#! /usr/bin/env python #import sys # #class NullDevice(): # def write(self, s): # pass # #original_stdout = sys.stdout # keep a reference to STDOUT # #sys.stdout = NullDevice() # redirect the real STDOUT #sys.stderr = NullDevice() # redirect the real STDOUT from mcd import mcd gale = mcd() gale.lat = -4.6 gale.lon = 137.4 gale.loct = 15. gale.xz = 1. gale.xdate = 150.6 gale.update() gale.printmcd() gale.printallextvar() #gale.printextvar("rho") gale.seasonal() gale.plot1d(["tsurf","u","v"]) import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl mpl.savefig("temp.png",dpi=85,bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches=0.25) exit() #gale.xdate = 270. #gale.diurnal() #gale.plot1d(["u","v"]) gale.latlon() gale.map2d("tsurf") import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl #mpl.show() mpl.savefig("temp.png",dpi=110,bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches=0.4)