2 | ! ---principal wrf output routine (called from routines in module_io_domain ) |
3 | SUBROUTINE output_wrf ( fid , grid , config_flags, switch , ierr ) |
4 | USE module_io |
5 | USE module_wrf_error |
6 | USE module_io_wrf |
7 | USE module_domain |
8 | USE module_state_description |
9 | USE module_configure |
10 | ! USE module_date_time |
11 | USE module_model_constants |
12 | USE module_utility |
14 | #include <wrf_io_flags.h> |
15 | #include <wrf_status_codes.h> |
16 | TYPE(domain) :: grid |
17 | TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(INOUT) :: config_flags |
18 | INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fid, switch |
19 | INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr |
20 | |
21 | ! Local data |
22 | INTEGER ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & |
23 | ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & |
24 | ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe |
25 | |
26 | INTEGER , DIMENSION(3) :: domain_start , domain_end |
27 | INTEGER , DIMENSION(3) :: memory_start , memory_end |
28 | INTEGER , DIMENSION(3) :: patch_start , patch_end |
29 | INTEGER i,j |
30 | INTEGER julyr, julday, idt, iswater , map_proj |
31 | INTEGER filestate |
32 | LOGICAL dryrun |
33 | REAL gmt, cen_lat, cen_lon, bdyfrq , truelat1 , truelat2 , moad_cen_lat , stand_lon |
34 | INTEGER km_opt, diff_opt, damp_opt, & |
35 | mp_physics, ra_lw_physics, ra_sw_physics, sf_sfclay_physics, & |
36 | sf_surface_physics, bl_pbl_physics, cu_physics |
37 | REAL khdif, kvdif, swrad_scat |
38 | INTEGER ucmcall, w_damping, smooth_option, feedback, surface_input_source, sst_update |
39 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
40 | INTEGER grid_id , parent_id , i_parent_start , j_parent_start , parent_grid_ratio |
41 | INTEGER diff_6th_opt |
42 | REAL diff_6th_factor |
43 | INTEGER grid_fdda, gfdda_interval_m, gfdda_end_h, if_ramping, & |
44 | obs_nudge_opt, obs_nudge_wind, obs_nudge_temp, obs_nudge_mois, obs_nudge_pstr, obs_idynin, obs_ionf |
45 | REAL fgdt, guv, gt, gq, dtramp_min, & |
46 | obs_coef_wind, obs_coef_temp, obs_coef_mois, obs_coef_pstr, obs_dtramp, fdda_end |
47 | LOGICAL pd_moist, pd_scalar, pd_tke |
48 | #endif |
49 | CHARACTER (len=19) simulation_start_date |
50 | CHARACTER (len=len_current_date) current_date_save |
51 | INTEGER simulation_start_year , & |
52 | simulation_start_month , & |
53 | simulation_start_day , & |
54 | simulation_start_hour , & |
55 | simulation_start_minute , & |
56 | simulation_start_second |
57 | INTEGER rc |
58 | INTEGER :: io_form |
59 | LOGICAL, EXTERNAL :: multi_files |
60 | INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package |
61 | INTEGER p_hr, p_min, p_sec, p_ms |
62 | |
63 | CHARACTER*256 message |
64 | CHARACTER*80 fname |
65 | CHARACTER*80 char_junk |
66 | INTEGER ibuf(1) |
67 | REAL rbuf(1) |
68 | TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: bdy_increment |
69 | TYPE(WRFU_Time) :: next_time, currentTime, startTime |
70 | CHARACTER*40 :: next_datestr |
71 | INTEGER :: start_year , start_month , start_day , start_hour , start_minute , start_second |
72 | LOGICAL :: adjust |
73 | |
74 | WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'output_wrf: begin, fid = ',fid |
75 | CALL wrf_debug( 300 , wrf_err_message ) |
76 | |
77 | CALL wrf_inquire_filename ( fid , fname , filestate , ierr ) |
78 | IF ( ierr /= 0 ) THEN |
79 | WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'module_io_wrf: output_wrf: wrf_inquire_filename Status = ',ierr |
80 | CALL wrf_error_fatal( wrf_err_message ) |
81 | ENDIF |
82 | |
83 | WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'output_wrf: fid,filestate = ',fid,filestate |
84 | CALL wrf_debug( 300 , wrf_err_message ) |
85 | |
86 | ! io_form is used to determine if multi-file I/O is enabled and to |
87 | ! control writing of format-specific time-independent metadata |
88 | IF ( switch .EQ. model_input_only ) THEN |
89 | CALL nl_get_io_form_input( 1, io_form ) |
90 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input1_only ) THEN |
91 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput1( 1, io_form ) |
92 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input2_only ) THEN |
93 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput2( 1, io_form ) |
94 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input3_only ) THEN |
95 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput3( 1, io_form ) |
96 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input4_only ) THEN |
97 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput4( 1, io_form ) |
98 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input5_only ) THEN |
99 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput5( 1, io_form ) |
100 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input6_only ) THEN |
101 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput6( 1, io_form ) |
