program iowrf ! Program to read/write wrf output. ! OPTION -thin : It will thin data to the ratio given ! OPTION -thina : It will average the fields over a user-specified grid area. ! OPTION -A : De-stagger data ! OPTION -box : Will get data from a user defined box ! Updated: January 8, 2008 ! Add de-staggering option ! Updated: Jun 19, 2007 ! Change time to unlimted on output ! Origincal code: ! Cindy Bruyere - March 2006 ! Some code borrowed from Jim Bresch !=================================Run Program================================ ! To extract a box from your input file ! iowrf wrfout_file -box x 10 50 y 10 60 [-debug] ! ! To thin your input file down (by picking up corresponding points) ! iowrf wrfout_file -thin 3 [-debug] ! ! To thin your input file down (by averaging) ! iowrf wrfout_file -thina 3 [-debug] ! ! To de-stagger the data ! iowrf wrfout_file -A ! ! To CREATE large 64bit data files ! -64bit ! ! To see more options ! iowrf -help ! ! The output will be written to a file with original file name + -box/-thin/-thina/-A ! !=================================Make Executable============================ ! Make executable: ! DEC Alpha ! f90 iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -free -o iowrf ! ! linux flags ! pgf90 iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -Mfree -o iowrf ! ! Sun flags ! f90 iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -free -o iowrf ! ! SGI flags ! f90 iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -freeform -o iowrf ! ! IBM flags (NCAR bluesky - 32bit) ! xlf iowrf.f -L/usr/local/lib32/r4i4 -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/include -qfree=f90 -o iowrf ! ! IBM flags (NCAR bluesky - 64bit) ! xlf iowrf.f -L/usr/local/lib64/r4i4 -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/include -qfree=f90 -o iowrf ! ! IBM flags (NCAR bluevista) ! xlf iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -qfree=f90 -o iowrf ! ! Mac flags (with xlf compiler) ! xlf iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf-xlf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf-xlf/include -qfree=f90 -o iowrf ! ! Mac flags (with g95 compiler) ! g95 iowrf.f -L/usr/local/netcdf/lib -lnetcdf -lm \ ! -I/usr/local/netcdf/include -ffree-form -o iowrf ! !============================================================================ implicit none INCLUDE '' integer :: jdim parameter (jdim=6) integer ncid, status integer ishape(jdim) integer ishape2(jdim) character cval*50 character name*31 character (len=31),allocatable, dimension(:) :: dname integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: dval, dval2 real, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: data, data2 double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: ddata, ddata2 integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: idata, idata2 character, allocatable, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: text character omit(10)*80 integer :: start_dims(4) integer :: dims_in(4), dims_out(4), box_start(3), box_end(3) integer :: firstS,firstE, secondS,secondE, thirdS,thirdE integer :: idm, ndims, nvars, natt, ngatts, nunlimdimid, iratio integer :: i, ii, j, iweg, jweg, isng, jsng, ibtg, jbtg, ix, iy integer :: i_shape_we, i_shape_sn, i_shape_bt integer :: i_shape_we_stag, i_shape_sn_stag, i_shape_bt_stag integer :: ilen, itype, ival, na integer :: mcid real :: dx, rval real :: new_cen real :: okm character (len=80) :: input_file, output_file character (len=10) :: option logical :: debug=.FALSE. logical :: x_ave=.FALSE. logical :: y_ave=.FALSE. logical :: bit64 call read_args(input_file,option,iratio,box_start,box_end,bit64,debug) output_file = trim(input_file)//option write(6,*) write(6,*) "#########################################" write(6,*) "Running IOWRF " write(6,*) write(6,*) "INPUT FILE: ",trim(input_file) write(6,*) "OUTPUT FILE: ",trim(output_file) write(6,*) "OPTION: ",option IF (debug) THEN if ( option(1:5) == '-thin' ) then ! used for -thina and -thin write(6,*) "RATIO: ",iratio elseif ( option == '-box' )then write(6,*) "BOX START (x y z): ",box_start write(6,*) "BOX END (x y z): ",box_end endif ENDIF ! OPEN INPUT AND OUTPUT FILE ! output_file is input_file_new status = nf_open(input_file, 0, ncid) if (status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(status) if (bit64) then status = nf_create(output_file, NF_64BIT_OFFSET, mcid) else status = nf_create(output_file, 0, mcid) endif if (status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(status) ! GET BASIC INFORMTION ABOUT THE FILE ! most important ! ndims: number of dimensions ! nvars: number of variables ! ngatts: number of global attributes status = nf_inq(ncid, ndims, nvars, ngatts, nunlimdimid) if (status .ne. nf_noerr) call handle_err(status) IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) write(6,'(4(A,i4))') ' ndims = ',ndims,' nvars = ',nvars,' ngatts = ',ngatts, & ' nunlimdimid =',nunlimdimid write(6,*) ENDIF ! ALLOCATE SOME VARIABLES allocate (dval(ndims)) allocate(dval2(ndims)) allocate(dname(ndims)) ! GET SOME BASIC DIMS FROM INPUT_FILE dx = -99. status = nf_get_att_real (ncid, nf_global, 'DX', dx) status = nf_get_att_int (ncid, nf_global, 'WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION', iweg) status = nf_get_att_int (ncid, nf_global, 'SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION', isng) status = nf_get_att_int (ncid, nf_global, 'BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION', ibtg) IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) "BASICS from input file:" write(6,*) " DX= ", dx write(6,*) " X= ", iweg write(6,*) " Y= ", isng write(6,*) " Z= ", ibtg ENDIF if (dx .lt. 0.) stop 'dx is bad' ! CALCULATE DIMS FOR OUTPUT FILE IF ( option(1:5) == '-thin' ) THEN ! used for -thina and -thin okm = dx*iratio jweg = int((iweg-1)/iratio) + 1 jsng = int((isng-1)/iratio) + 1 jbtg = ibtg ELSEIF ( option == '-box' ) THEN okm = dx jweg = iweg jsng = isng jbtg = ibtg if ( box_end(1) .ne. 0 ) jweg = int(box_end(1) - box_start(1)) + 1 if ( box_end(2) .ne. 0 ) jsng = int(box_end(2) - box_start(2)) + 1 if ( box_end(3) .ne. 0 ) jbtg = int(box_end(3) - box_start(3)) + 1 ELSE okm = dx jweg = iweg jsng = isng jbtg = ibtg ENDIF IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) "BASICS for output file:" write(6,*) " DX= ", okm write(6,*) " X= ", jweg write(6,*) " Y= ", jsng write(6,*) " Z= ", jbtg ENDIF !! We also need to fix the CEN_LAT and CEN_LON later, so get !! the middle of the new domain ix = int((jweg-1)/2.) iy = int((jsng-1)/2.) if ( ix .eq. int(jweg/2.) ) x_ave = .TRUE. if ( iy .eq. int(jsng/2.) ) y_ave = .TRUE. ix = int(jweg/2.) iy = int(jsng/2.) ! READ ALL DIMS FROM INPUT FILE AND CREATE DIMS FOR OUTPUT FILE IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) write(6,*) "FILE dimensions:" ENDIF i_shape_we = 0 i_shape_sn = 0 i_shape_bt = 0 i_shape_we_stag = 0 i_shape_sn_stag = 0 i_shape_bt_stag = 0 do i = 1, ndims status = nf_inq_dim(ncid, i, dname(i), dval(i)) dval2(i) = dval(i) ! CAUTION -- this stuff is hard-wired if (dname(i) .eq. 