1 | pro gravitwaveprof |
2 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
3 | |
4 | ; |
5 | ; faire avant api avec kappa 3.9 |
6 | ; |
7 | |
8 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
9 | path='../TESTGW/' |
10 | path='/tmp7/aslmd/' |
11 | path='/home/aslmd/GRAVITWAVE/' |
12 | experiment='mcd_lt16_rcpcst' |
13 | ;experiment='mcd_lt16' |
14 | ;experiment='short_mcd_lt16_rcpcst' |
15 | ;experiment='short_mcd_lt16' |
16 | ;experiment='short_mcd_lt16_calcprho' |
17 | ;experiment='mcd_lt16_calcprho' |
18 | ;experiment='short_mcd_lt16_calcprho_tot' |
19 | ;experiment='colder_gcm_add_short' |
20 | ;experiment='colder_gcm_add' |
21 | experiment='' |
22 | ;experiment='wind15' |
23 | ;experiment='wind20c' |
24 | ;experiment='colder_gcm_add_3.9_fine_rad_mountain' |
25 | experiment='test' |
26 | experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D.157077' |
27 | experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D_lower_opacity.161436' |
28 | experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D_loweropacity_lotspoints.161468' |
29 | experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D_loweropacity_morepoints.161542' |
30 | ;experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D_loweropacity_morepoints_LT15.161544' |
31 | ;experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D_loweropacity_morepoints_LTcst.168440' |
32 | ;experiment='GW_MARS_highwind_3D_loweropacity_morepoints_widehill.168468' |
33 | file=path+experiment+'_wrfout_d01_9999-09-09_09:00:00_z' |
34 | file=path+experiment+'/wrfout_d01_9999-09-09_09:00:00_z' |
35 | ;file=path+experiment+'/wrfout_d01_9999-09-09_10:00:00_z' |
36 | ;file=path+experiment+'/wrfout_d01_9999-09-09_11:00:00_z' |
37 | charvar='W' & charvarc='W' |
38 | charvar='tk' & charvarc='W' |
39 | charvar='tk' & charvarc='W' & cond=1 |
40 | charvar='tpot' & charvarc='tpot' |
41 | ;charvar='PTOT' & charvarc='PTOT' |
42 | charvar='tk' & charvarc='tk' |
43 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
44 | nts=1 & nte=15 & nxs=0 & nxe=59 |
45 | nts=3 & nte=nts & nxs=999 & nxe=999 ;; moyenne ;; attention a la montagne !!! |
46 | nts=4 & nte=nts & nxs=31 & nxe=nxs ;; AU CENTRE ! sinon choisir le point en traçant de 0a 59 |
47 | nts=1 & nte=nts & nxs=0 & nxe=59 |
48 | nts=4 & nte=nts & nxs=0 & nxe=59 |
49 | nts=1 & nte=15 & nxs=31 & nxe=31 |
50 | nts=1 & nte=15 & nxs=45 & nxe=45 |
51 | nts=9 & nte=9 & nxs=0 & nxe=59 |
52 | nts=1 & nte=13 & nxs=59 & nxe=59 |
53 | nts=8 & nte=8 & nxs=0 & nxe=121 |
54 | nts=1 & nte=9 & nxs=59 & nxe=59 |
55 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
56 | nts=1 & nte=10 & nxs=50 & nxe=50 |
57 | ;nts=1 & nte=1 & nxs=6 & nxe=6 |
58 | nts=1 & nte=100 & nxs=50 & nxe=50 |
59 | nts=1 & nte=100 & nxs=60 & nxe=60 |
60 | ;nts=1 & nte=100 & nxs=20 & nxe=20 |
61 | nts=29 & nte=29 & nxs=60 & nxe=60 |
62 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
63 | ; |
64 | ; |
65 | ; |
66 | what_I_plot=0. & overcontour=0. |
67 | ;SPAWN, '\rm param_plot.idl ; cp gravitwave_inc2.pro param_plot.idl' |
68 | ; |
69 | ; |
70 | ; |
71 | getcdf, $ |
72 | file=file, $ |
73 | charvar=charvar, $ |
74 | invar=invar |
75 | ;getcdf, $ |
76 | ; file=file, $ |
77 | ; charvar=charvarc, $ |
78 | ; invar=invarc |
79 | getcdf, $ |
80 | file=file, $ |
81 | charvar='vert', $ |
82 | invar=vert |
83 | getcdf, $ |
84 | file=file, $ |
85 | charvar='PTOT', $ |
86 | invar=columnp |
87 | ;; |
88 | ;; |
89 | ;; |
90 | s = size(invar) & middle = floor(s[2]/2) & print, 'PLOT at y subs ', middle |
91 | nte = min(s[4]-1,nte) & print, 'nte ', nte |
92 | mean_invar = TOTAL(invar(*,*,*,nts:nte),4) / float(nte-nts+1) |
93 | ;mean_columnp = TOTAL(columnp(*,*,*,nts:nte),4) / float(nte-nts+1) |
94 | anomal_invar = invar & for i=0,s[4]-1 do anomal_invar(*,*,*,i) = anomal_invar(*,*,*,i) - mean_invar |
95 | ;; |
96 | ;; |
97 | ;; |
98 | ; goto, perturb |
99 | for nt=nts,nte do begin |