102 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input7_only ) THEN |
103 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput7( 1, io_form ) |
104 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input8_only ) THEN |
105 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput8( 1, io_form ) |
106 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input9_only ) THEN |
107 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput9( 1, io_form ) |
108 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input10_only ) THEN |
109 | CALL nl_get_io_form_gfdda( 1, io_form ) |
110 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input11_only ) THEN |
111 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxinput11( 1, io_form ) |
112 | |
113 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. history_only ) THEN |
114 | CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) |
115 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist1_only ) THEN |
116 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist1( 1, io_form ) |
117 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist2_only ) THEN |
118 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist2( 1, io_form ) |
119 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist3_only ) THEN |
120 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist3( 1, io_form ) |
121 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist4_only ) THEN |
122 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist4( 1, io_form ) |
123 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist5_only ) THEN |
124 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist5( 1, io_form ) |
125 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist6_only ) THEN |
126 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist6( 1, io_form ) |
127 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist7_only ) THEN |
128 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist7( 1, io_form ) |
129 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist8_only ) THEN |
130 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist8( 1, io_form ) |
131 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist9_only ) THEN |
132 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist9( 1, io_form ) |
133 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist10_only ) THEN |
134 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist10( 1, io_form ) |
135 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist11_only ) THEN |
136 | CALL nl_get_io_form_auxhist11( 1, io_form ) |
137 | |
138 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. restart_only ) THEN |
139 | CALL nl_get_io_form_restart( 1, io_form ) |
140 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. boundary_only ) THEN |
141 | CALL nl_get_io_form_boundary( 1, io_form ) |
142 | ELSE ! default: use history |
143 | CALL nl_get_io_form_history( 1, io_form ) |
144 | ENDIF |
145 | |
146 | dryrun = ( filestate .EQ. WRF_FILE_OPENED_NOT_COMMITTED ) |
147 | |
148 | WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'output_wrf: dryrun = ',dryrun |
149 | CALL wrf_debug( 300 , wrf_err_message ) |
150 | |
151 | CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( grid , & |
152 | ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & |
153 | ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & |
154 | ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) |
155 | |
156 | call nl_get_diff_opt ( 1, diff_opt ) |
157 | call nl_get_km_opt ( 1, km_opt ) |
158 | call nl_get_damp_opt ( 1, damp_opt ) |
159 | call nl_get_khdif ( grid%id, khdif ) |
160 | call nl_get_kvdif ( grid%id, kvdif ) |
161 | call nl_get_mp_physics ( grid%id, mp_physics ) |
162 | call nl_get_ra_lw_physics ( grid%id, ra_lw_physics ) |
163 | call nl_get_ra_sw_physics ( grid%id, ra_sw_physics ) |
164 | call nl_get_sf_sfclay_physics ( grid%id, sf_sfclay_physics ) |
165 | call nl_get_sf_surface_physics ( grid%id, sf_surface_physics ) |
166 | call nl_get_bl_pbl_physics ( grid%id, bl_pbl_physics ) |
167 | call nl_get_cu_physics ( grid%id, cu_physics ) |
168 | |
169 | ! add nml variables in 2.2 |
170 | call nl_get_surface_input_source ( 1 , surface_input_source ) |
171 | call nl_get_sst_update ( 1 , sst_update ) |
172 | call nl_get_feedback ( 1 , feedback ) |
173 | call nl_get_smooth_option ( 1 , smooth_option ) |
174 | call nl_get_swrad_scat ( 1 , swrad_scat ) |
175 | call nl_get_ucmcall ( 1 , ucmcall ) |
176 | call nl_get_w_damping ( 1 , w_damping ) |
177 | |
178 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
179 | CALL nl_get_pd_moist ( grid%id , pd_moist ) |
180 | CALL nl_get_pd_scalar ( grid%id , pd_scalar ) |
181 | CALL nl_get_pd_tke ( grid%id , pd_tke ) |
182 | CALL nl_get_diff_6th_opt ( grid%id , diff_6th_opt ) |
183 | CALL nl_get_diff_6th_factor ( grid%id , diff_6th_factor ) |
184 | CALL nl_get_grid_fdda ( grid%id , grid_fdda ) |
