source: trunk/MESOSCALE/TESTS/newphys_tracers/namelist.wps @ 156

Last change on this file since 156 was 83, checked in by aslmd, 14 years ago

mars + LMD_MM_MARS : modifications pour cycle de l'eau, valeurs tunees JBM

used settings reached by JBM to obtain his PhD results

alb_surfice = 0.45 --- in physiq.F and meso_physiq.F
ccn_factor = 4.5 --- in watercloud.F
nuice_sed = 0.45 --- in callsedim.F

NB: this is supposed to be further refined in the future

File size: 2.2 KB
2 wrf_core = 'ARW',                    !!   [do not modify: choice of dynamical core]
3 max_dom = 1 !! (r)(n)(p2) Total number of domains
4 start_date = '2024-05-01_01:00:00','2024-05-01_01:00:00','2024-05-01_01:00:00'   !! YYYY-MM-DD_HH:mm:ss start date
5 end_date   = '2024-05-09_01:00:00','2024-05-01_01:00:00','2024-05-01_01:00:00'   !! YYYY-MM-DD_HH:mm:ss end date
6 interval_seconds = 3700 !! (p2) Frequency of large-scale fields update (s)
7 io_form_geogrid = 2,                 !!   [do not modify: choice of NETCDF outputs]   
8 debug_level = 0,                     !! verbose level of the programs
9 opt_output_from_geogrid_path='./'    !! location of the geogrid outputs
14 parent_id = 0, !! (n)(p2) Associated parent domain
15 parent_grid_ratio = 1, !! (n)(p2) Ratio of horizontal resolution parent/nest
16 i_parent_start = 0, !! (n)(p2) x-position of the bottom-left nest corner
17 j_parent_start = 0, !! (n)(p2) y-position of the bottom-left nest corner
18  e_we   = 121,                !! (r)(p2) Number of longitude grid points
19  e_sn   = 121,                !! (r)(p2) Number of latitude grid points
20 dx = 30000
21 dy = 30000
22 geog_data_res     = '64ppd_noHRti',       !! choice of static data sources
23                                            !! NB: possible: '64ppd', '32ppd', ...
24                                            !! NB: please glance at geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL
25 map_proj = 'mercator',           !! map projection: 'mercator', 'lambert' or 'polar'
26 ref_lat   =  10.,            !! north latitude of the center of the domain
27 ref_lon   =  -125.,            !! east longitude of the center of the domain
28 truelat1  =  10.,            !! (lambert or polar) lat position of projection cone
29 truelat2  =  0.0,                !!   [do not modify]
30 stand_lon =  -125.,            !! (lambert or polar) lon position of projection cone
31 geog_data_path = './WPS_GEOG',   !!   [do not modify: symbolic link in the WPS folder]
35 fg_name = './WPSFEED/LMD'        !!   [do not modify: symbolic link in the WPS folder]
36 io_form_metgrid = 2,             !!   [do not modify: choice of NETCDF outputs]
37 opt_output_from_metgrid_path='./WRFFEED/current'  !!   [do not modify: symbolic link]
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