####################### ##### PLANETOPLOT ##### ####################### ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 06~09/2011 -- General building and mapping capabilities ### T. Navarro -- LMD -- 10~11/2011 -- Improved use for GCM and added sections + 1Dplot capabilities ### A. Colaitis -- LMD -- 11/2011 -- Mostly minor improvements and inter-plot operation capabilities + zrecast interpolation for gcm ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 11/2011 -- Extended multivar subplot capabilities + cosmetic changes + general cleaning and tests def planetoplot (namefiles,\ level=0,\ vertmode=0,\ proj=None,\ back=None,\ target=None, stride=3,\ numplot=None,\ var=None,\ colorb="def",\ winds=False,\ addchar=None,\ interv=[0,1],\ vmin=None,\ vmax=None,\ tile=False,\ zoom=None,\ display=True,\ itstep=None,\ hole=False,\ save="gui",\ anomaly=False,\ var2=None,\ ndiv=10,\ first=1,\ mult=1.,\ zetitle="fill",\ slon=None,\ slat=None,\ svert=None,\ stime=None,\ outputname=None,\ resolution=200,\ ope=None,\ fileref=None,\ minop=0.,\ maxop=0.,\ titleref="fill",\ invert_y=False,\ xaxis=[None,None],\ yaxis=[None,None],\ ylog=False,\ yintegral=False,\ blat=None,\ tsat=False,\ nolow=False): #################################################################################################################### ### Colorbars http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=colormaps3.png ################################# ### Load librairies and functions from netCDF4 import Dataset from myplot import getcoord2d,define_proj,makeplotres,simplinterv,vectorfield,ptitle,latinterv,getproj,wrfinterv,dumpbdy,\ fmtvar,definecolorvec,defcolorb,getprefix,putpoints,calculate_bounds,errormess,definesubplot,\ zoomset,getcoorddef,getwinddef,whatkindfile,reducefield,bounds,getstralt,getfield,smooth,nolow,\ getname,localtime,polarinterv,getsindex,define_axis,determineplot,readslices,bidimfind,getlschar,hole_bounds from mymath import deg,max,min,mean,get_tsat,writeascii import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.pyplot import contour,contourf, subplot, figure, rcParams, savefig, colorbar, pcolor, show, plot, clabel, title from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap import numpy as np from numpy.core.defchararray import find ################################ ### Preliminary stuff ################################ print "********************************************" print "********** WELCOME TO PLANETOPLOT **********" print "********************************************" if not isinstance(namefiles, np.ndarray): namefiles = [namefiles] if not isinstance(var, np.ndarray): var = [var] if ope is not None and len(var) > 1: errormess("you are using an operation... please set only one var !") ################################ ### Which plot needs to be done? ################################ nlon, nlat, nvert, ntime, mapmode, nslices = determineplot(slon, slat, svert, stime) vlon = None ; vlat = None if slon is not None: vlon = slon[0][0] if slat is not None: vlat = slat[0][0] if mapmode == 0: winds=False elif mapmode == 1: if svert is None: svert = readslices(str(level)) ; nvert=1 zelen = len(namefiles)*len(var) if numplot is None: numplot = zelen*nslices print "********** FILES, SLICES, VARS, TOTAL PLOTS: ", len(namefiles), nslices, len(var), numplot print "********** MAPMODE: ", mapmode if fileref is not None: all_var = [[]]*(zelen+2) ; all_varname = [[]]*(zelen+2) ; all_namefile = [[]]*(zelen+2) ; all_time = [[]]*(zelen+2) else: all_var = [[]]*zelen ; all_var2 = [[]]*zelen ; all_title = [[]]*zelen ; all_varname = [[]]*zelen ; all_namefile = [[]]*zelen ; all_time = [[]]*zelen ################################################################################################# ### Loop over the files + vars initially separated