### Wrapper for all gcm utilities. ### ### A. Colaitis -- LMD -- 08/11/2011 <-- Added ZRECAST for altitude mode, and MCS and TES modes for Pressure ### A. Colaitis -- LMD -- 08/11/2011 <-- Added HRECAST for MCS and TES predefined grids ### Added wrapper to streamfunction.e ### Added wrapper to localtime.e def call_zrecast ( interp_mode = '4', \ input_name = None, \ fields = 'all', \ limites = None, \ predefined = None): import numpy as np from myplot import separatenames from os import system pressure_axis_tes=[1658.152,1291.37,1005.72,783.2555,610.,475.0685,369.9837,288.1436,224.4065,174.7679,136.1094,106.0021,82.55452,64.29353,50.07185,38.99599,30.37011,23.65227,18.4204,14.34583,11.17254] pressure_axis_mcs=[1878.9, 1658.2, 1463.3, 1291.4, 1139.6, 1005.7, 887.54, 783.26,691.22, 610., 538.32, 475.07, 419.25, 369.98, 326.51, 288.14, 254.29,224.41, 198.04, 174.77, 154.23, 136.11, 120.12, 106., 93.547, 82.555,72.854, 64.294, 56.739, 50.072, 44.188, 38.996, 34.414, 30.37, 26.802,23.652, 20.873, 18.42, 16.256, 14.346, 12.66, 11.173, 9.8597, 8.7012,7.6788, 6.7765, 5.9802, 5.2775, 4.6574, 4.1101, 3.6272, 3.201, 2.8249,2.4929, 2.2, 1.9415, 1.7134, 1.512, 1.3344, 1.1776, 1.0392, 0.9171,0.80934, 0.71424, 0.63031, 0.55625, 0.49089, 0.43321, 0.3823, 0.33738,0.29774, 0.26275, 0.23188, 0.20463, 0.18059, 0.15937, 0.14064, 0.12412,0.10953, 0.096661, 0.085303, 0.07528, 0.066434, 0.058628, 0.051739,0.04566, 0.040294, 0.03556, 0.031381, 0.027694, 0.02444, 0.021568,0.019034, 0.016797, 0.014824, 0.013082, 0.011545, 0.010188, 0.0089909,0.0079345, 0.0070021, 0.0061794, 0.0054533, 0.0048125, 0.004247] system("rm -f zrecast.auto.def") system("touch zrecast.auto.def") indicefile=0 outputfilename="" f = open('zrecast.auto.def', 'w') for zfile in input_name: f.write(zfile+"\n") for zvar in fields: f.write(zvar+"\n") f.write("\n") if interp_mode == 4: append="_S" f.write("3"+"\n") f.write("yes"+"\n") f.write("0 150000"+"\n") elif interp_mode == 2: append="_P" if predefined in ["TES","tes"]: print "Using TES pressure levels" f.write("1"+"\n") f.write("no"+"\n") f.write(str(len(pressure_axis_tes))+"\n") for zp in pressure_axis_tes: f.write(str(zp)+"\n") f.write("\n") elif predefined in ["MCS","mcs"]: print "Using MCS pressure levels" f.write("1"+"\n") f.write("no"+"\n") f.write(str(len(pressure_axis_mcs))+"\n") for zp in pressure_axis_mcs: f.write(str(zp)+"\n") f.write("\n") else: f.write("1"+"\n") f.write("yes"+"\n") if limites[0] != -9999.: f.write(str(limites[0])+" "+str(limites[-1])+"\n") else: f.write("370 0.1"+"\n") #f.write("1000000 100"+"\n") f.write("20"+"\n") else: print "zrecast interp option unsupported for now. Exiting." exit() f.close() system("zrecast.e < zrecast.auto.def") if indicefile is 0: outputfilename=input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" else: outputfilename=outputfilename+","+input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" indicefile = indicefile +1 for i in range(len(outputfilename)): output_name = separatenames(outputfilename) return output_name def call_hrecast ( input_name = None, \ fields = 'all', \ predefined = None): import numpy as np from myplot import separatenames from os import system # Beware that latitude axis in mcs and tes files is reversed # When comparing to MCS or TES data, one has to reverse the latitude axis and data along latitude