1 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 | c INCLUDE 'tracer.h' |
3 | |
4 | character*10 noms(nqmx) ! name of the tracer |
5 | real mmol(nqmx) ! mole mass of tracer (g/mol-1) |
6 | real radius(nqmx) ! dust and ice particle radius (m) |
7 | real rho_q(nqmx) ! tracer densities (kg.m-3) |
8 | real qext(nqmx) ! Single Scat. Extinction coeff at 0.67 um |
9 | real alpha_lift(nqmx) ! saltation vertical flux/horiz flux ratio (m-1) |
10 | real alpha_devil(nqmx) ! lifting coeeficient by dust devil |
11 | |
12 | real varian ! Characteristic variance of log-normal distribution |
13 | real r3n_q ! used to compute r0 from number and mass mixing ratio |
14 | real qextrhor(nqmx) ! Intermediate for computing opt. depth from q |
15 | real rho_dust ! Mars dust density (kg.m-3) |
16 | real rho_ice ! Water ice density (kg.m-3) |
17 | real ref_r0 ! for computing reff=ref_r0*r0 (in log.n. distribution) |
18 | |
19 | real dryness(ngridmx)!"Dryness coefficient" for grnd water ice sublimation |
20 | |
21 | COMMON/tracer/radius,rho_q,qext,alpha_lift,alpha_devil,noms,mmol, |
22 | & varian,r3n_q,qextrhor,rho_dust,rho_ice,ref_r0,dryness |
23 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |