1 | ###!/usr/bin/env python |
2 | #!/usr/bin/python |
3 | ###!/home/aymeric/Software/epd-7.0-2-rh5-x86/bin/python |
4 | ####!/home/marshttp/EPD/epd-7.0-2-rh5-x86_64/bin/python |
5 | ### here the version used to f2py the MCD Fortran routines |
6 | |
7 | ################################################## |
8 | ### A Python CGI for the Mars Climate Database ### |
9 | ### ------------------------------------------ ### |
10 | ### Aymeric SPIGA 18-19/04/2012 ~ 11/08/2012 ### |
11 | ### ------------------------------------------ ### |
12 | ### (see mcdtest.py for examples of use) ### |
13 | ################################################## |
14 | ### ajouts et corrections par Franck Guyon 09/2012 |
15 | ### ajouts suite a brainstorm equipe AS 10/2012 |
16 | |
17 | import cgi, cgitb |
18 | import numpy as np |
19 | #from mcd import mcd |
20 | from modules import * |
21 | from modules import mcd |
22 | |
23 | import cStringIO |
24 | import os as daos |
25 | import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl |
26 | from PIL import Image |
27 | |
28 | # for debugging in web browser |
29 | cgitb.enable() |
30 | |
31 | # Create instance of FieldStorage |
32 | form = cgi.FieldStorage() |
33 | |
34 | # create a MCD object |
35 | #query = mcd() |
36 | query=mcd.mcd() #FG: import from module mcd |
37 | |
38 | # Get data from user-defined fields and define free dimensions |
39 | # FG: add tests if var==None to have values in local without forms ones |
40 | query.lat = -9999. |
41 | getlat = form.getvalue("latitude") |
42 | if getlat == None: getlat = "1" |
43 | if getlat == "all": islatfree = 1 ; query.lats = -90. ; query.late = 90. |
44 | elif ";" in getlat: islatfree = 1 ; ind = getlat.find(";") ; query.lats = float(getlat[:ind]) ; query.late = float(getlat[ind+1:]) |
45 | else: islatfree = 0 ; query.lat = float(getlat) |
46 | |
47 | query.lon = -9999. |
48 | getlon = form.getvalue("longitude") |
49 | if getlon == None: getlon = "1" |
50 | if getlon == "all": islonfree = 1 ; query.lons = -180. ; query.lone = 180. |
51 | elif ";" in getlon: islonfree = 1 ; ind = getlon.find(";") ; query.lons = float(getlon[:ind]) ; query.lone = float(getlon[ind+1:]) |
52 | else: islonfree = 0 ; query.lon = float(getlon) |
53 | |
54 | query.loct = -9999. |
55 | getloct = form.getvalue("localtime") |
56 | if getloct == None: getloct = "1" |
57 | if getloct == "all": isloctfree = 1 ; query.locts = 0. ; query.locte = 24. |
58 | elif ";" in getloct: isloctfree = 1 ; ind = getloct.find(";") ; query.locts = float(getloct[:ind]) ; query.locte = float(getloct[ind+1:]) |
59 | else: isloctfree = 0 ; query.loct = float(getloct) |
60 | |
61 | query.xz = -9999. |
62 | getalt = form.getvalue("altitude") |
63 | if getalt == None: getalt = "1" |
64 | if getalt == "all": isaltfree = 1 ; query.xzs = 0. ; query.xze = 120000. |
65 | elif ";" in getalt: isaltfree = 1 ; ind = getalt.find(";") ; query.xzs = float(getalt[:ind]) ; query.xze = float(getalt[ind+1:]) |
66 | else: isaltfree = 0 ; query.xz = float(getalt) |
67 | |
68 | sumfree = islatfree + islonfree + isloctfree + isaltfree |
69 | if sumfree > 2: exit() ## only 1D or 2D plots for the moment |
70 | |
71 | try: query.datekey = int(form.getvalue("datekeyhtml")) |
72 | except: query.datekey = float(1) |
73 | if query.datekey == 1: |
74 | try: query.xdate = float(form.getvalue("ls")) |
75 | except: query.xdate = float(1) |
76 | else: |
77 | try: query.xdate = float(form.getvalue("julian")) |
78 | except: query.xdate = float(1) |
79 | query.loct = 0. |
80 | |
81 | try: query.hrkey = int(form.getvalue("hrkey")) |
82 | except: query.hrkey = int(1) |
83 | try: query.dust = int(form.getvalue("dust")) |
84 | except: query.dust = int(1) |
85 | try: query.zkey = int(form.getvalue("zkey")) |
86 | except: query.zkey = int(3) |
87 | # self.perturkey = 0 #integer perturkey ! perturbation type (0: none) |
88 | # self.seedin = 1 #random number generator seed (unused if perturkey=0) |
89 | # self.gwlength = 0. #gravity Wave wavelength (unused if perturkey=0) |
90 | |
91 | # Get variables to plot |
92 | var1 = form.getvalue("var1") |
93 | var2 = form.getvalue("var2") |
94 | var3 = form.getvalue("var3") |
95 | var4 = form.getvalue("var4") |
96 | |
97 | # fg: vartoplot is not None without form values |
