1 | SUBROUTINE watercloud(ngrid,nlay, ptimestep, |
2 | & pplev,pplay,pdpsrf,pzlev,pzlay,pt,pdt, |
3 | & pq,pdq,pdqcloud,qsurf,pdqscloud,pdtcloud, |
4 | & nq,nsize,tau,icount,zls) |
6 | |
7 | c======================================================================= |
8 | c Treatment of saturation of water vapor |
9 | c |
10 | c |
11 | c Modif de zq si saturation dans l'atmopshere |
12 | c si zq(ig,l)> zqsat(ig,l) -> zq(ig,l)=zqsat(ig,l) |
13 | c Le test est effectue de bas en haut. L'eau condensee |
14 | c (si saturation) est remise dans la couche en dessous. |
15 | c L'eau condensee dans la couche du bas est deposee a la surface |
16 | c |
17 | c WARNING : water vapor mixing ratio is assumed to be |
18 | c q(nqmx) |
19 | c |
20 | c Modification: Franck Montmessin water ice scheme |
21 | c Francois Forget : change nuclei density & outputs |
22 | c |
23 | c======================================================================= |
24 | |
25 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
26 | c declarations: |
27 | c ------------- |
28 | |
29 | #include "dimensions.h" |
30 | #include "dimphys.h" |
31 | #include "comcstfi.h" |
32 | #include "callkeys.h" |
33 | #include "tracer.h" |
34 | |
35 | #include "fisice.h" |
36 | #include "comgeomfi.h" |
37 | c |
38 | c arguments: |
39 | c ---------- |
40 | |
41 | INTEGER ngrid,nlay,nsize |
42 | INTEGER icount |
43 | REAL ptimestep ! pas de temps physique (s) |
44 | REAL pplev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! pression aux inter-couches (Pa) |
45 | REAL pplay(ngrid,nlay) ! pression au milieu des couches (Pa) |
46 | REAL pzlev(ngrid,nlay+1) ! altitude at layer boundaries |
47 | REAL pzlay(ngrid,nlay) ! altitude at the middle of the layers |
48 | REAL pdpsrf(ngrid) ! tendance surf pressure |
49 | REAL pt(ngrid,nlay) ! temperature au centre des couches (K) |
50 | REAL pdt(ngrid,nlay) ! tendance temperature des autres param. |
51 | REAL pdtcloud(ngrid,nlay) ! tendance temperature due a la chaleur latente |
52 | REAL tau(ngridmx,nsize) |
53 | REAL zls |
54 | |
55 | c Traceurs : |
56 | integer nq ! nombre de traceurs |
57 | real pq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! traceur (kg/kg) |
58 | real pdq(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! tendance avant condensation (kg/kg.s-1) |
59 | real pdqcloud(ngrid,nlay,nq) ! tendance de la condesation H2O(kg/kg.s-1) |
60 | real qsurf(ngrid,nq) |
61 | real pdqscloud(ngrid,nq) ! flux en surface (kg.m-2.s-1) |
62 | |
63 | c local: |
64 | c ------ |
65 | |
66 | REAL CBRT |
68 | INTEGER ig,l |
69 | |
70 | LOGICAL firstcall,improved |
71 | SAVE firstcall |
72 | |
73 | REAL zq(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) |
74 | REAL zq0(ngridmx,nlayermx,nqmx) |
75 | REAL zqsat(ngridmx,nlayermx) |
76 | REAL zt(ngridmx,nlayermx) |
77 | |
78 | |
79 | REAL masse (ngridmx,nlayermx) |
80 | REAL epaisseur (ngridmx,nlayermx) |
81 | REAL dustcores(ngridmx,nlayermx) !Dust number density (#/kg) |
82 | REAL rfinal ! Ice crystal radius after condensation(m) |
83 | REAL seq ! Equilibrium saturation ration (accounting for curvature effect) |
84 | REAL dzq ! masse de glace echangee (kg/kg) |
85 | REAL lw !Latent heat of sublimation (J.kg-1) |
86 | REAL To |
87 | |
88 | REAL Ctot |
89 | REAL*8 ph2o,satu |
90 | REAL gr,Cste,up,dwn,newvap |
91 | |
92 | DATA firstcall/.true./ |
93 | DATA improved/.false./ ! Actionne une microphysique plus raffinee |
94 | |
95 | c Reference temperature, T=273,15 K |
96 | data To/273.15/ |
97 | |
98 | SAVE improved |
99 | |
100 | c POur diagnostique : |
101 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
102 | REAL taucond(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! taux de condensation (kg/kg/s-1) |
103 | REAL mtot(ngridmx) ! Total mass of water vapor (kg/m2) |
104 | REAL icetot(ngridmx) ! Total mass of water ice (kg/m2) |
105 | REAL rave(ngridmx) ! Mean crystal radius in a column (m) |
106 | REAL cloudmass(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! mass of ice in each layer (kg/m2) |
107 | REAL op825(ngridmx,nlayermx) ! abs optical depth at 825 cm-1 |
108 | REAL tau825(ngridmx) ! abs optical depth at 825 cm-1 |
109 | REAL waterhem(2,3) |
110 | real a,b, Qabs |
111 | |
112 | REAL icetot2pm(ngridmx) |
113 | REAL mtot2pm(ngridmx) |
114 | REAL rave2pm(ngridmx) |
115 | REAL qsurf2pm(ngridmx) |
116 | INTEGER i,nit |
117 | REAL ecart,loctime |
118 | integer univtime,lon2pm(ngridmx) |
119 | |
120 | integer ig_vl2 |
121 | real latvl2,lonvl2 |
122 | |
123 | logical tesfield ! output of TES like data |
124 | data tesfield /.false./ |
125 | |
126 | c ** un petit test de coherence |
127 | c -------------------------- |
128 | |
129 | IF (firstcall) THEN |
130 | IF(ngrid.NE.ngridmx) THEN |
131 | PRINT*,'STOP dans watercloud' |
132 | PRINT*,'probleme de dimensions :' |
133 | PRINT*,'ngrid =',ngrid |
134 | PRINT*,'ngridmx =',ngridmx |
135 | STOP |
136 | ENDIF |
137 | if(nq.gt.nqmx) then |
138 | write(*,*) 'stop in watercloud (nq.gt.nqmx)!' |
139 | write(*,*) 'nq=',nq,' nqmx=',nqmx |
140 | stop |
141 | endif |
142 | firstcall=.false. |
143 | ENDIF |
144 | |
145 | |
146 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
147 | c 1. initialisation |
148 | c ----------------- |
149 | |
150 | c On "update" la valeur de q(nqmx) (water vapor) et temperature. |
151 | c On effectue qqes calculs preliminaires sur les couches : |
152 | c masse (kg.m-2), epaisseur(m). |
153 | |
154 | do l=1,nlay |
155 | do ig=1,ngrid |
156 | zq(ig,l,nq)=pq(ig,l,nq)+pdq(ig,l,nq)*ptimestep |
157 | zq(ig,l,nq)=max(zq(ig,l,nq),1.E-30) ! FF 12/2004 |
158 | zq0(ig,l,nq)=zq(ig,l,nq) |
159 | zt(ig,l)=pt(ig,l)+ pdt(ig,l)*ptimestep |
160 | masse(ig,l)=(pplev(ig,l) - pplev(ig,l+1)) /g |
161 | epaisseur(ig,l)= pzlev(ig,l+1) - pzlev(ig,l) |
162 | if(iceparty) then |
163 | zq(ig,l,nq-1)=pq(ig,l,nq-1)+pdq(ig,l,nq-1)*ptimestep |
164 | zq(ig,l,nq-1)=max(zq(ig,l,nq-1),0.) ! FF 12/2004 |
165 | zq0(ig,l,nq-1)=zq(ig,l,nq-1) |
166 | rdust(ig,l)= max(.8e-6*exp(-pzlay(ig,l)/18000.),1.e-9) |
167 | c Calcul du rayon moyen des particules de glace. |
168 | c Hypothese : Dans une couche, la glace presente se |
169 | c repartit uniformement autour du nbre de poussieres |
170 | c dont le rayon moyen est prescrit par rdust. |
171 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
172 | if ((dustbin.eq.1).and..not.(doubleq)) then |
173 | zq(ig,l,1)=pq(ig,l,1)+pdq(ig,l,1)*ptimestep |
174 | dustcores(ig,l)=max(zq(ig,l,1)/ |
175 | & (rho_dust*4./3.*pi*radius(1)**3.),1.e-9) |
176 | else |
177 | dustcores(ig,l)=( epaisseur(ig,l)/masse(ig,l) ) * |
178 | & 2.e+6/0.1*max(tau(ig,1),0.001)*exp(-pzlay(ig,l)/10000.) |
179 | |
180 | c TEMPORAIRE : réduction du nombre de nuclei FF 04/2008 : |
181 | c dustcores(ig,l) = dustcores(ig,l) / 27. ! reduction facteur 3 |
182 | dustcores(ig,l) = dustcores(ig,l) / 8. ! reduction facteur 2 |
183 | endif |
184 | rice(ig,l)=CBRT( ( zq(ig,l,nq-1)/rho_ice+ |
185 | & dustcores(ig,l)*(4./3.)*pi*rdust(ig,l)**3. ) |
186 | & / (dustcores(ig,l)*4./3.*pi) ) |
187 | rice(ig,l)=max(rice(ig,l),rdust(ig,l)) |
188 | endif |
189 | enddo |
190 | enddo |
191 | |
192 | call zerophys(ngrid*nq,pdqscloud) |
193 | call zerophys(ngrid*nlay*nq,pdqcloud) |
194 | call zerophys(ngrid*nlay,pdtcloud) |
195 | call zerophys(ngrid,mtot) |
196 | |
197 | call zerophys(ngrid,icetot) |
198 | call zerophys(ngrid,rave) |
199 | call zerophys(ngrid,cloudmass) |
200 | |
201 | c ---------------------------------------------- |
202 | c |
203 | c |
204 | c Rapport de melange a saturation dans la couche l : ------- |
205 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
206 | |
207 | call watersat(ngridmx*nlayermx,zt,pplay,zqsat) |
208 | |
209 | c taux de condensation (kg/kg/s-1) dans les differentes couches |
210 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
211 | c (Pour diagnostic seulement !) |
212 | if(.not.iceparty)then |
213 | do l=1, nlay |
214 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
215 | taucond(ig,l)= max((zq(ig,l,nq)-zqsat(ig,l))/ptimestep,0.) |
216 | end do |
217 | end do |
218 | endif |
219 | |
220 | |
221 | if(iceparty) then |
222 | do l=1,nlay |
223 | do ig=1,ngrid |
224 | |
225 | If (improved) then |
226 | c Improved microphysics scheme |
227 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
228 | |
229 | Ctot = zq(ig,l,nq) + zq(ig,l,nq-1) |
230 | ph2o = zq(ig,l,nq) * 44. / 18. * pplay(ig,l) |
231 | satu = zq(ig,l,nq) / zqsat(ig,l) |
232 | |
233 | call growthrate(ptimestep,zt(ig,l),pplay(ig,l), |
234 | & ph2o,ph2o/satu,seq,rice(ig,l),gr) |
235 | Cste = ptimestep * 4. * pi * rice(ig,l) |
236 | * * rho_ice * dustcores(ig,l) |
237 | up = zq(ig,l,nq) + Cste * gr * seq |
238 | dwn = 1. + Cste * gr / zqsat(ig,l) |
239 | newvap = min(up/dwn,Ctot) |
240 | |
241 | gr = gr * ( newvap/zqsat(ig,l) - seq ) |
242 | dzq = min( max( Cste * gr,-zq(ig,l,nq-1) ) |
243 | * , zq(ig,l,nq) ) |
244 | |
245 | c Nucleation (sat ratio must be larger than a critical value) |
