1 | #!/usr/bin/env python |
2 | |
3 | ### A. Colaitis |
4 | |
5 | ## |
6 | # This routine transforms a diagfi.nc file into a diagfi_MCS.nc file where |
7 | # the fields are directly comparable to those contained in MCS data, i.e. |
8 | # fields are re-binned at times over the ranges specified in the MCS file. |
9 | ### |
10 | |
11 | ########################################################################################### |
12 | ########################################################################################### |
13 | ### What is below relate to running the file as a command line executable (very convenient) |
14 | if __name__ == "__main__": |
15 | import sys |
16 | from optparse import OptionParser ### to be replaced by argparse |
17 | from netCDF4 import Dataset |
18 | from os import system,path |
19 | from times import sol2ls |
20 | import numpy as np |
21 | from mymath import find_nearest |
22 | from myplot import getfield,separatenames |
23 | from make_netcdf import make_gcm_netcdf |
24 | from zrecast_wrapper import call_zrecast |
25 | parser = OptionParser() |
26 | |
27 | ############################# |
28 | ### Options |
29 | parser.add_option('-f', '--file', action='store',dest='file', type="string", default=None, help='[NEEDED] filename.') |
30 | parser.add_option('-m', '--mfile', action='store',dest='mcsfile', type="string", default=None, help='[NEEDED] filename for MCS comparison.') |
31 | parser.add_option('-v', '--var', action='append',dest='var', type="string", default=None, help='[NEEDED] Variables to process. (coma-separated list. aps and bps are always included.)') |
32 | parser.add_option('-x', action='store_true',dest='recast', default=False, help='Force aps and bps to be ommited in output file (usefull if your file is already recasted along z) [False]') |
33 | parser.add_option('-i', '--zrecast', action='store_true', dest='zrecast', default=False, help='Cast zrecast.e on diagfi file with MCS pressure levels. Will pass this operation is recasted file is already present, unless --override is specified. [False]') |
34 | parser.add_option('--override', action='store_true', dest='override', default=False, help='Force zrecast.e to act even if recasted file is already present(will erase previous recasted file) [False]') |
35 | parser.add_option('--ditch', action='store_true', dest='ditch', default=False, help='Ditch recasted file when interpolation is performed. [False]') |
36 | ############################# |
37 | ### Get options and variables |
38 | (opt,args) = parser.parse_args() |
39 | |
40 | ############################# |
41 | ### Load and check data |
42 | |
43 | if opt.var is None: |
44 | print "You must specify at least a field to process with -v." |
45 | exit() |
46 | |
47 | # Zrecast |
48 | |
49 | varznames=separatenames(opt.var[0]) |
50 | |
51 | if opt.zrecast: |
52 | if (path.exists(opt.file[0:len(opt.file)-3]+"_P.nc") and (not opt.override)): |
53 | print "--> "+opt.file[0:len(opt.file)-3]+"_P.nc" |
54 | print "Recasted file is already there, skipping interpolation. [use --override to force interpolation]" |
55 | filename=opt.file[0:len(opt.file)-3]+"_P.nc" |
56 | else: |
57 | print "--> "+opt.file[0:len(opt.file)-3]+"_P.nc" |
58 | filename=call_zrecast ( interp_mode = 2, \ |
59 | input_name = [opt.file], \ |
60 | fields = varznames, \ |
