1 | &share |
2 | wrf_core = 'ARW', !! [do not modify: choice of dynamical core] |
3 | max_dom = 1, !! number of simulation domains |
4 | start_date = '0000-00-00_00:00:00' !! YYYY-MM-DD_HH:mm:ss start date |
5 | end_date = '1111-11-11_11:11:11' !! YYYY-MM-DD_HH:mm:ss end date |
6 | interval_seconds = 3700 !! frequency of GCM updates [1 Mars hour = 3700 s] |
7 | io_form_geogrid = 2, !! [do not modify: choice of NETCDF outputs] |
8 | debug_level = 0, !! verbose level of the programs |
9 | opt_output_from_geogrid_path='./' !! location of the geogrid outputs |
10 | / |
11 | |
12 | &geogrid |
13 | parent_id = 1, !! number identifying the related parent domain |
14 | parent_grid_ratio = 1, !! ratio between parent and nested domains |
15 | i_parent_start = 1, !! x-position of the southwest corner of nest |
16 | j_parent_start = 1, !! y-position of the southwest corner of nest |
17 | e_we = 61, !! number of longitude grid points |
18 | e_sn = 61, !! number of latitude grid points |
19 | geog_data_res = 'gcm' !! static data sources: '64ppd','32ppd',... cf.GEOGRID.TBL |
20 | dx = 50000, !! resolution (meters) in the x-dimension |
21 | dy = 50000, !! resolution (meters) in the y-dimension |
22 | map_proj = 'mercator', !! map projection: 'mercator', 'lambert' or 'polar' |
23 | ref_lat = -12., !! north latitude of the center of the domain |
24 | ref_lon = 239., !! east longitude of the center of the domain |
25 | truelat1 = 0.0, !! (lambert or polar) lat position of projection cone |
26 | truelat2 = 0.0, !! [do not modify] |
27 | stand_lon = 0.0, !! (lambert or polar) lon position of projection cone |
28 | geog_data_path = './WPS_GEOG', !! [do not modify: symbolic link in the WPS folder] |
29 | / |
30 | |
31 | &metgrid |
32 | fg_name = './WPSFEED/LMD' !! [do not modify: symbolic link in the WPS folder] |
33 | io_form_metgrid = 2, !! [do not modify: choice of NETCDF outputs] |
34 | opt_output_from_metgrid_path='./WRFFEED/current' !! [do not modify: symbolic link] |
35 | / |