1 | #################################################### |
2 | ### A Python Class for the Mars Climate Database ### |
3 | ### ---------------------------------------------### |
4 | ### Aymeric SPIGA 17-21/04/2012 ### |
5 | ### ---------------------------------------------### |
6 | ### (see mcdtest.py for examples of use) ### |
7 | #################################################### |
8 | |
9 | import numpy as np |
10 | import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl |
11 | import frozen_myplot as myplot |
12 | |
13 | |
14 | class mcd(): |
15 | |
16 | def __repr__(self): |
17 | # print out a help string when help is invoked on the object |
18 | whatprint = 'MCD object. \"help(mcd)\" for more information\n' |
19 | return whatprint |
20 | |
21 | ######################## |
22 | ### Default settings ### |
23 | ######################## |
24 | |
25 | def __init__(self): |
26 | # default settings |
27 | ## 0. general stuff |
28 | self.name = "MCD v4.3" |
29 | self.ack = "Mars Climate Database (c) LMD/OU/IAA/ESA/CNES" |
30 | self.dset = '/home/aymeric/Science/MCD_v4.3/data/' |
31 | #self.dset = '/home/marshttp/MCD_v4.3/data/' |
32 | ## 1. spatio-temporal coordinates |
33 | self.lat = 0. |
34 | self.lats = None |
35 | self.late = None |
36 | self.lon = 0. |
37 | self.lons = None |
38 | self.lone = None |
39 | self.loct = 0. |
40 | self.locts = None |
41 | self.locte = None |
42 | self.xdate = 0. # see datekey |
43 | self.xdates = None |
44 | self.xdatee = None |
45 | self.xz = 10. # see zkey |
46 | self.xzs = None |
47 | self.xze = None |
48 | ## 1bis. related settings |
49 | self.zkey = 3 # specify that xz is the altitude above surface (m) |
50 | # zkey : <integer> type of vertical coordinate xz |
51 | # 1 = radius from centre of planet (m) |
52 | # 2 = height above areoid (m) (MOLA zero datum) |
53 | # 3 = height above surface (m) |
54 | # 4 = pressure level (Pa) |
55 | # 5 = altitude above mean Mars Radius(=3396000m) (m) |
56 | self.datekey = 1 # 0 = "Earth time": xdate is given in Julian days (localtime must be set to zero) |
57 | # 1 = "Mars date": xdate is the value of Ls |
58 | ## 2. climatological options |
59 | self.dust = 2 #our best guess MY24 scenario, with solar average conditions |
60 | self.hrkey = 1 #set high resolution mode on (hrkey=0 to set high resolution off) |
61 | ## 3. additional settings for advanced use |
62 | self.extvarkey = 1 #extra output variables (1: yes, 0: no) |
63 | self.perturkey = 0 #integer perturkey ! perturbation type (0: none) |
64 | self.seedin = 1 #random number generator seed (unused if perturkey=0) |
65 | self.gwlength = 0. #gravity Wave wavelength (unused if perturkey=0) |
66 | ## outputs. just to define attributes. |
67 | ## --> in update |
68 | self.pres = None ; self.dens = None ; self.temp = None ; self.zonwind = None ; self.merwind = None ; self.meanvar = None ; self.extvar = None |
69 | self.seedout = None ; self.ierr = None |
70 | ## --> in prepare |
71 | self.xcoord = None ; self.ycoord = None |
72 | self.prestab = None ; self.denstab = None ; self.temptab = None |
73 | self.zonwindtab = None ; self.merwindtab = None ; self.meanvartab = None ; self.extvartab = None |
74 | ## plot stuff |
75 | self.xlabel = None ; self.ylabel = None ; self.title = "" |
76 | self.vertplot = False |
77 | self.fmt = "%.2e" |
78 | self.colorm = "jet" |
79 | self.fixedlt = False |
80 | self.zonmean = False |
81 | self.min2d = None |
82 | self.max2d = None |
83 | self.dpi = 80. |
84 | |
85 | def toversion5(self): |
86 | self.name = "MCD v5.0" |
87 | self.dset = '/home/marshttp/MCD_v5.0/data/' |
88 | self.extvarkey = np.ones(100) |
89 | |
90 | def viking1(self): self.name = "Viking 1 site. MCD v4.3 output" ; self.lat = 22.48 ; self.lon = -49.97 ; self.xdate = 97. |
91 | def viking2(self): self.name = "Viking 2 site. MCD v4.3 output" ; self.lat = 47.97 ; self.lon = -225.74 ; self.xdate = 117.6 |
92 | |
93 | def getdustlabel(self): |
94 | if self.dust == 1: |
95 | self.dustlabel = "MY24 minimum solar scenario" |
96 | if "v5" in self.name: self.dustlabel = "climatology average solar scenario" |
97 | elif self.dust == 2: |
98 | self.dustlabel = "MY24 average solar scenario" |
99 | if "v5" in self.name: self.dustlabel = "climatology minimum solar scenario" |
100 | elif self.dust == 3: |
101 | self.dustlabel = "MY24 maximum solar scenario" |
102 | if "v5" in self.name: self.dustlabel = "climatology maximum solar scenario" |
103 | elif self.dust == 4: self.dustlabel = "dust storm minimum solar scenario" |
104 | elif self.dust == 5: self.dustlabel = "dust storm average solar scenario" |
105 | elif self.dust == 6: self.dustlabel = "dust storm maximum solar scenario" |
106 | elif self.dust == 7: self.dustlabel = "warm scenario (dusty, maximum solar)" |
107 | elif self.dust == 8: self.dustlabel = "cold scenario (low dust, minimum solar)" |
108 | |
109 | def gettitle(self,oneline=False): |
110 | self.getdustlabel() |
111 | self.title = self.name + " with " + self.dustlabel + "." |
112 | if self.datekey == 1: self.title = self.title + " Ls " + str(self.xdate) + "deg." |
113 | elif self.datekey == 0: self.title = self.title + " JD " + str(self.xdate) + "." |
114 | if not oneline: self.title = self.title + "\n" |
115 | if self.lats is None: self.title = self.title + " Latitude " + str(self.lat) + "N" |
116 | if self.zonmean and self.lats is not None and self.xzs is not None: |
117 | self.title = self.title + "Zonal mean over all longitudes." |
118 | elif self.lons is None: |
119 | self.title = self.title + " Longitude " + str(self.lon) + "E" |
120 | if self.xzs is None: |
121 | self.vertunits() |
122 | self.title = self.title + " Altitude " + str(self.xz) + " " + self.vunits |
123 | if self.locts is None: |
124 | self.title = self.title + " Local time " + str(self.loct) + "h" |
125 | if not self.fixedlt: self.title = self.title + " (at longitude 0) " |
126 | |
127 | def getextvarlab(self,num): |
128 | whichfield = { \ |
129 | 91: "Pressure (Pa)", \ |
130 | 92: "Density (kg/m3)", \ |
131 | 93: "Temperature (K)", \ |
132 | 94: "W-E wind component (m/s)", \ |
133 | 95: "S-N wind component (m/s)", \ |
