#!/usr/bin/env python ### A. Spiga -- LMD -- 30/06/2011 to 10/07/2011 ### Thanks to A. Colaitis for the parser trick #################################### #################################### ### The main program to plot vectors def winds (namefile,\ nvert,\ proj=None,\ back=None,\ target=None, stride=3,\ numplot=4,\ var=None,\ colorb=True,\ winds=True,\ addchar=None,\ interv=[0,1],\ vmin=None,\ vmax=None,\ tile=False,\ zoom=None): #################################################################################################################### ### Colorbars http://www.scipy.org/Cookbook/Matplotlib/Show_colormaps?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=colormaps3.png ################################# ### Load librairies and functions from netCDF4 import Dataset from myplot import getcoord2d,define_proj,makeplotpng,simplinterv,vectorfield,ptitle,latinterv,getproj,wrfinterv,dumpbdy,\ fmtvar,definecolorvec,getwinds,defcolorb,getprefix from mymath import deg,max,min,mean from matplotlib.pyplot import contour,contourf, subplot, figure, rcParams, savefig, colorbar, pcolor from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap import numpy as np from numpy.core.defchararray import find ### #rcParams['text.usetex'] = True #rcParams['cairo.format'] = 'svg' ###################### ### Load NETCDF object nc = Dataset(namefile) ################################### ### Recognize predefined file types if 'controle' in nc.variables: typefile = 'gcm' elif 'vert' in nc.variables: typefile = 'mesoapi' elif 'U' in nc.variables: typefile = 'meso' else: print "typefile not supported." print nc.variables exit() ############################################################## ### Try to guess the projection from wrfout if not set by user if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: if proj == None: proj = getproj(nc) ### (il faudrait passer CEN_LON dans la projection ?) elif typefile in ['gcm']: if proj == None: proj = "cyl" ## pb avec les autres (de trace derriere la sphere ?) ############################################ #### Choose underlying topography by default if not back: if not var: back = "mola" ## if no var: draw mola elif typefile in ['mesoapi','meso'] \ and proj not in ['merc','lcc','nsper','laea']: back = "molabw" ## if var but meso: draw molabw else: pass ## else: draw None #################################################### ### Get geographical coordinates and plot boundaries if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: [lon2d,lat2d] = getcoord2d(nc) lon2d = dumpbdy(lon2d) lat2d = dumpbdy(lat2d) elif typefile in ['gcm']: [lon2d,lat2d] = getcoord2d(nc,nlat="latitude",nlon="longitude",is1d=True) if proj == "npstere": [wlon,wlat] = latinterv("North_Pole") elif proj in ["lcc","laea"]: [wlon,wlat] = wrfinterv(lon2d,lat2d) else: [wlon,wlat] = simplinterv(lon2d,lat2d) if zoom: dlon = abs(wlon[1]-wlon[0])/2. dlat = abs(wlat[1]-wlat[0])/2. [wlon,wlat] = [ [wlon[0]+zoom*dlon/100.,wlon[1]-zoom*dlon/100.],\ [wlat[0]+zoom*dlat/100.,wlat[1]-zoom*dlat/100.] ] print "zoom %",zoom,wlon,wlat ############################################################################## ### Get winds and know if those are meteorological winds (ie. zon, mer) or not if winds: if typefile is 'mesoapi': [u,v] = getwinds(nc) metwind = True ## meteorological (zon/mer) elif typefile is 'gcm': [u,v] = getwinds(nc,charu='u',charv='v') metwind = True ## meteorological (zon/mer) elif typefile is 'meso': [u,v] = getwinds(nc,charu='U',charv='V') metwind = False ## geometrical (wrt grid) print "Beware ! Not using meteorological winds. You trust numerical grid as being (x,y)." ##################################################### ### Load the chosen variables, whether it is 2D or 3D if var: if var not in nc.variables: print "not found in file:",var exit() else: dimension = np.array(nc.variables[var]).ndim if dimension == 2: field = nc.variables[var][:,:] elif dimension == 3: field = nc.variables[var][:,:,:] elif dimension == 4: field = nc.variables[var][:,nvert,:,:] dev = np.std(field)*3.0 if vmin is None: zevmin = mean(field) - dev else: zevmin = vmin if vmax is None: zevmax = mean(field) + dev else: zevmax = vmax print "bounds ", zevmin, zevmax ### some already defined colormaps if colorb is True: colorb = defcolorb(var) else: dimension = 0 ########################### ### Get length of time axis if winds: nt = len(u[:,0,0,0]) elif var: if