by commas to be plotted on the same figure ### ################################################################################################# k = 0 ; firstfile = True for nnn in range(len(namefiles)): for vvv in range(len(var)): print "********** LOOP..... THIS IS SUBPLOT NUMBER.....",k ###################### ### Load NETCDF object namefile = namefiles[nnn] ; print "********** THE NAMEFILE IS....", namefile nc = Dataset(namefile) ################################## ### Initial checks and definitions ### ... TYPEFILE typefile = whatkindfile(nc) if firstfile: typefile0 = typefile elif typefile != typefile0: errormess("Not the same kind of files !", [typefile0, typefile]) ### ... VAR varname=var[vvv] print "********** THE VAR IS....",varname, var2 if varname not in nc.variables: varname = False ### ... WINDS if winds: [uchar,vchar,metwind] = getwinddef(nc) if uchar == 'not found': winds = False if not varname and not winds: errormess("please set at least winds or var",printvar=nc.variables) ### ... COORDINATES, could be moved below [lon2d,lat2d] = getcoorddef(nc) ### ... PROJECTION if proj == None: proj = getproj(nc) ########################################################## if typefile == "gcm": lat = nc.variables["latitude"][:] ; lon = nc.variables["longitude"][:] if "Time" in nc.variables: time = nc.variables["Time"][:] elif "time" in nc.variables: time = nc.variables["time"][:] else: errormess("no time axis found.") vert = nc.variables["altitude"][:] elif typefile in ['meso','mesoapi']: if vlon is not None or vlat is not None: indices = bidimfind(lon2d,lat2d,vlon,vlat) ; print '********** INDICES: ', indices if slon is not None: slon[0][0] = indices[0] ; slon[0][1] = indices[0] if slat is not None: slat[0][0] = indices[1] ; slat[0][1] = indices[1] if varname in ['PHTOT','W']: vertdim='BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_STAG' else: vertdim='BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' if varname in ['V']: latdim='SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_STAG' else: latdim='SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' if varname in ['U']: londim='WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_STAG' else: londim='WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' lon = np.arange(0,getattr(nc,londim),1) ; lat = np.arange(0,getattr(nc,latdim),1) if vertmode is None: vertmode=0 if vertmode == 0: vert = np.arange(0,getattr(nc,vertdim),1) else: vert = nc.variables["vert"][:] time = np.arange(0,len(nc.variables["Times"]),1) #if firstfile: # lat0 = lat #elif len(lat0) != len(lat): # errormess("Not the same latitude lengths !", [len(lat0), len(lat)]) #elif sum((lat == lat0) == False) != 0: # errormess("Not the same latitudes !", [lat,lat0]) ## Faire d'autre checks sur les compatibilites entre fichiers!! ########################################################## if firstfile: ########################## ### Define plot boundaries ### todo: possible areas in latinterv in argument (ex: "Far_South_Pole") if proj in ["npstere","spstere"]: [wlon,wlat] = polarinterv(lon2d,lat2d) elif proj in ["lcc","laea"]: [wlon,wlat] = wrfinterv(lon2d,lat2d) else: [wlon,wlat] = simplinterv(lon2d,lat2d) if zoom: [wlon,wlat] = zoomset(wlon,wlat,zoom) all_varname[k] = varname all_namefile[k] = namefile all_time[k] = time if var2: all_var2[k] = getfield(nc,var2) ##### SPECIFIC if varname in ["temp","t","T_nadir_nit","T_nadir_day","temp_day","temp_night"] and tsat: tt=getfield(nc,varname) ; print "computing Tsat-T, I ASSUME Z-AXIS IS PRESSURE" if type(tt).__name__=='MaskedArray': tt.