134 | 1: "Radial distance from planet center (m)",\ |
135 | 2: "Altitude above areoid (Mars geoid) (m)",\ |
136 | 3: "Altitude above local surface (m)",\ |
137 | 4: "orographic height (m) (surf alt above areoid)",\ |
138 | 5: "Ls, solar longitude of Mars (deg)",\ |
139 | 6: "LST local true solar time (hrs)",\ |
140 | 7: "Universal solar time (LST at lon=0) (hrs)",\ |
141 | 8: "Air heat capacity Cp (J kg-1 K-1)",\ |
142 | 9: "gamma=Cp/Cv Ratio of specific heats",\ |
143 | 10: "density RMS day to day variations (kg/m^3)",\ |
144 | 11: "[not defined]",\ |
145 | 12: "[not defined]",\ |
146 | 13: "scale height H(p) (m)",\ |
147 | 14: "GCM orography (m)",\ |
148 | 15: "surface temperature (K)",\ |
149 | 16: "daily max mean surface temperature (K)",\ |
150 | 17: "daily min mean surface temperature (K)",\ |
151 | 18: "surf. temperature RMS day to day variations (K)",\ |
152 | 19: "surface pressure (Pa)",\ |
153 | 20: "GCM surface pressure (Pa)",\ |
154 | 21: "atmospheric pressure RMS day to day variations (Pa)",\ |
155 | 22: "surface pressure RMS day to day variations (Pa)",\ |
156 | 23: "temperature RMS day to day variations (K)",\ |
157 | 24: "zonal wind RMS day to day variations (m/s)",\ |
158 | 25: "meridional wind RMS day to day variations (m/s)",\ |
159 | 26: "vertical wind component (m/s) >0 when downwards!",\ |
160 | 27: "vertical wind RMS day to day variations (m/s)",\ |
161 | 28: "small scale perturbation (gravity wave) (kg/m^3)",\ |
162 | 29: "q2: turbulent kinetic energy (m2/s2)",\ |
163 | 30: "[not defined]",\ |
164 | 31: "thermal IR flux to surface (W/m2)",\ |
165 | 32: "solar flux to surface (W/m2)",\ |
166 | 33: "thermal IR flux to space (W/m2)",\ |
167 | 34: "solar flux reflected to space (W/m2)",\ |
168 | 35: "surface CO2 ice layer (kg/m2)",\ |
169 | 36: "DOD: Dust column visible optical depth",\ |
170 | 37: "Dust mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)",\ |
171 | 38: "DOD RMS day to day variations",\ |
172 | 39: "DOD total standard deviation over season",\ |
173 | 40: "Water vapor column (kg/m2)",\ |
174 | 41: "Water vapor vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
175 | 42: "Water ice column (kg/m2)",\ |
176 | 43: "Water ice mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
177 | 44: "O3 ozone vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
178 | 45: "[CO2] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
179 | 46: "[O] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
180 | 47: "[N2] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
181 | 48: "[CO] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)",\ |
182 | 49: "R: Molecular gas constant (J K-1 kg-1)",\ |
183 | 50: "Air viscosity estimation (N s m-2)" |
184 | } |
185 | ### MCD version 5 new variables. AS 12/2012. |
186 | if "v5" in self.name: |
187 | whichfield[29] = "not used (set to zero)" |
188 | whichfield[30] = "Surface roughness length z0 (m)" |
189 | whichfield[37] = "DOD RMS day to day variations" |
190 | whichfield[38] = "Dust mass mixing ratio (kg/kg)" |
191 | whichfield[39] = "Dust effective radius (m)" |
192 | whichfield[44] = whichfield[43] |
193 | whichfield[43] = whichfield[42] |
194 | whichfield[42] = whichfield[41] |
195 | whichfield[41] = whichfield[40] |
196 | whichfield[40] = "Dust deposition on flat surface (kg m-2 s-1)" |
197 | whichfield[45] = "Water ice effective radius (m)" |
198 | whichfield[46] = "Convective PBL height (m)" |
199 | whichfield[47] = "Max. upward convective wind within the PBL (m/s)" |
200 | whichfield[48] = "Max. downward convective wind within the PBL (m/s)" |
201 | whichfield[49] = "Convective vertical wind variance at level z (m2/s2)" |
202 | whichfield[50] = "Convective eddy vertical heat flux at level z (m/s/K)" |
203 | whichfield[51] = "Surface wind stress (Kg/m/s2)" |
204 | whichfield[52] = "Surface sensible heat flux (W/m2) (<0 when flux from surf to atm.)" |
205 | whichfield[53] = "R: Molecular gas constant (J K-1 kg-1)" |
206 | whichfield[54] = "Air viscosity estimation (N s m-2)" |
207 | whichfield[55] = "not used (set to zero)" |
208 | whichfield[56] = "not used (set to zero)" |
209 | whichfield[57] = "[CO2] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
210 | whichfield[58] = "[N2] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
211 | whichfield[59] = "[Ar] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
212 | whichfield[60] = "[CO] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
213 | whichfield[61] = "[O] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
214 | whichfield[62] = "[O2] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
215 | whichfield[63] = "[O3] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
216 | whichfield[64] = "[H] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
217 | whichfield[65] = "[H2] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
218 | whichfield[66] = "[electron] vol. mixing ratio (mol/mol)" |
219 | whichfield[67] = "CO2 column (kg/m2)" |
220 | whichfield[68] = "N2 column (kg/m2)" |
221 | whichfield[69] = "Ar column (kg/m2)" |
222 | whichfield[70] = "CO column (kg/m2)" |
223 | whichfield[71] = "O column (kg/m2)" |
224 | whichfield[72] = "O2 column (kg/m2)" |
225 | whichfield[73] = "O3 column (kg/m2)" |
226 | whichfield[74] = "H column (kg/m2)" |
227 | whichfield[75] = "H2 column (kg/m2)" |
228 | whichfield[76] = "electron column (kg/m2)" |
229 | if num not in whichfield: myplot.errormess("Incorrect subscript in extvar.") |
230 | dastuff = whichfield[num] |
231 | if "(K)" in dastuff: self.fmt="%.0f" |
232 | elif "effective radius" in dastuff: self.fmt="%.2e" |
233 | elif "(Pa)" in dastuff: self.fmt="%.1f" |
234 | elif "(W/m2)" in dastuff: self.fmt="%.0f" |
235 | elif "(m/s)" in dastuff: self.fmt="%.1f" |
236 | elif "(m)" in dastuff: self.fmt="%.0f" |
237 | else: self.fmt="%.2e" |
238 | return dastuff |
239 | |
240 | def convertlab(self,num): |
241 | ## a conversion from text inquiries to extvar numbers. to be completed. |
242 | if num == "p": num = 91 |
243 | elif num == "rho": num = 92 |
244 | elif num == "t": num = 93 |
245 | elif num == "u": num = 94 |
246 | elif num == "v": num = 95 |
247 | elif num == "tsurf": num = 15 |
248 | elif num == "topo": num = 4 |
249 | elif num == "h": num = 13 |
250 | elif num == "ps": num = 19 |
251 | elif num == "tau": num = 36 |
252 | elif num == "mtot": |
253 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 41 |
254 | else: num = 40 |
255 | elif num == "icetot": |
256 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 43 |
257 | else: num = 42 |
258 | elif num == "h2ovap": |
259 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 42 |
260 | else: num = 41 |
261 | elif num == "h2oice": |
262 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 44 |
263 | else: num = 43 |
264 | elif num == "cp": num = 8 |
265 | elif num == "rho_ddv": num = 10 |
266 | elif num == "ps_ddv": num = 22 |
267 | elif num == "p_ddv": num = 21 |
268 | elif num == "t_ddv": num = 23 |
269 | elif num == "w": num = 26 |
270 | elif num == "tsurfmx": num = 16 |
271 | elif num == "tsurfmn": num = 17 |
272 | elif num == "lwdown": num = 31 |
273 | elif num == "swdown": num = 32 |
274 | elif num == "lwup": num = 33 |
275 | elif num == "swup": num = 34 |
276 | elif num == "tau": num = 36 |
277 | elif num == "tau_ddv": |
278 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 37 |
279 | else: num = 38 |
280 | elif num == "qdust": |
281 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 38 |
282 | else: num = 37 |
283 | elif num == "co2": |
284 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 57 |
285 | else: num = 45 |
286 | elif num == "o3": |
287 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 63 |
288 | else: num = 44 |
289 | elif num == "o": |
290 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 61 |
291 | else: num = 46 |
292 | elif num == "co": |
293 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 60 |
294 | else: num = 48 |
295 | elif num == "visc": |
296 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 54 |
297 | else: num = 50 |
298 | elif num == "co2ice": num = 35 |
299 | elif num == "rdust": |
300 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 39 |
301 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
302 | elif num == "sdust": |
303 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 40 |
304 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
305 | elif num == "pbl": |
306 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 46 |
307 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
308 | elif num == "updraft": |
309 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 47 |
310 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
311 | elif num == "downdraft": |
312 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 48 |
313 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
314 | elif num == "pblwvar": |
315 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 49 |
316 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
317 | elif num == "pblhvar": |
318 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 50 |
319 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
320 | elif num == "stress": |
321 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 51 |
322 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
323 | elif num == "ar": |
324 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 59 |
325 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
326 | elif num == "o2": |
327 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 62 |
328 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
329 | elif num == "co2col": |
330 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 67 |
331 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
332 | elif num == "arcol": |
333 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 69 |
334 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
335 | elif num == "cocol": |
336 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 70 |
337 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
338 | elif num == "o3col": |
339 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 73 |
340 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
341 | elif num == "hydro": |
342 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 64 |
343 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
344 | elif num == "hydro2": |
345 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 65 |
346 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
347 | elif num == "e": |
348 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 66 |
349 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
350 | elif num == "ecol": |
351 | if "v5" in self.name: num = 76 |
352 | else: num = 30 # an undefined variable to avoid misleading output |
353 | elif not isinstance(num, np.int): myplot.errormess("field reference not found.") |
354 | return num |
355 | |
356 | ################### |
357 | ### One request ### |
358 | ################### |
359 | |
360 | def update(self): |
361 | # retrieve fields from MCD (call_mcd). more info in fmcd.call_mcd.__doc__ |
362 | ## sanity first |
363 | self.loct = abs(self.loct)%24 |
364 | if self.locts is not None and self.locte is not None: |
365 | self.locts = abs(self.locts)%24 |
366 | self.locte = abs(self.locte)%24 |
367 | if self.locts == self.locte: self.locte = self.locts + 24 |
368 | ## now MCD request |
369 | if "v5" in self.name: from fmcd5 import call_mcd |
370 | else: from fmcd import call_mcd |
371 | (self.pres, self.dens, self.temp, self.zonwind, self.merwind, \ |
372 | self.meanvar, self.extvar, self.seedout, self.ierr) \ |
373 | = \ |
374 | call_mcd(self.zkey,self.xz,self.lon,self.lat,self.hrkey, \ |
375 | self.datekey,self.xdate,self.loct,self.dset,self.dust, \ |
376 | self.perturkey,self.seedin,self.gwlength,self.extvarkey ) |
377 | ## we use the end of extvar (unused) to store meanvar. this is convenient for getextvar(lab) |
378 | self.extvar[90] = self.pres ; self.extvar[91] = self.dens |
379 | self.extvar[92] = self.temp ; self.extvar[93] = self.zonwind ; self.extvar[94] = self.merwind |
380 | ## treat missing values |
381 | if self.temp == -999: self.extvar[:] = np.NaN ; self.meanvar[:] = np.NaN |
382 | |
383 | def printset(self): |
384 | # print main settings |
385 | print "zkey",self.zkey,"xz",self.xz,"lon",self.lon,"lat",self.lat,"hrkey",self.hrkey, \ |
386 | "xdate",self.xdate,"loct",self.loct,"dust",self.dust |
387 | |
388 | def getnameset(self): |
389 | # set a name referring to settings [convenient for databases] |
390 | strlat = str(self.lat)+str(self.lats)+str(self.late) |
391 | strlon = str(self.lon)+str(self.lons)+str(self.lone) |
392 | strxz = str(self.xz)+str(self.xzs)+str(self.xze) |
393 | strloct = str(self.loct)+str(self.locts)+str(self.locte) |
394 | name = str(self.zkey)+strxz+strlon+strlat+str(self.hrkey)+str(self.datekey)+str(self.xdate)+strloct+str(self.dust) |
395 | if "v5" in self.name: name = "v5_" + name |
396 | return name |
397 | |
398 | def printcoord(self): |
399 | # print requested space-time coordinates |
400 | print "LAT",self.lat,"LON",self.lon,"LOCT",self.loct,"XDATE",self.xdate |
401 | |
402 | def printmeanvar(self): |
403 | # print mean MCD variables |
404 | print "Pressure = %5.3f pascals. " % (self.pres) |
405 | print "Density = %5.3f kilograms per cubic meter. " % (self.dens) |
406 | print "Temperature = %3.0f kelvins (%4.0f degrees celsius)." % (self.temp,self.temp-273.15) |
407 | print "Zonal wind = %5.3f meters per second." % (self.zonwind) |
408 | print "Meridional wind = %5.3f meters per second." % (self.merwind) |
409 | print "Total horizontal wind = %5.3f meters per second." % ( np.sqrt(self.zonwind**2 + self.merwind**2) ) |
410 | |
411 | def printextvar(self,num): |
412 | # print extra MCD variables |
413 | num = self.convertlab(num) |
414 | dastr = str(self.extvar[num-1]) |
415 | if dastr == "nan": print "!!!! There is a problem, probably a value is requested below the surface !!!!" |
416 | else: print self.getextvarlab(num) + " ..... " + dastr |
417 | |
418 | def printallextvar(self): |
419 | # print all extra MCD variables |
420 | if "v5" in self.name: limit=76 |
421 | else: limit=50 |
422 | for i in range(limit): self.printextvar(i+1) |
423 | |
424 | def htmlprinttabextvar(self,tabtodo): |
425 | self.fixedlt = True ## local time is real local time |
426 | self.gettitle() |
427 | print "<hr>" |
428 | print self.title |
429 | print "<hr>" |
430 | print "<ul>" |
431 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): print "<li>" ; self.printextvar(tabtodo[i]) ; print "</li>" |
432 | print "</ul>" |
433 | print "<hr>" |
434 | print self.ack |
435 | print "<hr>" |
436 | #print "SETTINGS<br />" |
437 | #self.printcoord() |
438 | #self.printset() |
439 | |
440 | def printmcd(self): |
441 | # 1. call MCD 2. print settings 3. print mean vars |
442 | self.update() |
443 | self.printcoord() |
444 | print "-------------------------------------------" |
445 | self.printmeanvar() |
446 | |
447 | ######################## |
448 | ### Several requests ### |
449 | ######################## |
450 | |
451 | def prepare(self,ndx=None,ndy=None): |
452 | ### prepare I/O arrays for 1d slices |
453 | if ndx is None: print "No dimension in prepare. Exit. Set at least ndx." ; exit() |
454 | else: self.xcoord = np.ones(ndx) |
455 | if ndy is None: dashape = (ndx) ; dashapemean = (ndx,6) ; dashapeext = (ndx,101) ; self.ycoord = None |
456 | else: dashape = (ndx,ndy) ; dashapemean = (ndx,ndy,6) ; dashapeext = (ndx,ndy,101) ; self.ycoord = np.ones(ndy) |
457 | self.prestab = np.ones(dashape) ; self.denstab = np.ones(dashape) ; self.temptab = np.ones(dashape) |
458 | self.zonwindtab = np.ones(dashape) ; self.merwindtab = np.ones(dashape) |
459 | self.meanvartab = np.ones(dashapemean) ; self.extvartab = np.ones(dashapeext) |
460 | |
461 | def getextvar(self,num): |
462 | ### get a given var in extvartab |
463 | try: field=self.extvartab[:,:,num] |
464 | except: field=self.extvartab[:,num] |
465 | return field |
466 | |
467 | def definefield(self,choice): |
468 | ### for analysis or plot purposes, set field and field label from user-defined choice |
469 | choice = self.convertlab(choice) |
470 | field = self.getextvar(choice); fieldlab = self.getextvarlab(choice) |
471 | ## fix for possibly slightly negative tracers |
472 | if "(mol/mol)" in fieldlab or "(kg/kg)" in fieldlab or "(kg/m2)" in fieldlab or "(W/m2)" in fieldlab: |
473 | ind = np.where(field < 1.e-30) |
474 | if ind != -1: field[ind] = 1.e-30 ## 0 does not work everywhere. |
475 | return field,fieldlab |
476 | |
477 | def ininterv(self,dstart,dend,nd,start=None,end=None,yaxis=False,vertcoord=False): |
478 | ### user-defined start and end are used to create xcoord (or ycoord) vector |
479 | if start is not None and end is not None: first, second = self.correctbounds(start,end,vertcoord) |
480 | else: first, second = self.correctbounds(dstart,dend,vertcoord) |
481 | if self.zkey != 4 or not vertcoord: tabtab = np.linspace(first,second,nd) |
482 | else: tabtab = np.logspace(first,second,nd) |
483 | if not yaxis: self.xcoord = tabtab |
484 | else: self.ycoord = tabtab |
485 | |
486 | def correctbounds(self,start,end,vertcoord): |
487 | if self.zkey != 4 or not vertcoord: |
488 | # regular altitudes |
489 | if start > end: first = end ; second = start |
490 | else: first = start ; second = end |
491 | else: |
492 | # pressure: reversed avis |
493 | if start < end: first = np.log10(end) ; second = np.log10(start) |
494 | else: first = np.log10(start) ; second = np.log10(end) |
495 | return first, second |
496 | |
497 | def vertlabel(self): |
498 | if self.zkey == 1: self.xlabel = "radius from centre of planet (m)" |
499 | elif self.zkey == 2: self.xlabel = "height above areoid (m) (MOLA zero datum)" |
500 | elif self.zkey == 3: self.xlabel = "height above surface (m)" |
501 | elif self.zkey == 4: self.xlabel = "pressure level (Pa)" |
502 | elif self.zkey == 5: self.xlabel = "altitude above mean Mars Radius(=3396000m) (m)" |
503 | |
504 | def vertunits(self): |
505 | if self.zkey == 1: self.vunits = "m CP" |
506 | elif self.zkey == 2: self.vunits = "m AMR" |
507 | elif self.zkey == 3: self.vunits = "m ALS" |
508 | elif self.zkey == 4: self.vunits = "Pa" |
509 | elif self.zkey == 5: self.vunits = "m AMMRad" |
