#!/usr/bin/env python ### T.Navarro ## # This routine reads sparse data, i.e. not binned in a lat/lon/vert/time grid and does plots # # There is nothing gnuplot could not be able to do for now, except command line and ease and all python plots possibilities, # but the goal is to provide a framework to compare with data from simulations on a constant grid. ### ########################################################################################### ########################################################################################### ### What is below relate to running the file as a command line executable (very convenient) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from optparse import OptionParser ### to be replaced by argparse from os import system,path import numpy as np from sparse import sparse parser = OptionParser() ############################# ### Options parser.add_option('-f', '--file', action='store',dest='file', type="string", default=None, help='[NEEDED] filename, comma separated') parser.add_option('--ftype', action='store',dest='ftype', default=None, help=' Force data file type [\'sav\',\'txt\']') parser.add_option('-X', '--xvar', action='store',dest='xvar', type="string", default=None, help='[NEEDED] x variable: a name, a number, etc ...') parser.add_option('-Y', '--yvar', action='store',dest='yvar', type="string", default=None, help='y variable') parser.add_option('-Z', '--zvar', action='store',dest='zvar', type="string", default=None, help='z variable') parser.add_option('-C', '--cvar', action='store',dest='cvar', type="string", default=None, help='c variable for color') parser.add_option('--xmin', action='store',dest='xmin', type="float", default=None, help='min values for x var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--xmax', action='store',dest='xmax', type="float", default=None, help='max values for x var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--ymin', action='store',dest='ymin', type="float", default=None, help='min values for y var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--ymax', action='store',dest='ymax', type="float", default=None, help='max values for y var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--zmin', action='store',dest='zmin', type="float", default=None, help='min values for z var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--zmax', action='store',dest='zmax', type="float", default=None, help='max values for z var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--cmin', action='store',dest='cmin', type="string", default=None, help='min values for c var, comma separated') parser.add_option('--cmax', action='store',dest='cmax', type="string", default=None, help='max values for c var, comma separated') parser.add_option('-w','--with', action='append',dest='cond', type="string", default=None, help='conditions..') parser.add_option('--merge', action='store_true', dest='merge', default=False, help='merge datafiles in a single plot [False]') parser.add_option('-c','--color', action='store',dest='clb', type="string", default="def", help='change colormap (also: nobar,onebar)') parser.add_option('--trans', action='store',dest='trans', type="float", default=1., help='shaded plot transparency, 0 to 1 (=opaque) [1]') parser.add_option('-p', '--proj', action='store',dest='proj', type="string", default=None, help='projection') parser.add_option('--blat', action='store',dest='blat', type="int", default=None, help='reference lat (or bounding lat for stere) [computed]') parser.add_option('--blon', action='store',dest='blon', type="int", default=None, help='reference lon [computed]') parser.add_option('-b', '--back', action='store',dest='back', type="string", default=None, help='background image [None]') parser.add_option('-m', '--min', action='store',dest='vmin', type="float", default=None, help='bounding minimum value [min]') parser.add_option('-M', '--max', action='store',dest='vmax', type="float", default=None, help='bounding maximum value [max]') parser.add_option('--div', action='store',dest='ndiv', type="int", default=10, help='number of divisions in histogram [10]') parser.add_option('-S', '--save', action='store',dest='save', type="string", default="gui", help='save mode (gui,png,eps,svg,pdf,txt,html,avi) [gui]') ############################# ### Get options and variables (opt,args) = parser.parse_args() sparse(oplot=None,file=opt.file,ftype=opt.ftype,xvar=opt.xvar,yvar=opt.yvar,zvar=opt.zvar,cvar=opt.cvar,xmin=opt.xmin,xmax=opt.xmax,ymin=opt.ymin,ymax=opt.ymax,zmin=opt.zmin,zmax=opt.zmax,cmin=opt.cmin,cmax=opt.cmax,cond=opt.cond,merge=opt.merge,clb=opt.clb,trans=opt.trans,proj=opt.proj,blat=opt.blat,blon=opt.blon,back=opt.back,vmin=opt.vmin,vmax=opt.vmax,ndiv=opt.ndiv,save=opt.save) def sparse(oplot=None,file=None,ftype=None,xvar=None,yvar=None,zvar=None,cvar=None,xmin=None,xmax=None,ymin=None,ymax=None,zmin=None,zmax=None,cmin=None,cmax=None,cond=None,merge=False,clb="def",trans=1.,proj=None,blat=None,blon=None,back=None,vmin=None,vmax=None,ndiv=10,save="gui"): import sys from os import system,path from scipy.io.idl import readsav import numpy as np from myplot import separatenames, definesubplot, errormess, defcolorb, fmtvar, polarinterv, simplinterv, define_proj, readdata, makeplotres from mymath import min, max, writeascii import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.pyplot import subplot, figure, plot, scatter, colorbar, show, title, close, legend, xlabel, ylabel, axis, hist from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D ############################# ### Load and check data ############################# ### Load and check data if file is None: print "You must specify at least a file to process with -f." exit() if xvar is None: print "You must specify at least a 1st field with -X." exit() if proj is not None and yvar is None: print "Why did you ask a projection with only one variable?" exit() filename=separatenames(file) #print 'conditions', cond print vmax print vmin if cond is None: nslices = 1 else: nslices = len(cond) numplot = nslices if merge is False: numplot = numplot*len(filename) print ' ' if merge is False: print nslices, 'condition(s) and', len(filename), 'file(s) without merging ---->', numplot, 'plot(s)' else: print nslices, 'condition(s) and', len(filename), 'file(s) with merging ---->', numplot, 'plot(s)' print ' ' all_type = [[]]*len(filename) all_x = [[]]*len(filename) all_y = [[]]*len(filename) all_z = [[]]*len(filename) all_c = [[]]*len(filename) all_data = [[]]*len(filename) #index = [[]]*len(filename) ############################## ################## READ DATA for k in range(len(filename)): ##### Find file type if ftype is None: if filename[k].find('.sav') is not -1: all_type[k] ='sav' print '.sav file detected for', filename[k],'!!' elif filename[k].find('.txt') is not -1: all_type[k] ='txt' #print '.txt file detected for', filename[k],'!!' else: all_type[k] ='txt' print 'no file type detected for', filename[k],'!!, default type is', all_type[k] if all_type[k] != all_type[0]: print 'Two different types were used: ', all_type[k], all_type[0] errormess('Not suported') else: all_type[k] = ftype ##### Read file if all_type[k] == 'sav': print 'reading .sav file', filename[k], '...' data = {} data = readsav(filename[k], idict=data, python_dict=False) #, verbose=True) all_data[k] = data elif all_type[k] == 'txt': print 'reading .text file', filename[k], '...' all_data[k] = np.loadtxt(filename[k]) all_x[k] = readdata(all_data,all_type[k],k,xvar) if yvar is not None: all_y[k] = readdata(all_data,all_type[k],k,yvar) else: all_y[k] = None if zvar is not None: all_z[k] = readdata(all_data,all_type[k],k,zvar) else: all_z[k] = None if cvar is not None: all_c[k] = readdata(all_data,all_type[k],k,cvar) else: all_c[k] = None if merge is True and k >=1 : all_x[0] = np.concatenate((all_x[0],all_x[k])) if yvar is not None: all_y[0] = np.concatenate((all_y[0],all_y[k])) if zvar is not None: all_z[0] = np.concatenate((all_z[0],all_z[k])) if cvar is not None: all_c[0] = np.concatenate((all_c[0],all_c[k])) ############################## ################## PLOT DATA ## Open a figure and set subplots if plot is not None: fig=oplot else: fig = figure() subv,subh = definesubplot(numplot,fig) palette = get_cmap(name=clb) for nplot in range(numplot): print ' ' ###### Find which data and which file for plot nplot if merge is False: index_s = ((nplot)//len(filename))%nslices index_f = ((nplot-1)//nslices)%len(filename) else: index_s = ((nplot)//1)%nslices index_f = ((nplot-1)//nslices)%1 #print 'nplot,numplot,index_f,index_s', nplot,numplot,index_f,index_s ###### Select point under conditions defined in -w option index = np.isfinite(all_x[index_f]) if cond is not None: zecond = separatenames(cond[index_s]) #print 