[2759] | 1 | // set cookie data |
| 2 | function setCurrState(setting) { |
| 3 | document.cookie = "currState=" + escape(setting) |
| 4 | } |
| 5 | |
| 6 | // retrieve cookie data |
| 7 | function getCurrState() { |
| 8 | var label = "currState=" |
| 9 | var labelLen = label.length |
| 10 | var cLen = document.cookie.length |
| 11 | var i = 0 |
| 12 | while (i < cLen) { |
| 13 | var j = i + labelLen |
| 14 | if (document.cookie.substring(i,j) == label) { |
| 15 | var cEnd = document.cookie.indexOf(";",j) |
| 16 | if (cEnd == -1) { |
| 17 | cEnd = document.cookie.length |
| 18 | } |
| 19 | return unescape(document.cookie.substring(j,cEnd)) |
| 20 | } else { |
| 21 | i = document.cookie.indexOf(";",j) |
| 22 | if ( i == -1 ) { |
| 23 | i = document.cookie.length |
| 24 | } |
| 25 | } |
| 26 | } |
| 27 | return "" |
| 28 | } |
| 29 | |
| 30 | // **function that updates persistent storage of state** |
| 31 | // toggles an outline mother entry, storing new value in the cookie |
| 32 | function toggle(n) { |
| 33 | if (n != 0) { |
| 34 | var newString = "" |
| 35 | var currState = getCurrState() // of whole outline |
| 36 | var expanded = currState.substring(n-1,n) // of clicked item |
| 37 | newString += currState.substring(0,n-1) |
| 38 | newString += expanded ^ 1 // Bitwise XOR clicked item |
| 39 | newString += currState.substring(n,currState.length) |
| 40 | setCurrState(newString) // write new state back to cookie |
| 41 | } |
| 42 | } |
| 43 | |
| 44 | // **functions used in assembling updated outline** |
| 45 | // returns the proper GIF file name for each entry's control |
| 46 | function getGIF(n) { |
| 47 | var mom = db[n].mother // is entry a parent? |
| 48 | var expanded = getCurrState().substring(n-1,n) // of clicked item |
| 49 | if (!mom) { |
| 50 | return "daughter.gif" |
| 51 | } else { |
| 52 | if (expanded == 1) { |
| 53 | return "exploded.gif" |
| 54 | } |
| 55 | } |
| 56 | return "collapsd.gif" |
| 57 | } |
| 58 | |
| 59 | // returns the proper status line text based on the icon style |
| 60 | function getGIFStatus(n) { |
| 61 | var mom = db[n].mother // is entry a parent |
| 62 | var expanded = getCurrState().substring(n-1,n) // of rolled item |
| 63 | if (!mom) { |
| 64 | return "No further items" |
| 65 | } else { |
| 66 | if (expanded == 1) { |
| 67 | return "Click to collapse nested items" |
| 68 | } |
| 69 | } |
| 70 | return "Click to expand nested items" |
| 71 | } |
| 72 | |
| 73 | // returns padded spaces (in multiples of 3) for indenting |
| 74 | function pad(n) { |
| 75 | var result = "" |
| 76 | for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { |
| 77 | result += " " |
| 78 | } |
| 79 | return result |
| 80 | } |
| 81 | |
| 82 | // initialize 'current state' storage field |
| 83 | if (getCurrState() == "" || getCurrState().length != db.length) { |
| 84 | initState = "1" |
| 85 | for (i = 2; i <= db.length; i++) { |
| 86 | initState += "0" |
| 87 | } |
| 88 | setCurrState(initState) |
| 89 | } |
| 90 | |
| 91 | // see if user is running a Mac browser for special case handling |
| 92 | function isMac() { |
| 93 | return (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0) ? true :false |
| 94 | } |
| 95 | // end --> |
| 96 | </SCRIPT> |
| 97 | </HEAD> |
| 98 | |
| 99 | <BODY> |
| 100 | <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> |
| 101 | <!-- start |
| 102 | // build new outline based on the values of the cookie |
| 103 | // and data points in the outline data array. |
| 104 | // This fires each time the user clicks on a control, |
| 105 | // because the HREF for each one reloads the current document. |
| 106 | var prevIndentDisplayed = 0 |
| 107 | var showMyDaughter = 0 |
| 108 | document.write( "<CENTER><H3>Call Tree</H3></CENTER><HR>" ) |
| 109 | var newOutline = "<PRE><H4>" // let padded spaces make indents |
| 110 | |
| 111 | // cycle through each entry in the outline array |
| 112 | for (var i = 1; i <= db.length; i++) { |
| 113 | var theGIF = getGIF(i) // get the image |
| 114 | var theGIFStatus = getGIFStatus(i) // get the status message |
| 115 | var currIndent = db[i].indent // get the indent level |
| 116 | var expanded = getCurrState().substring(i-1,i) // current state |
| 117 | // display entry only if it meets one of three criteria |
| 118 | if (currIndent == 0 || currIndent <= prevIndentDisplayed || (showMyDaughter == 1 && (currIndent - prevIndentDisplayed == 1))) { |
| 119 | newOutline += pad(currIndent) |
| 120 | newOutline += "<A HREF=\"javascript:history.go(0)\" onMouseOver=\"window.parent.status=\'" + theGIFStatus + "\';return true;\" onClick=\"toggle(" + i + ")\"><IMG SRC=\"" + theGIF + "\" HEIGHT=11 WIDTH=11 BORDER=0></A>" |
| 121 | newOutline += " <A HREF=\"" + db[i].URL + "\" TARGET=\"bottom_target\" onMouseOver=\"window.parent.status=\'View " + db[i].display + "...\';return true;\">" + db[i].display + "</A><BR>" |
| 122 | prevIndentDisplayed = currIndent |
| 123 | showMyDaughter = expanded |
| 124 | } |
| 125 | } |
| 126 | newOutline += "</H4></PRE><HR>" |
| 127 | document.write(newOutline) |
| 128 | |
| 129 | // end --> |
| 130 | </SCRIPT> |
| 131 | </BODY> |
| 132 | </HTML> |
| 133 | |