61 | predifined = 'mcs')[0] |
62 | else:filename=opt.file |
63 | # Files |
64 | |
65 | print "--> Loading diagfi dataset." |
66 | |
67 | nc=Dataset(filename) |
68 | ncmcs=Dataset(opt.mcsfile) |
69 | |
70 | # Dimensions |
71 | |
72 | lon=nc.variables["longitude"][:] |
73 | lat=nc.variables["latitude"][:] |
74 | alt=nc.variables["altitude"][:] |
75 | time=nc.variables["Time"][:] # in fraction of sols |
76 | if "controle" in nc.variables: |
77 | controle=nc.variables["controle"][:] |
78 | day_ini=controle[3]%669 |
79 | else: |
80 | if opt.zrecast: |
81 | nccontrol=Dataset(opt.file) |
82 | if "controle" in nccontrol.variables: |
83 | controle=nccontrol.variables["controle"][:] |
84 | day_ini=controle[3]%669 |
85 | else: |
86 | print "Error: could not find controle variable in diagfi." |
87 | day_ini=input("Please type initial sol number:")%669 |
88 | time[:]=time[:]+day_ini |
89 | nx=len(lon) |
90 | ny=len(lat) |
91 | nz=len(alt) |
92 | nt=len(time) |
93 | lstime=sol2ls(time) |
94 | |
95 | # MCS |
96 | |
97 | print "--> Loading and preparing MCS dataset." |
98 | |
99 | dtimemintmp=ncmcs.variables["dtimemin"][:,:,:] |
100 | dtimemaxtmp=ncmcs.variables["dtimemax"][:,:,:] |
101 | ntimemintmp=ncmcs.variables["ntimemin"][:,:,:] |
102 | ntimemaxtmp=ncmcs.variables["ntimemax"][:,:,:] |
103 | lonmcs=ncmcs.variables["longitude"][:] |
104 | latmcs=ncmcs.variables["latitude"][:] |
105 | timemcs=ncmcs.variables["time"][:]%360 # IN LS |
106 | |
107 | dtimemin=np.ma.masked_where(dtimemintmp < 0.,dtimemintmp) |
108 | dtimemin.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
109 | dtimemax=np.ma.masked_where(dtimemaxtmp < 0.,dtimemaxtmp) |
110 | dtimemax.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
111 | ntimemin=np.ma.masked_where(ntimemintmp < 0.,ntimemintmp) |
112 | ntimemin.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
113 | ntimemax=np.ma.masked_where(ntimemaxtmp < 0.,ntimemaxtmp) |
114 | ntimemax.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
115 | |
116 | # Variables to treat |
117 | |
118 | print "--> Preparing diagfi dataset." |
119 | |
120 | varz=[] |
121 | n=0 |
122 | for zn in varznames: |
123 | load=getfield(nc,zn) |
124 | load=np.ma.masked_where(load < -1.e-20,load) |
125 | load.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
126 | load=load.filled() |
127 | load=np.ma.masked_invalid(load) |
128 | load.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
129 | load=load.filled() |
130 | varz.append(load) |
131 | load=0. |
132 | print "Found: "+zn+" with dimensions: " |
133 | print np.array(varz[n]).shape |
134 | n=n+1 |
135 | |
136 | nzvar=len(varz) |
137 | dimensions={} |
138 | vv=0 |
139 | for var in varz: |
140 | a=len(np.array(var).shape) |
141 | if a == 3: dimensions[vv]=a |
142 | elif a == 4: dimensions[vv]=a |
143 | else: |
144 | print "Warning, only 3d and 4d variables are supported for time-recasting" |
145 | exit() |
146 | vv=vv+1 |
147 | |
148 | # Variables to save but not treated (only along z, or phisinit-like files) |
149 | |
150 | aps=nc.variables["aps"][:] |
151 | bps=nc.variables["bps"][:] |
152 | fullnames=["aps","bps"] |
153 | for name in varznames: |
154 | fullnames.append("d"+name) |
155 | fullnames.append("n"+name) |
156 | print "Will output: " |
157 | if opt.recast: print fullnames[2:] |
158 | else: print fullnames |
