#! /usr/bin/env python from ppclass import pp from ppplot import plot2d,save,writeascii import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage.measurements import minimum_position import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl import ppcompute ############################################################################### # FIND DUST DEVILS # filefile --> file # dx --> horizontal resolution # dt_out --> frequency of outputs (s) # lt_start --> starting local time # halolim --> limit for halos # method --> method used to detect vortices # plotplot --> plot or not # save --> save results or not ############################################################################### def finddd(filefile,\ timelist,\ dx=50.,\ dt_out=50.,\ lt_start=8.,\ halolim=30.,\ method=1,\ plotplot=False,\ save=True): ############################################################################### ########################## FOR METHOD 1 FOR METHOD 1 ########################## ## FACLIST : how many sigmas below mean we start to consider this could be a vortex ## ... < 3.0 dubious low-intensity minima are caught ## ... 3 ~ 3.1 is a bit too low but helps? because size of pressure drop could be an underestimate of actual dust devil ## ... 3.2 ~ 3.3 is probably right, this is the one we choose for exploration [3.25] ## ... NB: values 3.2 to 3.6 yields the same number of devils but measured sizes could vary a bit ## ... > 3.6 makes strong minima disappear... especially >3.8 ## ... EVENTUALLY 3.5-4 is better for problematic cases ############################################################################### faclist = [3.75] ## (see below) NEIGHBOR_FAC is the multiple of std used to evaluate size ## --> 1: limit not discriminative enough. plus does not separate neighbouring vortices. ## ... but interesting: gives an exponential law (because vortices are artificially merged?) ## --> 2.7: very good for method 1. corresponds usually to ~0.3 ## --> 2: so-so. do not know what to think. neighbor_fac = 2.7 ############################################################################### if save: myfile1 = open(filefile+'m'+str(method)+'_'+'1.txt', 'w') myfile2 = open(filefile+'m'+str(method)+'_'+'2.txt', 'w') ############################################################################### ## mean and std calculations ## -- std is used in both methods for limits ## -- mean is only used in method 1 print "calculate mean and std, please wait." ## -- get time series of 2D surface pressure psfc = pp(file=filefile,var="PSFC").getf() ## -- calculate mean and standard deviation ## -- ... calculating std at all time is not right! ## -- ... for mean value though, similar results with both methods mean = np.mean(psfc,dtype=np.float64) std = np.std(psfc,dtype=np.float64) ## some information about inferred limits print "**************************************************************" print "MEAN",mean print "STD",std print "LIMIT FOR PRESSURE MINIMUM:",-np.array(faclist)*std print "LIMIT FOR EVALUATING SIZE OF A GIVEN LOCAL MINIMUM",-neighbor_fac*std print "**************************************************************" ## LOOP ON TIME for time in timelist: ## get 2D surface pressure at a given time ## (this is actually so quick we don't use psfc above) psfc2d = pp(file=filefile,var="PSFC",t=time).getf() #ustm = pp(file=filefile,var="USTM",t=time).getf() ## MAIN ANALYSIS. LOOP ON FAC. for fac in faclist: #fac = 3.75 #for method in [2,1]: ## initialize arrays tabij = [] ; tabsize = [] ; tabdrop = [] tabijcenter = [] ; tabijvortex = [] ; tabijnotconv = [] ; tabdim = [] ################ FIND RELEVANT POINTS TO BE ANALYZED ## lab is 1 for points to be treated by minimum_position routine ## we set elements at 1 where pressure is under mean-fac*std ## otherwise we set to 0 because this means we are close enough to mean pressure (background) lab = np.zeros(psfc2d.shape) if method == 1: # method 1: standard deviation lab[np.where(psfc2d < mean-fac*std)] = 1 else: # method 2: polynomial fit # ... tried smooth but too difficult, not accurate and too expensive deg = 5 #plutot bien (deg 10 ~pareil) mais loupe les gros (~conv cell) #deg = 2 #pas mal mais false positive (pareil 3-4 mm si un peu mieux) # #(OK now with fixing the false positive bug) nx = psfc2d.shape[1] ; ny = psfc2d.shape[0] xxx = np.array(range(nx)) ; yyy = np.array(range(ny)) anopsfc2d = psfc2d*0. ; polypsfc2d = psfc2d*0. for iii in range(0,nx,1): poly = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(yyy,psfc2d[iii,:],deg)) polypsfc2d[iii,:] = poly(yyy) for jjj in range(0,ny,1): poly = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(xxx,psfc2d[:,jjj],deg)) polypsfc2d[:,jjj] = 0.5*polypsfc2d[:,jjj] + 0.5*poly(xxx) ## smooth a little to avoid 'crosses' (plus, this removes PBC problems) polypsfc2d = ppcompute.smooth2diter(polypsfc2d,n=deg) # compute anomaly and find points to be explored anopsfc2d = psfc2d - polypsfc2d limlim = fac*std ## same as method 1 lab[np.where(anopsfc2d < -limlim)] = 1 ## while there are still points to be analyzed... while 1 in lab: ## ... get the point with the minimum field values if method == 1: ij = minimum_position(psfc2d,labels=lab) else: ij = minimum_position(anopsfc2d,labels=lab) ## ... store the indexes of the point in tabij tabij.append(ij) ## ... remove the point from labels to be further explored by minimum_position lab[ij] = 0 ################ GET SIZES BASED ON THOSE FOUND POINTS ## reslab is the same as lab ## except for scanning purpose we keep the information ## about how went the detection ## --> and we set a lower fac ## --> above a high fac is good to catch only strong vortices ## --> but here a casual fac=3 is better to get accurate sizes ## --> or even lower as shown by plotting reslab reslab = np.zeros(psfc2d.shape) if method == 1: reslab[np.where(psfc2d < mean-neighbor_fac*std)] = 1 else: reslab[np.where(anopsfc2d < -neighbor_fac*std)] = 1 ## initialize halomax and while loop ## HALOMAX : maximum halo defined around a minima to evaluate the size ## ... halomax must be large enough to encompass a vortex ## ... but not too large otherwise neighboring vortex are caught halomax = 3 ; notconv = 9999 ; yorgl = 9999 ## WHILE LOOP on HALOMAX exploration while ( notconv > 0 and halomax < halolim and yorgl != 0 ): # now browse through all points caught in previous loop for ij in tabij: ## ... OK. take each indexes found before with minimum_position i,j = ij[0],ij[1] ## EITHER ## ... if reslab is already 0, we do not have to do anything ## ... because this means point is already part of detected vortex ## OR ## ... if the ij couple is already in a previously detected vortex ## ... we don't actually need to consider it again ## ... this is necessary otherwise (sometimes a lot) of false positives if reslab[i,j] <= 0 or ij in tabijvortex: pass else: ## ... then define a growing halo around this point ## ... we make the halo grow until convergence of ## ... the number of under-limit points (i.e. with lab=1) within halo ## ... which means the whole vortex is encompassed ## ... we start with a halo of 1 point around minimum point ## ... and we end when we reached halomax which likely means dubious case halo = 1 ; nmesh = -9999. ; prevmesh = 9999. ; notconverged = False while nmesh != prevmesh and halo <= halomax: ## ... save the number of vortex points calculated at previous iteration prevmesh = nmesh ## ... define a halo around the minimum point minx,maxx,miny,maxy = i-halo,i+halo+1,j-halo,j+halo+1 ## ... treat the boundary case (TBD: periodic boundary conditions) if minx < 0: minx = 0 if miny < 0: miny = 0 if maxx > psfc2d.shape[0]: maxx = psfc2d.shape[0] if maxy > psfc2d.shape[1]: maxy = psfc2d.shape[1] ## ... define the patch, made of the halo of points patch = reslab[minx:maxx,miny:maxy] ## ... count how many 1 are inside this patch ## ... these are points for which value is >0 ## ... because close to mean is 0 and already caught is <0 ## ... and not converged are >1 so still to be scanned nmesh = len(np.where(patch >= 1)[0]) ## ... in case widening halo adds 1-2 points only ## ... we consider vortex is encompassed ## ... this helps to separate neighboring vortices ## ... and only yields marginal inaccuracies if halo > 3 and abs(nmesh-prevmesh)<=2: prevmesh = nmesh ## ... if with halo=1 we caught a 1-point vortex, end here because spurious if halo == 1 and nmesh == 1: prevmesh = nmesh ## ... with the last halo=halomax test, we can detect not-converged cases if halo == halomax and nmesh != prevmesh: notconverged = True ## ... increment halo size before the next iteration halo = halo + 1 ## ... now we got the grid points encompassed by the vortex in nmesh ## ... then to continue scanning we store results in reslab if notconverged: ## multiply reslab by 2. ## --> if it is >1, point could be part of another vortex found later ## --> if it is <0, point is already within a caught vortex, so reslab should remain <0 ## --> if it is =0, this should remain 0 because close to average reslab[i,j] = reslab[i,j]*2 tabijnotconv.append(ij) else: ## OK. this is most likely an actual vortex. we get the drop. ## we multiply by mesh area, then square to get approx. size of vortex if method == 1: drop = -psfc2d[i,j]+mean else: drop = -anopsfc2d[i,j] size = int(np.sqrt(nmesh*dx*dx)) ## if vortex is too small (i.e. too close to mesh grid resolution) we don't store information ## ... we just remove the patch from labels to be further explored facdx = 2. if size < facdx*dx: reslab[minx:maxx,miny:maxy] = 0 ## otherwise it is a VORTEX! we store info in arrays else: ## we put the vortex points into tabijvortex so that ## a (i,j) couple into a vortex is not considered in further explorations ## -- also we evaluate the x-size and y-size of the vortex (max distance to center) ## -- this can be useful to detect not-so-round fake vortices (convective gusts?) maxw = -9999 ; maxh = -9999 ; maxu = -9999 for iii in range(minx,maxx): for jjj in range(miny,maxy): if reslab[iii,jjj] != 0: tabijvortex.append((iii,jjj)) width = np.abs(iii-ij[0]) if width > maxw: maxw = width height = np.abs(jjj-ij[1]) if height > maxh: maxh = height #ustar = ustm[iii,jjj] #if ustar > maxu: maxu = ustar #print size,drop,ustar ## store info in dedicated arrays tabdim.append((maxw*dx,maxh*dx)) tabsize.append(size) tabdrop.append(drop) tabijcenter.append(ij) #print "... VORTEX!!!! size %.0f drop %.1f coord %.0f %.0f" % (size,drop,i,j) ## we remove the patch from labels to be further explored ## we multiply reslab by -1 to plot detection maps reslab[minx:maxx,miny:maxy] = patch*-1 ## count how many points are not converged and left to be analyzed notconv = len(np.where(reslab > 1)[0]) yorgl = len(np.where(reslab == 1)[0]) ## increment halomax ## to speed-up the increment is slightly increasing with considered halomax halomax = halomax + halomax / 2 ## just for simpler plots. reslab[reslab > 2] = 4 reslab[reslab < -2] = -4 ## give some info to the user if len(tabsize) > 0: nvortex = len(tabsize) maxsize = np.max(tabsize) maxdrop = np.max(tabdrop) else: nvortex = 0 maxsize = 0 maxdrop = 0. notconv = len(np.where(reslab > 1)[0]) print "t=%3.0f / n=%2.0f / s_max=%4.0f / d_max=%4.1f / halo_out=%3.0f / notconvp=%3.1f" \ % (time,nvortex,maxsize,maxdrop,halomax,100.*notconv/float(reslab.size)) ## save results in a text file if save: # convert t in local time ttt = lt_start + time*dt_out/3700. # write files myfile2.write( "%5.2f ; %5.0f ; %5.0f ; %7.2f\n" % (ttt,nvortex,maxsize,maxdrop) ) for iii in range(len(tabsize)): myfile1.write( "%5.2f ; %5.0f ; %7.2f ; %5.0f ; %5.0f\n" \ % (ttt,tabsize[iii],tabdrop[iii],tabdim[iii][0],tabdim[iii][1]) ) #### PLOT PLOT PLOT PLOT if nvortex>0 and plotplot: mpl.figure(figsize=(12,8)) myplot = plot2d() myplot.absc = np.array(range(psfc2d.shape[1]))*dx/1000. myplot.ordi = np.array(range(psfc2d.shape[0]))*dx/1000. myplot.title = str(nvortex)+" vortices found (indicated diameter / pressure drop)" myplot.xlabel = "x distance (km)" myplot.ylabel = "y distance (km)" if method > 0: #if method == 1: #myplot.field = ustm myplot.field = psfc2d #myplot.field = polypsfc2d myplot.vmin = -2.*std myplot.vmax = +2.*std myplot.vmin = mean - 6.*std myplot.vmax = mean + 6.*std else: myplot.field = anopsfc2d myplot.vmin = -1.5 myplot.vmax = 0.5 myplot.fmt = "%.1f" myplot.div = 20 myplot.colorb = "spectral" myplot.make() ### ANNOTATIONS for iii in range(len(tabsize)): ij = tabijcenter[iii] coord1 = ij[1]*dx/1000. coord2 = ij[0]*dx/1000. txt = "%.0f/%.1f" % (tabsize[iii],tabdrop[iii]) mpl.annotate(txt,xy=(coord1,coord2), xytext=(-10,-30),textcoords='offset points',ha='center',va='bottom',\ bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.2', fc='yellow', alpha=0.3),\ arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', connectionstyle='arc3,rad=-0.3',color='red'),\ size='small') ###show detection #lev = [-4,-2,-1,0,1,2,4] #lev = [-1,0] #mpl.contourf(myplot.absc,myplot.ordi,reslab,alpha=0.9,cmap=mpl.cm.get_cmap("binary_r"),levels=lev) ### SHOW OR SAVE IN FILE mpl.show() #save(mode="png",filename="detectm"+"_"+str(time)+"_"+str(method),folder="detect/",includedate=False) ## close data files if save: myfile1.close() myfile2.close()