185 | CALL nl_get_gfdda_end_h( grid%id , gfdda_end_h ) |
186 | CALL nl_get_gfdda_interval_m ( grid%id , gfdda_interval_m ) |
187 | |
188 | IF ( grid_fdda == 1 ) THEN |
189 | CALL nl_get_fgdt ( grid%id , fgdt ) |
190 | CALL nl_get_guv ( grid%id , guv ) |
191 | CALL nl_get_gt ( grid%id , gt ) |
192 | CALL nl_get_gq ( grid%id , gq ) |
193 | CALL nl_get_if_ramping ( 1 , if_ramping ) |
194 | CALL nl_get_dtramp_min ( 1 , dtramp_min ) |
195 | ENDIF |
196 | |
197 | CALL nl_get_obs_nudge_opt ( grid%id , obs_nudge_opt ) |
198 | IF ( obs_nudge_opt == 1 ) THEN |
199 | CALL nl_get_fdda_end ( grid%id , fdda_end ) |
200 | CALL nl_get_obs_nudge_wind ( grid%id , obs_nudge_wind ) |
201 | CALL nl_get_obs_coef_wind ( grid%id , obs_coef_wind ) |
202 | CALL nl_get_obs_nudge_temp ( grid%id , obs_nudge_temp ) |
203 | CALL nl_get_obs_coef_temp ( grid%id , obs_coef_temp ) |
204 | CALL nl_get_obs_nudge_mois ( grid%id , obs_nudge_mois ) |
205 | CALL nl_get_obs_coef_mois ( grid%id , obs_coef_mois ) |
206 | CALL nl_get_obs_nudge_pstr ( grid%id , obs_nudge_pstr ) |
207 | CALL nl_get_obs_coef_pstr ( grid%id , obs_coef_pstr ) |
208 | CALL nl_get_obs_ionf ( 1 , obs_ionf ) |
209 | CALL nl_get_obs_idynin ( 1 , obs_idynin ) |
210 | CALL nl_get_obs_dtramp ( 1 , obs_dtramp ) |
211 | ENDIF |
212 | #endif |
213 | |
214 | ! julday and gmt can be set in namelist_03 for ideal.exe run |
215 | CALL nl_get_gmt (grid%id, gmt) |
216 | CALL nl_get_julyr (grid%id, julyr) |
217 | CALL nl_get_julday (grid%id, julday) |
218 | CALL nl_get_mminlu ( 1, char_junk(1:4) ) |
219 | CALL nl_get_iswater (grid%id, iswater ) |
220 | CALL nl_get_cen_lat ( grid%id , cen_lat ) |
221 | CALL nl_get_cen_lon ( grid%id , cen_lon ) |
222 | CALL nl_get_truelat1 ( grid%id , truelat1 ) |
223 | CALL nl_get_truelat2 ( grid%id , truelat2 ) |
224 | CALL nl_get_moad_cen_lat ( grid%id , moad_cen_lat ) |
225 | CALL nl_get_stand_lon ( grid%id , stand_lon ) |
226 | CALL nl_get_map_proj ( grid%id , map_proj ) |
227 | |
228 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
229 | CALL nl_get_parent_id ( grid%id , parent_id ) |
230 | CALL nl_get_i_parent_start ( grid%id , i_parent_start ) |
231 | CALL nl_get_j_parent_start ( grid%id , j_parent_start ) |
232 | CALL nl_get_parent_grid_ratio ( grid%id , parent_grid_ratio ) |
233 | #endif |
234 | |
235 | CALL domain_clockprint(150, grid, & |
236 | 'DEBUG output_wrf(): before call to domain_clock_get,') |
237 | CALL domain_clock_get( grid, current_time=currentTime, & |
238 | start_time=startTime, & |
239 | current_timestr=current_date ) |
240 | WRITE ( wrf_err_message , * ) 'output_wrf: begin, current_date=',current_date |
241 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , wrf_err_message ) |
242 | |
243 | WRITE( message , * ) "OUTPUT FROM " , TRIM(program_name) |
244 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'TITLE' , TRIM(message) , ierr ) |
245 | ! added grib-specific metadata: Todd Hutchinson 8/21/2005 |
246 | IF ( ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_GRIB1 ) .OR. & |
247 | ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_GRIB2 ) ) THEN |
248 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid, 'PROGRAM_NAME', TRIM(program_name) , ierr ) |
249 | ENDIF |
250 | CALL nl_get_start_year(grid%id,start_year) |
251 | CALL nl_get_start_month(grid%id,start_month) |
252 | CALL nl_get_start_day(grid%id,start_day) |
253 | CALL nl_get_start_hour(grid%id,start_hour) |
254 | CALL nl_get_start_minute(grid%id,start_minute) |
255 | CALL nl_get_start_second(grid%id,start_second) |
256 | #ifdef PLANET |
257 | WRITE ( start_date , FMT = '(I4.4,"-",I5.5,"_",I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2)' ) & |
258 | start_year,start_day,start_hour,start_minute,start_second |
259 | #else |
260 | WRITE ( start_date , FMT = '(I4.4,"-",I2.2,"-",I2.2,"_",I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2)' ) & |
261 | start_year,start_month,start_day,start_hour,start_minute,start_second |
262 | #endif |
263 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'START_DATE', TRIM(start_date) , ierr ) |
264 | IF ( switch .EQ. model_input_only) THEN |
265 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'SIMULATION_START_DATE', TRIM(start_date) , ierr ) |
266 | ELSE IF ( ( switch .EQ. restart_only ) .OR. ( switch .EQ. history_only ) ) THEN |
267 | CALL nl_get_simulation_start_year ( 1, simulation_start_year ) |
268 | CALL nl_get_simulation_start_month ( 1, simulation_start_month ) |
269 | CALL nl_get_simulation_start_day ( 1, simulation_start_day ) |
270 | CALL nl_get_simulation_start_hour ( 1, simulation_start_hour ) |
271 | CALL nl_get_simulation_start_minute ( 1, simulation_start_minute ) |
272 | CALL nl_get_simulation_start_second ( 1, simulation_start_second ) |
273 | #ifdef PLANET |
274 | WRITE ( simulation_start_date , FMT = '(I4.4,"-",I5.5,"_",I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2)' ) & |
