1 | ! ==================================================================== |
2 | ! |
3 | ! This routine reads in a diagfi.nc file output from the UK-LMD MGCM |
4 | ! and converts it into a format suitable for producing initial and |
5 | ! boundary conditions for the mesoscale model. Specifically, the |
6 | ! arrays are interpolated onto latitudes ranging from +90 --> -90 |
7 | ! and longitudes ranging from -180 --> +180. The surface geopotential |
8 | ! is also added if it doesn't already exist, and a check is made to |
9 | ! see if the starting sol is present in the controle array. |
10 | ! |
11 | ! Arrays written on regolith layers are now interpolated back on to |
12 | ! soil layers for use in the mesoscale model (sometimes different |
13 | ! layers had to be specified for the regolith scheme (compared to |
14 | ! the soil layers) to ensure numerical stability at high obliquities). |
15 | ! |
16 | ! The new file created is called diagfi_new.nc, which can be linked |
17 | ! to the PREP_MARS directory as input_diagfi.nc |
18 | ! |
19 | ! Liam Steele June 2014, March 2015 |
20 | ! |
21 | ! ==================================================================== |
22 | |
23 | program newdiag |
24 | implicit none |
25 | |
26 | include "netcdf.inc" |
27 | |
28 | integer :: i,j,k,ierr,nid,nid2,nid3 |
29 | integer :: ndims,nvars,ngatts,unlimdimid |
30 | integer :: lonid,latid,sigid,soilid,soildim,regid,timeid,contid,phisid |
31 | integer :: nlatnew,nlonnew,nsoil,nreg,npos |
32 | integer :: vtype,vatts,vdims,solstart |
33 | integer, dimension(4) :: dimids |
34 | integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: id,dimid,dimarr,loc,corners,edges |
35 | real, dimension(:), allocatable :: lat,lon,sig,soil,regol,time,controle |
36 | real, dimension(:), allocatable :: newlat,newlon,weight |
37 | real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: geopot,geopot_new,array2,array2_new |
38 | real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: array3,array3_new |
39 | real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: array4,array4_new |
40 | real, dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: new_array |
41 | character*20, dimension(:), allocatable :: dimname |
42 | character*20 :: vname |
43 | character*2 :: printid,res |
44 | logical :: wphis,skipv |
45 | |
46 | ! Open file for reading |
47 | ierr = nf_open("diagfi.nc",nf_nowrite,nid) |
48 | if (ierr /= nf_noerr) then |
49 | print*, 'Oh dear: cannot find input_diagfi.nc' |
50 | stop |
51 | endif |
52 | |
53 | ! Check properties of diagfi |
54 | ierr = nf_inq(nid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, unlimdimid) |
55 | print*, '--------------' |
56 | print*, 'File contains:' |
57 | write(printid,'(i2)'),ndims |
58 | print*, printid//' dimensions' |
59 | write(printid,'(i2)'),nvars |
60 | print*, printid//' variables' |
61 | print*, '--------------' |
62 | allocate(dimarr(ndims)) |
63 | allocate(dimname(ndims)) |
64 | |
65 | ! Get dimensions |
66 | do i = 1, ndims |
67 | ierr = nf_inq_dim(nid,i,dimname(i),dimarr(i)) |
68 | if (ierr /= nf_noerr) then |
69 | print*, 'Whoops: problem reading dimensions in diagfi.nc' |
70 | stop |
71 | endif |
72 | if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'latitude' .or. trim(dimname(i)) == 'lat') then |
73 | dimname(i) = 'latitude' |
74 | allocate(lat(dimarr(i))) |
75 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,lat) |
76 | nlatnew = dimarr(i)+1 |
77 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'longitude' .or. trim(dimname(i)) == 'lon') then |
78 | dimname(i) = 'longitude' |
79 | allocate(lon(dimarr(i))) |
80 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,lon) |
81 | nlonnew = dimarr(i)+1 |
82 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'sigma') then |
83 | allocate(sig(dimarr(i))) |
84 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,sig) |
85 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'soildepth' .or. trim(dimname(i)) == 'soil') then |
86 | dimname(i) = 'soildepth' |
87 | allocate(soil(dimarr(i))) |
88 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,soil) |
89 | nsoil = dimarr(i) |
90 | soildim = i |
91 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'regdepth') then |
92 | dimname(i) = 'regdepth' |
93 | allocate(regol(dimarr(i))) |
94 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,regol) |
95 | nreg = dimarr(i) |
96 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'Time' .or. trim(dimname(i)) == 'time') then |
97 | dimname(i) = 'Time' |
98 | allocate(time(dimarr(i))) |
99 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,time) |
100 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'lentable') then |
101 | allocate(controle(dimarr(i))) |
102 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,controle) |
103 | endif |
104 | enddo |
105 | |
106 | ! Check for starting sol in diagfi |
107 | if (controle(4) == 0) then |
108 | print*, 'No starting sol sumber in contole array. Please enter [1-669]:' |
109 | read*, solstart |
110 | do while (solstart > 669 .or. solstart < 0) |
111 | if (solstart > 669) print*, 'Sol > 669. Have another go...' |
112 | if (solstart < 0) print*, 'A negative sol is just silly. Try again...' |
113 | read*, solstart |
114 | enddo |
115 | controle(4) = solstart |
116 | else if (controle(4) > 669) then |
117 | controle(4) = mod(controle(4),669.) |
118 | endif |
119 | |
120 | ! Add soil mid-layer depths if not already present |
121 | if (soil(1) == 0 .or. soil(1) == 1) then |
122 | print*, 'Adding the following soil levels (depths in m):' |
123 | do i = 1, nsoil |
124 | soil(i) = 2.e-4*(2.**(i-1.5)) |
125 | print*, i, soil(i) |
126 | enddo |
127 | endif |
128 | |
129 | ! Make new lat/lon arrays |
130 | allocate(newlat(nlatnew)) |
131 | allocate(newlon(nlonnew)) |
132 | do i = 1, nlatnew |
133 | newlat(i) = 90. + (i-1)*(lat(2)-lat(1)) |
134 | enddo |
135 | do i = 1, nlonnew |
136 | newlon(i) = -180. + (i-1)*(lon(2)-lon(1)) |
137 | enddo |
138 | |
139 | ! Set weights and locations for latitudinal interpolation (assumes linear spacing between lats) |
140 | allocate(weight(nlatnew)) |
141 | allocate(loc(nlatnew)) |
142 | weight(:) = 0.5 |
143 | weight(1) = 1.5 |
144 | weight(nlatnew) = -0.5 |
145 | do i = 1, nlatnew |
146 | loc(i) = i-1 |
147 | enddo |
148 | loc(1) = 1 |
149 | loc(nlatnew) = nlatnew-2 |
150 | |
151 | ! Create new netcdf file to write data to (doesn't matter about writing descriptions and units) |
152 | ierr = nf_create('diagfi_new.nc',nf_clobber,nid2) |
153 | |
154 | ! Define dimensions |
155 | do i = 1, ndims |
156 | write(printid,'(i2)'),i |
157 | print*, printid//' writing '//trim(dimname(i))//' to file' |
158 | if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'longitude') then |
159 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'longitude',nlonnew,lonid) |