'west_east_stag') then dval2(i) = jweg i_shape_we_stag = i else if (dname(i) .eq. 'west_east') then dval2(i) = jweg-1 i_shape_we = i else if (dname(i) .eq. 'south_north_stag') then dval2(i) = jsng i_shape_sn_stag = i else if (dname(i) .eq. 'south_north') then dval2(i) = jsng-1 i_shape_sn = i else if (dname(i) .eq. 'bottom_top_stag') then dval2(i) = jbtg i_shape_bt_stag = i else if (dname(i) .eq. 'bottom_top') then dval2(i) = jbtg-1 i_shape_bt = i endif if ( dname(i) == "Time" ) then status = nf_def_dim(mcid, dname(i), NF_UNLIMITED, i) else status = nf_def_dim(mcid, dname(i), dval2(i), i) end if IF (debug) THEN write(6,'(i4," : ",A," in = ",i4," (out = ",i4,")")') & i,dname(i),dval(i),dval2(i) ENDIF enddo IF (.not. debug) THEN write(6,*) write(6,*) "Set up file DIMENSIONS" ENDIF ! DEALING WITH THE GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) write(6,*) "FILE attributes:" ENDIF do i = 1, ngatts status = nf_inq_attname(ncid, nf_global, i, name) status = nf_inq_atttype(ncid, nf_global, name, itype) status = nf_inq_attlen(ncid, nf_global, name, ilen) if ( itype .eq. 2 ) then ! characters status = nf_get_att_text (ncid, nf_global, name, cval) IF (debug) THEN write(6,'(i4," : ",A," in = ",A," (out = ",$)') & i,name,cval(1:ilen) ENDIF if(name(1:5) .eq. 'TITLE') then cval = cval(1:ilen)//" : iowrf"//option ilen = len_trim(cval) endif IF (debug) write(6,'(A,")")') cval(1:ilen) status = nf_put_att_text(mcid, nf_global, name, ilen,& cval(1:ilen)) elseif ( itype .eq. 4 ) then ! integers status = nf_get_att_int (ncid, nf_global, name, ival) IF (debug) THEN write(6,'(i4," : ",A," in = ",i7," (out = ",$)') & i,name,ival ENDIF if(name .eq. 'WEST-EAST_GRID_DIMENSION') ival = jweg if(name .eq. 'SOUTH-NORTH_GRID_DIMENSION') ival = jsng if(name .eq. 'BOTTOM-TOP_GRID_DIMENSION') ival = jbtg IF (debug) write(6,'(i7,")")') ival status = nf_put_att_int(mcid, nf_global, name, itype,& ilen, ival) elseif ( itype .eq. 5 ) then ! real status = nf_get_att_real (ncid, nf_global, name, rval) IF (debug) THEN write(6,'(i4," : ",A," in = ",G18.10E2," (out = ",$)') & i,name,rval ENDIF if(name(1:2) .eq. 'DX' .or. name(1:2) .eq. 'DY') rval = okm IF (debug) write(6,'(G18.10E2,")")') rval status = nf_put_att_real(mcid, nf_global, name, itype,& ilen, rval) endif enddo IF ( .not. debug ) THEN write(6,*) "Write file ATTRIBUTES" write(6,*) ENDIF ! TRAIN FILE do i = 1, nvars status = nf_inq_var(ncid, i, cval, itype, idm, ishape, natt) ishape2 = ishape if ( idm .ge. 4 ) then do ii=1,idm IF ( option == "-A" .AND. ishape2(ii) == i_shape_bt_stag ) THEN ishape2(ii) = i_shape_bt ELSEIF ( option == "-A" .AND. ishape2(ii) == i_shape_we_stag ) THEN ishape2(ii) = i_shape_we ELSEIF ( option == "-A" .AND. ishape2(ii) == i_shape_sn_stag ) THEN ishape2(ii) = i_shape_sn END IF enddo end if status = nf_def_var(mcid, cval, itype, idm, ishape2, i) do na = 1, natt status = nf_inq_attname(ncid, i, na, name) status = nf_copy_att(ncid, i, name, mcid, i) enddo enddo status = nf_enddef(mcid) ! ########## LOOP THROUGH THE DATA IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) write(6,*) ENDIF write(6,*) "Write file VARIABLES:" start_dims = 1 do i = 1, nvars status = nf_inq_var(ncid, i, cval, itype, idm, ishape, natt) ishape2 = ishape if ( idm .ge. 4 ) then do ii=1,idm IF ( option == "-A" .AND. ishape2(ii) == i_shape_bt_stag ) THEN ishape2(ii) = i_shape_bt ELSEIF ( option == "-A" .AND. ishape2(ii) == i_shape_we_stag ) THEN ishape2(ii) = i_shape_we ELSEIF ( option == "-A" .AND. ishape2(ii) == i_shape_sn_stag ) THEN ishape2(ii) = i_shape_sn END IF enddo end if IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) ENDIF write(6,*) 'VARIABLE: ',trim(cval) ! GET THE DIMS FOR INPUT AND OUTPUT FROM THE SHAPE dims_in = 1 dims_out = 1 do ii = 1,idm dims_in(ii) = dval(ishape(ii)) dims_out(ii) = dval2(ishape2(ii)) enddo IF (debug) THEN write(6,*) ' DIMS IN: ',dims_in write(6,*) ' DIMS OUT: ',dims_out ENDIF IF ( option == '-box' ) THEN !! Get the start and end dimensions of the box in the input file firstS = 1 firstE = dims_out(1) secondS = 1 secondE = dims_out(2) thirdS = 1 thirdE = dims_out(3) if (idm.eq.2 .and. dims_out(1).ge.jbtg-1 .and. box_end(3).ne.0) then firstS = box_start(3) firstE = box_end(3) if (dims_out(3) .eq. jbtg-1) firstE = firstE-1 endif if (idm .ge. 3) then if (box_end(1) .ne. 0) then firstS = box_start(1) firstE = box_end(1) if (dims_out(1) .eq. jweg-1) firstE = firstE-1 endif if (box_end(2) .ne. 0) then secondS = box_start(2) secondE = box_end(2) if (dims_out(2) .eq. jsng-1) secondE = secondE-1 endif if (idm == 4 .and. box_end(3).ne.0) then thirdS = box_start(3) thirdE = box_end(3) if (dims_out(3) .eq. jbtg-1) thirdE = thirdE-1 endif endif ENDIF ! ALLOCATE THE INPUT AND OUTPUT ARRAYS ! READ THE DATA FROM INPUT FILE ! THIN THE GRID IF NEEDED, OR GET THE CORRECT BOX IF (itype .eq. 2) THEN ! character allocate (text(dims_in(1), dims_in(2), dims_in(3), & dims_in(4))) status = nf_get_var_text(ncid, i, text) IF (debug) write(6,*) ' SAMPLE VALUE = ',text(:,1,1,1) status = nf_put_vara_text (mcid, i, start_dims, dims_in, text) deallocate (text) ELSEIF (itype .eq. 4) THEN ! integer allocate (idata(dims_in(1), dims_in(2), dims_in(3), & dims_in(4))) allocate(idata2(dims_out(1),dims_out(2),dims_out(3),& dims_out(4))) status = nf_get_var_int(ncid, i, idata) IF (debug) write(6,*) ' SAMPLE VALUE = ',idata(1,1,1,1) IF ( option == '-thina' ) THEN if (idm .ge. 3) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Grid is thinned with a ratio of ',iratio allocate(data2(dims_out(1),dims_out(2),dims_out(3),& dims_out(4))) call thin_ave (real(idata),data2,dims_in(1),dims_in(2), & dims_in(3),dims_in(4),dims_out(1),dims_out(2), & dims_out(3),dims_out(4),iratio) idata2 = int(data2) deallocate(data2) else idata2 = idata endif ELSEIF ( option == '-thin' ) THEN if (idm .ge. 3) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Grid is thinned with a ratio of ',iratio idata2 = idata(1:dims_in(1):iratio,1:dims_in(2):iratio,:,:) else idata2 = idata endif ELSEIF ( option == '-A' ) THEN idata2 = idata ELSEIF ( option == '-box') THEN IF (debug) write(6,*) ' a BOX is extracted from the input domain ' idata2 = idata(firstS:firstE,secondS:secondE,thirdS:thirdE,:) ENDIF status = nf_put_vara_int (mcid, i, start_dims, dims_out, idata2) deallocate (idata) deallocate (idata2) ELSEIF (itype .eq. 5) THEN ! real allocate (data(dims_in(1), dims_in(2), dims_in(3), & dims_in(4))) allocate(data2(dims_out(1),dims_out(2),dims_out(3), & dims_out(4))) status = nf_get_var_real(ncid, i, data) IF (debug) write(6,*) ' SAMPLE VALUE = ',data(1,1,1,1) IF ( option == '-thina' ) THEN if (idm .ge. 3) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Grid is thinned with a ratio of ',iratio call thin_ave (data,data2,dims_in(1),dims_in(2), & dims_in(3),dims_in(4),dims_out(1),dims_out(2), & dims_out(3),dims_out(4),iratio) else data2 = data endif ELSEIF ( option == '-thin' ) THEN if (idm .ge. 3) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Grid is thinned with a ratio of ',iratio data2 = data(1:dims_in(1):iratio,1:dims_in(2):iratio,:,:) else data2 = data endif ELSEIF ( option == '-A' ) THEN if (idm .eq. 4 .AND. (dims_in(1) > dims_out(1)) ) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' de-staggering in the X direction' data2 = (data(1:dims_in(1)-1,:,:,:)+data(2:dims_in(1),:,:,:))*.5 elseif (idm .eq. 4 .AND. (dims_in(2) > dims_out(2)) ) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' de-staggering in the Y direction' data2 = (data(:,1:dims_in(2)-1,:,:)+data(:,2:dims_in(2),:,:))*.5 elseif (idm .eq. 4 .AND. (dims_in(3) > dims_out(3)) ) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' de-staggering in the Y direction' data2 = (data(:,:,1:dims_in(3)-1,:)+data(:,:,3:dims_in(2),:))*.5 else data2 = data endif ELSEIF ( option == '-box') THEN IF (debug) write(6,*) ' a BOX is extracted from the input domain ' data2 = data(firstS:firstE,secondS:secondE,thirdS:thirdE,:) ENDIF status = nf_put_vara_real (mcid, i, start_dims, dims_out, data2) IF ( cval == 'XLAT' .or. cval == 'XLONG' ) THEN ! We need fix the box's center long and lat new_cen = data2(ix,iy,1,1) if ( x_ave .and. y_ave ) then new_cen = (data2(ix, iy,1,1)+data2(ix ,iy+1,1,1)+ & data2(ix+1,iy,1,1)+data2(ix+1,iy+1,1,1))/4. elseif ( x_ave .and. .not. y_ave ) then new_cen = (data2(ix, iy,1,1)+data2(ix+1,iy ,1,1))/2. elseif ( .not. x_ave .and. y_ave ) then new_cen = (data2(ix, iy,1,1)+data2(ix ,iy+1,1,1))/2. endif ENDIF IF ( cval == 'XLAT' ) THEN IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Fix global attribute CEN_LAT: now = ', new_cen status = nf_inq_atttype(ncid, nf_global, 'CEN_LAT', itype) status = nf_inq_attlen(ncid, nf_global, 'CEN_LAT', ilen) status = nf_put_att_real(mcid, nf_global, 'CEN_LAT', itype,& ilen, new_cen) ELSEIF ( cval == 'XLONG' ) THEN IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Fix global attribute CEN_LON: now = ', new_cen status = nf_inq_atttype(ncid, nf_global, 'CEN_LON', itype) status = nf_inq_attlen(ncid, nf_global, 'CEN_LON', ilen) status = nf_put_att_real(mcid, nf_global, 'CEN_LON', itype,& ilen, new_cen) ENDIF deallocate (data) deallocate (data2) ELSEIF (itype .eq. 6) THEN ! double allocate (ddata(dims_in(1), dims_in(2), dims_in(3), & dims_in(4))) allocate(ddata2(dims_out(1),dims_out(2),dims_out(3),& dims_out(4))) status = nf_get_var_double(ncid, i, ddata) IF (debug) write(6,*) ' SAMPLE VALUE = ',ddata(1,1,1,1) IF ( option == '-thina' ) THEN if (idm .ge. 3) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Grid is thinned with a ratio of ',iratio allocate(data2(dims_out(1),dims_out(2),dims_out(3),& dims_out(4))) call thin_ave (real(ddata),data2,dims_in(1),dims_in(2), & dims_in(3),dims_in(4),dims_out(1),dims_out(2), & dims_out(3),dims_out(4),iratio) ddata2 = data2 deallocate (data2) else ddata2 = ddata endif ELSEIF ( option == '-thin' ) THEN if (idm .ge. 3) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' Grid is thinned with a ratio of ',iratio ddata2 = ddata(1:dims_in(1):iratio,1:dims_in(2):iratio,:,:) else ddata2 = ddata endif ELSEIF ( option == '-A' ) THEN if (idm .eq. 4 .AND. (dims_in(1) > dims_out(1)) ) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' de-staggering in the X direction' ddata2 = (ddata(1:dims_in(1)-1,:,:,:)+ddata(2:dims_in(1),:,:,:))*.5 elseif (idm .eq. 4 .AND. (dims_in(2) > dims_out(2)) ) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' de-staggering in the Y direction' ddata2 = (ddata(:,1:dims_in(2)-1,:,:)+ddata(:,2:dims_in(2),:,:))*.5 elseif (idm .eq. 4 .AND. (dims_in(3) > dims_out(3)) ) then IF (debug) write(6,*) ' de-staggering in the Z direction' ddata2 = (ddata(:,:,1:dims_in(3)-1,:)+ddata(:,:,3:dims_in(2),:))*.5 else ddata2 = ddata endif ELSEIF ( option == '-box') THEN IF (debug) write(6,*) ' a BOX is extracted from the input domain ' ddata2 = ddata(firstS:firstE,secondS:secondE,thirdS:thirdE,:) ENDIF status = nf_put_vara_double (mcid, i, start_dims, dims_out, ddata2) deallocate (ddata) deallocate (ddata2) ELSE stop 'trouble - do not know the variable type' ENDIF ENDDO ! END OF VARIABLE LOOP status = nf_close(mcid) write(6,*) write(6,*) "SUCCESS - we are out of here" write(6,*) "#########################################" end program iowrf !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine handle_err(status) integer status write(6,*) 'Error number ',status stop end subroutine !--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine thin_ave (ain, aou, a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4, & iratio) ! average one array into another in x,y. integer a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4,iratio real ain(a1,a2,a3,a4), aou(b1,b2,b3,b4) !write(6,*) 'begin thin_ave, ratio = ',iratio !write(6,*) 'a1 = ',a1,' a2 = ',a2,' a3 = ',a3,' a4 = ',a4 !write(6,*) 'b1 = ',b1,' b2 = ',b2,' b3 = ',b3,' b4 = ',b4 do k4 = 1, b4 do k3 = 1, b3 do j = 1, b2 ymx = (((j-1) * iratio) + 1 ) + iratio/2. ymn = (((j-1) * iratio) + 1 ) - iratio/2. ymx = amin1(float(a2),ymx) ymn = amax1(1.,ymn) !write(6,*) 'ymn = ',ymn,' ymx = ',ymx do i = 1, b1 !write(6,*) 'i = ',i,' j = ',j xmx = (((i-1) * iratio) + 1 ) + iratio/2. xmn = (((i-1) * iratio) + 1 ) - iratio/2. xmx = amin1(float(a1),xmx) xmn = amax1(1.,xmn) !write(6,*) 'xmn = ',xmn,' xmx = ',xmx nc = 0 sum = 0. nn1 = int(ymn+.5) nn2 = int(ymx) do n = nn1, nn2 mm1 = int(xmn+.5) mm2 = int(xmx) !write(6,*) 'nn1 = ',nn1,' nn2 = ',nn2 !write(6,*) 'mm1 = ',mm1,' mm2 = ',mm2 do m = mm1, mm2 sum = ain(m,n,k3,k4) + sum !write(6,*) 'm = ',m,' n = ',n,' ain = ',ain(m,n,k3,k4),& ! ' sum = ',sum nc = nc + 1 enddo enddo aou(i,j,k3,k4) = sum/float(nc) !write(6,*) 'i = ',i,' value = ',aou(i,j,k3,k4) enddo enddo enddo enddo end subroutine thin_ave !