1 | PROGRAM rcm1d |
2 | |
3 | USE infotrac |
4 | use control_mod, only: planet_type, day_step |
5 | USE phys_state_var_mod |
6 | use chemparam_mod |
7 | USE comconst_mod, ONLY: cpp,t0_venus,nu_venus |
8 | use cpdet_mod, only: ini_cpdet |
9 | use moyzon_mod, only: tmoy |
10 | USE comvert_mod, ONLY: ap,bp,presnivs,pa,preff,nivsigs,nivsig, |
11 | . aps,bps,scaleheight,pseudoalt, |
12 | . disvert_type,pressure_exner |
13 | use conc, only: rho,mmean |
14 | USE iniphysiq_mod, ONLY: iniphysiq |
15 | USE mod_const_mpi, ONLY: comm_lmdz |
16 | USE physiq_mod, ONLY: physiq |
17 | USE logic_mod, ONLY: iflag_trac |
19 | |
20 | c======================================================================= |
21 | c subject: |
22 | c -------- |
23 | c PROGRAM useful to run physical part of the venusian GCM in a 1D column |
24 | c |
25 | c Can be compiled with a command like (e.g. for 50 layers) |
26 | c "makelmdz -p venus -d 50 rcm1d" |
27 | |
28 | c It requires the files "rcm1d.def" "physiq.def" |
29 | c and a file describing the sigma layers (e.g. "z2sig.def") |
30 | c |
31 | c author: Frederic Hourdin, R.Fournier,F.Forget (original Mars version) |
32 | c ------- Sebastien Lebonnois (Venus version) |
33 | c |
34 | c======================================================================= |
35 | |
36 | #include "dimensions.h" |
37 | #include "dimsoil.h" |
38 | #include "comcstfi.h" |
39 | #include "netcdf.inc" |
40 | #include "clesphys.h" |
41 | #include "iniprint.h" |
42 | #include "tabcontrol.h" |
43 | |
44 | c -------------------------------------------------------------- |
45 | c Declarations |
46 | c -------------------------------------------------------------- |
47 | c |
48 | INTEGER unit ! unite de lecture de "rcm1d.def" |
49 | INTEGER unitstart ! unite d'ecriture de "startphy.nc" |
50 | INTEGER nlayer,nlevel,nsoil,ndt |
51 | INTEGER ilayer,ilevel,isoil,idt,iq,i |
52 | LOGICAl firstcall,lastcall |
53 | c |
54 | INTEGER day0 ! date initial (sol ; =0 a Ls=0) |
55 | REAL day ! date durant le run |
56 | REAL time ! time (0<time<1 ; time=0.5 a midi) |
57 | REAL play(llm) ! Pressure at the middle of the layers (Pa) |
58 | REAL plev(llm+1) ! intermediate pressure levels (pa) |
59 | REAL psurf |
60 | REAL u(llm),v(llm) ! zonal, meridional wind |
61 | REAL gru,grv ! prescribed "geostrophic" background wind |
62 | REAL temp(llm) ! temperature at the middle of the layers |
63 | REAL,allocatable :: q(:,:) ! tracer mixing ratio (e.g. kg/kg) |
64 | REAL zlay(llm) ! altitude estimee dans les couches (km) |
65 | REAL long(1),lati(1),area(1) |
66 | REAL cufi(1),cvfi(1) |
67 | REAL phisfi(1) |
68 | |
69 | c Physical and dynamical tandencies (e.g. m.s-2, K/s, Pa/s) |
70 | REAL du(llm),dv(llm),dtemp(llm) |
71 | REAL dudyn(llm),dvdyn(llm),dtempdyn(llm) |
72 | REAL dpsurf(1) |
73 | REAL,allocatable :: dq(:,:) |
74 | |
75 | c Various intermediate variables |
76 | REAL zls |
77 | REAL phi(llm),s(llm) |
78 | REAL pk(llm),pks, w(llm) |