510 | |
511 | def vertaxis(self,number,yaxis=False): |
512 | if self.zkey == 2: self.ininterv(-5000.,100000.,number,start=self.xzs,end=self.xze,yaxis=yaxis,vertcoord=True) |
513 | elif self.zkey == 3: self.ininterv(0.,120000.,number,start=self.xzs,end=self.xze,yaxis=yaxis,vertcoord=True) |
514 | elif self.zkey == 5: self.ininterv(-5000.,100000.,number,start=self.xzs,end=self.xze,yaxis=yaxis,vertcoord=True) |
515 | elif self.zkey == 4: self.ininterv(1000.,0.001,number,start=self.xzs,end=self.xze,yaxis=yaxis,vertcoord=True) |
516 | elif self.zkey == 1: self.ininterv(3396000,3596000,number,start=self.xzs,end=self.xze,yaxis=yaxis,vertcoord=True) |
517 | |
518 | ################### |
519 | ### 1D analysis ### |
520 | ################### |
521 | |
522 | def put1d(self,i): |
523 | ## fill in subscript i in output arrays |
524 | ## (arrays must have been correctly defined through prepare) |
525 | if self.prestab is None: myplot.errormess("arrays must be prepared first through self.prepare") |
526 | self.prestab[i] = self.pres ; self.denstab[i] = self.dens ; self.temptab[i] = self.temp |
527 | self.zonwindtab[i] = self.zonwind ; self.merwindtab[i] = self.merwind |
528 | self.meanvartab[i,1:5] = self.meanvar[0:4] ## note: var numbering according to MCD manual is kept |
529 | self.extvartab[i,1:100] = self.extvar[0:99] ## note: var numbering according to MCD manual is kept |
530 | |
531 | def diurnal(self,nd=13): |
532 | ### retrieve a local time slice |
533 | self.fixedlt = True ## local time is real local time |
534 | save = self.loct |
535 | self.xlabel = "Local time (Martian hour)" |
536 | self.prepare(ndx=nd) ; self.ininterv(0.,24.,nd,start=self.locts,end=self.locte) |
537 | for i in range(nd): self.loct = self.xcoord[i] ; self.update() ; self.put1d(i) |
538 | self.loct = save |
539 | |
540 | def zonal(self,nd=37): |
541 | ### retrieve a longitude slice |
542 | save = self.lon |
543 | self.xlabel = "East longitude (degrees)" |
544 | self.prepare(ndx=nd) ; self.ininterv(-180.,180.,nd,start=self.lons,end=self.lone) |
545 | if not self.fixedlt: umst = self.loct |
546 | for i in range(nd): |
547 | self.lon = self.xcoord[i] |
548 | if not self.fixedlt: self.loct = (umst + self.lon/15.) % 24 |
549 | self.update() ; self.put1d(i) |
550 | self.lon = save |
551 | |
552 | def meridional(self,nd=19): |
553 | ### retrieve a latitude slice |
554 | self.fixedlt = True ## local time is real local time |
555 | save = self.lat |
556 | self.xlabel = "North latitude (degrees)" |
557 | self.prepare(ndx=nd) ; self.ininterv(-90.,90.,nd,start=self.lats,end=self.late) |
558 | for i in range(nd): self.lat = self.xcoord[i] ; self.update() ; self.put1d(i) |
559 | self.lat = save |
560 | |
561 | def profile(self,nd=20,tabperso=None): |
562 | ### retrieve an altitude slice (profile) |
563 | self.fixedlt = True ## local time is real local time |
564 | save = self.xz |
565 | self.vertlabel() |
566 | self.vertplot = True |
567 | if tabperso is not None: nd = len(tabperso) |
568 | correct = False |
569 | self.prepare(ndx=nd) ; self.vertaxis(nd) |
570 | if tabperso is not None: self.xcoord = tabperso |
571 | for i in range(nd): self.xz = self.xcoord[i] ; self.update() ; self.put1d(i) |
572 | self.xz = save |
573 | |
574 | def seasonal(self,nd=12): |
575 | ### retrieve a seasonal slice |
576 | save = self.xdate |
577 | self.xlabel = "Areocentric longitude (degrees)" |
578 | self.prepare(ndx=nd) ; self.ininterv(0.,360.,nd,start=self.xdates,end=self.xdatee) |
579 | for i in range(nd): self.xdate = self.xcoord[i] ; self.update() ; self.put1d(i) |
580 | self.xdate = save |
581 | |
582 | def getascii(self,tabtodo,filename="output.txt"): |
583 | ### print out values in an ascii file |
584 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.str): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
585 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.int): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
586 | asciifile = open(filename, "w") |
587 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): |
588 | (field, fieldlab) = self.definefield(tabtodo[i]) |
589 | self.gettitle(oneline=True) |
590 | asciifile.write("### " + self.title + "\n") |
591 | asciifile.write("### " + self.ack + "\n") |
592 | asciifile.write("### Column 1 is " + self.xlabel + "\n") |
593 | asciifile.write("### Column 2 is " + fieldlab + "\n") |
594 | for ix in range(len(self.xcoord)): |
595 | asciifile.write("%15.5e%15.5e\n" % ( self.xcoord[ix], field[ix] ) ) |
596 | asciifile.close() |
597 | return |
598 | |
599 | def makeplot1d(self,choice): |
600 | ### one 1D plot is created for the user-defined variable in choice. |
601 | (field, fieldlab) = self.definefield(choice) |
602 | if not self.vertplot: absc = self.xcoord ; ordo = field ; ordolab = fieldlab ; absclab = self.xlabel |
603 | else: ordo = self.xcoord ; absc = field ; absclab = fieldlab ; ordolab = self.xlabel |
604 | mpl.plot(absc,ordo,'-bo') ; mpl.ylabel(ordolab) ; mpl.xlabel(absclab) #; mpl.xticks(query.xcoord) |
605 | if self.zkey == 4: mpl.semilogy() ; ax = mpl.gca() ; ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) |
606 | mpl.figtext(0.5, 0.01, self.ack, ha='center') |
607 | |
608 | def plot1d(self,tabtodo): |
609 | ### complete 1D figure with possible multiplots |
610 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.str): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
611 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.int): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
612 | fig = mpl.figure() ; subv,subh = myplot.definesubplot( len(tabtodo) , fig ) |
613 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): mpl.subplot(subv,subh,i+1).grid(True, linestyle=':', color='grey') ; self.makeplot1d(tabtodo[i]) |
614 | |
615 | def htmlplot1d(self,tabtodo,figname="temp.png",title=""): |
616 | ### complete 1D figure with possible multiplots |
617 | ### added in 09/2012 for online MCD |
618 | ### see http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/archive/2005/04/23/matplotlib_without_gui.html |
619 | from matplotlib.figure import Figure |
