#include #include #include #include #include "protos.h" #include "registry.h" #include "data.h" #define DUMMY 1 #define ACTUAL 2 #define DUMMY_NEW 3 #define ACTUAL_NEW 4 int gen_actual_args ( char * dirname ) { gen_args ( dirname , ACTUAL ) ; return(0) ; } /* only generate actual args for the 4d arrays */ int gen_actual_args_new ( char * dirname ) { gen_args ( dirname , ACTUAL_NEW ) ; return(0) ; } int gen_dummy_args ( char * dirname ) { gen_args ( dirname , DUMMY ) ; return(0) ; } /* only generate dummy args for the 4d arrays */ int gen_dummy_args_new ( char * dirname ) { gen_args ( dirname , DUMMY_NEW ) ; return(0) ; } int gen_args ( char * dirname , int sw ) { FILE * fp ; char fname[NAMELEN] ; char * fn = "_args.inc" ; char * p ; int linelen ; char outstr[64*4096] ; if ( dirname == NULL ) return(1) ; if ( strlen(dirname) > 0 ) { sprintf(fname,"%s/%s%s%s",dirname, (sw==ACTUAL||sw==ACTUAL_NEW)?"actual":"dummy",(sw==ACTUAL_NEW||sw==DUMMY_NEW)?"_new":"",fn) ; } else { sprintf(fname,"%s%s%s", (sw==ACTUAL||sw==ACTUAL_NEW)?"actual":"dummy",(sw==ACTUAL_NEW||sw==DUMMY_NEW)?"_new":"",fn) ; } if ((fp = fopen( fname , "w" )) == NULL ) return(1) ; print_warning(fp,fname) ; linelen = 0 ; strcpy(outstr,",") ; gen_args1 ( fp , outstr, (sw==ACTUAL||sw==ACTUAL_NEW)?"grid%":"", &Domain , &linelen , sw , 0 ) ; /* remove trailing comma */ if ((p=rindex(outstr,','))!=NULL) *p = '\0' ; fputs(outstr,fp);fputs(" &\n",fp) ; close_the_file( fp ) ; return(0) ; } int gen_args1 ( FILE * fp , char * outstr , char * structname , node_t * node , int *linelen , int sw , int deep ) { node_t * p ; int tag ; char post[NAMELEN] ; char fname[NAMELEN] ; char x[NAMELEN], y[NAMELEN] ; char indices[NAMELEN] ; int lenarg ; int only4d = 0 ; if ( sw == ACTUAL_NEW ) { sw = ACTUAL ; only4d = 1 ; } if ( sw == DUMMY_NEW ) { sw = DUMMY ; only4d = 1 ; } if ( node == NULL ) return(1) ; for ( p = node->fields ; p != NULL ; p = p->next ) { if ( p->node_kind & I1 ) continue ; /* short circuit any field that is not state */ /* short circuit scalars; shortening argument lists */ if ( p->ndims == 0 && p->type->type_type != DERIVED && sw_limit_args ) continue ; if ( ( (p->node_kind & FOURD) /* scalar arrays or */ /* it is not a derived type -ajb */ || (p->node_kind & FIELD && (p->type->type_type != DERIVED) ) ) ) { if (!only4d || (p->node_kind & FOURD) || associated_with_4d_array(p) ) { if ( p->node_kind & FOURD ) { sprintf(post,",1)") ; } else if ( p->boundary_array ) { sprintf(post,")") ; } else { sprintf(post,")") ; } for ( tag = 1 ; tag <= p->ntl ; tag++ ) { /* if this is a core-specific variable, prepend the name of the core to */ /* the variable at the driver level */ if ( p->boundary_array && sw_new_bdys ) { int bdy ; for ( bdy = 1 ; bdy <= 4 ; bdy++ ) { strcpy(fname,field_name_bdy(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0,bdy)) ; strcpy(indices,"") ; if ( sw_deref_kludge && sw==ACTUAL ) sprintf(indices, "%s",index_with_firstelem("(","",bdy,t2,p,post)) ; /* generate argument */ strcpy(y,structname) ; strcat(y,fname) ; strcat(y,indices) ; strcat(y,",") ; lenarg = strlen(y) ; if ( lenarg+*linelen > MAX_ARGLINE ) { strcat(outstr," &\n") ; *linelen = 0 ; } strcat(outstr,y) ; *linelen += lenarg ; } } else { strcpy(fname,field_name(t4,p,(p->ntl>1)?tag:0)) ; strcpy(indices,"") ; if ( sw_deref_kludge && sw==ACTUAL ) sprintf(indices, "%s",index_with_firstelem("(","",-1,t2,p,post)) ; /* generate argument */ strcpy(y,structname) ; strcat(y,fname) ; strcat(y,indices) ; strcat(y,",") ; lenarg = strlen(y) ; if ( lenarg+*linelen > MAX_ARGLINE ) { strcat(outstr," &\n") ; *linelen = 0 ; } strcat(outstr,y) ; *linelen += lenarg ; } } } } if ( p->type != NULL ) { if ( p->type->type_type == DERIVED && !only4d ) { if ( deep ) { sprintf(x,"%s%s%%",structname,p->name ) ; gen_args1(fp, outstr, (sw==ACTUAL)?x:"", p->type,linelen,sw,deep) ; } else { /* generate argument */ strcpy(y,structname) ; strcat(y,p->name) ; strcat(y,",") ; lenarg = strlen(y) ; if ( lenarg+*linelen > MAX_ARGLINE ) { strcat(outstr," &\n") ; *linelen = 0 ; } strcat(outstr,y) ; *linelen += lenarg ; p->mark = 1 ; } } } } return(0) ; }