[207] | 1 | ARWpost |
| 2 | June 2007 |
| 3 | Add cloud fractions |
| 4 | Remove memory leaks |
| 5 | November 2006 |
| 6 | |
| 7 | The program read any wrf dataset in NETCDF/GRIB1 format and can produce either |
| 8 | GrADS input data format or Vis5D input format. |
| 9 | |
| 10 | WRFV2 MUST be compiled and avaliable. If WRFV2 is not on the same level as |
| 11 | ARWpost, then configure.arwp needs to be edited to correct path. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | |
| 14 | COMPILE |
| 15 | ./configure --- to get a list of compile options for your computer |
| 16 | If your computer is not listed, you will need to add it under |
| 17 | arch/configure.defaults |
| 18 | ./compile --- compile the code |
| 19 | |
| 20 | ./clean -a --- clean |
| 21 | |
| 22 | |
| 23 | |
| 24 | namelist.ARWpost |
| 25 | |
| 26 | datetime |
| 27 | start_date :: In format YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS |
| 28 | :: Or specify |
| 29 | start_year |
| 30 | start_month |
| 31 | start_day |
| 32 | start_hour |
| 33 | end_date :: In format YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS |
| 34 | :: Or specify |
| 35 | end_year |
| 36 | end_month |
| 37 | end_day |
| 38 | end_hour |
| 39 | interval_seconds :: Interval in seconds between plots required |
| 40 | |
| 41 | io |
| 42 | io_form_input :: NETCDF=2, GRIB1=5 |
| 43 | input_root_name :: root name or full name of input file(s) to process |
| 44 | Include path to file location |
| 45 | './wrfout' will read all files with root name "wrfout" |
| 46 | in the current directory |
| 47 | output_root_name :: root name of output files |
| 48 | for grads output 2 files will be created |
| 49 | output_root_name.ctl and output_root_name.dat |
| 50 | for v5d output the one file will be craeted |
| 51 | output_root_name.v5d |
| 52 | output_title :: Only used for GrADS output files. |
| 53 | Will be added to the top of the output_root_name.ctl |
| 54 | file. If not specified, the TITLE from input_root_name |
| 55 | will be used. |
| 56 | mercator_defs :: For very large domains on mercator projection, GrADS |
| 57 | may destort plots. In this case, setting mercator_defs |
| 58 | to TRUE will fix the problem. |
| 59 | keep_moist_arrays :: By default some moist and wind arrays are carried for |
| 60 | keep_wind_arrays for use in diagnostics. For very large domains, and if |
| 61 | these arrays are not needed for diagnostics, they |
| 62 | can be removed. |
| 63 | plot :: Fields to be plotted. Options are: |
| 64 | all, basic, file, list, |
| 65 | all_file, all_list, |
| 66 | basic_file, basic_list, list_file, |
| 67 | all_list_file, basic_list_file |
| 68 | 'all', get all the fields in the 'input_root_name' file |
| 69 | cannot use 'all' for Vis5D data |
| 70 | 'basic', get the fields (if available): |
| 73 | T (TT), T2, TH2, TMN, TSK, U (UU), U10, V (VV), V10, |
| 75 | This list can be customize in the routine: |
| 76 | gridinfo_module.F90 |
| 77 | 'list', get all the fields listed in "fields" |
| 78 | fields are separated by "," |
| 79 | 'file', get all the fields in a file you created. The |
| 80 | created filename must be supplied in "fields_file" |
| 81 | Any conbination of 'all', 'basic', 'list', 'file' is valid. |
| 82 | fields :: Used if you specifed 'list' in "plot" |
| 83 | Fields are separated with "," |
| 84 | fields_file :: Used if you specified 'file' in "plot" |
| 85 | Fields are listed one below each other in your file |
| 86 | "fields_file" is the name of your file |
| 87 | output_type :: 'grads' (default) or 'v5d' |
| 88 | |
| 89 | interp |
| 90 | interp_method :: 0 = model levels |
| 91 | -1 = calculated height levels |
| 92 | 1 = user specified pressure/height levels |
| 93 | For 1, must specify levels in 'interp_levels' |
| 94 | interp_levels :: Only used if 'interp_method = 1' |
| 95 | Height (km) or Pressure (hPa) |
| 96 | No need to be equally spaced, must be bottom to top |
| 97 | |
| 98 | |
| 99 | |
| 100 | |
| 101 | Diagnostics: |
| 102 | Currently the following diagnostics are available |
| 103 | - module_calc_cape.f90 |
| 104 | cape (3D CAPE) and cin (3D CIN) |
| 105 | mcape (2D CAPE), mcin (2D CIN) |
| 106 | lfc (LFC), lcl (LCL) |
| 107 | - module_calc_dbz.f90 |
| 108 | dbz (3D Reflectivity) |
| 109 | maz_dbz (Max Reflectivity) |
| 110 | - module_calc_height.f90 |
| 111 | height (Height above sea level) |
| 112 | - module_calc_pressure.f90 |
| 113 | pressure (Pressure) |
| 114 | - module_calc_rh.f90 |
| 115 | rh (Relative Humidity) |
| 116 | - module_calc_slp.f90 |
| 117 | slp (Sea Level Pressure) |
| 118 | - module_calc_tc.f90 |
| 119 | tc (Temperature in C) |
| 120 | - module_calc_td.f90 |
| 121 | td (Dew Point Temperature) |
| 122 | - module_calc_theta.f90 |
| 123 | theta (Potential Temperature) |
| 124 | - module_calc_tk.f90 |
| 125 | tk (Temperature in K) |
| 126 | - module_calc_uvmet.f90 |
| 127 | umet, vmet, u10m, v10m (U and V rotated to earth coordiantes) |
| 128 | - module_calc_wdir.f90 |
| 129 | wdir, wdir10 (Wind Direction) |
| 130 | - module_calc_wspd.f90 |
| 131 | wspd, wspd10 (Wind Speed) |
| 132 | - module_calc_clfr.f90 |
| 133 | clfr (low,mid and high clouds) |
| 134 | |
| 135 | |
| 137 | First make sure that all the arrays needed for the calculations are |
| 138 | available. The following are carried NOW. |
| 139 | XLAT, XLONG, HGT, PSFC, P, PB, PH, PHB, QV, T(theta-300), TT(temp in K from metdata) |
| 140 | U10, V10, UUU, VVV (if keep_wind_arrays = TRUE) |
| 141 | QR, QS, QG (if keep_moist_arrays = TRUE) |
| 142 | |
| 143 | Logical variables have_* indicate if arrays are present. |
| 144 | |
| 145 | See src/module_model_basics.f90, and src/module_arrays.f90 |
| 146 | |
| 147 | Create a new module (module_calc_*.f90) which will calculate the new |
| 148 | diagnostic variable. Look at one of the existing ones for an example. |
| 149 | |
| 150 | Add CALL to src/module_diagmostics.f90 |
| 151 | Must call the following 3 routines |
| 152 | CALL calc_* (new diagnostics) |
| 153 | CALL interp (to interpolate to output grid) |
| 154 | CALL write_dat (to write output) |
| 155 | |
| 156 | Make appropriate changes to the Makefile |
| 157 | |
| 158 | If a new 3D diagnostical field had been created, AND Vis5D output are |
| 159 | going to be generated, this new field must also be added to "known_3d_fields" |
| 160 | in src/v5d_module.f90 |
| 161 | |
| 162 | |
| 163 | Special NOTES: |
| 164 | Vis5D output, cannot have 'plot = "all"' |