159 | ############################# |
160 | ### Building |
161 | ############################# |
162 | |
163 | ### We loop over chunks of gcm data corresponding to MCS time dimension |
164 | ### Bin sizes for mcs data is 5 degrees ls centered on value |
165 | varday=np.zeros([len(timemcs),nz,ny,nx]) |
166 | varnight=np.zeros([len(timemcs),nz,ny,nx]) |
167 | vardayout=np.zeros([nzvar,len(timemcs),nz,ny,nx]) |
168 | varnightout=np.zeros([nzvar,len(timemcs),nz,ny,nx]) |
169 | vardayout=np.ma.masked_invalid(vardayout) |
170 | varnightout=np.ma.masked_invalid(varnightout) |
171 | i=0 |
172 | for ls in timemcs: |
173 | lsstart=ls-2.5 |
174 | lsstop=ls+2.5 |
175 | istart=find_nearest(lstime,lsstart,strict=True) |
176 | istop=find_nearest(lstime,lsstop,strict=True) |
177 | varchk=0 |
178 | if ((istart is np.NaN) or (istop is np.NaN)): |
179 | vardayout[:,i,:,:,:]=np.NaN |
180 | varnightout[:,i,:,:,:]=np.NaN |
181 | print "Time interval skipped. Ls MCS: (",lsstart,';',lsstop,')',"// Ls diagfi: (",lstime.min(),';',lstime.max(),')' |
182 | i=i+1 |
183 | continue |
184 | print "--->> Processing Data. Ls MCS: (",lsstart,';',lsstop,')',"// Ls diagfi: (",lstime.min(),';',lstime.max(),')' |
185 | # warning, python's convention is that the second index of array[a:b] is the array index of element after the one being picked last. |
186 | # for that reason, array[0:0] is nan and array[0:1] is only one value. Hence, len(array[a:b+1]) is b-a+1 and not b-a+2 |
187 | print " .initialisation." |
188 | |
189 | |
190 | varchk=np.zeros([nzvar,istop-istart+1,nz,ny,nx]) |
191 | vv=0 |
192 | for variable in varz: |
193 | if dimensions[vv] is 3: |
194 | varchk[vv,:,0,:,:]=variable[istart:istop+1,:,:] |
195 | else: |
196 | varchk[vv,:,:,:,:]=variable[istart:istop+1,:,:,:] |
197 | vv=vv+1 |
198 | varchk=np.ma.masked_invalid(varchk) |
199 | varchk.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
200 | varchktime=time[istart:istop+1] |
201 | ndays=np.floor(varchktime[len(varchktime)-1])-np.floor(varchktime[0]) |
202 | dtmichk=dtimemin[i,:,:] |
203 | dtmachk=dtimemax[i,:,:] |
204 | ntmichk=ntimemin[i,:,:] |
205 | ntmachk=ntimemax[i,:,:] |
206 | dtmichk.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
207 | dtmachk.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
208 | ntmichk.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
209 | ntmachk.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
210 | dtmichk=dtmichk.filled() |
211 | dtmachk=dtmachk.filled() |
212 | ntmichk=ntmichk.filled() |
213 | ntmachk=ntmachk.filled() |
214 | |
215 | ### We iterate for each day in the chunk, on each grid point we find |
216 | ### the closest corresponding MCS grid point and the index of the |
217 | ### time in the chunk closest to the time in the closest MCS grid point. |
218 | ### (yea it's complicated) |
219 | |
220 | vartmpnight=np.zeros([nzvar,ndays,nz,ny,nx]) |
221 | vartmpday=np.zeros([nzvar,ndays,nz,ny,nx]) |
222 | vartmpnight=np.ma.masked_invalid(vartmpnight) |
223 | vartmpday=np.ma.masked_invalid(vartmpday) |
224 | vartmpnight.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
225 | vartmpday.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
226 | |
227 | nd=0 |
228 | print " .time indices MCS grid -> diagfi grid." |
229 | while nd < ndays: |
230 | |
231 | daystart=find_nearest(varchktime-varchktime[0],nd) |