275 | simulation_start_year,simulation_start_day,& |
276 | simulation_start_hour,simulation_start_minute,simulation_start_second |
277 | #else |
278 | WRITE ( simulation_start_date , FMT = '(I4.4,"-",I2.2,"-",I2.2,"_",I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2)' ) & |
279 | simulation_start_year,simulation_start_month,simulation_start_day,& |
280 | simulation_start_hour,simulation_start_minute,simulation_start_second |
281 | #endif |
282 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'SIMULATION_START_DATE', TRIM(simulation_start_date) , ierr ) |
283 | END IF |
284 | |
285 | ibuf(1) = config_flags%e_we - config_flags%s_we + 1 |
286 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
287 | |
288 | ibuf(1) = config_flags%e_sn - config_flags%s_sn + 1 |
289 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
290 | |
291 | ibuf(1) = config_flags%e_vert - config_flags%s_vert + 1 |
292 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
293 | |
294 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
295 | IF (grid%map_proj == 6) THEN |
296 | ! Global ... dx determined automatically |
297 | ! Don't use value from namelist ... used derived value instead |
298 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DX' , grid%dx , 1 , ierr ) |
299 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DY' , grid%dy , 1 , ierr ) |
300 | ELSE |
301 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DX' , config_flags%dx , 1 , ierr ) |
302 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DY' , config_flags%dy , 1 , ierr ) |
303 | END IF |
304 | #endif |
305 | |
306 | ! added this metadatum for H. Chuan, NCEP, 030417, JM |
307 | #if (NMM_CORE == 1) |
308 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'GRIDTYPE', 'E' , ierr ) |
309 | #endif |
310 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
311 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'GRIDTYPE', 'C' , ierr ) |
312 | #endif |
313 | #if (COAMPS_CORE == 1 ) |
314 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'GRIDTYPE', 'B' , ierr ) |
315 | #endif |
316 | |
317 | ! added these fields for W. Skamarock, 020402, JM |
318 | ibuf(1) = diff_opt |
319 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'DIFF_OPT' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
320 | ibuf(1) = km_opt |
321 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'KM_OPT' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
322 | ibuf(1) = damp_opt |
323 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'DAMP_OPT' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
324 | rbuf(1) = khdif |
325 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'KHDIF' , rbuf , 1 , ierr ) |
326 | rbuf(1) = kvdif |
327 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'KVDIF' , rbuf , 1 , ierr ) |
328 | ibuf(1) = mp_physics |
329 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'MP_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
330 | ibuf(1) = ra_lw_physics |
331 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'RA_LW_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
332 | ibuf(1) = ra_sw_physics |
333 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'RA_SW_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
334 | ibuf(1) = sf_sfclay_physics |
335 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SF_SFCLAY_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
336 | ibuf(1) = sf_surface_physics |
337 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SF_SURFACE_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
338 | ibuf(1) = bl_pbl_physics |
339 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BL_PBL_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
340 | ibuf(1) = cu_physics |
341 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'CU_PHYSICS' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
342 | |
343 | ! added netcdf-specific metadata: |
344 | IF ( ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_NETCDF ) .OR. & |
345 | ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_PHDF5 ) .OR. & |
346 | ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_PNETCDF ) ) THEN |
347 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'SURFACE_INPUT_SOURCE', surface_input_source , 1 , ierr ) |
348 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'SST_UPDATE', sst_update , 1 , ierr ) |
349 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
350 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'GRID_FDDA', grid_fdda , 1 , ierr ) |
351 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'GFDDA_INTERVAL_M', gfdda_interval_m , 1 , ierr ) |
352 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'GFDDA_END_H', gfdda_end_h , 1 , ierr ) |
353 | #endif |
354 | |
355 | IF ( switch .EQ. history_only ) THEN |
356 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'UCMCALL', ucmcall , 1 , ierr ) |
