1 | ####################### |
2 | ##### PLANETOPLOT ##### |
3 | ####################### |
4 | |
5 | ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 06~09/2011 -- General building and mapping capabilities |
6 | ### T. Navarro -- LMD -- 10~11/2011 -- Improved use for GCM and added sections + 1Dplot capabilities |
7 | ### A. Colaitis -- LMD -- 11/2011 -- Mostly minor improvements and inter-plot operation capabilities + zrecast interpolation for gcm |
8 | ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 11~12/2011 -- Extended multivar subplot capabilities + cosmetic changes + general cleaning and tests |
9 | ### A. Colaitis -- LMD -- 12/2011 -- Added movie capability [mencoder must be installed] |
10 | ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 12/2011 -- Added HTML animated page capability + general tests of consistency [winds, etc...] + consistent generic movie loop |
11 | ### J. Leconte -- LMD -- 02/2012 -- Added area weighted averaging. Compatibility with terrestrial gcm. |
12 | ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 03/2012 -- Cleaning and improved comments |
13 | ### T. Navarro -- LMD -- 04/2012 -- Added capabilities (e.g. histograms for difference maps) |
14 | ### A. Colaitis -- LMD -- 05~06/2012 -- Added capabilities for analysis of mesoscale files (wind speed, etc...) |
15 | ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 04~07/2012 -- Added larger support of files + planets. Corrected a few bugs. Cleaning and improved comments |
16 | |
17 | def planetoplot (namefiles,\ |
18 | level=0,\ |
19 | vertmode=0,\ |
20 | proj=None,\ |
21 | back=None,\ |
22 | target=None, |
23 | stride=3,\ |
24 | var=None,\ |
25 | clb=None,\ |
26 | winds=False,\ |
27 | addchar=None,\ |
28 | interv=[0,1],\ |
29 | vmin=None,\ |
30 | vmax=None,\ |
31 | tile=False,\ |
32 | zoom=None,\ |
33 | display=True,\ |
34 | hole=False,\ |
35 | save="gui",\ |
36 | anomaly=False,\ |
37 | var2=None,\ |
38 | ndiv=10,\ |
39 | mult=1.,\ |
40 | zetitle=["fill"],\ |
41 | slon=None,\ |
42 | slat=None,\ |
43 | svert=None,\ |
44 | stime=None,\ |
45 | outputname=None,\ |
46 | resolution=200,\ |
47 | ope=None,\ |
48 | fileref=None,\ |
49 | minop=0.,\ |
50 | maxop=0.,\ |
51 | titleref="fill",\ |
52 | invert_y=False,\ |
53 | xaxis=[None,None],\ |
54 | yaxis=[None,None],\ |
55 | ylog=False,\ |
56 | yintegral=False,\ |
57 | blat=None,\ |
58 | blon=None,\ |
59 | tsat=False,\ |
60 | flagnolow=False,\ |
61 | mrate=None,\ |
62 | mquality=False,\ |
63 | trans=1,\ |
64 | zarea=None,\ |
65 | axtime=None,\ |
66 | redope=None,\ |
67 | seevar=False,\ |
68 | xlab=None,\ |
69 | ylab=None,\ |
70 | lbls=None,\ |
71 | lstyle=None,\ |
72 | cross=None,\ |
73 | facwind=1.,\ |
74 | trycol=False,\ |
75 | streamflag=False): |
76 | |
77 | #################################################################################################################### |
78 | ### Colorbars http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=colormaps3.png |
79 | |
80 | ################################# |
81 | ### Load librairies and functions |
82 | from netCDF4 import Dataset |
83 | from myplot import getcoord2d,define_proj,makeplotres,simplinterv,vectorfield,ptitle,latinterv,getproj,wrfinterv,dumpbdy,\ |
84 | fmtvar,definecolorvec,defcolorb,getprefix,putpoints,calculate_bounds,errormess,definesubplot,\ |
85 | zoomset,getcoorddef,getwinddef,whatkindfile,reducefield,bounds,getstralt,getfield,smooth,nolow,\ |
86 | getname,localtime,check_localtime,polarinterv,getsindex,define_axis,determineplot,readslices,bidimfind,getlschar,hole_bounds,\ |
87 | getdimfromvar,select_getfield |
88 | from mymath import deg,max,min,mean,writeascii,fig2data,fig2img |
89 | import matplotlib as mpl |
90 | from matplotlib.pyplot import contour,contourf,hist, text,subplot, figure, rcParams, savefig, colorbar, \ |
91 | pcolor, show, plot, clabel, title, close, legend, xlabel, axis, ylabel, \ |
92 | subplots_adjust, axes, clabel |
93 | from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap |
94 | #from mpl_toolkits.basemap import cm |
95 | import numpy as np |
96 | from numpy.core.defchararray import find |
97 | from videosink import VideoSink |
98 | from times import sol2ls |
99 | import subprocess |
100 | #from singlet import singlet |
101 | from itertools import cycle |
102 | import os |
103 | |
104 | ######################### |
105 | ### PRELIMINARY STUFF ### |
106 | ######################### |
107 | ### we say hello |
108 | print "********************************************" |
109 | print "********** WELCOME TO PLANETOPLOT **********" |
110 | print "********************************************" |
111 | ### we ensure namefiles and var are arrays |
112 | if not isinstance(namefiles, np.ndarray): namefiles = [namefiles] |
113 | if not isinstance(var, np.ndarray): var = [var] |
114 | ### we initialize a few variables |
115 | initime=-1 ; sslon = None ; sslat = None |
116 | k = 0 ; firstfile = True ; count = 0 |
117 | ### we perform sanity checks and correct for insufficient information |
118 | if slon is not None: sslon = np.zeros([1,2]) |
119 | if slat is not None: sslat = np.zeros([1,2]) |
120 | if clb is None: clb = ["def"]*len(var) |
121 | elif len(clb) < len(var): clb = [clb[0]]*len(var) ; print "WARNING: less color than vars! setting all to 1st value." |
122 | ### we set option trycol i.e. the user wants to try a set of colorbars |
123 | if trycol: clb = ["Greys","Blues","YlOrRd","jet","spectral","hot","RdBu","RdYlBu","Paired"] ; zetitle = clb ; var = [var[0]]*9 |
124 | ### we avoid specific cases not yet implemented |
125 | if mrate is not None and len(var) > 1: errormess("multivar not allowed in movies. should be fixed soon!") |
126 | ### we prepare number of plot fields [zelen] and number of plot instances [numplot] according to user choices |
127 | ### --> we support multifile and multivar plots : files + vars separated by commas are on the same figure |
128 | nlon, nlat, nvert, ntime, mapmode, nslices = determineplot(slon, slat, svert, stime) |
129 | zelen = len(namefiles)*len(var) |
130 | numplot = zelen*nslices |
131 | print "********** FILES, SLICES, VARS, TOTAL PLOTS: ", len(namefiles), nslices, len(var), numplot |
132 | print "********** MAPMODE: ", mapmode |
133 | ### we correct number of plot fields for possible operation (substract, etc...) |
134 | if ope is not None: |
135 | if fileref is not None: zelen = zelen + 2 |
136 | elif "var" in ope: zelen = zelen + 1 |
137 | ### we define the arrays for plot fields -- which will be placed within multiplot loops |
138 | all_var = [[]]*zelen ; all_var2 = [[]]*zelen |
139 | all_title = [[]]*zelen ; all_varname = [[]]*zelen ; all_namefile = [[]]*zelen ; all_time = [[]]*zelen ; all_colorb = [[]]*zelen |
140 | all_windu = [[]]*zelen ; all_windv = [[]]*zelen |
141 | |
142 | ############################# |
143 | ### LOOP OVER PLOT FIELDS ### |
144 | ############################# |
145 | for nnn in range(len(namefiles)): |
146 | for vvv in range(len(var)): |
147 | |
148 | ### we load each NETCDF objects in namefiles |
149 | namefile = namefiles[nnn] |
150 | nc = Dataset(namefile) |
151 | ### we explore the variables in the file |
152 | varinfile = nc.variables.keys() |
153 | if seevar: print varinfile ; exit() |
154 | ### we define the type of file we have (gcm, meso, etc...) |
155 | typefile = whatkindfile(nc) |
156 | if firstfile: typefile0 = typefile |
157 | elif typefile != typefile0: errormess("Not the same kind of files !", [typefile0, typefile]) |
158 | ### we care for input file being 1D simulations |
159 | is1d=999 |
160 | if "longitude" in nc.dimensions and "latitude" in nc.dimensions: is1d = len(nc.variables["longitude"][:])*len(nc.variables["latitude"][:]) |
161 | elif "lon" in nc.dimensions and "lat" in nc.dimensions: is1d = len(nc.variables["lon"][:])*len(nc.variables["lat"][:]) |
162 | if typefile in ['gcm','earthgcm'] and is1d == 1: mapmode=0 ; winds=False |
163 | ### we create default vert and time prescriptions if not here in case mapping mode is on (lat/lon maps) |
164 | if redope is None and mapmode == 1: |
165 | if svert is None: svert = readslices(str(level)) ; nvert=1 |
166 | if stime is None and mrate is None: |
167 | stime = readslices(str(0)) ; ntime=1 ## this is a default choice |
168 | print "WELL... nothing about time axis. I took default: first time reference stored in file." |
169 | ### we get the names of variables to be read. in case only one available, we choose this one. |
170 | ### (we take out of the test specific names e.g. UV is not in the file but used to ask a wind speed computation) |
171 | varname = select_getfield(zvarname=var[vvv],znc=nc,ztypefile=typefile,mode='check') |
172 | ### we get the names of wind variables to be read (if any) |
173 | if winds: |
174 | [uchar,vchar,metwind] = getwinddef(nc) |
175 | if uchar == 'not found': winds = False |
176 | ### we tell the user that either no var or no wind is not acceptable |
177 | if not varname and not winds: errormess("please set at least winds or var",printvar=nc.variables) |
178 | ### we get the coordinates lat/lon to be used |
179 | [lon2d,lat2d] = getcoorddef(nc) |
180 | ### we get an adapted map projection if none is provided by the user |
181 | if proj == None: proj = getproj(nc) |
182 | ### we define plot boundaries given projection or user choices |
183 | if firstfile: |
184 | if proj in ["npstere","spstere"]: [wlon,wlat] = polarinterv(lon2d,lat2d) |
185 | elif proj in ["lcc","laea"]: [wlon,wlat] = wrfinterv(lon2d,lat2d) |
186 | else: [wlon,wlat] = simplinterv(lon2d,lat2d) |
187 | if zoom: [wlon,wlat] = zoomset(wlon,wlat,zoom) |
188 | elif zarea is not None: [wlon,wlat] = latinterv(area=zarea) |
189 | |
190 | ############################################################# |
191 | ############ WE LOAD 4D DIMENSIONS : x, y, z, t ############# |
192 | ############################################################# |
193 | |
194 | ### TYPE 1 : GCM files or simple files |
195 | if typefile in ["gcm","earthgcm","ecmwf"]: |
196 | ### this is needed for continuity |
197 | if slon is not None: sslon = slon |
198 | if slat is not None: sslat = slat |
199 | ### we define lat/lon vectors. we get what was done in getcoorddef. |
200 | lat = lat2d[:,0] ; lon = lon2d[0,:] |
201 | ### we define areas. this is needed for calculate means and weight with area. this is not compulsory (see reduce_field). |
202 | if "aire" in nc.variables: area = nc.variables["aire"][:,:] |
203 | ### --> add a line here if your reference is not present |
204 | else: area = None |
205 | ### we define altitude vector. either it is referenced or it is guessed based on last variable's dimensions. |
206 | if "altitude" in nc.variables: vert = nc.variables["altitude"][:] |
207 | elif "Alt" in nc.variables: vert = nc.variables["Alt"][:] |
208 | elif "lev" in nc.variables: vert = nc.variables["lev"][:] |
209 | elif "presnivs" in nc.variables: vert = nc.variables["presnivs"][:] |
210 | ### --> add a line here if your reference is not present |
211 | else: |
212 | print "No altitude found. Try to build a simple axis." ; dadim = getdimfromvar(nc) |
213 | if len(dadim) == 4: print "-- 4D field. Assume z is dim 2." ; vert = np.arange(dadim[-3]) |
214 | elif len(dadim) == 3: print "-- 3D field. Assume z is dim 1." ; vert = [0.] |
215 | else: vert = [0.] |
216 | ### we define time vector. either it is referenced or it is guessed based on last variable's dimensions. |
217 | if "Time" in nc.variables: time = nc.variables["Time"][:] |
218 | elif "time_counter" in nc.variables: time = nc.variables["time_counter"][:]/86400. #### convert from s to days |
219 | elif "time" in nc.variables: time = nc.variables["time"][:] |
220 | ### --> add a line here if your reference is not present |
221 | else: |
222 | print "No time found. Try to build a simple axis. Assume t is dim 1." |
223 | dadim = getdimfromvar(nc) |
224 | if len(dadim) == 4: time = np.arange(dadim[-4]) |
225 | elif len(dadim) == 3: time = np.arange(dadim[-3]) |
226 | else: time = [0.] #errormess("no time axis found.") |
227 | ### (SPECIFIC. convert to Ls for Martian GCM files.) |
228 | if axtime in ["ls"]: |
229 | print "converting to Ls ..." |
230 | for iii in range(len(time)): |
231 | time[iii] = sol2ls(time[iii]) |
232 | if iii > 0: |
233 | while abs(time[iii]-time[iii-1]) > 300: time[iii] = time[iii]+360 |
234 | ### (a case where the user would like to set local times. e.g. : 1D plot with no longitude reference) |
235 | if axtime in ["lt"]: |
236 | if initime == -1: initime=input("Please type initial local time:") |
237 | time = (initime+time*24)%24 ; print "LOCAL TIMES.... ", time |
238 | |
239 | ### TYPE 2 : MESOSCALE FILES |
240 | elif typefile in ['meso','geo']: |
241 | ### area not active with mesoscale files |
242 | area = None |
244 | ### principle: calculate correct indices then repopulate slon and slat |
245 | if slon is not None or slat is not None: |
246 | show_topo_map_user = ((save == 'png') and (typefile == 'meso') and ("HGT" in varinfile) and display) |
247 | if firstfile and show_topo_map_user: iwantawhereplot = nc #show a topo map with a cross on the chosen point |
248 | else: iwantawhereplot = None #do not show anything, just select indices |
249 | numlon = 1 ; numlat = 1 |
250 | if slon is not None: numlon = slon.shape[1] |
251 | if slat is not None: numlat = slat.shape[1] |
252 | indices = np.ones([numlon,numlat,2]) ; vlon = None ; vlat = None |
253 | for iii in range(numlon): |
254 | for jjj in range(numlat): |
255 | if slon is not None: vlon = slon[0][iii] ### note: slon[:][0] does not work |
256 | if slat is not None: vlat = slat[0][jjj] ### note: slon[:][0] does not work |
257 | indices[iii,jjj,:] = bidimfind(lon2d,lat2d,vlon,vlat,file=iwantawhereplot) |
258 | lonp,latp = ( lon2d[indices[iii,jjj,0],indices[iii,jjj,1]] , lat2d[indices[iii,jjj,0],indices[iii,jjj,1]] ) |
259 | ### possible bug here if several --lat |
260 | for iii in range(numlon): |
261 | for jjj in range(numlat): |
262 | if slon is not None: sslon[0][iii] = indices[iii,0,1] #...this is idx |
263 | if slat is not None: sslat[0][jjj] = indices[0,jjj,0] #...this is idy |
264 | lonp,latp = ( lon2d[indices[0,0,0],indices[0,0,1]] , lat2d[indices[0,0,0],indices[0,0,1]] ) |
265 | ### we get rid of boundary relaxation zone for plots. important to do that now and not before. |
266 | if typefile in ['meso'] and mapmode == 1: lon2d = dumpbdy(lon2d,6) ; lat2d = dumpbdy(lat2d,6) |
267 | ### we read the keyword for vertical dimension. we take care for vertical staggering. |
268 | if varname in ['PHTOT','W']: vertdim='BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_STAG' |
269 | else: vertdim='BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' |
270 | if (var2 is not None and var2 not in ['PHTOT','W']): dumped_vert_stag=True ; vertdim='BOTTOM-TOP_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' |
271 | else: dumped_vert_stag=False |
272 | ### we read the keyword for horizontal dimensions. we take care for horizontal staggering. |
273 | if varname in ['V']: latdim='SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_STAG' |
274 | else: latdim='SOUTH-NORTH_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' |
275 | if varname in ['U']: londim='WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_STAG' |
276 | else: londim='WEST-EAST_PATCH_END_UNSTAG' |
277 | lon = np.arange(0,getattr(nc,londim),1) ; lat = np.arange(0,getattr(nc,latdim),1) |
278 | ### we define the time axis and take care of various specificities (lt, ls, sol) or issues (concatenation) |
279 | if axtime in ["ls","sol"]: |
280 | lstab, soltab, lttab = getlschar ( namefile, getaxis = True ) |
281 | if axtime == "ls": time = lstab |
282 | elif axtime == "sol": time = soltab |
283 | else: |
284 | if ope in ["cat"] and nnn > 0: count = time[-1] + 1 ## so that a cat is possible with simple subscripts |
285 | else: count = 0 |
286 | if "Times" in nc.dimensions: time = count + np.arange(0,len(nc.dimensions["Times"]),1) |
287 | elif "Time" in nc.dimensions: time = count + np.arange(0,len(nc.dimensions["Time"]),1) |
288 | else: time = count + np.arange(0,1,1) |
289 | if axtime in ["lt"]: |
290 | ftime = np.zeros(len(time)) |
291 | for i in range(len(time)): |
292 | ftime[i] = localtime ( interv[0]+time[i]*interv[1], 0.5*(wlon[0]+wlon[1]) ) |
293 | time=ftime |
294 | time=check_localtime(time) |
295 | print "LOCAL TIMES.... ", time |
296 | ### we define the vertical axis (or lack thereof) and cover possibilities for it to be altitude, pressure, geopotential. quite SPECIFIC. |
297 | if typefile in ['geo']: vert = [0.] ; stime = readslices(str(0)) |
298 | else: |
299 | if vertmode is None: vertmode=0 |
300 | if vertmode == 0: |
301 | if "vert" in nc.variables: vert = nc.variables["vert"][:]/1000. ; vertmode = 1 |
302 | else: vert = np.arange(0,getattr(nc,vertdim),1) |
303 | elif vertmode == -1: vert = nc.variables["PHTOT"][0,:,0,0]/3.72 ; vert = np.array(vert[0:len(vert)-1]) #; print vert |
304 | elif vertmode == 1 or vertmode == 2: vert = nc.variables["vert"][:] ## pressure in Pa |
305 | else: vert = nc.variables["vert"][:]/1000. ## altitude in km |
306 | #################################################################### |
307 | ############ END of WE LOAD 4D DIMENSIONS : x, y, z, t ############# |
308 | #################################################################### |
309 | |
310 | ### we fill the arrays of varname, namefile, time, colorbar at the current step considered (NB: why use both k and nnn ?) |
311 | all_varname[k] = varname |
312 | all_namefile[k] = namefile |
313 | all_time[k] = time |
314 | all_colorb[k] = clb[vvv] |
315 | if var2: all_var2[k] = select_getfield(zvarname=var2,znc=nc,ztypefile=typefile,mode='getvar',ztsat=tsat,ylon=lon,ylat=lat,yalt=vert,ytime=all_time[k]) |
316 | if winds: all_windu[k] = getfield(nc,uchar) ; all_windv[k] = getfield(nc,vchar) |
317 | ### we fill the arrays of fields to be plotted at the current step considered |
318 | all_var[k] = select_getfield(zvarname=all_varname[k],znc=nc,ztypefile=typefile,mode='getvar',ztsat=tsat,ylon=lon,ylat=lat,yalt=vert,ytime=all_time[k]) |
319 | ### we inform the user about the loop then increment the loop. this is the last line of "for namefile in namefiles" |
320 | print "**** GOT SUBDATA:",k," NAMEFILE:",namefile," VAR:",varname, var2 ; k += 1 ; firstfile = False |
321 | |
322 | ### note to self : stopped comment rewriting here. |
323 | |
324 | ################################## |
325 | ### Operation on files |
326 | if ope is not None: |
327 | print "********** OPERATION: ",ope |
328 | if "var" not in ope: |
329 | if len(var) > 1: errormess("for this operation... please set only one var !") |
330 | if ope in ["-","+","-%"]: |
331 | if fileref is not None: |
332 | ncref = Dataset(fileref) |
333 | all_var[k] = select_getfield(zvarname=all_varname[k-1],znc=ncref,ztypefile=typefile,mode='getvar',ztsat=tsat,ylon=lon,ylat=lat,yalt=vert,ytime=all_time[k]) |
334 | all_varname[k] = all_varname[k-1] ; all_time[k] = all_time[k-1] ; all_namefile[k] = all_namefile[k-1] ; all_var2[k] = all_var2[k-1] ; all_colorb[k] = all_colorb[k-1] |
335 | if winds: all_windu[k] = getfield(ncref,uchar) ; all_windv[k] = getfield(ncref,vchar) |
336 | else: errormess("fileref is missing!") |
337 | if ope == "-": all_var[k+1]= all_var[k-1] - all_var[k] |
338 | elif ope == "+": all_var[k+1]= all_var[k-1] + all_var[k] |
339 | elif ope == "-%": |
340 | masked = np.ma.masked_where(all_var[k] == 0,all_var[k]) |
341 | masked.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
342 | all_var[k+1]= 100.*(all_var[k-1] - masked)/masked |
343 | all_varname[k+1] = all_varname[k] ; all_time[k+1] = all_time[k] ; all_namefile[k+1] = all_namefile[k] ; all_var2[k+1] = all_var2[k] ; numplot = numplot+2 |
344 | if len(clb) >= zelen: all_colorb[k+1] = clb[-1] # last additional user-defined color is for operation plot |
345 | else: all_colorb[k+1] = "RdBu_r" # if no additional user-defined color... set a good default one |
346 | if winds: all_windu[k+1] = all_windu[k-1]-all_windu[k] ; all_windv[k+1] = all_windv[k-1] - all_windv[k] |
347 | elif ope in ["cat"]: |
348 | tabtime = all_time[0];tab = all_var[0];k = 1 |
349 | if var2: tab2 = all_var2[0] |
350 | while k != len(namefiles) and len(all_time[k]) != 0: |
351 | if var2: tab2 = np.append(tab2,all_var2[k],axis=0) |
352 | tabtime = np.append(tabtime,all_time[k]) ; tab = np.append(tab,all_var[k],axis=0) ; k += 1 |
353 | all_time[0] = np.array(tabtime) ; all_var[0] = np.array(tab) ; numplot = 1 |
354 | if var2: all_var2[0] = np.array(tab2) |
355 | else: errormess(ope+" : non-implemented operation. Check pp.py --help") |
356 | else: |
357 | if len(namefiles) > 1: errormess("for this operation... please set only one file !") |
358 | if len(var) > 2: errormess("not sure this works for more than 2 vars... please check.") |
359 | if "div_var" in ope: all_var[k] = all_var[k-2] / all_var[k-1] ; insert = '_div_' |
360 | elif "mul_var" in ope: all_var[k] = all_var[k-2] * all_var[k-1] ; insert = '_mul_' |
361 | elif "add_var" in ope: all_var[k] = all_var[k-2] + all_var[k-1] ; insert = '_add_' |
362 | elif "sub_var" in ope: all_var[k] = all_var[k-2] - all_var[k-1] ; insert = '_sub_' |
363 | else: errormess(ope+" : non-implemented operation. Check pp.py --help") |
364 | numplot = numplot + 1 ; all_time[k] = all_time[k-1] ; all_namefile[k] = all_namefile[k-1] |
365 | all_varname[k] = all_varname[k-2] + insert + all_varname[k-1] |
366 | if len(clb) >= zelen: all_colorb[k] = clb[-1] # last additional user-defined color is for operation plot |
367 | else: all_colorb[k] = all_colorb[k-1] # if no additional user-defined color... set same as var |
368 | ### only the operation plot. do not mention colorb so that it is user-defined? |
369 | if "only" in ope: |
370 | numplot = 1 ; all_var[0] = all_var[k] |
371 | all_time[0] = all_time[k] ; all_namefile[0] = all_namefile[k] |
372 | all_varname[0] = all_varname[k-2] + insert + all_varname[k-1] |
373 | |
374 | |
375 | ################################## |
376 | ### Open a figure and set subplots |
377 | fig = figure() |
378 | subv,subh = definesubplot( numplot, fig ) |
379 | if ope in ['-','-%']: subv,subh = 2,2 |
380 | |
381 | ################################# |
382 | ### Time loop for plotting device |
383 | nplot = 1 ; error = False |
384 | if lstyle is not None: linecycler = cycle(lstyle) |
385 | else: linecycler = cycle(["-","--","-.",":"]) |
386 | print "********************************************" |
387 | while error is False: |
388 | |
389 | print "********** NPLOT", nplot |
390 | if nplot > numplot: break |
391 | |
392 | #################################################################### |
393 | ## get all indexes to be taken into account for this subplot and then reduce field |
394 | ## We plot 1) all lon slices 2) all lat slices 3) all vert slices 4) all time slices and then go to the next slice |
395 | indexlon = getsindex(sslon,(nplot-1)%nlon,lon) |
396 | indexlat = getsindex(sslat,((nplot-1)//nlon)%nlat,lat) |
397 | indexvert = getsindex(svert,((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat))%nvert,vert) |
398 | if ope is not None: |
399 | if fileref is not None: index_f = ((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert*ntime))%(len(namefiles)+2) ## OK only 1 var, see test in the beginning |
400 | elif "var" in ope: index_f = ((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert*ntime))%(len(var)+1) ## OK only 1 file, see test in the beginning |
401 | elif "cat" in ope: index_f = 0 |
402 | else: yeah = len(namefiles)*len(var) ; index_f = ((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert*ntime))%yeah |
403 | time = all_time[index_f] |
404 | if mrate is not None: indextime = None |
405 | else: indextime = getsindex(stime,((nplot-1)//(nlon*nlat*nvert))%ntime,time) |
406 | ltst = None |
407 | if typefile in ['meso'] and indextime is not None: ltst = localtime ( interv[0]+indextime*interv[1], 0.5*(wlon[0]+wlon[1]) ) |
408 | print "********** INDEX LON:",indexlon," LAT:",indexlat," VERT:",indexvert," TIME:",indextime |
409 | ##var = nc.variables["phisinit"][:,:] |
410 | ##contourf(np.transpose(var),30,cmap = get_cmap(name="Greys_r") ) ; axis('off') ; plot(indexlat,indexlon,'mx',mew=4.0,ms=20.0) |
411 | ##show() |
412 | ##exit() |
413 | #truc = True |
414 | #truc = False |
415 | #if truc: indexvert = None |
416 | #################################################################### |
417 | ########## REDUCE FIELDS |
418 | #################################################################### |
419 | error = False |
420 | varname = all_varname[index_f] |
421 | if varname: ### what is shaded. |
422 | what_I_plot, error = reducefield( all_var[index_f], d4=indextime, d1=indexlon, d2=indexlat, d3=indexvert, \ |
423 | yint=yintegral, alt=vert, anomaly=anomaly, redope=redope, mesharea=area, unidim=is1d) |
424 | if mult != 2718.: what_I_plot = what_I_plot*mult |
425 | else: what_I_plot = np.log10(what_I_plot) ; print "log plot" |
426 | |
427 | if var2: ### what is contoured. |
428 | what_I_plot_contour, error = reducefield( all_var2[index_f], d4=indextime, d1=indexlon, d2=indexlat , d3=indexvert, \ |
429 | yint=yintegral, alt=vert ) |
430 | if winds: ### what is plot as vectors. |
431 | vecx, error = reducefield( all_windu[index_f], d4=indextime, d3=indexvert, yint=yintegral, alt=vert) |
432 | vecy, error = reducefield( all_windv[index_f], d4=indextime, d3=indexvert, yint=yintegral, alt=vert) |
433 | if varname in [uchar,vchar]: what_I_plot = np.sqrt( np.square(vecx) + np.square(vecy) ) ; varname = "wind" |
434 | |
435 | ##################################################################### |
436 | #if truc: |
437 | # nx = what_I_plot.shape[2] ; ny = what_I_plot.shape[1] ; nz = what_I_plot.shape[0] |
438 | # for k in range(nz): print k,' over ',nz ; what_I_plot[k,:,:] = what_I_plot[k,:,:] / smooth(what_I_plot[k,:,:],12) |
439 | # for iii in range(nx): |
440 | # for jjj in range(ny): |
441 | # deviation = what_I_plot[:,jjj,iii] ; mx = max(deviation) ; mn = min(deviation) |
442 | # if iii > 6 and iii < nx-6 and jjj > 6 and jjj < ny-6: what_I_plot[0,jjj,iii],rel = singlet(deviation,vert/1000.) ### z must be in km |
443 | # else: what_I_plot[0,jjj,iii] = 0. |
444 | # if np.abs(what_I_plot[0,jjj,iii]) > 1.5: |
445 | # print iii,jjj,what_I_plot[0,jjj,iii],int(abs(1.-mx)*100.),int(abs(1.-mn)*100.) |
446 | # plot(rel) |
447 | # show() |
448 | # anomaly = True ### pour avoir les bons reglages plots |
449 | # what_I_plot = what_I_plot[0,:,:] |
450 | ##################################################################### |
451 | |
452 | #################################################################### |
453 | ### General plot settings |
454 | changesubplot = (numplot > 1) and (len(what_I_plot.shape) != 1) ## default for 1D plots: superimposed. to be reworked for better flexibility. |
455 | if changesubplot: subplot(subv,subh,nplot) #; subplots_adjust(wspace=0,hspace=0) |
456 | colorb = all_colorb[index_f] |
457 | #################################################################### |
458 | if error: |
459 | errormess("There is an error in reducing field !") |
460 | else: |
461 | ticks = ndiv + 1 |
462 | fvar = varname |
463 | if anomaly: fvar = 'anomaly' |
464 | ### |
465 | if mapmode == 0: ### could this be moved inside imov loop ? |
466 | itime=indextime |
467 | if len(what_I_plot.shape) == 3: itime=[0] |
468 | m = None ; x = None ; y = None |
469 | latyeah = lat ; lonyeah = lon |
470 | if typefile in ['meso']: |
471 | # now that the section is determined we can set the real lat |
472 | # ... or for now, a temptative one. |
473 | if slon is not None: latyeah = lat2d[:,0] |
474 | if slat is not None: lonyeah = lon2d[0,:] |
475 | what_I_plot, x, y = define_axis(lonyeah,latyeah,vert,time,indexlon,indexlat,indexvert,\ |
476 | itime,what_I_plot, len(all_var[index_f].shape),vertmode) |
477 | ### |
478 | if (fileref is not None) and (index_f == numplot-1): zevmin, zevmax = calculate_bounds(what_I_plot,vmin=minop,vmax=maxop) |
479 | else: zevmin, zevmax = calculate_bounds(what_I_plot,vmin=vmin,vmax=vmax) |
480 | #if (fileref is not None) and (index_f == numplot-1): colorb = "RdBu_r" |
481 | if colorb in ["def","nobar","onebar"]: palette = get_cmap(name=defcolorb(fvar.upper())) |
482 | else: palette = get_cmap(name=colorb) |
483 | #palette = cm.GMT_split |
484 | ##### 1. ELIMINATE 0D or >3D CASES |
485 | if len(what_I_plot.shape) == 0: |
486 | print "VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE ::: ",what_I_plot |
487 | save = 'donothing' |
488 | elif len(what_I_plot.shape) >= 4: |
489 | print "WARNING!!! ",len(what_I_plot.shape),"-D PLOT NOT SUPPORTED !!! dimensions: ",what_I_plot.shape |
490 | errormess("Are you sure you did not forget to prescribe a dimension ?") |
491 | ##### 2. HANDLE simple 1D/2D field and movies of 1D/2D fields |
