from viz.utils import peek from viz.utils import cardinal_2_month from viz.utils import set_default_basemap import pylab as p import as ma import numpy as n from string import zfill a_small_number = 1e-8 def plot_soilw(file_name, cntr_lvl=None): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() soilw_var = vars['soil_mois'] soilw = soilw_var.get_value()[0] mask = n.zeros(soilw.shape, dtype=int) for lvl_idx in range(len(soilw)): mask[lvl_idx] = vars['sea_lnd_ice_mask'].get_value() soilw_m = ma.masked_where(mask == 0 , soilw) lvl_bounds = vars['soil_lvl'].get_value() valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) #for lvl_idx in range(1): for lvl_idx in range(len(soilw)): p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: # let's not forget the scaling by the layer depth m.contourf(LON,LAT,soilw_m[lvl_idx]/lvl_bounds[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) else: # let's not forget the scaling by the layer depth m.contourf(LON,LAT,soilw_m[lvl_idx]/lvl_bounds[lvl_idx]) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=50) if lvl_idx == 0: title_string = 'Volumetric soil moisture (fraction) valid at ' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + '0' \ + '-' + str(int(round(lvl_bounds[lvl_idx]*100))) + ' cm' \ + ' from LAPS' else: title_string = 'Volumetric soil moisture (fraction) valid at ' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + str(int(round(lvl_bounds[lvl_idx-1]*100))) \ + '-' + str(int(round(lvl_bounds[lvl_idx]*100))) + ' cm' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) return def plot_soilt(file_name, cntr_lvl=None): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() soilt_var = vars['soil_temp'] soilt = soilt_var.get_value()[0] mask = n.zeros(soilt.shape, dtype=int) for lvl_idx in range(len(soilt)): mask[lvl_idx] = vars['sea_lnd_ice_mask'].get_value() soilt_m = ma.masked_where(mask == 0 , soilt) lvl_bounds = vars['soil_lvl'].get_value() valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) #for lvl_idx in range(1): for lvl_idx in range(len(soilt)): p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: m.contourf(LON,LAT,soilt_m[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) else: m.contourf(LON,LAT,soilt_m[lvl_idx]) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=50) if lvl_idx == 0: title_string = 'Soil temperature (K) valid at ' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + '0' \ + '-' + str(int(round(lvl_bounds[lvl_idx]*100))) + ' cm' \ + ' from LAPS' else: title_string = 'Soil temperature (K) valid at ' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + str(int(round(lvl_bounds[lvl_idx-1]*100))) \ + '-' + str(int(round(lvl_bounds[lvl_idx]*100))) + ' cm' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) return def plot_temp(file_name, cntr_lvl=None, save_frames=False): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() air_temp_var = vars['air_temp'] air_temp = air_temp_var.get_value()[0] lvl = vars['lvl'].get_value() valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' if save_frames: frame_number = 0 m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) #for lvl_idx in range(1): for lvl_idx in range(len(lvl)): p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: #p.contourf(lon,lat,air_temp_m[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) #p.contourf(lon,lat,air_temp[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) m.contourf(LON,LAT,air_temp[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) else: #p.contourf(lon,lat,air_temp_m[lvl_idx]) #p.contourf(lon,lat,air_temp[lvl_idx]) m.contourf(LON,LAT,air_temp[lvl_idx]) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=50) title_string = 'Air temperature (K) valid at ' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + str(int(round(lvl[lvl_idx]))) + ' mb' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) if save_frames: p.savefig('frames/frame_' + zfill(str(frame_number),3) +'_air_temp_' + str(int(lvl[lvl_idx])) + '_mb.png') frame_number += 1 return # plot_wind # plot_mr def plot_mr(file_name, cntr_lvl=None, save_frames=False): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() mr_var = vars['mix_rto'] # to change between kg/kg to g/kg mr = mr_var.get_value()[0]*1000. lvl = vars['lvl'].get_value() valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' if save_frames: frame_number = 0 m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) #for lvl_idx in range(2): for lvl_idx in range(len(lvl)): p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: m.contourf(LON,LAT,mr[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) else: m.contourf(LON,LAT,mr[lvl_idx]) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=50) title_string = 'Mixing ration (g/kg)' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + str(int(round(lvl[lvl_idx]))) + ' mb' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) if save_frames: p.savefig('frames/frame_' + zfill(str(frame_number),3) +'_mr_' + str(int(lvl[lvl_idx])) + '_mb.png') frame_number += 1 return # plot_ght def plot_ght(file_name, cntr_lvl=None, save_frames=False): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() ght_var = vars['geop_ht'] ght = ght_var.get_value()[0] lvl = vars['lvl'].get_value() valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' if save_frames: frame_number = 0 m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) #for lvl_idx in range(2): for lvl_idx in range(len(lvl)): p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: m.contourf(LON,LAT,ght[lvl_idx], cntr_lvl) else: m.contourf(LON,LAT,ght[lvl_idx]) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=70) title_string = 'Geopotential height (m)' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + str(int(round(lvl[lvl_idx]))) + ' mb' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) if save_frames: p.savefig('frames/frame_' + zfill(str(frame_number),3) +'_ght_' + str(int(lvl[lvl_idx])) + '_mb.png') frame_number += 1 return def plot_sfc_temp(file_name, cntr_lvl=None, save_frames=False): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() sfc_temp_var = vars['sfc_temp'] sfc_temp = sfc_temp_var.get_value()[0] valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: m.contourf(LON,LAT,sfc_temp, cntr_lvl) else: m.contourf(LON,LAT,sfc_temp) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=70) title_string = 'Surface temperature (K) valid at' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) if save_frames: p.savefig('frames/frame_' + zfill(str(frame_number),3) +'_sfc_temp_' + str(int(lvl[lvl_idx])) + '.png') return def plot_sfc_pres(file_name, cntr_lvl=None, save_frames=False): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() sfc_pres_var = vars['sfc_pres'] sfc_pres = sfc_pres_var.get_value()[0]/100. valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: m.contourf(LON,LAT,sfc_pres, cntr_lvl) else: m.contourf(LON,LAT,sfc_pres) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=70) title_string = 'Surface pressure (K) valid at' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) if save_frames: p.savefig('frames/frame_' + zfill(str(0),3) +'_sfc_pres.png') return # plot_sfc_wind # plot_mslp # plot_land # plot_terrain def plot_skin_temp(file_name, cntr_lvl=None, save_frames=False): file, vars = peek(file_name, show_vars=False) lon = vars['lon'].get_value() lat = vars['lat'].get_value() skin_temp = vars['skin_temp'] skin_temp = skin_temp_var.get_value()[0] valid_date = str(vars['valid_date'].get_value()[0]) valid_time = zfill(str(vars['valid_time'].get_value()[0]), 4) valid_when = valid_date[6:] + ' ' \ + cardinal_2_month(int(valid_date[4:6])) + ' ' \ + valid_date[0:4] \ + ' ' + valid_time[:2] + ':' \ + valid_time[2:] + ' UTC' m = set_default_basemap(lon,lat) # must plot using 2d lon and lat LON, LAT = p.meshgrid(lon,lat) p.figure() if cntr_lvl is not None: m.contourf(LON,LAT,skin_temp, cntr_lvl) else: m.contourf(LON,LAT,skin_temp) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawmeridians(n.array(n.arange(lon.min(), lon.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) m.drawparallels(n.array(n.arange(lat.min(), lat.max() + a_small_number, 15.)), labels=[1,0,0,1]) p.colorbar(orientation='horizontal', shrink=0.7, fraction=0.02, pad=0.07, aspect=70) title_string = 'Surface pressure (K) valid at' \ + '\n' + valid_when + ' ' \ + ' from LAPS' p.title(title_string) if save_frames: p.savefig('frames/frame_' + zfill(str(frame_number),3) +'_skin_temp_' + str(int(lvl[lvl_idx])) + '.png') return # plot_skin_temp