#! /usr/bin/env python import ads ads.makepage('pubtitan',\ retrieve = True,\ customcond = ''' -c 'title:"Titan"' ''',\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Titan peer-reviewed publications of the LMD 'Planetary Atmospheres' team

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Mars peer-reviewed publications of the LMD 'Planetary Atmospheres' team

") ads.makepage('pubvenus',\ retrieve = False,\ customcond = ''' -c 'title:"Venus" or title:"venusian"' ''',\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Venus peer-reviewed publications of the LMD 'Planetary Atmospheres' team

") ads.makepage('pubexo',\ retrieve = False,\ customcond = ''' -c 'abstract:"exoplanet" or title:"habitable" or title:"habitability"' ''',\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Exoplanets peer-reviewed publications of the LMD 'Planetary Atmospheres' team

") ads.makepage('pubforget',\ retrieve = False,\ customcond = ''' -c 'author:"Forget"' ''',\ listyear = range(2013,1992,-1),\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Francois Forget's peer-reviewed publications

") ads.makepage('publebonnois',\ retrieve = False,\ customcond = ''' -c 'author:"Lebonnois"' ''',\ listyear = range(2013,1998,-1),\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Sebastien Lebonnois's peer-reviewed publications

") ads.makepage('pubspiga',\ retrieve = False,\ customcond = ''' -c 'author:"Spiga"' ''',\ listyear = range(2013,2006,-1),\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Aymeric Spiga's peer-reviewed publications

") ads.makepage('pubmillour',\ retrieve = False,\ customcond = ''' -c 'author:"Millour"' ''',\ listyear = range(2013,2007,-1),\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Ehouarn Millour's peer-reviewed publications

") ads.makepage('pub',\ retrieve = False,\ listyear = range(2013,1992,-1),\ linkads = "link.LMD_planeto",\ title = "

Peer-reviewed publications of the LMD 'Planetary Atmospheres' team

",\ addlink = '''
Planet: Mars / Venus / Titan / Exoplanets

Author: F. Forget / S. Lebonnois / A. Spiga / E. Millour
