; cf gw.def apres 'change plot settings' ; ;title_user='Evolution of mean wind speed (m/s) with height ABG and LT' ;;'Evolution of mean temperature (K) with height ABG and LT' ;;'Evolution of mean wind speed (m/s) with height ABG and LT' title_user='Evolution of horizontal wind speed (m/s) with height AGL and LT' ; title_user='Evolution of vertical wind speed (m/s) with height ABG and LT' ;title_user='Evolution of temperature (K) with height AGL and LT' ;subtitle_user='Tau dust 5 minus Tau dust 2' windowx=[6.,29.] windowx=[0.,23.] windowy=[0.,45.] intervalx=1. intervaly=5. pal=33 numdiv=14 pal=22 format='(I0)' minfield_init=0. maxfield_init=80. numdiv=10 ;windowx=[0.,23.] ;windowy=[0.,12.] ;intervalx=1. ;intervaly=2. ;minfield_init=0. ;maxfield_init=30. ;minfield_init=120. ;maxfield_init=220. ;numdiv=10 ;minfield_init=-2. ;maxfield_init=2. ;minfield_init=-0.5 ;maxfield_init=0.5 ;pal=33 isotropic='false' lim_max = maxfield_init & w=where((what_I_plot ge lim_max) and (what_I_plot le 1e9)) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_max lim_min = minfield_init & w=where(what_I_plot le lim_min) & if (w[0] ne -1) then what_I_plot[w]=lim_min ;;pour tracer les vents en fonction du temps mettre : title_axis=['Martian hour (h)','Height above ground (km)']