98 | # vartoplot = [var1] |
99 | # fg: init var as with form values |
100 | if var1 == None: var1="t" |
101 | #if var2 == None: var2="p" |
102 | |
103 | vartoplot = [] |
104 | if var1 != "none": vartoplot = np.append(vartoplot,var1) |
105 | if var2 != "none" and var2 != None: vartoplot = np.append(vartoplot,var2) |
106 | if var3 != "none" and var3 != None: vartoplot = np.append(vartoplot,var3) |
107 | if var4 != "none" and var4 != None: vartoplot = np.append(vartoplot,var4) |
108 | |
109 | iswind = form.getvalue("iswind") |
110 | if iswind == "on": iswindlog = True |
111 | else: iswindlog = False |
112 | isfixedlt = form.getvalue("isfixedlt") |
113 | if isfixedlt == "on": input_fixedlt=True |
114 | else: input_fixedlt=False |
115 | |
116 | # reference name (to test which figures are already in the database) |
117 | reference = query.getnameset()+str(var1)+str(var2)+str(var3)+str(var4)+str(iswind)+str(isfixedlt) |
118 | figname = '../img/'+reference+'.png' |
119 | testexist = daos.path.isfile(figname) |
120 | |
121 | # extract data from MCD if needed |
122 | if not testexist: |
123 | |
124 | ### 1D plots |
125 | if sumfree == 1: |
126 | |
127 | ### getting data |
128 | if isloctfree == 1: query.diurnal(nd=24) |
129 | elif islonfree == 1: query.zonal() |
130 | elif islatfree == 1: query.meridional() |
131 | elif isaltfree == 1: query.profile() |
132 | else: exit() |
133 | |
134 | ### generic building of figure |
135 | query.htmlplot1d(vartoplot,figname=figname) |
136 | #mpl.savefig("img/temp.png",dpi=85,bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches=0.25) |
137 | #Image.open("../img/temp.png").save(figname,'JPEG') |
138 | |
139 | ### 2D plots |
140 | elif sumfree == 2: |
141 | |
142 | ### getting data |
143 | if islatfree == 1 and islonfree == 1: query.latlon() |
144 | else: exit() |
145 | |
146 | ### figure |
147 | query.htmlmap2d(vartoplot,incwind=iswindlog,fixedlt=input_fixedlt,figname=figname) |
148 | #mpl.savefig("img/temp.png",dpi=110,bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches=0.4) |
149 | #Image.open("img/temp.png").save(figname,'JPEG') ##lighter images |
150 | ### http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/introduction.htm |
151 | |
152 | ## This is quite common |
153 | print "Content-type:text/html\n" |
154 | print " " #Apache needs a space after content-type |
155 | |
156 | #entete="""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
157 | #<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Math/DTD/mathml2/xhtml-math11-f.dtd"> |
158 | #<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> """ |
159 | |
160 | header="""<html><head><title>Mars Climate Database: The Web Interface</title></head><body>""" |
161 | |
162 | print header |
163 | #print query.printset() |
164 | #print "<br />" |
165 | |
166 | print "<a href='../index.html'>Click here to start a new query</a><br />" |
167 | |
168 | ## Now the part which differs |
169 | if sumfree == 0: query.update() ; query.htmlprinttabextvar(vartoplot) #query.printmeanvar() |
170 | elif sumfree >= 1: print "<img src='"+figname+"'><br />" |
171 | else: print "<h1>ERROR : sumfree is not or badly defined ...</h1></body></html>" |
172 | |
173 | |
174 | ## This is quite common |
175 | bottom = "<hr><a href='../index.html'>Click here to start a new query</a>.<hr></body></html>" |
176 | #print bottom |
177 | |
178 | ##write to file object |
179 | #f = cStringIO.StringIO() |
180 | #mpl.savefig(f) |
181 | #f.seek(0) |
182 | |
183 | ##output to browser |
184 | #print "Content-type: image/png\n" |
185 | #print f.read() |
186 | #exit() |
187 | |
188 | #print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n" |
189 | #print "<html>" |
190 | #print "<head>" |
191 | #print "<title>MCD. Simple Python interface</title>" |
192 | #print "</head>" |
193 | #print "<body>" |
194 | |
195 | |
196 | |
197 | |
198 | |
199 | |
200 | ## HTTP Header |
201 | #print "Content-Type:application/octet-stream; name=\"FileName\"\r\n"; |
202 | #print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"FileName\"\r\n\n"; |
203 | ## Actual File Content will go hear. |
204 | #fo = open("foo.txt", "rb") |
205 | #str = fo.read(); |
206 | #print str |
207 | ## Close opend file |
208 | #fo.close() |