#ifndef MS_SUA # include # include #endif #if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ! defined( STUBMPI ) # include #endif #ifndef CRAY # ifdef NOUNDERSCORE # define COLLECT_ON_COMM collect_on_comm # define COLLECT_ON_COMM0 collect_on_comm0 # define DIST_ON_COMM dist_on_comm # define DIST_ON_COMM0 dist_on_comm0 # define INT_PACK_DATA int_pack_data # define INT_GET_TI_HEADER_C int_get_ti_header_c # define INT_GEN_TI_HEADER_C int_gen_ti_header_c # else # ifdef F2CSTYLE # define COLLECT_ON_COMM collect_on_comm__ # define COLLECT_ON_COMM0 collect_on_comm0__ # define DIST_ON_COMM dist_on_comm__ # define DIST_ON_COMM0 dist_on_comm0__ # define INT_PACK_DATA int_pack_data__ # define INT_GET_TI_HEADER_C int_get_ti_header_c__ # define INT_GEN_TI_HEADER_C int_gen_ti_header_c__ # else # define COLLECT_ON_COMM collect_on_comm_ # define COLLECT_ON_COMM0 collect_on_comm0_ # define DIST_ON_COMM dist_on_comm_ # define DIST_ON_COMM0 dist_on_comm0_ # define INT_PACK_DATA int_pack_data_ # define INT_GET_TI_HEADER_C int_get_ti_header_c_ # define INT_GEN_TI_HEADER_C int_gen_ti_header_c_ # endif # endif #endif COLLECT_ON_COMM ( int * comm, int * typesize , void * inbuf, int *ninbuf , void * outbuf, int * noutbuf ) { col_on_comm ( comm, typesize , inbuf, ninbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, 1 ) ; } /* collect on node 0*/ COLLECT_ON_COMM0 ( int * comm, int * typesize , void * inbuf, int *ninbuf , void * outbuf, int * noutbuf ) { col_on_comm ( comm, typesize , inbuf, ninbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, 0 ) ; } int col_on_comm ( int * Fcomm, int * typesize , void * inbuf, int *ninbuf , void * outbuf, int * noutbuf, int sw ) { #if defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ! defined(STUBMPI) int mytask, ntasks, p ; int *recvcounts ; int *displace ; int noutbuf_loc ; int root_task ; MPI_Comm *comm, dummy_comm ; int ierr ; comm = &dummy_comm ; *comm = MPI_Comm_f2c( *Fcomm ) ; MPI_Comm_size ( *comm, &ntasks ) ; MPI_Comm_rank ( *comm, &mytask ) ; recvcounts = (int *) malloc( ntasks * sizeof(int)) ; displace = (int *) malloc( ntasks * sizeof(int)) ; root_task = ( sw == 0 ) ? 0 : ntasks-1 ; /* collect up recvcounts */ ierr = MPI_Gather( ninbuf , 1 , MPI_INT , recvcounts , 1 , MPI_INT , root_task , *comm ) ; #ifndef MS_SUA if ( ierr != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"%s %d MPI_Gather returns %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,ierr ) ; #endif if ( mytask == root_task ) { /* figure out displacements */ for ( p = 1 , displace[0] = 0 , noutbuf_loc = recvcounts[0] ; p < ntasks ; p++ ) { displace[p] = displace[p-1]+recvcounts[p-1] ; noutbuf_loc = noutbuf_loc + recvcounts[p] ; } if ( noutbuf_loc > * noutbuf ) { #ifndef MS_SUA fprintf(stderr,"FATAL ERROR: collect_on_comm: noutbuf_loc (%d) > noutbuf (%d)\n", noutbuf_loc , * noutbuf ) ; fprintf(stderr,"WILL NOT perform the collection operation\n") ; #endif MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,1) ; } /* multiply everything by the size of the type */ for ( p = 0 ; p < ntasks ; p++ ) { displace[p] *= *typesize ; recvcounts[p] *= *typesize ; } } ierr = MPI_Gatherv( inbuf , *ninbuf * *typesize , MPI_CHAR , outbuf , recvcounts , displace, MPI_CHAR , root_task , *comm ) ; #ifndef MS_SUA if ( ierr != 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"%s %d MPI_Gatherv returns %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,ierr ) ; #endif free(recvcounts) ; free(displace) ; #endif return(0) ; } DIST_ON_COMM ( int * comm, int * typesize , void * inbuf, int *ninbuf , void * outbuf, int * noutbuf ) { dst_on_comm ( comm, typesize , inbuf, ninbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, 1 ) ; } DIST_ON_COMM0 ( int * comm, int * typesize , void * inbuf, int *ninbuf , void * outbuf, int * noutbuf ) { dst_on_comm ( comm, typesize , inbuf, ninbuf , outbuf, noutbuf, 0 ) ; } dst_on_comm ( int * Fcomm, int * typesize , void * inbuf, int *ninbuf , void * outbuf, int * noutbuf, int sw ) { #if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && ! defined(STUBMPI) int mytask, ntasks, p ; int *sendcounts ; int *displace ; int noutbuf_loc ; int root_task ; MPI_Comm *comm, dummy_comm ; comm = &dummy_comm ; *comm = MPI_Comm_f2c( *Fcomm ) ; MPI_Comm_size ( *comm, &ntasks ) ; MPI_Comm_rank ( *comm, &mytask ) ; sendcounts = (int *) malloc( ntasks * sizeof(int)) ; displace = (int *) malloc( ntasks * sizeof(int)) ; root_task = ( sw == 0 ) ? 0 : ntasks-1 ; /* collect up sendcounts */ MPI_Gather( noutbuf , 1 , MPI_INT , sendcounts , 1 , MPI_INT , root_task , *comm ) ; if ( mytask == root_task ) { /* figure out displacements */ for ( p = 1 , displace[0] = 0 , noutbuf_loc = sendcounts[0] ; p < ntasks ; p++ ) { displace[p] = displace[p-1]+sendcounts[p-1] ; noutbuf_loc = noutbuf_loc + sendcounts[p] ; } /* multiply everything by the size of the type */ for ( p = 0 ; p < ntasks ; p++ ) { displace[p] *= *typesize ; sendcounts[p] *= *typesize ; } } MPI_Scatterv( inbuf , sendcounts , displace, MPI_CHAR , outbuf , *noutbuf * *typesize , MPI_CHAR , root_task , *comm ) ; free(sendcounts) ; free(displace) ; #endif return(0) ; } #ifndef MS_SUA #ifndef MACOS # include # include #endif #if 0 int getrusage( int who, struct rusage *r_usage); #endif #if 0 extern int outy ; extern int maxstug, nouty, maxouty ; #endif #if 0 #include #include /* used internally for chasing memory leaks on ibm */ rlim_ () { #ifndef MACOS struct rusage r_usage ; struct mallinfo minf ; struct tms tm ; long tick, tock ; tick = sysconf( _SC_CLK_TCK ) ; times( &tm ) ; tock = (tm.tms_utime + tm.tms_stime)*tick ; getrusage ( RUSAGE_SELF, &r_usage ) ; if ( tock != 0 ) { #ifndef MS_SUA fprintf(stderr,"sm %ld d %ld s %ld maxrss %ld %d %d %ld\n",r_usage.ru_ixrss/tock,r_usage.ru_idrss/tock,r_usage.ru_isrss/tock, r_usage.ru_maxrss,tick,tock,r_usage.ru_ixrss) ; #endif } minf = mallinfo() ; #ifndef MS_SUAL fprintf(stderr,"a %ld usm %ld fsm %ld uord %ld ford %ld hblkhd %d\n",minf.arena,minf.usmblks,minf.fsmblks,minf.uordblks,minf.fordblks,minf.hblkhd) ; #endif # if 0 fprintf(stderr," outy %d nouty %d maxstug %d maxouty %d \n", outy, nouty, maxstug, maxouty ) ; # endif #endif } #endif #endif