79 | INTEGER l, ierr, aslun |
80 | REAL tmp1(0:llm),tmp2(0:llm) |
81 | |
82 | character*2 str2 |
83 | |
84 | real pi |
85 | |
86 | ! initialisation des traceurs |
87 | |
88 | integer :: idummy |
89 | real :: dummy |
90 | |
91 | character*8 specname(40) |
92 | real mmol(40) |
93 | |
94 | c======================================================================= |
96 | |
97 | lunout = 6 |
98 | |
99 | mmol = (/44., 28., 2., 18., 16., |
100 | & 16., 32., 32., 48., 1., |
101 | & 17., 33., 34., 35., 51., |
102 | & 71., 36., 52., 63., 95., |
103 | & 99., 32., 48., 64., 80., |
104 | & 96., 60., 81., 98., 64., |
105 | & 99., 83., 28., 4., 46., |
106 | & 30., 14., 14., 18., 98./) |
107 | |
108 | specname = (/"co2", "co", "h2", "h2o", "o1d", |
109 | & "o" , "o2", "o2dg", "o3", "h", |
110 | & "oh" , "ho2", "h2o2", "cl", "clo", |
111 | & "cl2", "hcl", "hocl", "clco", "clco3", |
112 | & "cocl2", "s", "so", "so2", "so3", |
113 | & "s2o2", "ocs", "hso3", "h2so4", "s2", |
114 | & "clso2", "oscl", "n2", "he", "no2", "no", |
115 | & "n", "n2d", "h2oliq", "h2so4liq"/) |
116 | |
117 | c ------------------------------------------------------ |
118 | c Constantes prescrites ICI |
119 | c ------------------------------------------------------ |
120 | |
121 | pi=2.E+0*asin(1.E+0) |
122 | |
123 | c Constante de la Planete Venus |
124 | c ----------------------------- |
125 | planet_type = "venus" |
126 | rad=6051300. ! rayon de Venus (m) ~6051300 m |
127 | daysec= 1.0087e7 ! duree du sol (s) ~1.e7 s |
128 | omeg=4.*asin(1.)/19.4141e6 ! vitesse de rotation (rad.s-1) |
129 | g= 8.87 ! gravite (m.s-2) ~8.87 |
130 | mugaz=43.44 ! Masse molaire de l'atm (g.mol-1) ~43.44 |
132 | ! VENUS: Cp(T) = cpp*(T/T0)^nu |
133 | ! avec T0=460. et nu=0.35 |
134 | cpp=1.0e3 |
135 | ! cpp=9.0e2 ! version constante |
136 | r= 8.314511E+0 *1000.E+0/mugaz |
137 | rcp= r/cpp |
138 | |
139 | c----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
140 | c Initialisation des traceurs |
141 | c --------------------------- |
142 | c Choix du nombre de traceurs et du schema pour l'advection |
143 | c dans fichier traceur.def |
144 | call infotrac_init |
145 | if (nqtot.gt.1) iflag_trac=1 |
146 | |
147 | c Allocation de la tableau q : champs advectes |
148 | allocate(q(llm,nqtot)) |
149 | allocate(dq(llm,nqtot)) |
150 | |
151 | c ------------------------------------------------------ |
152 | c Lecture des parametres dans "rcm1d.def" |
153 | c ------------------------------------------------------ |
154 | |
155 | c Opening parameters file "rcm1d.def" |
156 | c --------------------------------------- |
157 | unit =97 |
158 | OPEN(unit,file='rcm1d.def',status='old',form='formatted' |
159 | . ,iostat=ierr) |
160 | |
161 | IF(ierr.ne.0) THEN |
162 | write(*,*) 'Problem to open "rcm1d.def' |
163 | write(*,*) 'Is it there ?' |
164 | stop |
165 | END IF |
166 | |
167 | c Date et heure locale du debut du run |
168 | c ------------------------------------ |
