#! /usr/bin/env python ### AS 10/05/2012. A python script to prepare initial state for idealized mesoscale runs. ### use : ensure mcd class is working. fill in input_coord. execute inimeso. from string import split ; import numpy as np ; import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl from mcd import mcd ### MCD INSTANCE and SETTINGS (actually, default. but one never knows) query = mcd() ; query.zkey = 3 ; query.dust = 2 ; query.hrkey = 1 ### GET COORDINATES lines = open("input_coord", "r").readlines() query.lon = float(split(lines[0])[0]) ; query.lat = float(split(lines[1])[0]) query.xdate = float(split(lines[2])[0]) ; query.loct = float(split(lines[3])[0]) query.printcoord() ### OPEN FILES TO BE WRITTEN sounding = open("input_sounding", "w") ; additional = open("input_therm", "w") ; more = open("input_more", "w") ### GET and WRITE SURFACE VALUES query.xz = 0. ; query.update() ; query.printmeanvar() sounding.write( "%10.2f%12.2f%12.2f\n" % (query.pres/100.,query.temp*(610./query.pres)**(1.0/3.9),0.) ) more.write( "%10.2f%10.2f" % (query.extvar[1],query.extvar[14]) ) ; more.close() ### GET and WRITE VERTICAL PROFILE query.profile( tabperso = np.append([0,1,5,10,20,50,100],np.linspace(200.,float(split(lines[4])[0])*1000.,float(split(lines[5])[0]))) ) for iz in range(len(query.prestab)): sounding.write( "%10.2f%12.2f%12.2f%12.2f%12.2f\n" % ( \ query.extvartab[iz,2],query.temptab[iz]*(610./query.prestab[iz])**(1.0/3.9),\ 0.,query.zonwindtab[iz],query.merwindtab[iz]) ) additional.write( "%12.2f%12.2f%18.6e%18.6e%12.2f\n" % ( \ query.extvartab[iz,49],query.extvartab[iz,8],\ query.prestab[iz],query.denstab[iz],query.temptab[iz]) ) ### FINISH sounding.close() ; additional.close() query.plot1d(["p","t","u","v"],vertplot=1) ; mpl.show()