dimension == 2: nt = 1 else : nt = len(field[:,0,0]) ######################################### ### Name for title and graphics save file if winds: basename = "UV_" else: basename = "" if var: basename = basename + var ### if dimension == 4: if typefile is 'meso': stralt = "_lvl" + str(nvert) elif typefile is 'mesoapi': zelevel = int(nc.variables['vert'][nvert]) if 'altitude' in nc.dimensions: stralt = "_"+str(zelevel)+"m-AMR" elif 'altitude_abg' in nc.dimensions: stralt = "_"+str(zelevel)+"m-ALS" elif 'bottom_top' in nc.dimensions: stralt = "_"+str(zelevel)+"m" elif 'pressure' in nc.dimensions: stralt = "_"+str(zelevel)+"Pa" else: stralt = "" else: stralt = "" ### basename = basename + stralt ################################## ### Open a figure and set subplots fig = figure() if numplot > 0: if numplot == 4: sub = 221 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.3, hspace = 0.3) rcParams['font.size'] = int( rcParams['font.size'] * 2. / 3. ) elif numplot == 2: sub = 121 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.3) rcParams['font.size'] = int( rcParams['font.size'] * 3. / 4. ) elif numplot == 3: sub = 131 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.5) rcParams['font.size'] = int( rcParams['font.size'] * 1. / 2. ) elif numplot == 6: sub = 231 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.4, hspace = 0.0) rcParams['font.size'] = int( rcParams['font.size'] * 1. / 2. ) elif numplot == 8: sub = 331 #241 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.3, hspace = 0.3) rcParams['font.size'] = int( rcParams['font.size'] * 1. / 2. ) elif numplot == 9: sub = 331 fig.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.3, hspace = 0.3) rcParams['font.size'] = int( rcParams['font.size'] * 1. / 2. ) elif numplot == 1: sub = 99999 else: print "supported: 1,2,3,4,6,8,9" exit() ### Prepare time loop if nt <= numplot or numplot == 1: tabrange = [0] numplot = 1 else: tabrange = range(0,nt,int(nt/numplot)) #nt-1 tabrange = tabrange[0:numplot] else: tabrange = range(0,nt,1) sub = 99999 print tabrange ################################# ### Time loop for plotting device found_lct = False for i in tabrange: ### Which local time ? ltst = ( interv[0] + 0.5*(wlon[0]+wlon[1])/15.) + i*interv[1] ltst = int (ltst * 10) / 10. ltst = ltst % 24 ### General plot settings if numplot > 1: subplot(sub) found_lct = True elif numplot == 1: found_lct = True ### If only one local time is requested (numplot < 0) elif numplot <= 0: if int(ltst) + numplot != 0: continue else: found_lct = True ### Map projection m = define_proj(proj,wlon,wlat,back=back) x, y = m(lon2d, lat2d) #### Contour plot if var: if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: what_I_plot = dumpbdy(field[i,:,:]) elif typefile in ['gcm']: if dimension == 2: what_I_plot = field[:,:] elif dimension == 3: what_I_plot = field[i,:,:] palette = get_cmap(name=colorb) #palette.set_over('b', 1.0) if not tile: zelevels = np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax) contourf( x, y, what_I_plot, 10, cmap = palette, levels = zelevels ) else: pcolor( x, y, what_I_plot, cmap = palette, vmin=zevmin, vmax=zevmax ) if var in ['HGT']: pass elif colorb: ndiv = 10 colorbar(fraction=0.05,pad=0.1,format=fmtvar(var),\ ticks=np.linspace(zevmin,zevmax,ndiv+1),\ extend='max',spacing='proportional') # both min max neither ### Vector plot if winds: if typefile in ['mesoapi','meso']: [vecx,vecy] = [dumpbdy(u[i,nvert,:,:]), dumpbdy(v[i,nvert,:,:])] key = True elif typefile in ['gcm']: [vecx,vecy] = [ u[i,nvert,:,:] , v[i,nvert,:,:] ] key = False if metwind: [vecx,vecy] = m.rotate_vector(vecx, vecy, lon2d, lat2d) if var == None: colorvec = definecolorvec(back) else: colorvec = definecolorvec(colorb) vectorfield(vecx, vecy,\ x, y, stride=stride, csmooth=stride,\ scale=15., factor=300., color=colorvec, key=key) #200. ## or csmooth=2 ### Next subplot plottitle = basename if addchar: plottitle = plottitle + addchar + "_LT"+str(ltst) else: plottitle = plottitle + "_LT"+str(ltst) ptitle( plottitle ) sub += 1 ########################################################################## ### Save the figure in a file in the data folder or an user-defined folder if typefile in ['meso','mesoapi']: prefix = getprefix(nc) elif typefile in ['gcm']: prefix = 'LMD_GCM_' else: prefix = '' ### zeplot = prefix + basename if addchar: zeplot = zeplot + addchar if numplot <= 0: zeplot = zeplot + "_LT"+str(abs(numplot)) ### if not target: zeplot = namefile[0:find(namefile,'wrfout')] + zeplot else: zeplot = target + "/" + zeplot ### if found_lct: makeplotpng(zeplot,pad_inches_value=0.35) else: print "Local time not found" ############### ### Now the end return zeplot ########################################################################################### ########################################################################################### ### What is below relate to running the file as a command line executable (very convenient) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from optparse import OptionParser ### to be replaced by argparse from api_wrapper import api_onelevel from netCDF4 import Dataset from myplot import getlschar ############################# ### Get options and variables parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-f', action='store', dest='namefile', type="string", default=None, help='[NEEDED] name of WRF file') parser.add_option('-l', action='store', dest='nvert', type="float", default=0, help='vertical level (def=0)(-i 2: p,mbar)(-i 3,4: z,km)') parser.add_option('-p', action='store', dest='proj', type="string", default=None, help='projection') parser.add_option('-b', action='store', dest='back', type="string", default=None, help='background') parser.add_option('-t', action='store', dest='target', type="string", default=None, help='destination folder') parser.add_option('-s', action='store', dest='stride', type="int", default=3, help='stride vectors (def=3)') parser.add_option('-v', action='store', dest='var', type="string", default=None, help='variable contoured') parser.add_option('-n', action='store', dest='numplot', type="int", default=4, help='number of plots (def=1)(<0: 1 plot of LT -*numplot*)') parser.add_option('-i', action='store', dest='interp', type="int", default=None, help='interpolation method (2: press, 3: z-amr, 4:z-als)') parser.add_option('-c', action='store', dest='colorb', type="string", default=True, help='change colormap') parser.add_option('-x', action='store_false', dest='winds', default=True, help='no wind vectors') parser.add_option('-m', action='store', dest='vmin', type="float", default=None, help='bounding minimum value for color plot') parser.add_option('-M', action='store', dest='vmax', type="float", default=None, help='bounding maximum value for color plot') parser.add_option('-T', action='store_true', dest='tile', default=False, help='draw a tiled plot (no blank zone)') parser.add_option('-z', action='store', dest='zoom', type="float", default=None, help='zoom factor in %') parser.add_option('-N', action='store_true', dest='nocall', default=False, help='do not recreate api file') #parser.add_option('-V', action='store', dest='comb', type="float", default=None, help='a defined combination of variables') (opt,args) = parser.parse_args() if opt.namefile is None: print "I want to eat one file at least ! Use winds.py -f name_of_my_file. Or type winds.py -h" exit() print "Options:", opt zefile = opt.namefile zelevel = opt.nvert stralt = None [lschar,zehour,zehourin] = getlschar ( zefile ) ## getlschar from wrfout (or simply return "" if another file) ##################################################### ### Call Fortran routines for vertical interpolations if opt.interp is not None: if opt.nvert is 0 and opt.interp is 4: zelevel = 0.010 ### winds or no winds if opt.winds : zefields = 'uvmet' else : zefields = '' ### var or no var if opt.var is None : pass elif zefields == '' : zefields = opt.var else : zefields = zefields + "," + opt.var print zefields zefile = api_onelevel ( path_to_input = '', \ input_name = zefile, \ path_to_output = opt.target, \ fields = zefields, \ interp_method = opt.interp, \ onelevel = zelevel, \ nocall = opt.nocall ) print zefile zelevel = 0 ## so that zelevel could play again the role of nvert ############# ### Main call name = winds (zefile,int(zelevel),\ proj=opt.proj,back=opt.back,target=opt.target,stride=opt.stride,var=opt.var,numplot=opt.numplot,colorb=opt.colorb,winds=opt.winds,\ addchar=lschar,interv=[zehour,zehourin],vmin=opt.vmin,vmax=opt.vmax,tile=opt.tile,zoom=opt.zoom) print 'Done: '+name ######################################################### ### Generate a .sh file with the used command saved in it command = "" for arg in sys.argv: command = command + arg + ' ' f = open(name+'.sh', 'w') f.write(command)