246 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
247 | if (satu.gt.1.) then |
248 | if (satu.le.1.4.and.zq(ig,l,nq-1).lt.1.e-8) |
249 | * dzq = 0. |
250 | endif |
251 | |
252 | Else |
253 | c Old version |
254 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~ |
255 | if (zq(ig,l,nq).ge.zqsat(ig,l))then ! Condensation |
256 | dzq=zq(ig,l,nq)-zqsat(ig,l) |
257 | elseif(zq(ig,l,nq).lt.zqsat(ig,l))then ! Sublimation |
258 | dzq=-min(zqsat(ig,l)-zq(ig,l,nq),zq(ig,l,nq-1)) |
259 | endif |
260 | |
261 | Endif |
262 | |
263 | c Water Mass change |
264 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
265 | zq(ig,l,nq-1)=zq(ig,l,nq-1)+dzq |
266 | zq(ig,l,nq)=zq(ig,l,nq)-dzq |
267 | |
268 | rice(ig,l)=max( CBRT ( (zq(ig,l,nq-1)/rho_ice |
269 | & +dustcores(ig,l)*(4./3.)*pi*rdust(ig,l)**3.) |
270 | & /(dustcores(ig,l)*4./3.*pi) ), rdust(ig,l)) |
271 | |
272 | if(activice.and.pclc(ig).gt.0) |
273 | & rice(ig,l)=rice(ig,l)/CBRT(pclc(ig)) |
274 | |
275 | enddo |
276 | enddo |
277 | |
278 | else ! if not iceparty |
279 | |
280 | c Saturation couche nlay a 2 : |
281 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
282 | do l=nlay,2, -1 |
283 | do ig=1,ngrid |
284 | if (zq(ig,l,nq).gt.zqsat(ig,l))then |
285 | zq(ig,l-1,nq) = zq(ig,l-1,nq)+(zq(ig,l,nq)-zqsat(ig,l)) |
286 | & *(pplev(ig,l)-pplev(ig,l+1))/(pplev(ig,l-1)-pplev(ig,l)) |
287 | zq(ig,l,nq)=zqsat(ig,l) |
288 | endif |
289 | enddo |
290 | enddo |
291 | |
292 | c Saturation couche l=1 si pas iceparty |
293 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
294 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
295 | if (zq(ig,1,nq).gt.zqsat(ig,1))then |
296 | pdqscloud(ig,nq)= (zq(ig,1,nq)-zqsat(ig,1)) |
297 | & *(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,2))/(g*ptimestep) |
298 | zq(ig,1,nq)=zqsat(ig,1) |
299 | endif |
300 | end do |
301 | |
302 | endif ! (iceparty) |
303 | |
304 | c Tendance finale |
305 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
306 | do l=1, nlay |
307 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
308 | pdqcloud(ig,l,nq) = (zq(ig,l,nq) - zq0(ig,l,nq))/ptimestep |
309 | if(iceparty) then |
310 | pdqcloud(ig,l,nq-1) = |
311 | & (zq(ig,l,nq-1) - zq0(ig,l,nq-1))/ptimestep |
312 | endif |
313 | lw=(2834.3-0.28*(zt(ig,l)-To)-0.004*(zt(ig,l)-To)**2)*1.e+3 |
314 | pdtcloud(ig,l)=-pdqcloud(ig,l,nq)*lw/cpp |
315 | end do |
316 | end do |
317 | |
318 | c A correction if a lot of subliming CO2 fills the 1st layer FF04/2005 |
319 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
320 | c Then that should not affect the ice particle radius |
321 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
322 | if(pdpsrf(ig)*ptimestep.gt.0.9*(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,2)))then |
323 | if(pdpsrf(ig)*ptimestep.gt.0.9*(pplev(ig,1)-pplev(ig,3))) |
324 | & rice(ig,2)=rice(ig,3) |
325 | rice(ig,1)=rice(ig,2) |
326 | end if |
327 | end do |
328 | |
