1 | &time_control |
2 | run_seconds = 37000 !! Duration of simulation [LES: !=0] |
3 | history_interval_s = 100 !! Frequency of outputs in seconds [LES: !=0] |
4 | frames_per_outfile = 37 !! Size of time dimension in files |
5 | start_year = 9999 !! Idealized simulation [LES: 9999] |
6 | end_year = 9999 !! Idealized simulation [LES: 9999] |
7 | restart = .false. !! (*) Restart run ? |
8 | restart_interval = 8880 !! (*) Frequency of output restart files ? |
9 | io_form_history = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs |
10 | io_form_restart = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs |
11 | io_form_input = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs |
12 | io_form_boundary = 2 !! (*) Choice of NETCDF for ouputs |
13 | debug_level = 0 !! (*) Verbose level |
14 | / |
15 | |
16 | &domains |
17 | ztop = 12000. !! Altitude above ground of model top [LES: !=0] |
18 | time_step = 0 !! Dynamical timestep |
19 | time_step_fract_num = 3 !! Additional fraction to time_step: numerator |
20 | time_step_fract_den = 4 !! Additional fraction to time_step: denominator |
21 | dx = 50 !! (p2) Horizontal resolution |
22 | dy = 50 !! (p2) Horizontal resolution (should be equal to dx) |
23 | e_we = 145 !! (r)(p2) Number of longitude grid points |
24 | e_sn = 145 !! (r)(p2) Number of latitude grid points |
25 | e_vert = 201 !! (r)(p2) Number of vertical levels |
26 | / |
27 | |
28 | &physics |
29 | planet = "mars" !! Selection of the planet type (mars ou venus) |
30 | isfflx = 1 !! 0 : UST/HFX from tke_... namelist values |
31 | !! 1 : UST/HFX from LMD physics |
32 | !! 2 : UST from LMD / HFX from namelist.input |
33 | init_TI = 50. !! Define constant thermal inertia value [LES: !=0] |
34 | init_AL = 0.3 !! Define constant albedo value [LES: !=0] |
35 | !! |
36 | !! OPTIONAL |
37 | !! |
38 | radt = 40 !! Ratio between physical and dynamical time step |
39 | mars = 0 !! (r)(p2) Configuration of tracers: |
40 | !! 0: no tracers, 1: water vapor + ice, 2: dust |
41 | init_MU = 0.01 !! (p3) Multiply ini & bdy zonal wind by init_U |
42 | init_MV = 0.01 !! (p3) Multiply ini & bdy meridional wind by init_V |
43 | / |
44 | |
45 | &dynamics |
46 | diff_opt = 2 !! (*d) Diffusion option [LES: 2] |
47 | km_opt = 2 !! (*d) Eddy coefficient option [LES: 2] |
48 | diff_6th_opt = 0 !! (*d) Knievel numerical diffusion [LES: 0] |
49 | mix_full_fields = T !! (*d) Set true if mixing ref + pert profiles [LES: T] |
50 | !! |
51 | !! OPTIONAL |
52 | !! |
53 | ! c_k = 0.10 !! Mixing coefficient constant for km_opt=2 [default: 0.15] |
54 | ! c_s = 0.18 !! Mixing coefficient constant for km_opt=3 [default: 0.25] |
55 | ! pd_tke = T !! Positive definite advection of tke |
56 | ! tke_heat_flux = 1. !! Constant surface thermal flux (H/(rho*cp), K m/s) |
57 | ! tke_drag_coefficient = 0.0025, !! Constant surface drag coefficient (Cd, dimensionless) |
58 | ! mix_upper_bound = 100. !! Non-dimensional upper limit for diffusion coeffs |
59 | ! mix_isotropic = 1 !! 0=anistropic vertical/horizontal diffusion coeffs, 1=isotropic |
60 | ! pert_coriolis = T !! Coriolis only acts on wind perturbation (idealized) |
61 | / |
62 | |
63 | &bdy_control |
64 | periodic_x = T !! (p3) Periodic boundary conditions over x [LES: T] |
65 | periodic_y = T !! (p3) Periodic boundary conditions over y [LES: T] |
66 | / |
67 | |
68 | &grib2 |
69 | / |
70 | |
71 | &fdda |
72 | / |
73 | |
74 | &namelist_quilt !! (*) |
75 | nio_tasks_per_group = 0, !! (*) |
76 | nio_groups = 1, !! (*) |
77 | / !! (*) |