#!/usr/bin/env python ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 30/06/2011 -- slight modif early 07/2011 def domain (namefile,proj=None,back="vishires",target=None): from netCDF4 import Dataset from myplot import getcoord2d,define_proj,makeplotres,simplinterv,getprefix,dumpbdy,getproj,latinterv,wrfinterv,simplinterv from mymath import max,min from matplotlib.pyplot import contourf,rcParams,pcolor from numpy.core.defchararray import find from numpy import arange ### nc = Dataset(namefile) ### if proj == None: proj = "ortho" #proj = getproj(nc) ### prefix = namefile[0] + namefile[1] + namefile[2] if prefix == "geo": [lon2d,lat2d] = getcoord2d(nc,nlat='XLAT_M',nlon='XLONG_M') var = 'HGT_M' zeplot = "domain" else: [lon2d,lat2d] = getcoord2d(nc) var = "HGT" zeplot = getprefix(nc) + "domain" ### lon2d = dumpbdy(lon2d,5) lat2d = dumpbdy(lat2d,5) if proj == "npstere": [wlon,wlat] = latinterv("North_Pole") elif proj in ["lcc","laea"]: [wlon,wlat] = wrfinterv(lon2d,lat2d) else: [wlon,wlat] = simplinterv(lon2d,lat2d) ### m = define_proj(proj,wlon,wlat,back=back) x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) ### what_I_plot = dumpbdy(nc.variables[var][0,:,:], 5) #levinterv = 250. #zelevels = arange(min(what_I_plot)-levinterv,max(what_I_plot)+levinterv,levinterv) zelevels = 30 contourf(x, y, what_I_plot, zelevels) #pcolor(x,y,what_I_plot) ## on voit trop les lignes ! ### if not target: zeplot = namefile[0:find(namefile,'wrfout')] + zeplot else: zeplot = target + "/" + zeplot ### pad_inches_value = 0.35 makeplotres(zeplot,res=100.,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value) #,erase=True) ## a miniature makeplotres(zeplot,res=200.,pad_inches_value=pad_inches_value,disp=False) #makeplotpng(zeplot,pad_inches_value=0.35) #rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = 'black' #makeplotpng(zeplot+"b",pad_inches_value=0.35) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys ### to be replaced by argparse from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-f', action='store', dest='namefile', type="string", default=None, help='name of WRF file [NEEDED]') parser.add_option('-p', action='store', dest='proj', type="string", default=None, help='projection') parser.add_option('-b', action='store', dest='back', type="string", default="vishires", help='background') parser.add_option('-t', action='store', dest='target', type="string", default=None, help='destination folder') (opt,args) = parser.parse_args() if opt.namefile is None: print "I want to eat one file at least ! Use domain.py -f name_of_my_file. Or type domain.py -h" exit() print "Options:", opt domain (opt.namefile,proj=opt.proj,back=opt.back,target=opt.target)