620 | from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg |
621 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.str): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
622 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.int): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
623 | |
624 | howmanyplots = len(tabtodo) |
625 | if howmanyplots == 1: fig = Figure(figsize=(16,8)) |
626 | elif howmanyplots == 2: fig = Figure(figsize=(8,8)) |
627 | elif howmanyplots == 3: fig = Figure(figsize=(8,16)) |
628 | elif howmanyplots == 4: fig = Figure(figsize=(16,8)) |
629 | |
630 | subv,subh = myplot.definesubplot( len(tabtodo) , fig ) |
631 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): |
632 | yeah = fig.add_subplot(subv,subh,i+1) #.grid(True, linestyle=':', color='grey') |
633 | choice = tabtodo[i] |
634 | (field, fieldlab) = self.definefield(choice) |
635 | if not self.vertplot: absc = self.xcoord ; ordo = field ; ordolab = fieldlab ; absclab = self.xlabel |
636 | else: ordo = self.xcoord ; absc = field ; absclab = fieldlab ; ordolab = self.xlabel |
637 | yeah.plot(absc,ordo,'-bo') #; mpl.xticks(query.xcoord) |
638 | ax = fig.gca() ; ax.set_ylabel(ordolab) ; ax.set_xlabel(absclab) |
639 | |
640 | if self.xzs is not None and self.zkey == 4: ax.set_yscale('log') ; ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) |
641 | |
642 | if self.lats is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-90,91,15)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.lats, upper=self.late) |
643 | elif self.lons is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-360,361,30)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.lons, upper=self.lone) |
644 | elif self.locts is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0,26,2)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.locts, upper=self.locte) |
645 | |
646 | ax.grid(True, linestyle=':', color='grey') |
647 | |
648 | self.gettitle() |
649 | fig.text(0.5, 0.95, self.title, ha='center') |
650 | fig.text(0.5, 0.01, self.ack, ha='center') |
651 | canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) |
652 | # The size * the dpi gives the final image size |
653 | # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image |
654 | canvas.print_figure(figname, dpi=self.dpi) |
655 | |
656 | ################### |
657 | ### 2D analysis ### |
658 | ################### |
659 | |
660 | def latlon(self,ndx=37,ndy=19): |
661 | ### retrieve a latitude/longitude slice |
662 | ### default is: local time is not fixed. user-defined local time is at longitude 0. |
663 | save1 = self.lon ; save2 = self.lat ; save3 = self.loct |
664 | self.xlabel = "East longitude (degrees)" ; self.ylabel = "North latitude (degrees)" |
665 | self.prepare(ndx=ndx,ndy=ndy) |
666 | self.ininterv(-180.,180.,ndx,start=self.lons,end=self.lone) |
667 | self.ininterv(-90., 90.,ndy,start=self.lats,end=self.late,yaxis=True) |
668 | if not self.fixedlt: umst = self.loct |
669 | for i in range(ndx): |
670 | for j in range(ndy): |
671 | self.lon = self.xcoord[i] ; self.lat = self.ycoord[j] |
672 | if not self.fixedlt: self.loct = (umst + self.lon/15.) % 24 |
673 | self.update() ; self.put2d(i,j) |
674 | if not self.fixedlt: self.loct = umst |
675 | self.lon = save1 ; self.lat = save2 ; self.loct = save3 |
676 | |
677 | def secalt(self,ndx=37,ndy=20,typex="lat"): |
678 | ### retrieve a coordinate/altitude slice |
679 | save1 = self.lon ; save2 = self.xz ; save3 = self.loct ; save4 = self.lat |
680 | self.prepare(ndx=ndx,ndy=ndy) |
681 | self.vertlabel() ; self.ylabel = self.xlabel |
682 | self.vertaxis(ndy,yaxis=True) |
683 | if "lat" in typex: |
684 | self.xlabel = "North latitude (degrees)" |
685 | self.ininterv(-90.,90.,ndx,start=self.lats,end=self.late) |
686 | elif typex == "lon": |
687 | self.xlabel = "East longitude (degrees)" |
688 | self.ininterv(-180.,180.,ndx,start=self.lons,end=self.lone) |
689 | if not self.fixedlt: umst = self.loct |
690 | for i in range(ndx): |
691 | for j in range(ndy): |
692 | if typex == "lat": self.lat = self.xcoord[i] |
693 | elif typex == "lon": self.lon = self.xcoord[i] |
694 | self.xz = self.ycoord[j] |
695 | if not self.fixedlt: self.loct = (umst + self.lon/15.) % 24 |
696 | self.update() ; self.put2d(i,j) |
697 | if not self.fixedlt: self.loct = umst |
698 | self.lon = save1 ; self.xz = save2 ; self.loct = save3 ; self.lat = save4 |
699 | |
700 | def zonalmean(self,ndx=37,ndy=20,ndmean=32): |
701 | ### retrieve a zonalmean lat/altitude slice |
702 | self.fixedlt = False |
703 | save1 = self.lon ; save2 = self.xz ; save3 = self.loct ; save4 = self.lat |
704 | self.prepare(ndx=ndx,ndy=ndy) |
705 | self.vertlabel() ; self.ylabel = self.xlabel |
706 | self.vertaxis(ndy,yaxis=True) |
707 | self.xlabel = "North latitude (degrees)" |
708 | self.ininterv(-180.,180.,ndmean) |
709 | coordmean = self.xcoord |
710 | self.ininterv(-90.,90.,ndx,start=self.lats,end=self.late) |
711 | umst = self.loct #fixedlt false for this case |
712 | for i in range(ndx): |
713 | self.lat = self.xcoord[i] |
714 | for j in range(ndy): |
715 | self.xz = self.ycoord[j] |
716 | meanpres = 0. ; meandens = 0. ; meantemp = 0. ; meanzonwind = 0. ; meanmerwind = 0. ; meanmeanvar = np.zeros(5) ; meanextvar = np.zeros(100) |
717 | for m in range(ndmean): |
718 | self.lon = coordmean[m] |
719 | self.loct = (umst + self.lon/15.) % 24 #fixedlt false for this case |
720 | self.update() |
721 | meanpres = meanpres + self.pres/float(ndmean) ; meandens = meandens + self.dens/float(ndmean) ; meantemp = meantemp + self.temp/float(ndmean) |
722 | meanzonwind = meanzonwind + self.zonwind/float(ndmean) ; meanmerwind = meanmerwind + self.merwind/float(ndmean) |
723 | meanmeanvar = meanmeanvar + self.meanvar/float(ndmean) ; meanextvar = meanextvar + self.extvar/float(ndmean) |
724 | self.pres=meanpres ; self.dens=meandens ; self.temp=meantemp ; self.zonwind=meanzonwind ; self.merwind=meanmerwind |
725 | self.meanvar=meanmeanvar ; self.extvar=meanextvar |
726 | self.put2d(i,j) |
727 | self.loct = umst #fixedlt false for this case |
728 | self.lon = save1 ; self.xz = save2 ; self.loct = save3 ; self.lat = save4 |
