import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from math import * # function h=plplot(x, xmin, alpha) # PLPLOT visualizes a power-law distributional model with empirical data. # Source: # # PLPLOT REQUIRES the use of the free library: matplotlib # # PLPLOT(x, xmin, alpha) plots (on log axes) the data contained in x # and a power-law distribution of the form p(x) ~ x^-alpha for # x >= xmin. For additional customization, PLPLOT returns a pair of # handles, one to the empirical and one to the fitted data series. By # default, the empirical data is plotted as 'bo' and the fitted form is # plotted as 'k--'. PLPLOT automatically detects whether x is composed # of real or integer values, and applies the appropriate plotting # method. For discrete data, if min(x) > 50, PLFIT uses the continuous # approximation, which is a reliable in this regime. # # Example: # xmin = 47; # alpha = 2.71; # x = [500,150,90,81,75,75,70,65,60,58,49,47,40] # h = plplot(x,xmin,alpha); # # For more information, try 'type plplot' # # See also PLFIT, PLVAR, PLPVA # Version 1.0 (2008 February) # Ported to python by Joel Ornstein(2011 July) # ( # Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Aaron Clauset (Santa Fe Institute) # Distributed under GPL 2.0 # # PLFIT comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY # # The 'zeta' helper function is modified from the open-source library 'mpmath' # mpmath: a Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic # # version 0.17 (February 2011) by Fredrik Johansson and others # # No Notes # def plplot(x,xmin,alpha): # select method (discrete or continuous) for fitting if reduce(lambda X,Y:X==True and floor(Y)==float(Y),x,True): f_dattype = 'INTS' elif reduce(lambda X,Y:X==True and (type(Y)==int or type(Y)==float or type(Y)==long),x,True): f_dattype = 'REAL' else: f_dattype = 'UNKN' if f_dattype=='INTS' and min(x) > 1000 and len(x)>100: f_dattype = 'REAL' plt.close() plt.ion() h=[[],[]] # estimate xmin and alpha, accordingly if f_dattype== 'REAL': n = len(x) c1 = sorted(x) c2 = map(lambda X:X/float(n),range(n,0,-1)) q = sorted(filter(lambda X:X>=xmin,x)) cf = map(lambda X:pow(float(X)/xmin,1.-alpha),q) cf = map(lambda X:X*float(c2[c1.index(q[0])]),cf) h[0]=plt.loglog(c1, c2, 'bo',markersize=8,markerfacecolor=[1,1,1],markeredgecolor=[0,0,1]) h[1]=plt.loglog(q, cf, 'k--',linewidth=2) xr1 = pow(10,floor(log(min(x),10))) xr2 = pow(10,ceil(log(min(x),10))) yr1 = pow(10,floor(log(1./n,10))) yr2 = 1 plt.axhspan(ymin=yr1,ymax=yr2,xmin=xr1,xmax=xr2) plt.ylabel('Pr(X >= x)',fontsize=16); plt.xlabel('x',fontsize=16) plt.draw() elif f_dattype== 'INTS': n = len(x) q = sorted(unique(x)) c=[] for Q in q: c.append(len(filter(lambda X: floor(X)==Q,x))/float(n)) c1 = q+[q[-1]+1] c2 = map(lambda Z: 1.-Z,reduce(lambda X,Y: X+[Y+X[-1]],c,[0])) c2 = filter(lambda X:float(X)>=pow(10,-10.),c2) c1 = c1[0:len(c2)] cf = map(lambda X:pow(X,-alpha)/(float(zeta(alpha)) - sum(map(lambda Y:pow(Y,-alpha),range(1,xmin)))),range(xmin,q[-1]+1)) cf1 = range(xmin,q[-1]+2) cf2 = map(lambda Z: 1.-Z,reduce(lambda X,Y: X+[Y+X[-1]],cf,[0])) cf2 = map(lambda X: X*float(c2[c1.index(xmin)]),cf2) h[0]=plt.loglog(c1, c2, 'bo',markersize=8,markerfacecolor=[1,1,1],markeredgecolor=[0,0,1]) h[1]=plt.loglog(cf1, cf2, 'k--',linewidth=2) xr1 = pow(10,floor(log(min(x),10))) xr2 = pow(10,ceil(log(min(x),10))) yr1 = pow(10,floor(log(1./n,10))) yr2 = 1 plt.axhspan(ymin=yr1,ymax=yr2,xmin=xr1,xmax=xr2) plt.ylabel('Pr(X >= x)',fontsize=16); plt.xlabel('x',fontsize=16) plt.draw() return h # helper functions (unique and zeta) def unique(seq): # not order preserving set = {} map(set.__setitem__, seq, []) return set.keys() def _polyval(coeffs, x): p = coeffs[0] for c in coeffs[1:]: p = c + x*p return p _zeta_int = [\ -0.5, 0.0, 1.6449340668482264365,1.2020569031595942854,1.0823232337111381915, 1.0369277551433699263,1.0173430619844491397,1.0083492773819228268, 1.0040773561979443394,1.0020083928260822144,1.0009945751278180853, 1.0004941886041194646,1.0002460865533080483,1.0001227133475784891, 1.0000612481350587048,1.0000305882363070205,1.0000152822594086519, 1.0000076371976378998,1.0000038172932649998,1.0000019082127165539, 1.0000009539620338728,1.0000004769329867878,1.0000002384505027277, 1.0000001192199259653,1.0000000596081890513,1.0000000298035035147, 1.0000000149015548284] _zeta_P = [-3.50000000087575873, -0.701274355654678147, -0.0672313458590012612, -0.00398731457954257841, -0.000160948723019303141, -4.67633010038383371e-6, -1.02078104417700585e-7, -1.68030037095896287e-9, -1.85231868742346722e-11][::-1] _zeta_Q = [1.00000000000000000, -0.936552848762465319, -0.0588835413263763741, -0.00441498861482948666, -0.000143416758067432622, -5.10691659585090782e-6, -9.58813053268913799e-8, -1.72963791443181972e-9, -1.83527919681474132e-11][::-1] _zeta_1 = [3.03768838606128127e-10, -1.21924525236601262e-8, 2.01201845887608893e-7, -1.53917240683468381e-6, -5.09890411005967954e-7, 0.000122464707271619326, -0.000905721539353130232, -0.00239315326074843037, 0.084239750013159168, 0.418938517907442414, 0.500000001921884009] _zeta_0 = [-3.46092485016748794e-10, -6.42610089468292485e-9, 1.76409071536679773e-7, -1.47141263991560698e-6, -6.38880222546167613e-7, 0.000122641099800668209, -0.000905894913516772796, -0.00239303348507992713, 0.0842396947501199816, 0.418938533204660256, 0.500000000000000052] def zeta(s): """ Riemann zeta function, real argument """ if not isinstance(s, (float, int)): try: s = float(s) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: s = complex(s) if not s.imag: return complex(zeta(s.real)) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass raise NotImplementedError if s == 1: raise ValueError("zeta(1) pole") if s >= 27: return 1.0 + 2.0**(-s) + 3.0**(-s) n = int(s) if n == s: if n >= 0: return _zeta_int[n] if not (n % 2): return 0.0 if s <= 0.0: return 0 if s <= 2.0: if s <= 1.0: return _polyval(_zeta_0,s)/(s-1) return _polyval(_zeta_1,s)/(s-1) z = _polyval(_zeta_P,s) / _polyval(_zeta_Q,s) return 1.0 + 2.0**(-s) + 3.0**(-s) + 4.0**(-s)*z