357 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'FEEDBACK', feedback , 1 , ierr ) |
358 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'SMOOTH_OPTION', smooth_option , 1 , ierr ) |
359 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'SWRAD_SCAT', swrad_scat , 1 , ierr ) |
360 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'W_DAMPING', w_damping , 1 , ierr ) |
361 | |
362 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
363 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_logical ( fid, 'PD_MOIST', pd_moist , 1 , ierr ) |
364 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_logical ( fid, 'PD_SCALAR', pd_scalar , 1 , ierr ) |
365 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_logical ( fid, 'PD_TKE', pd_tke , 1 , ierr ) |
366 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'DIFF_6TH_OPT', diff_6th_opt , 1 , ierr ) |
367 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'DIFF_6TH_FACTOR', diff_6th_factor , 1 , ierr ) |
368 | |
369 | IF ( grid_fdda == 1 ) THEN |
370 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'FGDT', fgdt , 1 , ierr ) |
371 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'GUV', guv , 1 , ierr ) |
372 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'GT', gt , 1 , ierr ) |
373 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'GQ', gq , 1 , ierr ) |
374 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'IF_RAMPING', if_ramping , 1 , ierr ) |
375 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'DTRAMP_MIN', dtramp_min , 1 , ierr ) |
376 | ENDIF |
377 | |
378 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_NUDGE_OPT', obs_nudge_opt , 1 , ierr ) |
379 | IF ( obs_nudge_opt == 1 ) THEN |
380 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'FDDA_END', fdda_end , 1 , ierr ) |
381 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_NUDGE_WIND', obs_nudge_wind , 1 , ierr ) |
382 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'OBS_COEF_WIND', obs_coef_wind , 1 , ierr ) |
383 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_NUDGE_TEMP', obs_nudge_temp , 1 , ierr ) |
384 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'OBS_COEF_TEMP', obs_coef_temp , 1 , ierr ) |
385 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_NUDGE_MOIS', obs_nudge_mois , 1 , ierr ) |
386 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'OBS_COEF_MOIS', obs_coef_mois , 1 , ierr ) |
387 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_NUDGE_PSTR', obs_nudge_pstr , 1 , ierr ) |
388 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'OBS_COEF_PSTR', obs_coef_pstr , 1 , ierr ) |
389 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_IONF', obs_ionf , 1 , ierr ) |
390 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid, 'OBS_IDYNIN', obs_idynin , 1 , ierr ) |
391 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid, 'OBS_DTRAMP', obs_dtramp , 1 , ierr ) |
392 | ENDIF |
393 | #endif |
394 | ENDIF ! history_only |
395 | ENDIF |
396 | |
397 | ! added these fields for use by reassembly programs , 010831, JM |
398 | ! modified these fields so "patch" == "domain" when multi-file output |
399 | ! formats are not used. 051018, TBH |
400 | |
401 | ibuf(1) = MAX(ips,ids) |
402 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = ids |
403 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'WEST-EAST_PATCH_START_UNSTAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
404 | ibuf(1) = MIN(ipe,ide-1) |
405 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = ide - 1 |
406 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
407 | ibuf(1) = MAX(ips,ids) |
408 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = ids |
409 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'WEST-EAST_PATCH_START_STAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
410 | ibuf(1) = MIN(ipe,ide) |
411 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = ide |
412 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_STAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
413 | ibuf(1) = MAX(jps,jds) |
414 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = jds |
415 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_START_UNSTAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
416 | ibuf(1) = MIN(jpe,jde-1) |
417 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = jde - 1 |
418 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
419 | ibuf(1) = MAX(jps,jds) |
420 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = jds |
421 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_START_STAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
422 | ibuf(1) = MIN(jpe,jde) |
423 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = jde |
424 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_STAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
425 | |
426 | ibuf(1) = MAX(kps,kds) |
427 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = kds |