729 | |
730 | def hovmoller(self,ndtime=25,ndcoord=20,typex="lat"): |
731 | ### retrieve a time/other coordinate slice |
732 | save1 = self.lat ; save2 = self.xz ; save3 = self.loct ; save4 = self.lon |
733 | if typex == "lat": |
734 | ndx = ndcoord ; self.xlabel = "North latitude (degrees)" |
735 | ndy = ndtime ; self.ylabel = "Local time (Martian hour)" |
736 | self.prepare(ndx=ndx,ndy=ndy) |
737 | self.ininterv(-90.,90.,ndx,start=self.lats,end=self.late) |
738 | self.ininterv(0.,24.,ndy,start=self.locts,end=self.locte,yaxis=True) |
739 | elif typex == "lon": |
740 | ndx = ndcoord ; self.xlabel = "East longitude (degrees)" |
741 | ndy = ndtime ; self.ylabel = "Local time (Martian hour)" |
742 | self.prepare(ndx=ndx,ndy=ndy) |
743 | self.ininterv(-180.,180.,ndx,start=self.lons,end=self.lone) |
744 | self.ininterv(0.,24.,ndy,start=self.locts,end=self.locte,yaxis=True) |
745 | elif typex == "alt": |
746 | ndy = ndcoord ; self.vertlabel() ; self.ylabel = self.xlabel |
747 | ndx = ndtime ; self.xlabel = "Local time (Martian hour)" |
748 | self.prepare(ndx=ndx,ndy=ndy) |
749 | self.vertaxis(ndy,yaxis=True) |
750 | self.ininterv(0.,24.,ndx,start=self.locts,end=self.locte) |
751 | for i in range(ndx): |
752 | for j in range(ndy): |
753 | if typex == "lat": self.lat = self.xcoord[i] ; self.loct = self.ycoord[j] |
754 | elif typex == "lon": self.lon = self.xcoord[i] ; self.loct = self.ycoord[j] |
755 | elif typex == "alt": self.xz = self.ycoord[j] ; self.loct = self.xcoord[i] |
756 | self.update() ; self.put2d(i,j) |
757 | self.lat = save1 ; self.xz = save2 ; self.loct = save3 ; self.lon = save4 |
758 | |
759 | def put2d(self,i,j): |
760 | ## fill in subscript i,j in output arrays |
761 | ## (arrays must have been correctly defined through prepare) |
762 | if self.prestab is None: myplot.errormess("arrays must be prepared first through self.prepare") |
763 | self.prestab[i,j] = self.pres ; self.denstab[i,j] = self.dens ; self.temptab[i,j] = self.temp |
764 | self.zonwindtab[i,j] = self.zonwind ; self.merwindtab[i,j] = self.merwind |
765 | self.meanvartab[i,j,1:5] = self.meanvar[0:4] ## note: var numbering according to MCD manual is kept |
766 | self.extvartab[i,j,1:100] = self.extvar[0:99] ## note: var numbering according to MCD manual is kept |
767 | |
768 | def makemap2d(self,choice,incwind=False,proj="cyl"): |
769 | ### one 2D map is created for the user-defined variable in choice. |
770 | self.latlon() ## a map is implicitely a lat-lon plot. otherwise it is a plot (cf. makeplot2d) |
771 | if choice == "wind" or incwind: |
772 | (windx, fieldlabwx) = self.definefield("u") |
773 | (windy, fieldlabwy) = self.definefield("v") |
774 | if choice == "wind": |
775 | field = np.sqrt(windx*windx + windy*windy) |
776 | fieldlab = "Horizontal wind speed (m/s)" |
777 | else: |
778 | (field, fieldlab) = self.definefield(choice) |
779 | if incwind: myplot.maplatlon(self.xcoord,self.ycoord,field,title=fieldlab,proj=proj,vecx=windx,vecy=windy) #,stride=1) |
780 | else: myplot.maplatlon(self.xcoord,self.ycoord,field,title=fieldlab,proj=proj) |
781 | mpl.figtext(0.5, 0.0, self.ack, ha='center') |
782 | |
783 | def map2d(self,tabtodo,incwind=False,proj="cyl"): |
784 | ### complete 2D figure with possible multiplots |
785 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.str): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
786 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.int): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
787 | fig = mpl.figure() |
788 | subv,subh = myplot.definesubplot( len(tabtodo) , fig ) |
789 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): mpl.subplot(subv,subh,i+1) ; self.makemap2d(tabtodo[i],incwind=incwind,proj=proj) |
790 | |
791 | def htmlmap2d(self,tabtodo,incwind=False,figname="temp.png",back="zMOL"): |
792 | ### complete 2D figure with possible multiplots |
793 | ### added in 09/2012 for online MCD |
794 | ### see http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/archive/2005/04/23/matplotlib_without_gui.html |
795 | from matplotlib.figure import Figure |
796 | from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg |
797 | from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap |
798 | from matplotlib import rcParams |
799 | #from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # does not work |
800 | from Scientific.IO import NetCDF |
801 | |
802 | filename = "/home/marshttp/surface.nc" |
803 | zefile = NetCDF.NetCDFFile(filename, 'r') |
804 | fieldc = zefile.variables[back] |
805 | yc = zefile.variables['latitude'] |
806 | xc = zefile.variables['longitude'] |
807 | |
808 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.str): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
809 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.int): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
810 | |
811 | howmanyplots = len(tabtodo) |
812 | if howmanyplots == 1: fig = Figure(figsize=(16,8)) |
813 | elif howmanyplots == 2: fig = Figure(figsize=(8,8)) |
814 | elif howmanyplots == 3: fig = Figure(figsize=(8,16)) |
815 | elif howmanyplots == 4: fig = Figure(figsize=(16,8)) |
816 | |
817 | subv,subh = myplot.definesubplot( len(tabtodo) , fig ) |
818 | |
819 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): |
820 | yeah = fig.add_subplot(subv,subh,i+1) |
821 | choice = tabtodo[i] |
822 | self.latlon(ndx=64,ndy=48) |
823 | ## a map is implicitely a lat-lon plot. otherwise it is a plot (cf. makeplot2d) |
824 | (field, fieldlab) = self.definefield(choice) |
825 | if incwind: (windx, fieldlabwx) = self.definefield("u") ; (windy, fieldlabwy) = self.definefield("v") |
826 | |
827 | proj="moll" ; colorb= self.colorm ; ndiv=20 ; zeback="molabw" ; trans=1.0 #0.6 |
828 | vecx=None ; vecy=None ; stride=2 |
829 | lon = self.xcoord |
830 | lat = self.ycoord |
831 | |
832 | #[lon2d,lat2d] = np.meshgrid(lon,lat) |
833 | ##### define projection and background. define x and y given the projection |
834 | ##[wlon,wlat] = myplot.latinterv() |
835 | ##yeahm = myplot.define_proj(proj,wlon,wlat,back=zeback,blat=None,blon=None) |
836 | ##x, y = yeahm(lon2d, lat2d) |
