############################ ## probe.sh ## -------- ## tool to run 1D comparisons of single variables ## defined in callphys.def ## -------- ## Author : A. Colaitis ############################ ## # IT IS VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED TO RUN THIS SCRIPT # IN A LOCAL DIRECTORY OF THE PLANETO SERVERS (levan, viccaro, penn, under /home/local_home) # AS THE 1D MODEL RUNS HUNDREDS OF TIMES FASTER THAN ON NETWORK DISKS (/u, /planeto, /d..., /san ...) ## Requirements: # You must have in the same folder as probe.sh: # - callphys.def # - traceur.def # - z2sig.def # - run.def # - a profile file if you use the corresponding mode in run.def # - the executable to test, i.e. testphys1d.e ## Variable definition: # The variable to be explored must be set to a dummy value in callphys.def eg: tauvis=999 # The user must change the sed command in probe.sh to replace this value as desired eg: sed -e s/'tauvis=999'/'tauvis='${TAU[ $i ]}/g r$i/callphys.def > r$i/callphys.def.tmp ; \mv r$i/callphys.def.tmp r$i/callphys.def with: taus="0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0" TAU=($taus) ## Preparation # The cleaning and creation of directories where the 1D will be run is done by the following command: ./probe.sh prepare # (make sure your probe.sh is executable, or type in chmod a+x probe.sh) ## Running the comparisons # runs are launched with the following command: ./probe.sh run ## Analyse the results # results are analysed with the following command: ./probe.sh analyse # png or eps can be specified as a second argument, eg "./probe.sh analyse eps"