1 | Mandatory options describing what the data is a source of and |
2 | when it should be used: |
3 | fieldname={STRING} -- name of output field calculated from this source |
4 | output_stagger={U V M HH VV} -- the staggering of the output field |
5 | dest_fieldtype={continuous categorical} -- type of field calculated from src |
6 | priority={INTEGER} -- priority level of this source (larger number = |
7 | higher priority) |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | Options describing other aspects of the source: |
11 | path={STRING} -- where to find the data |
12 | fill_missing={REAL} -- value assigned to gridpoints that have no data |
13 | halt_on_missing={yes no} -- halt if missing values found in output field |
14 | z_dim_name={STRING} -- for 3-d output fields, name of z dimension |
15 | masked={land water} -- ??? this is field should be masked by land/water |
16 | |
17 | |
18 | Option to indicate which field the landmask should be computed from; should be |
19 | specified for exactly one fieldname: |
20 | landmask_water={INTEGER} -- compute landmask based on value of water |
21 | landmask_land={INTEGER} -- compute landmask based on value of land |
22 | |
23 | |
24 | For dominant category-type fields: |
25 | dominant_category={STRING} -- name of dominant category to compute from src |
26 | dominant_only={STRING} -- only compute a dominant category from src |
27 | |
28 | For derivatives (only for continuous fields): |
29 | df_dx={STRING} -- calculate df_dx for this field, and name the result STRING |
30 | df_dy={STRING} -- calculate df_dy for this field, and name the result STRING |
31 | |
32 | Other options: |
33 | scale_factor={REAL} -- scale final field by this scalar |
34 | interp_option={sixteen_pt four_pt nearest_neighbor average} -- interpolation type |
35 | smooth_option={1-2-1 smth-desmth} -- smoothing type, if specified |
36 | smooth_passes={INTEGER} -- number of smoothing passes |
37 | |
38 | |
39 | Mandatory options describing the projection of the source: |
40 | These options are used in the `index' file for each source, NOT in the |
41 | input.table |
42 | fieldtype={continuous categorical} -- type of this source data |
43 | proj={lambert polar mercator regular_ll} -- projection of source |
44 | dx={REAL} |
45 | dy={REAL} |
46 | missing_value={REAL} -- value of missing data |
47 | signed={yes no} -- whether signed in 2's complement format |
48 | known_x={REAL} |
49 | known_y={REAL} |
50 | known_lat={REAL} |
51 | known_lon={REAL} |
52 | truelat1={REAL} |
53 | truelat2={REAL} |
54 | stdlon={REAL} |
55 | units={STRING} |
56 | description={STRING} |
57 | wordsize={INTEGER} -- how many bytes per value |
58 | tile_x={INTEGER} -- number of points in x direction per tile |
59 | tile_y={INTEGER} -- number of points in y direction per tile |
60 | tile_z={INTEGER} -- number of points in z direction per tile |
61 | tile_z_start={INTEGER} -- alternate to tile_z; starting z index |
62 | tile_z_end={INTEGER} -- alternate to tile_z; ending z index |
63 | tile_bdr={INTEGER} -- number of halo points around each tile |
64 | category_min={INTEGER} -- for categorical data, min category in the source |
65 | category_max={INTEGER} -- for categorical data, max category in the source |