428 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_START_UNSTAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
429 | ibuf(1) = MIN(kpe,kde-1) |
430 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = kde - 1 |
431 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
432 | ibuf(1) = MAX(kps,kds) |
433 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = kds |
434 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_START_STAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
435 | ibuf(1) = MIN(kpe,kde) |
436 | IF ( .NOT. multi_files ( io_form ) ) ibuf(1) = kde |
437 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_STAG' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
438 | #if (EM_CORE == 1) |
439 | ibuf(1) = grid%id |
440 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'GRID_ID' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
441 | ibuf(1) = parent_id |
442 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'PARENT_ID' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
443 | ibuf(1) = i_parent_start |
444 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'I_PARENT_START' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
445 | ibuf(1) = j_parent_start |
446 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'J_PARENT_START' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
447 | ibuf(1) = parent_grid_ratio |
448 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'PARENT_GRID_RATIO' , ibuf , 1 , ierr ) |
449 | #endif |
450 | |
451 | ! end add 010831 JM |
452 | |
453 | #if (EM_CORE != 1) |
454 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DX' , config_flags%dx , 1 , ierr ) |
455 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DY' , config_flags%dy , 1 , ierr ) |
456 | #endif |
457 | ! Updated by T. Hutchinson to use adaptive time step. |
458 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DT' , grid%dt , 1 , ierr ) |
459 | ! CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DT' , config%dt , 1 , ierr ) |
460 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'CEN_LAT' , config_flags%cen_lat , 1 , ierr ) |
461 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'CEN_LON' , config_flags%cen_lon , 1 , ierr ) |
462 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'TRUELAT1', config_flags%truelat1, 1 , ierr ) |
463 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'TRUELAT2', config_flags%truelat2, 1 , ierr ) |
464 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'MOAD_CEN_LAT', config_flags%moad_cen_lat, 1 , ierr ) |
465 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'STAND_LON', config_flags%stand_lon, 1 , ierr ) |
466 | IF ( switch .NE. boundary_only ) THEN |
467 | #ifdef PLANET |
468 | ! When writing to restart files, use the values of the instantaneous |
469 | ! time for determining the values of JULYR, JULDAY, and GMT. If the |
470 | ! original values in config_flags are used, this assumes that the |
471 | ! restart simulation will start with an itimestep NE 0. If we use |
472 | ! the instantaneous time, we can start a restart simulation with a |
473 | ! different value of delta-t for timestep and still get the clocks |
474 | ! calendars (and orbital information!) correct. |
475 | ! |
476 | ! Current time is still defined from above call to WRF_UTIL_ClockGet |
477 | CALL WRFU_TimeGet( currentTime, YY=julyr, dayOfYear=julday, H=p_hr, M=p_min, S=p_sec, MS=p_ms, rc=rc) |
478 | WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'output_wrf: julyr,julday,hr,min,sec,ms = ',julyr,julday,p_hr,p_min,p_sec,p_ms |
479 | CALL wrf_debug( 100 , wrf_err_message ) |
480 | gmt = REAL(p_hr)+REAL(p_min)/60.+REAL(p_sec)/3600.+REAL(p_ms)/3600000. |
481 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'GMT' , gmt , 1 , ierr ) |
482 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'JULYR' , julyr , 1 , ierr ) |
483 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'JULDAY' , julday , 1 , ierr ) |
484 | #else |
485 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'GMT' , config_flags%gmt , 1 , ierr ) |
486 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'JULYR' , config_flags%julyr , 1 , ierr ) |
487 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'JULDAY' , config_flags%julday , 1 , ierr ) |
488 | #endif |
489 | ENDIF |
490 | #if (NMM_CORE == 1) |
491 | write(0,*) 'MMINLU would be: ', MMINLU(1:4) |
492 | MMINLU(1:4)='USGS' |
493 | write(0,*) 'MMINLU now: ', MMINLU(1:4) |
494 | #endif |
495 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'MAP_PROJ' , config_flags%map_proj , 1 , ierr ) |
496 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_char ( fid , 'MMINLU', mminlu(1:4) , ierr ) |
497 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'ISWATER' , iswater , 1 , ierr ) |
498 | ! CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'ISWATER' , config_flags%iswater , 1 , ierr ) |