-------------------------------------------------------- subroutine read_args(input_file,option,iratio,box_start,box_end,bit64,debug) implicit none character (len=80) :: input_file character (len=10) :: option integer :: iratio integer :: box_start(3), box_end(3) logical :: bit64, debug integer :: numarg, i, idummy, idummy1, idummy2 real :: rdummy integer, external :: iargc character (len=80) :: dummy, dir ! set up some defaults first input_file = " " option = " " idummy1 = 0 idummy2 = 0 box_start = 0 box_end = 0 bit64 = .FALSE. numarg = iargc() i = 1 if (numarg .lt. 1) call help_info do while (i <= numarg) call getarg(i,dummy) if (dummy(1:1) == "-") then ! We have an option, else it is the filename SELECTCASE (trim(dummy)) CASE ("-help") call help_info CASE ("-h") call help_info CASE ("-debug") debug = .TRUE. CASE ("-thina") option = dummy i = i+1 call getarg(i,dummy) read(dummy,'(i3)')idummy iratio = idummy if ( iratio .lt. 2 ) STOP ' Must supply a ratio of 2 or more ' CASE ("-thin") option = dummy i = i+1 call getarg(i,dummy) read(dummy,'(i3)')idummy iratio = idummy if ( iratio .lt. 2 ) STOP ' Must supply a ratio of 2 or more ' CASE ("-A") option = dummy CASE ("-box") option = dummy DO i = i+1 call getarg(i,dir) if (dir(1:1) == '-') then i=i-1 exit endif if ('x') then if ('y') then if ('z') then i=i-1 exit endif endif endif i = i+1 call getarg(i,dummy) read(dummy,'(i3)')idummy1 i = i+1 call getarg(i,dummy) read(dummy,'(i3)')idummy2 if (dir.eq.' '.or.idummy1.eq.0.or.idummy2.eq.0) exit if ( dir == 'x' ) then box_start(1) = idummy1 box_end(1) = idummy2 endif if ( dir == 'y' ) then box_start(2) = idummy1 box_end(2) = idummy2 endif if ( dir == 'z' ) then box_start(3) = idummy1 box_end(3) = idummy2 endif idummy1 = 0 idummy2 = 0 ENDDO CASE ("-64bit") bit64 = .TRUE. CASE DEFAULT call help_info END SELECT else input_file = dummy endif i = i+1 enddo if (input_file == " ") call help_info end subroutine read_args !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine help_info print*," " print*," iowrf wrf_data_file_name [-options] " print*," " print*," Current options available are:" print*," -help : Print this information" print*," -h : Print this information" print*," " print*," -thina x : Thin the input grid, with a ratio of x" print*," Example:" print*," -thina 3 " print*," Will thin the grid with a ratio of 3, i.e., " print*," a 12km grid will be upscaled to a 36km grid" print*," The new grid point will be an average of the surrounding points" print*," " print*," -thin x : Thin the input grid, with a ratio of x" print*," Example:" print*," -thin 3 " print*," Will thin the grid with a ratio of 3, i.e., " print*," a 12km grid will be upscaled to a 36km grid" print*," The new grid point will be the feedback value from the input domain" print*," " print*," -box [ ] : Will extract a box out of the input grid" print*," The box can have values for x/y/z " print*," Examples:" print*," -box x 10 30 y 20 40 z 5 15" print*," -box x 10 30 y 20 40 " print*," -box x 10 30 " print*," -box y 20 40 " print*," " print*," -A : De-stagger output" print*," " print*," -64bit : To create large 64bit data files" print*," " end subroutine help_info !------------------------------------------------------------------------------