160 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'longitude',nf_float,1,lonid,lonid) |
161 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'latitude') then |
162 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'latitude',nlatnew,latid) |
163 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'latitude',nf_float,1,latid,latid) |
164 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'sigma') then |
165 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'sigma',size(sig),sigid) |
166 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'sigma',nf_float,1,sigid,sigid) |
167 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'soildepth') then |
168 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'soildepth',size(soil),soilid) |
169 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'soildepth',nf_float,1,soilid,soilid) |
170 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'regdepth') then |
171 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'regdepth',size(regol),regid) |
172 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'regdepth',nf_float,1,regid,regid) |
173 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'Time') then |
174 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'Time',size(time),timeid) |
175 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'Time',nf_float,1,timeid,timeid) |
176 | else if (trim(dimname(i)) == 'lentable') then |
177 | ierr = nf_def_dim(nid2,'lentable',size(controle),contid) |
178 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,'controle',nf_float,1,contid,contid) |
179 | endif |
180 | if (ierr /= nf_noerr) then |
181 | print*, "Yikes! Problem defining dimensions in new_diagfi.nc" |
182 | stop |
183 | endif |
184 | enddo |
185 | |
186 | ierr = nf_enddef(nid2) |
187 | |
188 | ! Write dimension arrays |
189 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,lonid,newlon) |
190 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,latid,newlat) |
191 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,sigid,sig) |
192 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,soilid,soil) |
193 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,regid,regol) |
194 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,timeid,time) |
195 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,contid,controle) |
196 | |
197 | ! Read each variable in turn from original file, convert to new lat/lon and write to new file |
198 | npos = ndims+1 |
199 | wphis = .true. |
200 | do i = ndims+1, nvars |
201 | |
202 | ! Read variable dimensions etc. |
203 | ierr = nf_inq_var(nid, i, vname, vtype, vdims, dimids, vatts) |
204 | write(printid,'(i2)'),i |
205 | if (trim(vname) == 'phisinit') wphis = .false. |
206 | allocate(id(vdims)) |
207 | allocate(corners(vdims)) |
208 | allocate(edges(vdims)) |
209 | allocate(dimid(vdims)) |
210 | |
211 | ! Require lon/lat to be first two dimensions (everything should satisfy this condition, but you never know!) |
212 | skipv = .true. |
213 | if (vdims >= 2) then |
214 | if (dimname(dimids(1)) == 'longitude' .and. dimname(dimids(2)) == 'latitude') skipv = .false. |
215 | if (dimname(dimids(1)) == 'latitude' .and. dimname(dimids(2)) == 'longitude') skipv = .false. |
216 | if (skipv) then |
217 | print*, " > "//trim(vname)//": lat and lon aren't first two dimensions. Skipping" |
218 | cycle |
219 | endif |
220 | endif |
221 | |
222 | ! Change certain names to match LMD (more might need added later) |