499 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'ISICE' , config_flags%isice , 1 , ierr ) |
500 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'ISURBAN' , config_flags%isurban , 1 , ierr ) |
501 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'ISOILWATER' , config_flags%isoilwater , 1 , ierr ) |
502 | ! added these fields for restarting of moving nests, JM |
503 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'I_PARENT_START' , config_flags%i_parent_start , 1 , ierr ) |
504 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'J_PARENT_START' , config_flags%j_parent_start , 1 , ierr ) |
505 | |
506 | |
507 | IF ( switch .EQ. boundary_only ) THEN |
508 | CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet( bdy_increment, S=NINT(config_flags%bdyfrq),rc=rc) |
509 | next_time = currentTime + bdy_increment |
510 | CALL wrf_timetoa ( next_time, next_datestr ) |
511 | CALL wrf_put_dom_td_char ( fid , 'THISBDYTIME' , current_date(1:19), current_date(1:19), ierr ) |
512 | CALL wrf_put_dom_td_char ( fid , 'NEXTBDYTIME' , current_date(1:19), next_datestr(1:19), ierr ) |
513 | ENDIF |
514 | |
515 | ! added grib2-specific metadata: Todd Hutchinson 8/21/2005 |
516 | IF ( use_package( io_form ) == IO_GRIB2 ) THEN |
517 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'BACKGROUND_PROC_ID' , config_flags%background_proc_id , 1 , ierr ) |
518 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'FORECAST_PROC_ID' , config_flags%forecast_proc_id , 1 , ierr ) |
519 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'PRODUCTION_STATUS' , config_flags%production_status , 1 , ierr ) |
520 | CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'COMPRESSION' , config_flags%compression , 1 , ierr ) |
521 | ENDIF |
522 | |
523 | CALL nl_get_adjust_output_times( grid%id, adjust ) |
524 | current_date_save = current_date |
525 | #if 1 |
526 | IF ( switch .EQ. model_input_only ) THEN |
527 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_inputout.inc' ) |
528 | CALL wrf_inputout( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
529 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input1_only ) THEN |
530 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput1out.inc' ) |
531 | CALL wrf_auxinput1out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
532 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input2_only ) THEN |
533 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput2out.inc' ) |
534 | CALL wrf_auxinput2out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
535 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input3_only ) THEN |
536 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput3out.inc' ) |
537 | CALL wrf_auxinput3out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
538 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input4_only ) THEN |
539 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput4out.inc' ) |
540 | CALL wrf_auxinput4out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
541 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input5_only ) THEN |
542 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput5out.inc' ) |
543 | CALL wrf_auxinput5out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
544 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input6_only ) THEN |
545 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput6out.inc' ) |
546 | CALL wrf_auxinput6out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
547 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input7_only ) THEN |
548 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput7out.inc' ) |
549 | CALL wrf_auxinput7out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
550 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input8_only ) THEN |
551 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput8out.inc' ) |
552 | CALL wrf_auxinput8out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
553 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input9_only ) THEN |
554 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput9out.inc' ) |
555 | CALL wrf_auxinput9out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
556 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input10_only ) THEN |
557 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput10out.inc' ) |
558 | CALL wrf_auxinput10out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
559 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_model_input11_only ) THEN |
560 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxinput11out.inc' ) |
561 | CALL wrf_auxinput11out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
562 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. history_only ) THEN |
563 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_histout.inc' ) |
564 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( HISTORY_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