100 | for nx=nxs,nxe do begin |
101 | ; |
102 | zefile=experiment+'_'+charvar+'_'+string(nt+100,'(I0)')+'_'+string(nx+100,'(I0)') |
103 | ; |
104 | ; |
105 | ; |
106 | PS_Start, filename=zefile+'.ps' |
107 | print, zefile+'.ps' |
108 | !P.Charsize = 1.2 |
109 | !p.charthick = 2.0 |
110 | !p.thick = 2.0 |
111 | !x.thick = 2.0 |
112 | !y.thick = 2.0 |
113 | ; |
114 | ; |
115 | ; |
116 | ;;what_I_plot = reform(invar(*,1,*,nt)) |
117 | ;what_I_plot = reform(invar(*,59,*,nt)) |
118 | what_I_plot = reform(invar(*,middle,*,nt)) |
119 | |
120 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
121 | file=path+experiment+'/input_sounding' & header='' & nlines_header=1 & ncol = 5 |
122 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
123 | nlines = FILE_LINES(file)-nlines_header & data=FLTARR(ncol,nlines) |
124 | OPENR, lun, file, /GET_LUN & READF, lun, header & READF, lun, data & CLOSE, lun & FREE_LUN, lun |
125 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
126 | mcd_column = reform(data(0,*)) |
127 | calc_tpot = reform(data(1,*)) |
128 | |
129 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
130 | file=path+experiment+'/input_therm' & ncol = 5 |
131 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
132 | nlines = FILE_LINES(file) & data=FLTARR(ncol,nlines) |
133 | OPENR, lun, file, /GET_LUN & READF, lun, data & CLOSE, lun & FREE_LUN, lun |
134 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
135 | pressure = reform(data(2,*)) |
136 | mcd_tpot = reform(data(4,*)) |
137 | |
138 | if (nx lt 999) then begin |
139 | what_I_plot = reform(what_I_plot(nx,*)) |
140 | endif else begin |
141 | what_I_plot = TOTAL(what_I_plot,1) / n_elements(reform(what_I_plot(*,0))) |
142 | endelse |
143 | |
144 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
145 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
146 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
147 | column = vert/1000. |
148 | overplot_column = mcd_column/1000. |
149 | alt = [20.,150.] |
150 | alt = [40.,100.] |
151 | alt = [40.,80.] |
152 | alt = [0.,120.] |
153 | alt = [10.,110.] |
154 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
155 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
156 | ;mention = '' |
157 | SPAWN, '\rm param_plot.idl' |
158 | minfield_init = 85. ;100. |
159 | maxfield_init = 185. ;250. |
160 | minfield_init = 90. |
161 | maxfield_init = 230. |
162 | title_axis = ['Temperature (K)','Altitude (km)'] |
163 | overplot = mcd_tpot |
164 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
165 | SPAWN, "echo 'intervaly=10.' >> param_plot.idl" |
166 | SPAWN, "echo 'intervalx=5.' >> param_plot.idl" |
167 | SPAWN, "echo 'intervalx=10.' >> param_plot.idl" |
168 | ;;;;;;;;;;; |
169 | |
170 | ;overplot = reform(mean_invar(nx,middle,*)) |
171 | ;overplot_column = column |
172 | |
173 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PLOT PRESSION mettre profile en log |
174 | ;column = reform(columnp(nx,middle,*,nt)) |
175 | ;overplot_column = pressure |
176 | ; ;;overplot = mean_invar |
177 | ; ;;overplot_column = mean_columnp |
178 | ;alt = [1.e2,1.e-3] |
179 | ;title_axis = ['Temperature (K)','Pressure (Pa)'] |
180 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PLOT PRESSION |
181 | |
182 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
183 | ;; calculer la CAPE ? Tsat - Tenv / Tenv |
184 | |
185 | |
186 | ;what_I_plot = pressure |
187 | ; what_I_plot = calc_tpot |
188 | ;overplot = alog(overplot) / alog(10.) |
189 | ;overplot = overplot[where(overplot lt 35.)] ;; evite les valeurs impossibles |
190 | ;what_I_plot = alog(what_I_plot) / alog(10.) |
191 | ;minfield_init = -5. |
192 | ;maxfield_init = 3. |
193 | ; ;;tpot |
194 | ; minfield_init = 2. |
195 | ; maxfield_init = 4. |
196 | ;what_I_plot = 100. * abs(calc_tpot - overplot) / overplot |
197 | ;minfield_init = 0.000001 |
198 | ;maxfield_init = 100. |
199 | |
200 | profile, $ |