492 | else: |
493 | if mrate is not None: iend=len(time)-1 |
494 | else: iend=0 |
495 | imov = 0 |
496 | if len(what_I_plot.shape) == 3: |
497 | if var2: which = "contour" ## have to start with contours rather than shading |
498 | else: which = "regular" |
499 | if mrate is None: errormess("3D field. Use --rate RATE for movie or specify --time TIME. Exit.") |
500 | elif len(what_I_plot.shape) == 2: |
501 | if var2: which = "contour" ## have to start with contours rather than shading |
502 | else: which = "regular" |
503 | if mrate is not None: which = "unidim" |
504 | elif len(what_I_plot.shape) == 1: |
505 | which = "unidim" |
506 | if what_I_plot.shape[-1] == 1: print "VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE ::: ", what_I_plot[0] ; save = 'donothing' |
507 | ##### IMOV LOOP #### IMOV LOOP |
508 | while imov <= iend: |
509 | print "-> frame ",imov+1, which |
510 | if which == "regular": |
511 | if mrate is None: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot |
512 | else: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot[imov,:,:] |
513 | if winds: |
514 | if mrate is None: vecx_frame = vecx ; vecy_frame = vecy |
515 | else: vecx_frame = vecx[imov,:,:] ; vecy_frame = vecy[imov,:,:] |
516 | elif which == "contour": |
517 | if mrate is None or what_I_plot_contour.ndim < 3: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot_contour |
518 | else: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot_contour[imov,:,:] |
519 | elif which == "unidim": |
520 | if mrate is None: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot |
521 | else: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot[:,imov] ## because swapaxes |
522 | #if mrate is not None: |
523 | if mapmode == 1: |
524 | m = define_proj(proj,wlon,wlat,back=back,blat=blat,blon=blon) ## this is dirty, defined above but out of imov loop |
525 | x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) ## this is dirty, defined above but out of imov loop |
526 | if typefile in ['meso'] and mapmode == 1: what_I_plot_frame = dumpbdy(what_I_plot_frame,6,condition=True) |
527 | # if typefile in ['mesoideal']: what_I_plot_frame = dumpbdy(what_I_plot_frame,0,stag='W',condition=dumped_vert_stag) |
528 | |
529 | if which == "unidim": |
530 | if lbls is not None: lbl=lbls[nplot-1] |
531 | else: |
532 | lbl = "" |
533 | if indexlat is not None: lbl = lbl + " ix" + str(indexlat[0]) |
534 | if indexlon is not None: lbl = lbl + " iy" + str(indexlon[0]) |
535 | if indexvert is not None: lbl = lbl + " iz" + str(indexvert[0]) |
536 | if indextime is not None: lbl = lbl + " it" + str(indextime[0]) |
537 | if lbl == "": lbl = all_namefile[index_f] |
538 | |
539 | if mrate is not None: x = y ## because swapaxes... |
540 | #what_I_plot_frame = np.diff(what_I_plot_frame, n=1) ; x = x[1:] |
541 | |
542 | zeline = next(linecycler) ## "-" for simple lines |
543 | if tile: zemarker = 'x' |
544 | else: zemarker = None |
545 | this_is_a_regular_plot = (indexvert is not None) or (indextime is None) or (indexlat is None) or (indexlon is None) |
546 | if this_is_a_regular_plot: plot(x,what_I_plot_frame,zeline,label=lbl,marker=zemarker) ## vertical profile |
547 | else: plot(what_I_plot_frame,x,zeline,label=lbl,marker=zemarker) ## regular plot |
548 | if nplot > 1: legend(loc='best') |
549 | if indextime is None and axtime is not None and xlab is None: xlabel(axtime.upper()) ## define the right label |
550 | if save == 'txt': writeascii(np.transpose([x,np.transpose(what_I_plot)]),'profile'+str(nplot*1000+imov)+'.txt') |
551 | |
552 | elif which == "regular": |
553 | |
554 | # plot stream lines if there is a stream file and a vert/lat slice. Might not work with movies ?? |
555 | if streamflag and sslat is None and svert is None: |
556 | streamfile = all_namefile[index_f].replace('.nc','_stream.nc') |
557 | teststream = os.path.exists(streamfile) |
558 | if teststream: |
559 | print 'INFO: Using stream file',streamfile, 'for stream lines' |
560 | ncstream = Dataset(streamfile) |
561 | psi = getfield(ncstream,'psi') |
562 | psi = psi[0,:,:,0] # time and longitude are dummy dimensions |
563 | if psi.shape[1] != len(x) or psi.shape[0] != len(y): |
564 | errormess('stream file does not fit! Dimensions: '+str(psi.shape)+' '+str(x.shape)+' '+str(y.shape)) |
565 | zelevels = np.arange(-1.e10,1.e10,1.e9) |
566 | zemin = np.min(abs(zelevels)) |
567 | zemax = np.max(abs(zelevels)) |
568 | zewidth = (abs(zelevels)-zemin)*(5.- 0.5)/(zemax - zemin) + 0.5 # linewidth ranges from 5 to 0.5 |
569 | cs = contour( x,y,psi, zelevels, colors='k', linewidths = zewidth) |
570 | clabel(cs, inline=True, fontsize = 4.*rcParams['font.size']/5., fmt="%1.1e") |
571 | else: |
572 | print 'WARNING: STREAM FILE',streamfile, 'DOES NOT EXIST !' |
573 | |
574 | if hole: what_I_plot_frame = hole_bounds(what_I_plot_frame,zevmin,zevmax) |
575 | else: what_I_plot_frame = bounds(what_I_plot_frame,zevmin,zevmax) |
576 | if flagnolow: what_I_plot_frame = nolow(what_I_plot_frame) |
577 | if not tile: |
578 | #zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin*(1. + 1.e-7),zevmax*(1. - 1.e-7)) #,num=20) |
579 | zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=ticks) |
580 | #what_I_plot_frame = smooth(what_I_plot_frame,100) |
581 | if mapmode == 1: m.contourf( x, y, what_I_plot_frame, zelevels, cmap = palette, alpha=trans) |
582 | elif mapmode == 0: contourf( x, y, what_I_plot_frame, zelevels, cmap = palette, alpha=trans) |
583 | if cross is not None and mapmode == 1: |
584 | idx,idy=m(cross[0][0],cross[0][1]) |
585 | mpl.pyplot.plot([idx],[idy],'+k',mew=0.5,ms=18) |
586 | else: |
587 | if mapmode == 1: m.pcolor( x, y, what_I_plot_frame, cmap = palette, vmin=zevmin, vmax=zevmax, alpha=trans) |
