#include #include #include #include #include "protos.h" #include "registry.h" #include "data.h" int gen_scalar_indices ( char * dirname ) { FILE * fp, *fp5 ; char fname[NAMELEN], fname5[NAMELEN] ; char * fn = "scalar_indices.inc" ; char * fn2 = "scalar_tables.inc" ; char * fn3 = "scalar_tables_init.inc" ; char * fn4 = "scalar_indices_init.inc" ; char * fn5 = "in_use_for_config.inc" ; strcpy( fname, fn ) ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; strcpy( fname5, fn5 ) ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname5,"%s/%s",dirname,fn5) ; } if ((fp5 = fopen( fname5 , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp5,fname) ; gen_scalar_indices1 ( fp, fp5 ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp5 ) ; strcpy( fname, fn2 ) ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn2) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"returning\n") ; return(1) ; } print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_scalar_tables ( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; strcpy( fname, fn3 ) ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn3) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"returning\n") ; return(1) ; } print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_scalar_tables_init ( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; strcpy( fname, fn4 ) ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",dirname,fn4) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,"returning\n") ; return(1) ; } print_warning(fp,fname) ; gen_scalar_indices_init ( fp ) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; return(0) ; } int gen_scalar_tables ( FILE * fp ) { node_t * p ; for ( p = FourD ; p != NULL ; p=p->next4d ) { fprintf(fp," INTEGER :: %s_index_table( param_num_%s, max_domains )\n",p->name,p->name ) ; fprintf(fp," INTEGER :: %s_num_table( max_domains )\n", p->name,p->name ) ; fprintf(fp," INTEGER :: %s_stream_table( max_domains, param_num_%s )\n", p->name,p->name ) ; fprintf(fp," CHARACTER*256 :: %s_dname_table( max_domains, param_num_%s )\n", p->name,p->name ) ; fprintf(fp," CHARACTER*256 :: %s_desc_table( max_domains, param_num_%s )\n", p->name,p->name ) ; fprintf(fp," CHARACTER*256 :: %s_units_table( max_domains, param_num_%s )\n", p->name,p->name ) ; } return(0) ; } int gen_scalar_tables_init ( FILE * fp ) { node_t * p ; for ( p = FourD ; p != NULL ; p=p->next4d ) { fprintf(fp," %s_num_table( j ) = 1\n",p->name ) ; } return(0) ; } int gen_scalar_indices_init ( FILE * fp ) { node_t * p ; for ( p = FourD ; p != NULL ; p=p->next4d ) { fprintf(fp," num_%s = %s_num_table( idomain )\n",p->name,p->name ) ; } return(0) ; } int gen_scalar_indices1 ( FILE * fp, FILE * fp2 ) { node_t * p, * memb , * pkg, * rconfig, * fourd, *x ; char * c , *pos1, *pos2 ; char assoc_namelist_var[NAMELEN], assoc_namelist_choice[NAMELEN], assoc_4d[NAMELEN_LONG], fname[NAMELEN_LONG] ; char scalars_str[NAMELEN_LONG] ; char * scalars ; for ( p = FourD ; p != NULL ; p = p->next ) { for ( memb = p->members ; memb != NULL ; memb = memb->next ) { if ( strcmp(memb->name,"-") ) fprintf(fp," P_%s = 1 ; F_%s = .FALSE. \n", memb->name, memb->name ) ; } } for ( pkg = Packages ; pkg != NULL ; pkg = pkg->next ) { strcpy( assoc_namelist_var , pkg->pkg_assoc ) ; if ((c = index( assoc_namelist_var , '=' ))==NULL) continue ; *c = '\0' ; c += 2 ; strcpy( assoc_namelist_choice , c ) ; if ((rconfig=get_rconfig_entry ( assoc_namelist_var )) == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: There is no associated namelist variable %s\n", assoc_namelist_var) ; continue ; } fprintf(fp," IF (model_config_rec%%%s%s==%s)THEN\n", assoc_namelist_var, (atoi(rconfig->nentries)!