'hello', cond[index_s], zecond for i in range(len(zecond)): zecondi = zecond[i] if zecondi.find('>') != -1: variable = zecondi[0:zecondi.find('>')] value = float(zecondi[zecondi.find('>')+1:len(zecondi)]) if merge is True: # ultra moche de reconcatener a chaque fois, mais bon on s'en fout c'est du python zedata = [] for k in range(len(filename)): zedata = np.concatenate((zedata,readdata(all_data,all_type[k],k,variable))) else : zedata = readdata(all_data,all_type[k],index_f,variable) #print index.shape,zedata.shape, value index = index*(zedata>value) print 'All points such as', variable, '>', value, 'have been selected' elif zecondi.find('<') != -1: variable = zecondi[0:zecondi.find('<')] value = float(zecondi[zecondi.find('<')+1:len(zecondi)]) if merge is True: zedata = [] for k in range(len(filename)): zedata = np.concatenate((zedata,readdata(all_data,all_type[k],k,variable))) else : zedata = readdata(all_data,all_type[k],index_f,variable) #print index.shape,zedata.shape, value index = index*(zedata 1) #and (len(what_I_plot.shape) != 1) if changesubplot: subplot(subv,subh,nplot+1) #print 'subv,subh,nplot', subv,subh,nplot ###### Projection if proj is not None: # Nota : NEVER TRY TO DO A MESHGRID ON SPARSE DATA. WAY TOO MUCH POINTS. wlon = [min(all_x[index_f][index]),max(all_x[index_f][index])] wlat = [min(all_y[index_f][index]),max(all_y[index_f][index])] m = define_proj(proj,wlon,wlat,back=back,blat=blat,blon=blon) x, y = m(all_x[index_f][index],all_y[index_f][index]) else: x = all_x[index_f][index] if yvar is not None: y = all_y[index_f][index] ###### Plot: 1D histogram if yvar is None: hist(x,bins=ndiv,histtype='step',linewidth=2) if save == 'txt': print 'saving file profile'+str(nplot+1)+'.txt' writeascii(np.transpose(x),'profile'+str(nplot+1)+'.txt') ###### Plot: 2D cloud elif zvar is None and cvar is None : plot(x,y,'.b') if save == 'txt': print 'saving file profile'+str(nplot+1)+'.txt' writeascii(np.transpose(np.array([x,y])),'profile'+str(nplot+1)+'.txt') ###### Plot: 2D cloud with color elif zvar is None and cvar is not None : if save == 'txt': print 'saving file profile'+str(nplot+1)+'.txt' writeascii(np.transpose(np.array([x,y,all_c[index_f][index]])),'profile'+str(nplot+1)+'.txt') scatter(x,y,c=all_c[index_f][index],\ marker='o', edgecolor='None',cmap = palette, alpha=trans, vmin = vmin,vmax = vmax) ###### Plot: 3D cloud elif zvar is not None and cvar is None : ax = fig.add_subplot(subv,subh,nplot+1, projection='3d') ax.plot(x,y,all_z[index_f][index],'.b') ###### Plot: 3D cloud with color else : ax = fig.add_subplot(subv,subh,nplot+1, projection='3d') ax.scatter(x,y,all_z[index_f][index],c=all_c[index_f][index],\ marker='o', edgecolor='None', cmap = palette, alpha=trans,vmin = vmin,vmax = vmax) ###### Colorbar: http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=colormaps3.png if clb != 'nobar' and all_c[index_f] is not None and all_z[index_f] is None: # pourquoi la colorbar marche pas en 3d? colorbar( fraction=0.05,pad=0.03,format='%0.2f',\ extend='neither',spacing='proportional' ) ###### Plot limits (options --xmin, --xmax, etc ..) if proj is None: xlabel(xvar) ylabel(yvar) if zvar is None : if xmin is not None: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmin=xmin) else: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmin=min(all_x[index_f][index])) if xmax is not None: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmax=xmax) else: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmax=max(all_x[index_f][index])) if yvar is not None: if ymin is not None: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymin=ymin) else: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymin=min(all_y[index_f][index])) if ymax is not None: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymax=ymax) else: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymax=max(all_y[index_f][index])) if cond is not None: title(cond[index_s]) else: title('all point selected') zeplot = "output" if save in ['png','eps','svg','pdf']: makeplotres(zeplot,ext=save)#,res=resolution,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value,disp=False,ext=save) elif save == 'gui': show() elif save == 'return': return mpl.pyplot else: print "INFO: save mode not supported. using gui instead." ; show() print '' command = "" for arg in sys.argv: command = command + arg + ' ' name = zeplot f = open(name+'.sh', 'w') f.write(command)