588 | elif mapmode == 0: pcolor( x, y, what_I_plot_frame, cmap = palette, vmin=zevmin, vmax=zevmax, alpha=trans) |
589 | |
590 | |
591 | if colorb not in ['nobar','onebar']: |
592 | if (fileref is not None) and (index_f == numplot-1): daformat = "%.3f" |
593 | elif mult != 1: daformat = "%.1f" |
594 | else: daformat = fmtvar(fvar.upper()) |
595 | #if proj in ['moll','cyl']: zeorientation="horizontal" ; zepad = 0.05 |
596 | if proj in ['moll']: zeorientation="horizontal" ; zepad = 0.05 |
597 | else: zeorientation="vertical" ; zepad = 0.03 |
598 | zecb = colorbar( fraction=0.05,pad=zepad,format=daformat,orientation=zeorientation,\ |
599 | ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=min([ticks/2+1,21])),extend='neither',spacing='proportional' ) |
600 | if zeorientation == "horizontal" and zetitle[0] != "fill": zecb.ax.set_xlabel(zetitle[index_f]) ; zetitle[index_f]="" |
601 | if winds: |
602 | if typefile in ['meso']: |
603 | [vecx_frame,vecy_frame] = [dumpbdy(vecx_frame,6,stag=uchar,condition=True), dumpbdy(vecy_frame,6,stag=vchar,condition=True)] |
604 | key = True |
605 | if fvar in ['UV','uv','uvmet']: key = False |
606 | elif typefile in ['gcm']: |
607 | key = False |
608 | if metwind and mapmode == 1: [vecx_frame,vecy_frame] = m.rotate_vector(vecx_frame, vecy_frame, lon2d, lat2d) |
609 | if trans != 0.0: colorvec = definecolorvec(colorb) |
610 | else: colorvec = definecolorvec(back) |
611 | vectorfield(vecx_frame, vecy_frame, x, y, stride=stride, csmooth=2,\ |
612 | #scale=15., factor=300., color=colorvec, key=key) |
613 | scale=20., factor=250./facwind, color=colorvec, key=key) |
614 | #200. ## or csmooth=stride |
615 | ### THIS IS A QUITE SPECIFIC PIECE (does not work for mesoscale files) |
616 | if ope == '-' and nplot == numplot: # this should work as long as ope is '-' guarantees 3 plots for 4 panels without contour |
617 | subplot(subv,subh,nplot+1) |
618 | rcParams["legend.fontsize"] = 'xx-large' |
619 | if indexlat is None: |
620 | latmin = -50.; latmax = 50. # latitude range for histogram of difference |
621 | zeindexlat = (lat<latmax)*(lat>latmin) |
622 | if typefile in ['meso']: zeindexlat = 10 |
623 | # this follows the define_axis logic in myplot.py: |
624 | if indextime is None or indexlon is None: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot_frame[zeindexlat,:] |
625 | else: what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot_frame[:,zeindexlat] |
626 | toplot = np.ravel(what_I_plot_frame[np.isnan(what_I_plot_frame)==False]) |
627 | zebins = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=30) |
628 | hist(toplot,bins=zebins,histtype='step',linewidth=2,color='k',normed=True) |
629 | zestd = np.std(toplot);zemean = np.mean(toplot) |
630 | zebins = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=300) |
631 | zegauss = (1./(zestd * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp( - (zebins - zemean)**2 / (2 * zestd**2) ) ) |
632 | plot(zebins, zegauss, linewidth=1, color='r',label="mean: "+str(zemean)[0:5]+"\nstd: "+str(zestd)[0:5]) |
633 | legend(loc=0,frameon=False) |
634 | title("Histogram fig(1) "+ope+" fig(2)") |
635 | subplot(subv,subh,nplot) # go back to last plot for title of contour difference |
636 | |
637 | elif which == "contour": |
638 | zevminc, zevmaxc = calculate_bounds(what_I_plot_frame, vmin=min(what_I_plot_frame), vmax=max(what_I_plot_frame)) |
639 | zelevels = np.linspace(zevminc,zevmaxc,ticks/2) #20) |
640 | ### another dirty specific stuff in the wall |
641 | if var2 == 'HGT': zelevels = np.arange(-10000.,30000.,500.) #1000.) |
642 | elif var2 == 'tpot': zelevels = np.arange(270,370,5) |
643 | elif var2 == 'tk': zelevels = np.arange(150,250,5) |
644 | elif var2 == 'wstar': zelevels = np.arange(0,10,1.0) |
645 | elif var2 == 'zmax_th': zelevels = np.arange(0,10,2.0) ; what_I_plot_frame = what_I_plot_frame / 1000. |
646 | ### |
647 | if mapmode == 0: |
648 | what_I_plot_frame, x, y = define_axis( lonyeah,latyeah,vert,time,indexlon,indexlat,indexvert,\ |
649 | itime,what_I_plot_frame, len(all_var2[index_f].shape),vertmode ) |
650 | ## is this needed? only if len(all_var2[index_f].shape) != len(all_var[index_f].shape) |
651 | cs = contour( x,y,what_I_plot_frame, zelevels, colors='k', linewidths = 0.33)#, alpha=0.5, linestyles='solid') |
652 | #cs = contour( x,y,what_I_plot_frame, zelevels, colors='w', linewidths = 0.5)#, alpha=0.5, linestyles='solid') |
653 | clabel(cs, inline=1, fontsize = 4.*rcParams['font.size']/5., fmt=fmtvar(var2.upper())) |
654 | elif mapmode == 1: |
655 | cs = m.contour( x,y,what_I_plot_frame, zelevels, colors='k', linewidths = 0.33)#, alpha=0.5, linestyles='solid') |
656 | #clabel(cs, inline=0, fontsize = rcParams['font.size'], fmt="%.0f") #fmtvar(var2.upper())) |
657 | if which in ["regular","unidim"]: |
658 | |
659 | if nplot > 1 and which == "unidim": |
660 | pass ## because we superimpose nplot instances |
661 | else: |
662 | # Axis directives for movie frames [including the first one). |
663 | zxmin, zxmax = xaxis ; zymin, zymax = yaxis |
664 | if zxmin is not None: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmin=zxmin) |
665 | if zxmax is not None: mpl.pyplot.xlim(xmax=zxmax) |
666 | if zymin is not None: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymin=zymin) |
667 | if zymax is not None: mpl.pyplot.ylim(ymax=zymax) |
668 | if ylog: mpl.pyplot.semilogy() |
669 | if invert_y: ax = mpl.pyplot.gca() ; ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) |
670 | if xlab is not None: xlabel(xlab) |
671 | if ylab is not None: ylabel(ylab) |
672 | |
673 | if mrate is not None: |
675 | if mrate > 0: |
676 | figframe=mpl.pyplot.gcf() |
677 | if mquality: figframe.set_dpi(600.) |
678 | else: figframe.set_dpi(200.) |
679 | mframe=fig2img(figframe) |
680 | if imov == 0: |
