1 | \chapter{A quick guide to running a complete mesoscale simulation}\label{complete} |
2 | |
3 | \vk |
4 | In this chapter, we assume that the user has followed all the installation/compilation steps in the previous chapters. Probably it was a bit of an effort to do so; now the reward is that complete mesoscale simulations, i.e. all steps referred to in section~\ref{steps}, can be run. This chapter is thus meant to be a permanent reference for users once all tasks described in the previous chapters have been successfully achieved. |
5 | |
6 | \mk |
7 | \section{A summary of the complete set of commands to run a mesoscale simulation} |
8 | |
9 | \sk |
10 | It is assumed here that the user is working in a directory named \ttt{/a\_place/MY\_SIMU} mounted on a disk with enough free space to host the \ttt{wrfout} output files. |
11 | |
12 | \sk |
13 | \paragraph{Prerequisites} Prepare parameter files (copy templates or pre-existing files); Edit those files; Use \ttt{\$MMM/SIMU/calendar} (or see appendix) to choose simulation dates and fill the namelists; Pay attention to correspondances between \ttt{namelist.input} and \ttt{namelist.wps}; See~\ref{zeparam} and~\ref{wps} for further details. |
14 | \begin{verbatim} |
15 | cd /a_place/MY_SIMU |
16 | cp $MMM/SIMU/namelist.input_minim namelist.input |
17 | cp $MMM/SIMU/callphys.def . |
18 | cp $MMM/SRC/WPS/wps_mars/namelist.wps_TEST namelist.wps |
19 | [edit those three files and set your parameters] |
20 | \end{verbatim} |
21 | |
22 | \sk |
23 | \paragraph{Step 0} Compile the model. See~\ref{sc:makemeso} for further details. |
24 | \begin{verbatim} |
25 | cd $MMM |
26 | makemeso |
27 | [answers to the questions must be compliant with information in namelist.input] |
28 | [check in your_compdir that executables real.exe and wrf.exe are here] |
29 | cd /a_place/MY_SIMU |
30 | ln -sf $MMM/your_compdir/wrf_suffix_reflecting_your_choices.exe wrf.exe |
31 | ln -sf $MMM/your_compdir/real_suffix_reflecting_your_choices.exe real.exe |
32 | \end{verbatim} |
33 | |
34 | \sk |
35 | \paragraph{Step 1} Run the LMD Global Circulation Model (GCM) to provide initial and boundary conditions for the mesoscale model. See~\ref{gcmini} for further details. |
36 | \begin{verbatim} |
37 | cd $MESO/LMDZ.MARS/myGCM |
38 | launch_gcm |
39 | [answer: sol number corresponding to chosen dates (use $MMM/SIMU/calendar)] |
40 | [wait for GCM simulation to end] |
41 | cd $MMM/your_compdir/PREP_MARS |
42 | [check that the link input_diagfi.nc points toward the GCM output diagfi.nc] |
43 | compile_and_exec |
44 | [check that WPSFEED contains data files which prefix is LMD:] |
45 | \end{verbatim} |
46 | |
47 | \sk |
48 | \paragraph{Step 2} Create the mesoscale limited-area domain of simulation. Run preprocessing programs to horizontally interpolate GCM meteorological fields and static data (topography, soil properties) to the chosen simulation domain. See~\ref{wps} for further details. |
49 | \begin{verbatim} |
50 | cd $MMM/your_compdir/WPS |
51 | geogrid.exe |
52 | [check that geo_em* netCDF files are created in the current directory] |
53 | mkdir WRFFEED/current |
54 | metgrid.exe |
55 | [check that met_em* netCDF files are created in the WRFFEED/current directory] |
56 | \end{verbatim} |
57 | |
58 | \sk |
59 | \paragraph{Step 3} Run preprocessing programs to vertically interpolate GCM meteorological fields and generate the initial and boundary conditions directly used by the mesoscale model. See~\ref{real.exe} for further details. |
60 | \begin{verbatim} |
61 | cd /a_place/MY_SIMU |
62 | ln -sf $MMM/your\_compdir/WPS/WRFFEED/current/met_em* . |
63 | real.exe |
64 | [check that wrfinput* wrfbdy* netCDF files are created] |
65 | \end{verbatim} |
66 | |
67 | \sk |
68 | \paragraph{Step 4} Run the LMD Martian Mesoscale Model. See~\ref{sc:arsia} for further details. |
69 | \begin{verbatim} |
70 | cd /a_place/MY_SIMU |
71 | wrf.exe [or use a MPI instance for parallel computations] |
72 | [check that wrfout* netCDF files are created and filled by simulation results] |
73 | [once wrf.exe is running met_em* links can be deleted] |
74 | \end{verbatim} |
75 | |
76 | \mk |
77 | \section{The \ttt{runmeso} script} |
78 | |
79 | %\mk |
80 | %\section{Complete simulations with \ttt{runmeso}} |
81 | % |
82 | %you'll notice you need to change namelist according to model compilation |
83 | %in order to minimize errors and help the user. |
84 | % |
85 | %\begin{remarque} |
86 | %To be completed |
87 | %\end{remarque} |
88 | % |
89 | %parler de xeyes |
90 | |
91 | \mk |
92 | \section{Examples of parameter files} |
93 | |