565 | CALL wrf_histout( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
566 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist1_only ) THEN |
567 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist1out' ) |
568 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST1_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
569 | CALL wrf_auxhist1out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
570 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist2_only ) THEN |
571 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist2out.inc' ) |
572 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST2_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
573 | CALL wrf_auxhist2out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
574 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist3_only ) THEN |
575 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist3out.inc' ) |
576 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST3_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
577 | CALL wrf_auxhist3out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
578 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist4_only ) THEN |
579 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist4out.inc' ) |
580 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST4_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
581 | CALL wrf_auxhist4out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
582 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist5_only ) THEN |
583 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist5out.inc' ) |
584 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST5_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
585 | CALL wrf_auxhist5out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
586 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist6_only ) THEN |
587 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist6out.inc' ) |
588 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST6_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
589 | CALL wrf_auxhist6out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
590 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist7_only ) THEN |
591 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist7out.inc' ) |
592 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST7_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
593 | CALL wrf_auxhist7out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
594 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist8_only ) THEN |
595 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist8out.inc' ) |
596 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST8_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
597 | CALL wrf_auxhist8out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
598 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist9_only ) THEN |
599 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist9out.inc' ) |
600 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST9_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
601 | CALL wrf_auxhist9out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
602 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist10_only ) THEN |
603 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist10out.inc' ) |
604 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST10_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
605 | CALL wrf_auxhist10out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
606 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. aux_hist11_only ) THEN |
607 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_auxhist11out.inc' ) |
608 | IF ( adjust ) CALL adjust_io_timestr( grid%io_intervals( AUXHIST11_ALARM ), currentTime, startTime, current_date ) |
609 | CALL wrf_auxhist11out( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
610 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. restart_only ) THEN |
611 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_restartout.inc' ) |
612 | CALL wrf_restartout( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
613 | ELSE IF ( switch .EQ. boundary_only ) THEN |
614 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling code in wrf_bdyout.inc' ) |
615 | CALL wrf_bdyout( fid , grid , config_flags, switch, dryrun, ierr ) |
616 | ENDIF |
617 | #else |
618 | CALL wrf_message ( "ALL I/O DISABLED IN share/module_io_wrf.F") |
619 | #endif |
620 | current_date = current_date_save |
621 | |
622 | IF ( .NOT. dryrun ) THEN |
623 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: calling wrf_iosync ' ) |
624 | CALL wrf_iosync ( fid , ierr ) |
625 | CALL wrf_debug ( 300 , 'output_wrf: back from wrf_iosync ' ) |
626 | ENDIF |
627 | |
628 | WRITE(wrf_err_message,*)'output_wrf: end, fid = ',fid |
629 | CALL wrf_debug( 300 , wrf_err_message ) |
630 | |
631 | RETURN |
632 | END SUBROUTINE output_wrf |