201 | what_I_plot, $ ; 1D vertical profile |
202 | column, $ ; altitudes |
203 | alt=alt, $ ; altitude range [altmin, altmax] |
204 | minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) |
205 | maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) |
206 | inprofile=overplot, $ ; another vertical profile to overplot |
207 | incolumn=overplot_column, $ ; altitudes of the other vertical profile (in case /= column) |
208 | ; discrete=discrete, $ ; show the profile points (= type of points in !psym) |
209 | ; title_plot=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) |
210 | title_axis=title_axis, $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) |
211 | mention=mention ; add text precision within the plot window (default is nothing or '') |
212 | |
213 | ;;; sponge layer |
214 | ;w=where(FINITE(overplot) ne 0) |
215 | ;oplot, [minfield_init,maxfield_init], [max(overplot_column[w])-50.,max(overplot_column[w])-50.], linestyle=1 |
216 | |
217 | ;column = columnp |
218 | ;@tempcond.inc |
219 | ;yeye = reform(overplot(nx,1,*,nt)) |
220 | ;;w = where(yeye le 0.) & yeye[w] = !VALUES.F_NAN |
221 | ;;oplot, yeye, vert/1000., linestyle=1 |
222 | |
223 | |
224 | loadct, 4 |
225 | for i=16,37 do begin ;10-37 |
226 | for j=0,40 do begin |
227 | dec = j - 20 |
228 | overoverplot = reform(invar(nx+dec,middle+dec,*,i)) |
229 | oplot, overoverplot, column, color=220 ;psym=3 |
230 | endfor |
231 | endfor |
232 | |
233 | !p.thick = 4.0 |
234 | oplot, overplot, overplot_column, linestyle=2 |
235 | !p.thick = 2.0 |
236 | |
237 | !p.thick = 4.0 |
238 | oplot, reform(invar(nx,middle,*,28)), column |
239 | !p.thick = 2.0 |
240 | |
241 | @tempcond.inc |
242 | overplot = reform(overplot(nx,middle,*,nt)) |
243 | w = where(overplot le 0.) & overplot[w] = !VALUES.F_NAN |
244 | oplot, overplot, overplot_column, linestyle=1 |
245 | |
246 | ;calc_tk = calc_tpot * (pressure/610.)^(1/4.4) |
247 | ;oplot, calc_tk, column, linestyle=3 |
248 | |
249 | PS_End, /PNG |
250 | endfor |
251 | endfor |
252 | |
253 | perturb: |
254 | PS_Start, filename=experiment+'_'+charvar+'_perturb_'+string(nxs+100,'(I0)')+'.ps' |
255 | |
256 | what_I_plot_loop = reform(anomal_invar(nxs,middle,*,*)) |
257 | |
258 | what_I_plot = reform(what_I_plot_loop(*,nts)) |
259 | column = vert/1000. |
260 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
261 | alt = [0.,120.] |
262 | minfield_init = -30. |
263 | maxfield_init = 30. |
264 | title_axis = ['Temperature anomaly (K)','Altitude (km)'] |
265 | ;; peut pas changer |
266 | ;SPAWN, "echo 'intervaly=10.' >> param_plot.idl" |
267 | ;SPAWN, "echo 'intervalx=5.' >> param_plot.idl" |
268 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
269 | profile, $ |
270 | what_I_plot, $ ; 1D vertical profile |
271 | column, $ ; altitudes |
272 | alt=alt, $ ; altitude range [altmin, altmax] |
273 | minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) |
274 | maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) |
275 | inprofile=overplot, $ ; another vertical profile to overplot |
276 | incolumn=overplot_column, $ ; altitudes of the other vertical profile (in case /= column) |
277 | ; discrete=discrete, $ ; show the profile points (= type of points in !psym) |
278 | ; title_plot=title_user, $ ; title of the plot ('Profile' is default) |
279 | title_axis=title_axis, $ ; title of the [x,y] axis (['Field','Altitude'] is default) |
280 | mention=mention ; add text precision within the plot window (default is nothing or '') |
281 | |
282 | for iii=nts+1, nte do begin |
283 | overplot = reform(what_I_plot_loop(*,iii)) |
284 | overplot_column = column |
285 | oplot, overplot, overplot_column |
286 | endfor |
287 | |
288 | ;temppp = reform(mean_invar(nxs,middle,*)) |
289 | ;hache = 191.*temppp/3.72/1000. |
290 | ;ok = column / ( 2. * hache ) |
291 | ;print, exp(ok) |
292 | ;yeah = exp(ok) |
293 | ;oplot, yeah, column |
294 | |
295 | PS_End, /PNG |
296 | |
297 | end |