1 | pro out_geo, $ |
2 | field1=charvar, $ |
3 | field2=charvar2, $ |
4 | domain=domain, $ |
5 | path=path |
6 | |
7 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------; |
8 | ; ; |
9 | ; Use: ; |
10 | ; out_geo, field1='HGT_M' (or) out_geo, field1='TOPO' ; |
11 | ; out_geo, field1='THERMAL_INERTIA' (or) out_geo, field1='TI' ; |
12 | ; out_geo, field1='ALBEDO_GCM' (or) out_geo, field1='ALBEDO' ; |
13 | ; out_geo, field1='GHT' ; |
14 | ; ; |
15 | ; -- nested domain ; |
16 | ; out_geo, 'HGT_M', domain='d02' ; |
17 | ; ; |
18 | ; Options: ; |
19 | ; - domain: default is 'd01', ; |
20 | ; but can be 'd02', 'd03', etc ... ; |
21 | ; - path: where the geo_em files are ; |
22 | ; '/my_root/my_folder/' ; |
23 | ; ; |
24 | ; A. Spiga, April 2007 - July 2007 - September 2007 ; |
25 | ; ; |
26 | ;-------------------------------------------------------------------; |
27 | |
28 | |
29 | |
30 | |
31 | ;---------------------- |
32 | ; set parameters |
33 | ;---------------------- |
34 | |
35 | colors=32 |
36 | format='(F6.2)' |
37 | minfield_init=0. |
38 | maxfield_init=0. |
39 | |
40 | default_path='./' |
41 | if (n_elements(path) eq 0) then path=default_path |
42 | if (n_elements(domain) eq 0) then domain='d01' |
43 | file=path+'/geo_em.'+domain+'.nc' |
44 | |
45 | |
46 | |
47 | ;---------------------- |
48 | ; equivalent inputs |
49 | ;---------------------- |
50 | case charvar of |
51 | 'HGT_M': |
52 | 'TOPO': charvar='HGT_M' |
54 | 'TI': charvar='THERMAL_INERTIA' |
55 | 'ALBEDO_GCM': |
56 | 'ALBEDO': charvar='ALBEDO_GCM' |
57 | 'GHT': |
58 | else: |
59 | endcase |
60 | if (n_elements(charvar2) ne 0) then begin |
61 | case charvar2 of |
62 | 'HGT_M': |
63 | 'TOPO': charvar2='HGT_M' |
65 | 'TI': charvar2='THERMAL_INERTIA' |
66 | 'ALBEDO_GCM': |
67 | 'ALBEDO': charvar2='ALBEDO_GCM' |
68 | 'GHT': |
69 | else: |
70 | endcase |
71 | endif |
72 | |
73 | |
74 | ;---------------------- |
75 | ; set graphics |
76 | ;---------------------- |
77 | |
78 | set_plot, 'ps' |
79 | device, file='geo_em.'+domain+'_'+charvar+'.ps', /color |
80 | ;set_plot, 'x' |
81 | |
82 | case charvar of |
83 | 'HGT_M': pal=33 ;16 ;4 |
84 | 'THERMAL_INERTIA': pal=3 |
85 | 'ALBEDO_GCM': pal=0 |
86 | 'GHT': pal=33 |
87 | else: |
88 | endcase |
89 | |
90 | |
91 | |
92 | !p.charthick = 2.0 |
93 | !p.thick = 3.0 |
94 | !x.thick = 2.0 |
95 | !y.thick = 2.0 |
96 | |
97 | case charvar of |
98 | 'HGT_M': title='Altimetry (km)' |
99 | 'THERMAL_INERTIA': title='Thermal inertia (!NJ!N.m!U-2!N.s!U-1/2!N.K!U-1!N)' |
100 | 'ALBEDO_GCM': title='Albedo LW (%)' |
101 | 'GHT': title='Geopotential height (m)' |
102 | else: title='' |
103 | endcase |
104 | |
105 | |
106 | ;------------------------------- |
107 | ; open file and read variables |
108 | ;------------------------------- |
109 | cdfid = ncdf_open(file) |
110 | |
111 | ; field |
112 | print, charvar |
113 | varid=ncdf_varid(cdfid,charvar) |
114 | ncdf_varget, cdfid, varid, var |
115 | ; lon |
116 | varid=ncdf_varid(cdfid,'XLONG_M') |
117 | ncdf_varget, cdfid, varid, lon |
118 | lon=reform(lon[*,0]) |
119 | ; lat |
120 | varid=ncdf_varid(cdfid,'XLAT_M') |
121 | ncdf_varget, cdfid, varid, lat |
122 | lat=reform(lat[0,*]) |
123 | |
124 | if (n_elements(charvar2) ne 0) then begin |
125 | print, charvar2 |
126 | varid=ncdf_varid(cdfid,charvar2) |
127 | ncdf_varget, cdfid, varid, overcontour |
128 | endif else begin |
129 | overcontour=0. |
130 | endelse |
131 | |
132 | |
133 | ;------------------------------- |
134 | ; calculation on variables |
135 | ;------------------------------- |
136 | case charvar of |
137 | 'HGT_M': var=var/1000 |
139 | 'ALBEDO_GCM': var=var*100 |
140 | 'GHT': |
141 | else: |
142 | endcase |
143 | |
144 | |
145 | |
146 | ;--------- |
147 | ; plot ! |
148 | ;--------- |
149 | |
150 | minfield=min(var) |
151 | maxfield=max(var) |
152 | print, 'mM', minfield, maxfield |
153 | |
154 | what_I_plot=var |
155 | |
156 | ;map_latlon, $ |
157 | ; what_I_plot, $ ; 2D field |
158 | ; lon, $ ; 1D latitude |
159 | ; lat, $ ; 1D longitude |
160 | ; minfield=minfield_init, $ ; minimum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) |
161 | ; maxfield=maxfield_init, $ ; maximum value of plotted field (=0: calculate) |
162 | ; overcontour=overcontour, $ ; another 2D field to overplot with contour lines (=0: no) |
163 | ;; overvector_x=overvector_x, $ ; wind vector - x component (=0: no) |
164 | ;; overvector_y=overvector_y, $ ; wind vector - y component (=0: no) |
165 | ; ct=pal, $ ; color table (33-rainbow is default) |
166 | ; colors=colors, $ ; number of colors/levels (32 is default) |
167 | ; title=title, $ ; title of the plot ('' is default) |
168 | ; format=format ; format of colorbar annotations ('(F6.2)' is default) |
169 | |
170 | contour, what_I_plot, nlevels=20 |
171 | |
172 | |
173 | device, /close |
174 | |
175 | end |