axis. # This is for exemple automatically done in mcs.py. # This could also be done in a future tes.py. latitudes_reversed_tes_mcs=[88.5, 85.5, 82.5, 79.5, 76.5, 73.5, 70.5, 67.5, 64.5, 61.5, 58.5, 55.5, 52.5, 49.5, 46.5, 43.5, 40.5, 37.5, 34.5, 31.5, 28.5, 25.5, 22.5, 19.5, 16.5, 13.5, 10.5, 7.5, 4.5, 1.5, -1.5, -4.5, -7.5, -10.5, -13.5, -16.5, -19.5, -22.5, -25.5, -28.5, -31.5, -34.5, -37.5, -40.5, -43.5, -46.5, -49.5, -52.5, -55.5, -58.5, -61.5, -64.5, -67.5, -70.5, -73.5, -76.5, -79.5, -82.5, -85.5, -88.5] longitudes_tes_mcs=[-176.25, -168.75, -161.25, -153.75, -146.25, -138.75, -131.25,-123.75, -116.25, -108.75, -101.25, -93.75, -86.25, -78.75, -71.25, -63.75, -56.25, -48.75, -41.25, -33.75, -26.25, -18.75, -11.25, -3.75, 3.75, 11.25, 18.75, 26.25, 33.75, 41.25, 48.75, 56.25, 63.75, 71.25, 78.75, 86.25, 93.75, 101.25, 108.75, 116.25, 123.75, 131.25, 138.75, 146.25, 153.75, 161.25, 168.75, 176.25] system("rm -f hrecast.auto.def") system("touch hrecast.auto.def") indicefile=0 outputfilename="" append="_h" f = open('hrecast.auto.def', 'w') for zfile in input_name: f.write(zfile+"\n") for zvar in fields: f.write(zvar+"\n") f.write("\n") if predefined in ["MCS","mcs","TES","tes"]: f.write(str(len(longitudes_tes_mcs))+"\n") for lon in longitudes_tes_mcs: f.write(str(lon)+"\n") f.write(str(len(latitudes_reversed_tes_mcs))+"\n") for lat in latitudes_reversed_tes_mcs: f.write(str(lat)+"\n") f.close() system("hrecast.e < hrecast.auto.def") if indicefile is 0: outputfilename=input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" else: outputfilename=outputfilename+","+input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" indicefile = indicefile +1 for i in range(len(outputfilename)): output_name = separatenames(outputfilename) return output_name def call_localtime ( input_name = None, \ fields = 'all', \ times = None): import numpy as np from myplot import separatenames from os import system system("rm -f localtime.auto.def") system("touch localtime.auto.def") indicefile=0 outputfilename="" append="_LT" f = open('localtime.auto.def', 'w') for zfile in input_name: f.write(zfile+"\n") for zvar in fields: f.write(zvar+"\n") f.write("\n") f.write(str(len(times))+"\n") for t in times: f.write(str(t)+"\n") f.close() system("localtime.e < localtime.auto.def") if indicefile is 0: outputfilename=input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" else: outputfilename=outputfilename+","+input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" indicefile = indicefile +1 for i in range(len(outputfilename)): output_name = separatenames(outputfilename) return output_name def call_streamfunction ( input_name = None): import numpy as np from myplot import separatenames from os import system system("rm -f streamfunction.auto.def") system("touch streamfunction.auto.def") indicefile=0 outputfilename="" append="_stream" f = open('streamfunction.auto.def', 'w') for zfile in input_name: f.write(zfile+"\n") f.close() system("streamfunction.e < streamfunction.auto.def") if indicefile is 0: outputfilename=input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" else: outputfilename=outputfilename+","+input_name[indicefile][0:len(input_name[0])-3]+append+".nc" indicefile = indicefile +1 for i in range(len(outputfilename)): output_name = separatenames(outputfilename) return output_name