329 | c************************************************** |
330 | c Output |
331 | c************************************************** |
332 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
333 | do l=1 ,nlay |
334 | c masse de vapeur d'eau dans la couche l |
335 | mtot(ig)=mtot(ig)+pq(ig,l,nq)*masse(ig,l) |
336 | if(iceparty) then |
337 | c masse de glace d'eau dans la couche l |
338 | icetot(ig)=icetot(ig)+masse(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,nq-1) |
339 | c rayon moyen des cristaux dans la colonne ig |
340 | rave(ig)=rave(ig)+masse(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,nq-1)*rice(ig,l) |
341 | cloudmass(ig,l)=masse(ig,l)*pq(ig,l,nq-1) |
342 | endif |
343 | enddo |
344 | if(iceparty) then |
345 | rave(ig)=rave(ig)/max(icetot(ig),1.e-30) |
346 | if (icetot(ig)*1000.lt.0.01) rave(ig)=0. |
347 | endif |
348 | enddo ! (ngridmx) |
349 | |
350 | c Computing abs optical depth at 825 cm-1 in each layer |
351 | c to simulate NEW TES retrieval |
352 | do ig=1,ngridmx |
353 | tau825(ig)=0. |
354 | do l=1 ,nlay |
355 | Qabs=min(max(0.4e6*rice(ig,l)-0.05 ,0.),1.2) |
356 | op825(ig,l)= 0.75*Qabs*pq(ig,l,nq-1)*masse(ig,l) |
357 | & / (rho_ice*rice(ig,l)) |
358 | tau825(ig)=tau825(ig)+ op825(ig,l) |
359 | end do |
360 | end do |
361 | |
362 | c ****************************************** |
363 | c Output in diagfi |
364 | c ****************************************** |
365 | |
366 | if (ngrid.gt.1) then |
367 | |
368 | CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'mtot', |
369 | & 'total mass of water vapor','kg/m2',2,mtot) |
370 | |
371 | if (callstats) then |
372 | call wstats(ngrid,"mtot", |
373 | . "total mass of water vapor","kg/m2",2,mtot) |
374 | endif |
375 | |
376 | c if(.not.iceparty) |
377 | c & call WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'taucond', |
378 | c & 'taux cond H2O ice','kg/kg/s',3,taucond) |
379 | c |
380 | if(iceparty) then |
381 | CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'icetot', |
382 | & 'total mass of water ice','kg/m2',2,icetot) |
383 | if (callstats) then |
384 | call wstats(ngrid,"icetot", |
385 | . "total mass of water ice","kg/m2",2,icetot) |
386 | endif |
387 | c CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'cloudmass', |
388 | c & 'mass of water ice/layer','kg/m2',3,cloudmass) |
389 | c CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'rice','ice radius', |
390 | c & 'meter',3,rice) |
391 | CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'rave','Mean ice radius', |
392 | & 'meter',2,rave) |
393 | CALL WRITEDIAGFI(ngridmx,'tauice','tau abs 825 cm-1', |
394 | & '',2,tau825) |
395 | endif |
396 | |
397 | else |
398 | |
399 | c CALL WRITEG1D(ngridmx,1,mtot,'gas','kg/m2') |
400 | c CALL WRITEG1D(ngridmx,1,icetot,'ice','kg/m2') |
401 | c call WRITEG1D(ngridmx,nlay,rice,'rice','um') |
402 | c call WRITEG1D(ngridmx,nlay,dustcores,'pouss','#/layer') |
403 | |
404 | endif |
405 | 99 continue |
406 | |
407 | RETURN |
408 | END |
409 | |