169 | c Date (en sols depuis le solstice de printemps) du debut du run |
170 | day0 = 0 |
171 | PRINT *,'date de depart ?' |
172 | READ(unit,*) day0 |
173 | day=REAL(day0) |
174 | PRINT *,day0 |
175 | c Heure de demarrage |
176 | PRINT *,'heure de debut de simulation (entre 0 et 24) ?' |
177 | READ(unit,*) time |
178 | time=time/24.E+0 |
179 | |
180 | c Discretisation (Definition de la grille et des pas de temps) |
181 | c -------------- |
182 | c |
183 | nlayer=llm |
184 | nlevel=nlayer+1 |
185 | nsoil=nsoilmx |
186 | PRINT *,'nombre de pas de temps par jour ?' |
187 | READ(unit,*) day_step |
188 | print*,day_step |
189 | |
190 | c PRINT *,'nombre d appel au rayonnement par jour ?' |
191 | c READ(unit,*) nbapp_rad |
192 | c print*,nbapp_rad |
193 | c LU DANS PHYSIQ.DEF... |
194 | nbapp_rad = 24000 |
195 | |
196 | PRINT *,'nombre de jours simules ?' |
197 | READ(unit,*) ndt |
198 | print*,ndt |
199 | |
200 | ndt=ndt*day_step |
201 | dtphys=daysec/day_step |
202 | dtime=dtphys |
203 | |
204 | c Pression de surface sur la planete |
205 | c ------------------------------------ |
206 | c |
207 | PRINT *,'pression au sol' |
208 | READ(unit,*) psurf |
209 | PRINT *,psurf |
210 | c Pression de reference ! voir dyn3d/etat0_venus |
211 | c pa = 5.e4 |
212 | pa = 1.e6 |
213 | preff = 9.2e6 ! 92 bars |
214 | c preff = psurf |
215 | |
216 | c latitude/longitude |
217 | c ------------------- |
218 | PRINT *,'latitude en degres ?' |
219 | READ(unit,*) lati(1) |
220 | PRINT *,lati(1) |
221 | lati(1)=lati(1)*pi/180. ! must be in radians. |
222 | long(1)=0.E+0 |
223 | |
224 | c Initialisation speciales "physiq" |
225 | c --------------------------------- |
226 | |
227 | ! CALL init_phys_lmdz(iim,jjm,llm,1,(/1/)) |
228 | |
229 | c la surface de chaque maille est inutile en 1D ---> |
230 | area(1)=1.E+0 |
231 | c de meme ? |
232 | cufi(1)=1.E+0 |
233 | cvfi(1)=1.E+0 |
234 | |
235 | call ini_cpdet |
236 | |
237 | c Ehouarn: iniphysiq requires arrays related to (3D) dynamics grid, |
238 | c e.g. for cell boundaries, which are meaningless in 1D; so pad these |
239 | c with '0.' when necessary |
240 | CALL iniphysiq(1,1,llm, |
241 | & 1,comm_lmdz, |
242 | & daysec,day0,dtphys, |
243 | & (/lati(1),0./),(/0./), |
244 | & (/0.,0./),(/long(1),0./), |
245 | & (/ (/area,0./),(/0.,0./) /), |
246 | & (/cufi,0.,0.,0./), |
247 | & (/cvfi,0./), |
248 | & rad,g,r,cpp,1) |
249 | |
250 | c le geopotentiel au sol est inutile en 1D car tout est controle |
251 | c par la pression de surface ---> |
252 | phisfi(1)=0.E+0 |
253 | |
254 | c Initialisation pour prendre en compte les vents en 1-D |
255 | c ------------------------------------------------------ |
256 | |
257 | c vent geostrophique |
258 | PRINT *,'composante vers l est du vent geostrophique (U) ?' |
259 | READ(unit,*) gru |
260 | PRINT *,'composante vers le nord du vent geostrophique (V) ?' |
261 | READ(unit,*) grv |
262 | |
263 | c Initialisation des vents au premier pas de temps |