223 | if (trim(vname) == 'h2ommr') vname = 'q02' |
224 | if (trim(vname) == 'icemmr') vname = 'q01' |
225 | if (trim(vname) == 'h2o_ice_s') vname = 'qsurf01' |
226 | |
227 | print*, printid//' writing '//trim(vname)//' to file' |
228 | |
229 | ! Define arrays for specifying location in diagfi |
230 | do k = 1, vdims |
231 | id(k) = dimarr(dimids(k)) |
232 | dimid(k) = dimids(k) |
233 | corners(k) = 1 |
234 | edges(k) = dimarr(dimids(k)) |
235 | enddo |
236 | edges(lonid) = nlonnew |
237 | edges(latid) = nlatnew |
238 | edges(vdims) = 1 |
239 | |
240 | ! Allocate and read old arrays |
241 | if (vdims == 2) then |
242 | allocate(array2(id(1),id(2))) |
243 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,array2) |
244 | else if (vdims == 3) then |
245 | allocate(array3(id(1),id(2),id(3))) |
246 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,array3) |
247 | else if (vdims == 4) then |
248 | allocate(array4(id(1),id(2),id(3),id(4))) |
249 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid,i,array4) |
250 | endif |
251 | |
252 | ! Check if regolith depth is the vertical dimension (if so, will convert fields to soil depths) |
253 | do k = 1, vdims |
254 | if (dimname(dimids(k)).eq.'regdepth') then |
255 | |
256 | if (vdims == 3) then |
257 | allocate(new_array(id(1),id(2),dimarr(soildim),1)) |
258 | call interpol_soil(soil,regol,nsoil,nreg,(/id(1:vdims),1/),array3,new_array) |
259 | deallocate(array3) |
260 | allocate(array3(id(1),id(2),dimarr(soildim))) |
261 | array3 = new_array(1:id(1),1:id(2),1:dimarr(soildim),1) |
262 | deallocate(new_array) |
263 | else if (vdims == 4) then |
264 | allocate(new_array(id(1),id(2),dimarr(soildim),id(4))) |
265 | call interpol_soil(soil,regol,nsoil,nreg,id(1:vdims),array4,new_array) |
266 | deallocate(array4) |
267 | allocate(array4(id(1),id(2),dimarr(soildim),id(4))) |
268 | array4 = new_array |
269 | deallocate(new_array) |
270 | endif |
271 | |
272 | dimids(k) = soildim |
273 | dimid(k) = soildim |
274 | id(k) = dimarr(dimids(k)) |
275 | edges(k) = dimarr(dimids(k)) |
276 | |
277 | exit |
278 | endif |
279 | enddo |
280 | |
281 | ! Allocate new arrays |
282 | id(lonid) = nlonnew |
283 | id(latid) = nlatnew |
284 | if (vdims == 2) allocate(array2_new(id(1),id(2))) |
285 | if (vdims == 3) allocate(array3_new(id(1),id(2),id(3))) |
286 | if (vdims == 4) allocate(array4_new(id(1),id(2),id(3),id(4))) |
287 | |
288 | ! Transform onto new lat-lon grid (loops assume array dimensions ordered lon, lat, sig, time) |
289 | if (vdims == 2) then |
290 | do k = 1, nlatnew |
291 | array2_new(1:nlonnew-1,k) = weight(k)*array2(:,loc(k)) + (1-weight(k))*array2(:,loc(k)+1) |
292 | enddo |
293 | array2_new(nlonnew,:) = array2_new(1,:) |
294 | array2_new(:,1) = sum(array2_new(:,2))/nlonnew |
295 | array2_new(:,nlatnew) = sum(array2_new(:,nlatnew-1))/nlonnew |
296 | if (minval(array2) > 0.0) then |
297 | where (array2_new < 0.0) array2_new = 0.0 |
298 | endif |
299 | else if (vdims == 3) then |
300 | do k = 1, nlatnew |
301 | array3_new(1:nlonnew-1,k,:) = weight(k)*array3(:,loc(k),:) + (1-weight(k))*array3(:,loc(k)+1,:) |
302 | enddo |
303 | array3_new(nlonnew,:,:) = array3_new(1,:,:) |
304 | do k = 1, id(3) |
305 | array3_new(:,1,k) = sum(array3_new(:,2,k))/nlonnew |
306 | array3_new(:,nlatnew,k) = sum(array3_new(:,nlatnew-1,k))/nlonnew |
307 | enddo |
308 | if (minval(array3) > 0.0) then |
309 | where (array3_new < 0.0) array3_new = 0.0 |
310 | endif |