837 | #map = Basemap(projection='ortho',lat_0=45,lon_0=-100) |
838 | #x, y = map(lon2d, lat2d) |
839 | |
840 | #### TEMP |
841 | x = lon ; y = lat |
842 | |
843 | ## define field. bound field. |
844 | what_I_plot = np.transpose(field) |
845 | zevmin, zevmax = myplot.calculate_bounds(what_I_plot,vmin=self.min2d,vmax=self.max2d) |
846 | what_I_plot = myplot.bounds(what_I_plot,zevmin,zevmax) |
847 | ## define contour field levels. define color palette |
848 | ticks = ndiv + 1 |
849 | zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,ticks) |
850 | palette = get_cmap(name=colorb) |
851 | |
852 | # You can set negative contours to be solid instead of dashed: |
853 | rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid' |
854 | ## contours topo |
855 | zelevc = np.linspace(-9.,20.,11) |
856 | yeah.contour( xc, yc, fieldc, zelevc, colors='black',linewidths = 0.4) |
857 | yeah.contour( np.array(xc) + 360., yc, fieldc, zelevc, colors='black',linewidths = 0.4) |
858 | yeah.contour( np.array(xc) - 360., yc, fieldc, zelevc, colors='black',linewidths = 0.4) |
859 | # contour field |
860 | c = yeah.contourf( x, y, what_I_plot, zelevels, cmap = palette, alpha = trans ) |
861 | clb = Figure.colorbar(fig,c,orientation='vertical',format=self.fmt,ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=min([ticks/2+1,21]))) |
862 | clb.set_label(fieldlab) |
863 | if incwind: |
864 | [x2d,y2d] = np.meshgrid(x,y) |
865 | yeah.quiver(x2d,y2d,np.transpose(windx),np.transpose(windy)) |
866 | ax = fig.gca() ; ax.set_ylabel("Latitude") ; ax.set_xlabel("Longitude") |
867 | ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-360,361,45)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.lons, upper=self.lone) |
868 | ax.set_yticks(np.arange(-90,91,30)) ; ax.set_ybound(lower=self.lats, upper=self.late) |
869 | self.gettitle() |
870 | fig.text(0.5, 0.95, self.title, ha='center') |
871 | fig.text(0.5, 0.01, self.ack, ha='center') |
872 | canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) |
873 | # The size * the dpi gives the final image size |
874 | # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image |
875 | canvas.print_figure(figname, dpi=self.dpi) |
876 | |
877 | def htmlplot2d(self,tabtodo,figname="temp.png"): |
878 | ### complete 2D figure with possible multiplots |
879 | ### added in 10/2012 for online MCD |
880 | ### see http://www.dalkescientific.com/writings/diary/archive/2005/04/23/matplotlib_without_gui.html |
881 | from matplotlib.figure import Figure |
882 | from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg |
883 | from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap |
884 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.str): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
885 | if isinstance(tabtodo,np.int): tabtodo=[tabtodo] ## so that asking one element without [] is possible. |
886 | |
887 | howmanyplots = len(tabtodo) |
888 | if howmanyplots == 1: fig = Figure(figsize=(16,8)) |
889 | elif howmanyplots == 2: fig = Figure(figsize=(8,8)) |
890 | elif howmanyplots == 3: fig = Figure(figsize=(8,16)) |
891 | elif howmanyplots == 4: fig = Figure(figsize=(16,8)) |
892 | |
893 | subv,subh = myplot.definesubplot( len(tabtodo) , fig ) |
894 | |
895 | for i in range(len(tabtodo)): |
896 | yeah = fig.add_subplot(subv,subh,i+1) |
897 | choice = tabtodo[i] |
898 | |
899 | if self.lons is not None: |
900 | if self.locts is None: self.secalt(ndx=64,ndy=35,typex="lon") |
901 | else: self.hovmoller(ndcoord=64,typex="lon") |
902 | elif self.lats is not None: |
903 | if self.locts is None: |
904 | if self.zonmean: self.zonalmean() |
905 | else: self.secalt(ndx=48,ndy=35,typex="lat") |
906 | else: self.hovmoller(ndcoord=48,typex="lat") |
907 | else: |
908 | self.hovmoller(ndcoord=35,typex="alt") |
909 | |
910 | (field, fieldlab) = self.definefield(choice) |
911 | |
912 | colorb=self.colorm ; ndiv=20 |
913 | |
914 | ## define field. bound field. |
915 | what_I_plot = np.transpose(field) |
916 | zevmin, zevmax = myplot.calculate_bounds(what_I_plot,vmin=self.min2d,vmax=self.max2d) |
917 | what_I_plot = myplot.bounds(what_I_plot,zevmin,zevmax) |
918 | ## define contour field levels. define color palette |
919 | ticks = ndiv + 1 |
920 | zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,ticks) |
921 | palette = get_cmap(name=colorb) |
922 | # contour field |
923 | c = yeah.contourf( self.xcoord, self.ycoord, what_I_plot, zelevels, cmap = palette ) |
924 | clb = Figure.colorbar(fig,c,orientation='vertical',format=self.fmt,ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,num=min([ticks/2+1,21]))) |
925 | clb.set_label(fieldlab) |
926 | ax = fig.gca() ; ax.set_ylabel(self.ylabel) ; ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) |
927 | |
928 | if self.lons is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-360,361,45)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.lons, upper=self.lone) |
929 | elif self.lats is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-90,91,30)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.lats, upper=self.late) |
930 | |
931 | if self.locts is not None: |
932 | if self.xzs is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0,26,2)) ; ax.set_xbound(lower=self.locts, upper=self.locte) |
933 | else: ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0,26,2)) ; ax.set_ybound(lower=self.locts, upper=self.locte) |
934 | |
935 | if self.zkey == 4 and self.xzs is not None: |
936 | ax.set_yscale('log') ; ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) |
937 | else: |
938 | #ax.set_yticks(np.arange(self.xzs,self.xze,10000.)) ; |
939 | ax.set_ybound(lower=self.xzs, upper=self.xze) |
940 | |
941 | self.gettitle() |
942 | fig.text(0.5, 0.95, self.title, ha='center') |
943 | fig.text(0.5, 0.01, self.ack, ha='center') |
944 | canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) |
945 | # The size * the dpi gives the final image size |
946 | # a4"x4" image * 80 dpi ==> 320x320 pixel image |
947 | canvas.print_figure(figname, dpi=self.dpi) |
948 | |
949 | ### TODO: makeplot2d, plot2d, passer plot settings |
950 | |