/*********************************************************************** COPYRIGHT The following is a notice of limited availability of the code and Government license and disclaimer which must be included in the prologue of the code and in all source listings of the code. Copyright notice (c) 1977 University of Chicago Permission is hereby granted to use, reproduce, prepare derivative works, and to redistribute to others at no charge. If you distribute a copy or copies of the Software, or you modify a copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Software and make and/or distribute copies of such work, you must meet the following conditions: a) If you make a copy of the Software (modified or verbatim) it must include the copyright notice and Government license and disclaimer. b) You must cause the modified Software to carry prominent notices stating that you changed specified portions of the Software. This software was authored by: Argonne National Laboratory J. Michalakes: (630) 252-6646; email: michalak@mcs.anl.gov Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY (ANL), WITH FACILITIES IN THE STATES OF ILLINOIS AND IDAHO, IS OWNED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, AND OPERATED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO UNDER PROVISION OF A CONTRACT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. GOVERNMENT LICENSE AND DISCLAIMER This computer code material was prepared, in part, as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so. NEITHER THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NOR ANY AGENCY THEREOF, NOR THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION, APPARATUS, PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, OR REPRESENTS THAT ITS USE WOULD NOT INFRINGE PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. ***************************************************************************/ #if 0 #define PADIT /* add page at beginning and end of allocation */ #endif #if 0 # define BASE_MALLOC fence_malloc # define BASE_FREE fence_free #else # define BASE_MALLOC malloc # define BASE_FREE free #endif #ifndef MS_SUA # include #endif #include #ifndef MACOS # include #else # include #endif #ifdef T3D #include #endif #ifndef STUBMPI # include "mpi.h" #endif #include "rsl_lite.h" /* extern int EF_ALIGNMENT; extern int EF_PROTECT_BELOW; extern int EF_PROTECT_FREE; */ /* define STUG to enable tracking of allocs and frees (performance and space penalty) */ #ifdef STUG #define MAXSTUG 1000000 struct stugtype { char * ddr ; int sz ; } stug[MAXSTUG] ; static int stugfirst =1 ; int outy = 0 ; int nouty = 0 ; int maxstug = 0 ; int maxouty = 0 ; int bbb ; #endif static char zero_length_storage[] = "" ; #if !(defined(vpp) || defined(vpp2) || defined(SUN) || defined(XT3_Catamount) || defined(crayx1) || defined(MACOS) || defined(MS_SUA) ) static struct mallinfo minf ; #endif static char *last_f ; static int last_l ; static int last_s ; #ifdef O2K static struct mallinfo mallinfo() {} ; #endif void * rsl_malloc(f,l,s) char * f ; int l, s ; { char mess[128] ; void *retval ; int s2, tries ; /* EF_PROTECT_BELOW = 0 ; EF_PROTECT_FREE = 1 ; */ #ifdef STUG if ( stugfirst == 1 ) { stugfirst = 0 ; for ( bbb = 0 ; bbb < MAXSTUG ; bbb++ ) { stug[bbb].ddr = 0L ; stug[bbb].sz = 0 ; } } #endif if ( s == 0 ) { retval = (void *) zero_length_storage ; } else { #ifdef PADIT s2 = s + 1024 ; #else s2 = s ; #endif tries = 0 ; while ((retval=(void *)BASE_MALLOC(s2))==(void *)NULL) { tries++ ; sprintf(mess, "rsl_malloc failed allocating %d bytes, called %s, line %d, try %d\n", s,f,l,tries) ; perror(mess) ; #if !(defined(vpp) || defined(vpp2) || defined(SUN) || defined(XT3_Catamount) || defined(crayx1) || defined(MACOS) || defined(MS_SUA) ) minf = mallinfo() ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: arena %d\n",minf.arena) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: ordblks %d\n",minf.ordblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: smblks %d\n",minf.smblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: hblks %d\n",minf.hblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: hblkhd %d\n",minf.hblkhd) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: usmblks %d\n",minf.usmblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: fsmblks %d\n",minf.fsmblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: uordblks %d\n",minf.uordblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: fordblks %d\n",minf.fordblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: keepcost %d\n",minf.keepcost) ; #ifdef SUNINFO fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: mkfast %d\n",minf.mkfast) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: nblks %d\n",minf.nblks) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: grain %d\n",minf.grain) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: uordbytes %d\n",minf.uordbytes) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: allocated %d\n",minf.allocated) ; fprintf(stderr,"mallinfo: treeoverhead %d\n",minf.treeoverhead) ; #endif #endif if ( tries >= 2 ) { system("lsps -a") ; #ifndef MS_SUA sleep(1) ; #endif } if ( tries >= 3 ) { system("lsps -a") ; RSL_FATAL(2) ; } } } #if !(defined(vpp)||defined(vpp2)) || defined(sx) || defined(alphavector) if ( s > 0 ) bzero( retval, s2 ) ; /* return zero'd storage always */ #else if ( s > 0 ) { int l, lb ; l = s2/sizeof(int) ; lb = l*sizeof(int) ; vizero_( retval, &l ) ; l = s2-lb ; vbzero_( retval+lb, &l ) ; /* return zero'd storage always */ } #endif #ifdef PADIT retval = retval + 512 ; #endif #ifdef STUG for ( bbb = 0 ; bbb < MAXSTUG ; bbb++ ) { if ( stug[bbb].ddr == 0 ) break ; } if ( bbb < MAXSTUG ) { stug[bbb].ddr = retval ; stug[bbb].sz = s ; outy += stug[bbb].sz ; /* fprintf(stderr,"+ %10d. %08x %10d %10d\n", bbb, stug[bbb].ddr, stug[bbb].sz, outy ) ; */ nouty ++ ; if ( nouty > maxstug ) maxstug = nouty ; if ( outy > maxouty ) maxouty = outy ; }else{ #ifndef MS_SUA fprintf(stderr,"stug full %d\n",bbb) ; #endif RSL_FATAL(2) ; } #endif return(retval) ; } rsl_free( p ) char * p ; { if ( p == zero_length_storage ) return ; /* fix from ANU */ #ifdef STUG for ( bbb = 0 ; bbb < MAXSTUG ; bbb++ ) { if ( stug[bbb].ddr == p ) { outy -= stug[bbb].sz ; /* fprintf(stderr,"- %10d. %08x %10d %10d\n", bbb, stug[bbb].ddr, stug[bbb].sz, outy ) ; */ nouty -- ; stug[bbb].ddr = 0L ; break ; } } #endif #ifdef PADIT BASE_FREE ( p-512 ) ; #else BASE_FREE ( p ) ; #endif p = NULL ; } #ifdef MS_SUA bzero( char *buf, int l ) { int i ; char * p ; for ( p = buf, i=0 ; i < l ; i++ ) *p = '\0' ; } #endif