311 | else if (vdims == 4) then |
312 | do k = 1, nlatnew |
313 | array4_new(1:nlonnew-1,k,:,:) = weight(k)*array4(:,loc(k),:,:) + (1-weight(k))*array4(:,loc(k)+1,:,:) |
314 | enddo |
315 | array4_new(nlonnew,:,:,:) = array4_new(1,:,:,:) |
316 | do k = 1, id(4) |
317 | do j = 1, id(3) |
318 | array4_new(:,1,j,k) = sum(array4_new(:,2,j,k))/nlonnew |
319 | array4_new(:,nlatnew,j,k) = sum(array4_new(:,nlatnew-1,j,k))/nlonnew |
320 | enddo |
321 | enddo |
322 | if (minval(array4) > 0.0) then |
323 | where (array4_new < 0.0) array4_new = 0.0 |
324 | endif |
325 | else |
326 | print*, ' > '//trim(vname)//': code does not interpolate 1D variables' |
327 | endif |
328 | |
329 | ! Write variable to new file |
330 | ierr = nf_redef(nid2) |
331 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,trim(vname),nf_float,vdims,dimid,npos) |
332 | |
333 | ierr = nf_enddef(nid2) |
334 | if (vdims == 2) then |
335 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,npos,array2_new) |
336 | else |
337 | do k = 1, id(vdims) |
338 | corners(vdims) = k |
339 | if (vdims == 3) ierr = nf_put_vara_real(nid2,npos,corners,edges,array3_new(:,:,k)) |
340 | if (vdims == 4) ierr = nf_put_vara_real(nid2,npos,corners,edges,array4_new(:,:,:,k)) |
341 | enddo |
342 | if (vdims == 3) deallocate(array3,array3_new) |
343 | if (vdims == 4) deallocate(array4,array4_new) |
344 | endif |
345 | |
346 | if (ierr /= nf_noerr) then |
347 | print*, "Oh no! Problem writing "//trim(vname) |
348 | stop |
349 | endif |
350 | |
351 | deallocate(id,corners,edges,dimid) |
352 | npos = npos + 1 |
353 | |
354 | enddo |
355 | |
356 | ! Add geopotential height to file |
357 | if (wphis) then |
358 | print*, 'Adding phisinit to file' |
359 | allocate(id(2)) |
360 | |
361 | if (nlatnew-1 == 8) res = '5' |
362 | if (nlatnew-1 == 14) res = '10' |
363 | if (nlatnew-1 == 24) res = '21' |
364 | if (nlatnew-1 == 36) res = '31' |
365 | if (nlatnew-1 == 48) res = '42' |
366 | if (nlatnew-1 == 72) res = '63' |
367 | if (nlatnew-1 == 96) res = '85' |
368 | if (nlatnew-1 == 144) res = '127' |
369 | if (nlatnew-1 == 192) res = '170' |
370 | allocate(geopot(nlonnew-1,nlatnew-1)) |
371 | allocate(geopot_new(nlonnew,nlatnew)) |
372 | ierr = nf_open("phisinit_files/phisinit-T"//trim(res)//".nc",nf_nowrite,nid3) |
373 | ierr = nf_inq_varid(nid3,"phis",phisid) |
374 | if (ierr /= nf_noerr) then |
375 | print*, "Oh no! Can't find geopotential file. Please link from the ukv_phisinit folder:" |
376 | print*, "ln -sf $MMM/your_comp_dir/PREP_MARS/ukv_phisinit/phisinit-T"//trim(res)//".nc ." |
377 | stop |
378 | endif |
379 | ierr = nf_get_var_real(nid3,phisid,geopot) |
380 | ierr = nf_close(nid3) |
381 | |
382 | do k = 1, nlatnew |
383 | geopot_new(1:nlonnew-1,k) = weight(k)*geopot(:,loc(k)) + (1-weight(k))*geopot(:,loc(k)+1) |
384 | enddo |
385 | geopot_new(nlonnew,:) = geopot_new(1,:) |
386 | geopot_new(:,1) = sum(geopot_new(:,2))/nlonnew |
387 | geopot_new(:,nlatnew) = sum(geopot_new(:,nlatnew-1))/nlonnew |
388 | |
389 | id(1) = lonid |
390 | id(2) = latid |
391 | ierr = nf_redef(nid2) |
392 | ierr = nf_def_var(nid2,"phisinit",nf_float,2,id,npos) |
393 | ierr = nf_enddef(nid2) |
394 | ierr = nf_put_var_real(nid2,npos,geopot_new) |
395 | if (ierr /= nf_noerr) then |
396 | print*, "Oh no! Problem writing phisinit" |
397 | stop |
398 | endif |
399 | endif |
400 | |
401 | print*, 'Closing files...' |
402 | ierr = nf_close(nid) |
403 | ierr = nf_close(nid2) |
404 | |
405 | end |