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) ; tinput=tt.filled() else: tinput=tt all_var[k]=get_tsat(vert,tinput,zlon=lon,zlat=lat,zalt=vert,ztime=time) else: ##### GENERAL STUFF HERE all_var[k] = getfield(nc,varname) print "********** all_var[k].shape", all_var[k].shape k += 1 firstfile = False #### End of for namefile in namefiles ################################## ### Operation on files ### ... for the moment only OK when 1 var only if ope is not None: print ope if ope in ["-","+"]: if fileref is not None: all_var[k] = getfield(Dataset(fileref),all_varname[k-1]) ; all_varname[k] = all_varname[k-1] else: errormess("fileref is missing!") if ope == "-": all_var[k+1]= all_var[k-1] - all_var[k] elif ope == "+": all_var[k+1]= all_var[k-1] + all_var[k] all_varname[k+1] = all_varname[k] ; numplot = numplot+2 elif ope in ["cat"]: tab = all_var[0];k = 1 while k != len(namefiles)-1: tab = np.append(tab,all_var[k],axis=0) ; k += 1 time = np.arange(0,len(tab),1) ### AS: time reference is too simplistic, should be better all_var[0] = np.array(tab) ; numplot = 1 elif ope is not None: errormess(ope+" : non-implemented operation. Available op. are + and -.") ################################## ### Open a figure and set subplots fig = figure() subv,subh = definesubplot( numplot, fig ) ################################# ### Time loop for plotting device found_lct = False;nplot = 1;itime = first;error = False if itstep is None and numplot > 0: itstep = int(24./numplot) elif numplot <= 0: itstep = 1 print "********************************************" while error is False: print "********** nplot", nplot, "itime",itime,"error",error # time = all_time[index_f] ### Which local time ? ltst = localtime ( interv[0]+itime*interv[1], 0.5*(wlon[0]+wlon[1]) ) ### General plot settings #print itime, int(ltst), numplot, nplot if numplot >= 1: if nplot > numplot: break if numplot > 1: if typefile not in ['geo']: subplot(subv,subh,nplot) found_lct = True ### If only one local time is requested (numplot < 0) elif numplot <= 0: if int(ltst) + numplot != 0: itime += 1 if found_lct is True: break ## because it means LT was found at previous iteration else: continue ## continue to iterate to find the correct LT else: found_lct = True ### Map projection if mapmode == 1: m = define_proj(proj,wlon,wlat,back=back,blat=blat) x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) #################################################################### ## get all indexes to be taken into account for this subplot and then reduce field ## We plot 1) all lon slices 2) all lat slices 3) all vert slices 4) all time slices and then go to the next slice indexlon = getsindex(slon,(nplot-1)%nlon,lon) indexlat = getsindex(slat,((nplot-1)//nlon)%nlat,lat) indexvert = getsindex(svert,((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat))%nvert,vert) if fileref is not None: index_f = ((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert*ntime))%(len(namefiles)+2) ## OK only 1 var, see test in the beginning else: yeah = len(namefiles)*len(var) ; index_f = ((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert*ntime))%yeah time = all_time[index_f] if mapmode == 1 and stime is None: indextime = itime if len(var) != 1 or len(namefiles) != 1: indextime = first else: indextime = getsindex(stime,((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert))%ntime,time) if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso'] and indextime is not None: ltst = localtime ( interv[0]+indextime*interv[1], 0.5*(wlon[0]+wlon[1]) ) #################################################################### ticks = ndiv + 1 #### Contour plot if var2: what_I_plot, error = reducefield(all_var2[index_f], d4=indextime, d1=indexlon, d2=indexlat , d3=indexvert, yint=yintegral, alt=vert) #what_I_plot = what_I_plot*mult if not error: if mapmode == 1: if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: what_I_plot = dumpbdy(what_I_plot,6) zevmin, zevmax = calculate_bounds(what_I_plot) zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,ticks) #20) if var2 == 'HGT': zelevels = np.arange(-10000.,30000.,2000.) if mapmode == 0: x, y = define_axis(lon,lat,vert,time,indexlon,indexlat,indexvert,\ indextime,what_I_plot.shape, len(all_var2[index_f].shape),vertmode) ### If we plot a 2-D field if len(what_I_plot.shape) is 2: cs = contour(x,y,what_I_plot, zelevels, colors='k', linewidths = 1 ) #0.33 colors='w' )# , alpha=0.5) #if typefile in ['gcm']: clabel(cs,fmt = '%1.2e') ### If we plot a 1-D field elif len(what_I_plot.shape) is 1: plot(what_I_plot,x) else: errormess("There is an error in reducing field !") #### Shaded plot varname = all_varname[index_f] if varname: what_I_plot, error = reducefield(all_var[index_f], d4=indextime, d1=indexlon, d2=indexlat , d3=indexvert , yint=yintegral, alt=vert, anomaly=anomaly) what_I_plot = what_I_plot*mult if not error: fvar = varname if anomaly: fvar = 'anomaly' ##### MAPMODE-SPECIFIC SETTINGS ##### if mapmode == 1: if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: what_I_plot = dumpbdy(what_I_plot,6) elif mapmode == 0: what_I_plot, x, y = define_axis(lon,lat,vert,time,indexlon,indexlat,indexvert,\ indextime,what_I_plot, len(all_var[index_f].shape),vertmode) zxmin, zxmax = xaxis ; zymin, zymax = yaxis if zxmin is not None: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmin=zxmin) if zxmax is not None: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmax=zxmax) if zymin is not None: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymin=zymin) if zymax is not None: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymax=zymax) if invert_y: lima,limb = mpl.pyplot.ylim() ; mpl.pyplot.ylim(limb,lima) if ylog: mpl.pyplot.semilogy() if (fileref is not None) and (index_f is numplot-1): zevmin, zevmax = calculate_bounds(what_I_plot,vmin=minop,vmax=maxop) else: zevmin, zevmax = calculate_bounds(what_I_plot,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) if colorb in ["def","nobar"]: palette = get_cmap(name=defcolorb(fvar.upper())) elif (fileref is not None) and (index_f is numplot-1): palette = get_cmap(name="RdBu_r") else: palette = get_cmap(name=colorb) ##### 2D field if len(what_I_plot.shape) is 2: if hole: what_I_plot = hole_bounds(what_I_plot,zevmin,zevmax) else: what_I_plot = bounds(what_I_plot,zevmin,zevmax) if nolow: what_I_plot = nolow(what_I_plot) if not tile: #zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin*(1. + 1.e-7),zevmax*(1. - 1.e-7)) #,num=20) zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=ticks) if mapmode == 1: m.contourf( x, y, what_I_plot, zelevels, cmap = palette) elif mapmode == 0: contourf( x, y, what_I_plot, zelevels, cmap = palette) else: if mapmode == 1: m.pcolor( x, y, what_I_plot, cmap = palette, vmin=zevmin, vmax=zevmax ) elif mapmode == 0: pcolor( x, y, what_I_plot, cmap = palette, vmin=zevmin, vmax=zevmax ) if colorb != 'nobar' and varname != 'HGT' : if (fileref is not None) and (index_f is numplot-1): colorbar(fraction=0.05,pad=0.03,format="%.3f",\ ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=min([ticks/2+1,20])),\ extend='neither',spacing='proportional') else: colorbar(fraction=0.05,pad=0.03,format=fmtvar(fvar.upper()),\ ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=min([ticks/2+1,20])),\ extend='neither',spacing='proportional') # both min max neither ##### 1D field elif len(what_I_plot.shape) is 1: plot(x,what_I_plot) if save == 'txt': writeascii(np.transpose(what_I_plot),'profile'+str(nplot)+'.txt') #### Other cases: (maybe plot 3-D field one day or movie ??) else: print "WARNING!!! ",len(what_I_plot.shape),"-D PLOT NOT SUPPORTED !!!" print "field dimensions: ", what_I_plot.shape exit() else: errormess("There is an error in reducing field !") ### Vector plot --- a adapter if winds: vecx, error = reducefield( getfield(nc,uchar), d4=indextime, d3=indexvert , yint=yintegral , alt=vert) vecy, error = reducefield( getfield(nc,vchar), d4=indextime, d3=indexvert , yint=yintegral , alt=vert) #what_I_plot, error = reducefield(all_var[index_f], d4=indextime, d1=indexlon, d2=indexlat , d3=indexvert ) if not error: if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: [vecx,vecy] = [dumpbdy(vecx,6,stag=uchar), dumpbdy(vecy,6,stag=vchar)] key = True elif typefile in ['gcm']: key = False if metwind: [vecx,vecy] = m.rotate_vector(vecx, vecy, lon2d, lat2d) if varname == False: colorvec = definecolorvec(back) else: colorvec = definecolorvec(colorb) vectorfield(vecx, vecy,\ x, y, stride=stride, csmooth=2,\ #scale=15., factor=300., color=colorvec, key=key) scale=20., factor=250., color=colorvec, key=key) #200. ## or csmooth=stride ### Next subplot basename = getname(var=varname,winds=winds,anomaly=anomaly) basename = basename + getstralt(nc,level) if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: if slon is not None: basename = basename + "_lon_" + str(int(lon2d[indices[1],indices[0]])) if slat is not None: basename = basename + "_lat_" + str(int(lat2d[indices[1],indices[0]])) plottitle = basename if addchar: [addchar,gogol,gogol2] = getlschar ( all_namefile[index_f] ) plottitle = plottitle + addchar + "_LT"+str(ltst) else: plottitle = plottitle + "_LT"+str(ltst) else: if fileref is not None: if index_f is numplot-1: plottitle = basename+' '+"fig(1) "+ope+" fig(2)" elif index_f is numplot-2: plottitle = basename+' '+fileref else: plottitle = basename+' '+namefiles[0]#index_f] else: plottitle = basename+' '+namefiles[0]#index_f] if mult != 1: plottitle = str(mult) + "*" + plottitle if zetitle != "fill": plottitle = zetitle if titleref is "fill": titleref=zetitle if fileref is not None: if index_f is numplot-2: plottitle = titleref if index_f is numplot-1: plottitle = "fig(1) "+ope+" fig(2)" # if indexlon is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " lon: " + str(min(lon[indexlon])) +" "+ str(max(lon[indexlon])) # if indexlat is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " lat: " + str(min(lat[indexlat])) +" "+ str(max(lat[indexlat])) # if indexvert is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " vert: " + str(min(vert[indexvert])) +" "+ str(max(vert[indexvert])) # if indextime is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " time: " + str(min(time[indextime])) +" "+ str(max(time[indextime])) title( plottitle ) itime += itstep if nplot >= numplot: error = True nplot += 1 ########################################################################## ### Save the figure in a file in the data folder or an user-defined folder if outputname is None: if typefile in ['meso','mesoapi']: prefix = getprefix(nc) elif typefile in ['gcm']: prefix = 'LMD_GCM_' else: prefix = '' ### zeplot = prefix + basename if addchar: zeplot = zeplot + addchar if numplot <= 0: zeplot = zeplot + "_LT"+str(abs(numplot)) ### if not target: zeplot = namefile[0:find(namefile,'wrfout')] + zeplot else: zeplot = target + "/" + zeplot ### else: zeplot=outputname if found_lct: pad_inches_value = 0.35 print "********** SAVE ", save if save == 'png': if display: makeplotres(zeplot,res=100.,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value) #,erase=True) ## a miniature makeplotres(zeplot,res=resolution,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value,disp=False) elif save in ['eps','svg','pdf']: makeplotres(zeplot,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value,disp=False,ext=save) elif save == 'gui': show() elif save == 'txt': print "Saved results in txt file." else: print "INFO: save mode not supported. using gui instead." show() else: print "!!! Local time not found" ############### ### Now the end return zeplot