681 | moviename='movie' ;W,H = figframe.canvas.get_width_height() |
682 | video = VideoSink((H,W), moviename, rate=mrate, byteorder="rgba") |
683 | video.run(mframe) ; close() |
684 | if imov == iend: video.close() |
686 | else: |
687 | nameframe = "image"+str(1000+imov) |
688 | makeplotres(nameframe,res=100.,disp=False) ; close() |
689 | if imov == 0: myfile = open("zepics", 'w') |
690 | myfile.write("modImages["+str(imov)+"] = '"+nameframe+"_100.png';"+ '\n') |
691 | if imov == iend: |
692 | myfile.write("first_image = 0;"+ '\n') |
693 | myfile.write("last_image = "+str(iend)+";"+ '\n') |
694 | myfile.close() |
695 | if var2 and which == "regular": which = "contour" |
696 | imov = imov+1 |
697 | elif which == "contour": |
698 | which = "regular" |
699 | |
700 | ### Next subplot |
701 | zevarname = varname |
702 | if redope is not None: zevarname = zevarname + "_" + redope |
703 | basename = getname(var=zevarname,var2=var2,winds=winds,anomaly=anomaly) |
704 | if len(what_I_plot.shape) > 3: |
705 | basename = basename + getstralt(nc,level) |
706 | if mrate is not None: basename = "movie_" + basename |
707 | if typefile in ['meso']: |
708 | if sslon is not None: basename = basename + "_lon_" + str(int(round(lonp))) |
709 | if sslat is not None: basename = basename + "_lat_" + str(int(round(latp))) |
710 | plottitle = basename |
711 | ### dans le nouveau systeme time=ls,sol,lt cette ligne pourrait ne servir a rien (ou deplacer au dessus) |
712 | if addchar and indextime is not None: [addchar,gogol,gogol2] = getlschar ( all_namefile[index_f] ) ; plottitle = plottitle + addchar |
713 | ### en fait redope is None doit etre remplace par : n'est ni maxt ni mint |
714 | if redope is None and ltst is not None and ( (mapmode == 0) or (proj in ["lcc","laea","merc","nsper"]) ): plottitle = plottitle + "_LT" + str(ltst) |
715 | else: |
716 | if fileref is not None: |
717 | if index_f is numplot-1: plottitle = basename+' '+"fig(1) "+ope+" fig(2)" |
718 | elif index_f is numplot-2: plottitle = basename+' '+fileref |
719 | else: plottitle = basename+' '+all_namefile[index_f] |
720 | else: plottitle = basename+' '+all_namefile[index_f] |
721 | if mult != 1: plottitle = '{:.0e}'.format(mult) + "*" + plottitle |
722 | if zetitle[0] != "fill": |
723 | if index_f < len(zetitle): plottitle = zetitle[index_f] |
724 | else: plottitle = zetitle[0] |
725 | if titleref is "fill": titleref=zetitle[index_f] |
726 | if fileref is not None: |
727 | if index_f is numplot-2: plottitle = titleref |
728 | if index_f is numplot-1: plottitle = "fig(1) "+ope+" fig(2)" |
729 | # if indexlon is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " lon: " + str(min(lon[indexlon])) +" "+ str(max(lon[indexlon])) |
730 | # if indexlat is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " lat: " + str(min(lat[indexlat])) +" "+ str(max(lat[indexlat])) |
731 | # if indexvert is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " vert: " + str(min(vert[indexvert])) +" "+ str(max(vert[indexvert])) |
732 | # if indextime is not None: plottitle = plottitle + " time: " + str(min(time[indextime])) +" "+ str(max(time[indextime])) |
733 | if colorb != "onebar": title( plottitle ) |
734 | if nplot >= numplot: error = True |
735 | nplot += 1 |
736 | |
737 | if colorb == "onebar": |
738 | cax = axes([0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.03]) # a ameliorer |
739 | zecb = colorbar(cax=cax, orientation="horizontal", format=fmtvar(fvar.upper()),\ |
740 | ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=min([ticks/2+1,21])),extend='neither',spacing='proportional') |
741 | if zetitle[0] != "fill": zecb.ax.set_xlabel(zetitle[index_f]) ; zetitle[index_f]="" |
742 | |
743 | |
744 | ########################################################################## |
745 | ### Save the figure in a file in the data folder or an user-defined folder |
746 | if outputname is None: |
747 | if typefile in ['meso']: prefix = getprefix(nc) |
748 | elif typefile in ['gcm']: prefix = 'LMD_GCM_' |
749 | else: prefix = '' |
750 | ### |
751 | zeplot = prefix + basename |
752 | if zoom: zeplot = zeplot + "zoom"+str(abs(zoom)) |
753 | if addchar: zeplot = zeplot + addchar |
754 | if numplot <= 0: zeplot = zeplot + "_LT"+str(abs(numplot)) |
755 | ### |
756 | if not target: zeplot = namefile[0:find(namefile,'wrfout')] + zeplot |
757 | else: zeplot = target + "/" + zeplot |
758 | ### |
759 | else: |
760 | zeplot=outputname |
761 | |
762 | if mrate is None: |
763 | pad_inches_value = 0.35 |
764 | if wlon[1]-wlon[0] < 2.: pad_inches_value = 0.5 # LOCAL MODE (small values) |
765 | print "********** SAVE ", save |
766 | if save == 'png': |
767 | if display: makeplotres(zeplot,res=100.,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value) #,erase=True) ## a miniature |
768 | makeplotres(zeplot,res=resolution,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value,disp=False) |
769 | elif save in ['eps','svg','pdf']: makeplotres(zeplot,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value,disp=False,ext=save) |
770 | elif save == 'gui': show() |
771 | elif save == 'donothing': pass |
772 | elif save == 'txt': print "Saved results in txt file." |
773 | else: |
774 | print "INFO: save mode not supported. using gui instead." |
775 | show() |
776 | |
777 | ################################### |
778 | #### Getting more out of this video -- PROBLEMS WITH CREATED VIDEOS |
779 | # |
780 | #if mrate is not None: |
781 | # print "Re-encoding movie.. first pass" |
782 | # video.first_pass(filename=moviename,quality=mquality,rate=mrate) |
783 | # print "Re-encoding movie.. second pass" |
784 | # video.second_pass(filename=moviename,quality=mquality,rate=mrate) |
785 | |
786 | ############### |
787 | ### Now the end |
788 | return zeplot |