=1)?"(idomain)":"", /* a little tricky; atoi of nentries will be '0' for a string like max_domains */ assoc_namelist_choice) ; strcpy(scalars_str,pkg->pkg_4dscalars) ; if ((scalars = strtok_rentr(scalars_str,";", &pos1)) != NULL) { while ( scalars != NULL ) { if ((c = strtok_rentr(scalars,":",&pos2)) != NULL) strcpy(assoc_4d,c) ; /* get name of associated 4d array */ if (strcmp(c,"-")) { if ( (fourd=get_4d_entry( assoc_4d )) != NULL || !strcmp( assoc_4d, "state" ) ) { for ( c = strtok_rentr(NULL,",",&pos2) ; c != NULL ; c = strtok_rentr(NULL,",",&pos2) ) { if ( fourd != NULL && ( ( x = get_entry( c , fourd->members )) != NULL ) ) { fprintf(fp," IF ( %s_index_table( PARAM_%s , idomain ) .lt. 1 ) THEN\n",assoc_4d,c) ; fprintf(fp," %s_num_table(idomain) = %s_num_table(idomain) + 1\n",assoc_4d,assoc_4d) ; fprintf(fp," P_%s = %s_num_table(idomain)\n",c,assoc_4d) ; fprintf(fp," %s_index_table( PARAM_%s , idomain ) = P_%s\n",assoc_4d,c,c) ; fprintf(fp," ELSE\n") ; fprintf(fp," P_%s = %s_index_table( PARAM_%s , idomain )\n",c,assoc_4d,c) ; fprintf(fp," END IF\n") ; { char fourd_bnd[NAMELEN] ; /* check for the existence of a fourd boundary array associated with this 4D array */ /* set io_mask accordingly for gen_wrf_io to know that it should generate i/o for _b and _bt */ /* arrays */ sprintf(fourd_bnd,"%s_b",assoc_4d) ; if ( get_entry( fourd_bnd ,Domain.fields) != NULL ) { x->io_mask |= BOUNDARY ; } } fprintf(fp," %s_stream_table( idomain, P_%s ) = %d\n",assoc_4d,c, x->io_mask ) ; fprintf(fp," %s_dname_table( idomain, P_%s ) = '%s'\n",assoc_4d,c,x->dname) ; fprintf(fp," %s_desc_table( idomain, P_%s ) = '%s'\n",assoc_4d,c,x->descrip) ; fprintf(fp," %s_units_table( idomain, P_%s ) = '%s'\n",assoc_4d,c,x->units) ; fprintf(fp," F_%s = .TRUE.\n",c) ; } else if ((p = get_entry( c , Domain.fields )) != NULL ) { int tag ; for ( tag = 1 ; tag <= p->ntl ; tag++ ) { if ( !strcmp ( p->use , "_4d_bdy_array_") ) { strcpy(fname,p->name) ; } else { strcpy(fname,field_name(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0)) ; } fprintf(fp2,"IF(TRIM(vname).EQ.'%s')THEN\n",fname) ; fprintf(fp2," IF(uses.EQ.0)THEN\n"); fprintf(fp2," in_use = model_config_rec%%%s%s.EQ.%s\n",assoc_namelist_var,(atoi(rconfig->nentries)!=1)?"(id)":"",assoc_namelist_choice) ; fprintf(fp2," uses = 1\n") ; fprintf(fp2," ELSE\n") ; fprintf(fp2," in_use = in_use.OR.model_config_rec%%%s%s.EQ.%s\n",assoc_namelist_var,(atoi(rconfig->nentries)!=1)?"(id)":"",assoc_namelist_choice) ; fprintf(fp2," ENDIF\n") ; fprintf(fp2,"ENDIF\n") ; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: %s is not a member of 4D array %s\n",c,assoc_4d);continue; } } } else { fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: There is no 4D array named %s\n",assoc_4d);continue ; } } scalars = strtok_rentr(NULL,";", &pos1) ; } } fprintf(fp," END IF\n") ; } return(0) ; }