pref})^{\rm kappa}$. |
139 | The routine \textsf{tpot2t} is now used to compute the temperature when needed, |
140 | and the variable \textsf{tsurpk}, which is the temperature over the Exner |
141 | function can be used as an argument instead of the former potential |
142 | temperature (for \textsf{sortvarc0.F}, \textsf{sortvarc.F}, \textsf{dudv2.F} |
143 | and \textsf{geopot.F}). |
144 | This affects the routines (in \textsf{dyn3d}): |
145 | \begin{itemize} |
146 | \item \textsf{caldyn0.F} |
147 | \item \textsf{caldyn.F} |
148 | \item \textsf{calfis.F} |
149 | \item \textsf{diagedyn.F} |
150 | \item \textsf{leapfrog.F} |
151 | \item \textsf{vlspltqs.F} |
152 | \end{itemize} |
153 | |
154 | \begin{thebibliography}{2} |
155 | \providecommand{\natexlab}[1]{#1} |
156 | \expandafter\ifx\csname urlstyle\endcsname\relax |
157 | \providecommand{\doi}[1]{doi:\discretionary{}{}{}#1}\else |
158 | \providecommand{\doi}{doi:\discretionary{}{}{}\begingroup |
159 | \urlstyle{rm}\Url}\fi |
160 | |
161 | \bibitem[{\textit{Lebonnois et~al.}(2010)\textit{Lebonnois, Hourdin, Eymet, |
162 | Crespin, Fournier, and Forget}}]{lebonnois10} |
163 | Lebonnois, S., F.~Hourdin, V.~Eymet, A.~Crespin, R.~Fournier, and F.~Forget |
164 | (2010), {Superrotation of Venus' atmosphere analysed with a full General |
165 | Circulation Model}, \textit{J. Geophys. Res.}, \textit{115}, E06006, |
166 | \doi{10.1029/2009JE003458}. |
167 | |
168 | \bibitem[{\textit{Seiff et~al.}(1985)\textit{Seiff, Schofield, Kliore |
169 | et~al.}}]{seiff85} |
170 | Seiff, A., J.~T. Schofield, A.~J. Kliore, et~al. (1985), {Model of the |
171 | structure of the atmosphere of Venus from surface to 100 km altitude}, |
172 | \textit{Adv. Space Res.}, \textit{5}(11), 3--58. |
173 | |
174 | \end{thebibliography} |
175 | |
176 | \end{document} |