232 | daystop=find_nearest(varchktime-varchktime[0],nd+1) |
233 | # varchktime_lon=np.zeros([daystop-daystart+1,len(lon)]) |
234 | ix=0 |
235 | for x in lon: |
236 | |
237 | varchktime_lon = 24.*(varchktime[daystart:daystop+1]-varchktime[daystart]) + x/15. |
238 | |
239 | iy=0 |
240 | for y in lat: |
241 | niy=find_nearest(latmcs,y) |
242 | nix=find_nearest(lonmcs,x) |
243 | nitdtmichk=find_nearest(varchktime_lon,dtmichk[niy,nix]) |
244 | nitdtmachk=find_nearest(varchktime_lon,dtmachk[niy,nix]) |
245 | nitntmichk=find_nearest(varchktime_lon,ntmichk[niy,nix]) |
246 | nitntmachk=find_nearest(varchktime_lon,ntmachk[niy,nix]) |
247 | for vv in np.arange(nzvar): |
248 | if ((nitdtmichk is np.NaN) or (nitdtmachk is np.NaN)): |
249 | vartmpday[vv,nd,:,iy,ix]=np.NaN |
250 | elif nitdtmichk > nitdtmachk: |
251 | vartmpday[vv,nd,:,iy,ix]=(np.ma.mean(varchk[vv,daystart+nitdtmichk:daystop+1,:,iy,ix],axis=0)+np.ma.mean(varchk[vv,daystart:daystart+nitdtmachk+1,:,iy,ix],axis=0))/2. |
252 | else: |
253 | vartmpday[vv,nd,:,iy,ix]=np.ma.mean(varchk[vv,daystart+nitdtmichk:daystart+nitdtmachk+1,:,iy,ix],axis=0) |
254 | if ((nitntmichk is np.NaN) or (nitntmachk is np.NaN)): |
255 | vartmpnight[vv,nd,:,iy,ix]=np.NaN |
256 | elif nitntmichk > nitntmachk: |
257 | vartmpnight[vv,nd,:,iy,ix]=(np.ma.mean(varchk[vv,daystart+nitntmichk:daystop+1,:,iy,ix],axis=0)+np.ma.mean(varchk[vv,daystart:daystart+nitntmachk+1,:,iy,ix],axis=0))/2. |
258 | else: |
259 | vartmpnight[vv,nd,:,iy,ix]=np.ma.mean(varchk[vv,daystart+nitntmichk:daystart+nitntmachk+1,:,iy,ix],axis=0) |
260 | iy=iy+1 |
261 | ix=ix+1 |
262 | nd=nd+1 |
263 | |
264 | print " .creating bins." |
265 | |
266 | vartmpdaymasked=np.ma.masked_invalid(vartmpday) |
267 | vartmpnightmasked=np.ma.masked_invalid(vartmpnight) |
268 | vartmpdaymasked.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
269 | vartmpnightmasked.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
270 | for vv in np.arange(nzvar): |
271 | vardayout[vv,i,:,:,:]=np.ma.mean(vartmpdaymasked[vv,:,:,:,:],axis=0) |
272 | varnightout[vv,i,:,:,:]=np.ma.mean(vartmpnightmasked[vv,:,:,:,:],axis=0) |
273 | print " ."+varznames[vv]+".done" |
274 | i=i+1 |
275 | |
276 | print "--->> Preparing Data for ncdf. Missing value is NaN." |
277 | |
278 | vardayout=np.ma.masked_invalid(vardayout) |
279 | varnightout=np.ma.masked_invalid(varnightout) |
280 | vardayout.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
281 | varnightout.set_fill_value([np.NaN]) |
282 | |
283 | all=[aps,bps] |
284 | for vv in np.arange(nzvar): |
285 | if dimensions[vv] == 3: |
286 | all.append(vardayout[vv,:,0,:,:].filled()) |
287 | all.append(varnightout[vv,:,0,:,:].filled()) |
288 | elif dimensions[vv] == 4: |
289 | all.append(vardayout[vv,:,:,:,:].filled()) |
290 | all.append(varnightout[vv,:,:,:,:].filled()) |
291 | |
292 | if opt.recast: |
293 | all=all[2:] |
294 | fullnames=fullnames[2:] |
295 | |
296 | make_gcm_netcdf (zfilename="diagfi_MCS.nc", \ |
297 | zdescription="Temperatures from diagfi reworked to match MCS format", \ |
298 | zlon=lon, \ |
299 | zlat=lat, \ |
300 | zalt=alt, \ |
301 | ztime=timemcs, \ |
302 | zvariables=all, \ |
303 | znames=fullnames) |
304 | if opt.zrecast and opt.ditch: |
305 | print "removing interpolated file" |
306 | system("rm -f "+opt.file[0:len(opt.file)-3]+"_P.nc") |