264 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
265 | u(ilayer)=gru |
266 | v(ilayer)=grv |
267 | ENDDO |
268 | |
269 | c calcul des pressions et altitudes en utilisant les niveaux sigma |
270 | c ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
271 | |
272 | c Vertical Coordinates (hybrids) |
273 | c """""""""""""""""""" |
274 | CALL disvert_noterre |
275 | |
276 | c Calcul au milieu des couches : Vient de la version Mars |
277 | c WARNING : le choix de placer le milieu des couches au niveau de |
278 | c pression intermédiaire est arbitraire et pourrait etre modifié. |
279 | c C'est fait de la meme facon dans disvert |
280 | |
281 | DO l = 1, llm |
282 | aps(l) = 0.5 *( ap(l) +ap(l+1)) |
283 | bps(l) = 0.5 *( bp(l) +bp(l+1)) |
284 | ENDDO |
285 | |
286 | DO ilevel=1,nlevel |
287 | plev(ilevel)=ap(ilevel)+psurf*bp(ilevel) |
288 | ENDDO |
289 | |
290 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
291 | play(ilayer)=aps(ilayer)+psurf*bps(ilayer) |
292 | pk(ilayer) =cpp*(play(ilayer)/preff)**rcp |
293 | c write(120,*) ilayer,plev(ilayer),play(ilayer) |
294 | ENDDO |
295 | c write(120,*) nlevel,plev(nlevel) |
296 | c stop |
297 | |
298 | pks=cpp*(psurf/preff)**rcp |
299 | |
300 | c init des variables pour phyredem |
301 | c -------------------------------- |
302 | call phys_state_var_init(nqtot) |
303 | |
304 | c profil de temperature et altitude au premier appel |
305 | c -------------------------------------------------- |
306 | |
307 | c modif par rapport a Mars: |
308 | c on envoie dz/T=-log(play/psurf)*r/g dans profile |
309 | tmp1(0)=0.0 |
310 | tmp1(1)= -log(play(1)/psurf)*r/g |
311 | DO ilayer=2,nlayer |
312 | tmp1(ilayer)=-log(play(ilayer)/play(ilayer-1))*r/g |
313 | ENDDO |
314 | call profile(unit,nlayer+1,tmp1,tmp2) |
315 | CLOSE(unit) |
316 | |
317 | print*," Pression Altitude Temperature" |
318 | ilayer=1 |
319 | ftsol(1)=tmp2(0) |
320 | temp(1)=tmp2(1) |
321 | zlay(1)=tmp2(1)*tmp1(1) |
322 | print*," 0",ftsol(1) |
323 | print*,ilayer,play(ilayer),zlay(ilayer),temp(ilayer) |
324 | DO ilayer=2,nlayer |
325 | temp(ilayer)=tmp2(ilayer) |
326 | zlay(ilayer)=zlay(ilayer-1)+tmp2(ilayer)*tmp1(ilayer) |
327 | print*,ilayer,play(ilayer),zlay(ilayer),temp(ilayer) |
328 | ENDDO |
329 | |
330 | allocate(tmoy(llm)) |
331 | tmoy(:)=temp(:) |
332 | |
333 | c temperature du sous-sol |
334 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
335 | DO isoil=1,nsoil |
336 | ftsoil(1,isoil)=ftsol(1) |
337 | ENDDO |
338 | |
339 | c Initialisation des traceurs |
340 | c --------------------------- |
341 | |
342 | DO iq=1,nqtot |
343 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
344 | q(ilayer,iq) = 0. |
345 | ENDDO |
346 | ENDDO |
347 | |
348 | print*,"lecture des profils chimiques" |
349 | open(21, form = 'formatted', file = 'init_1D.txt') |
350 | read(21,*) |
351 | do ilayer = nlayer,1,-1 |
352 | read(21,*) idummy, dummy, dummy, (q(ilayer,iq), iq = 1,nqtot) |
353 | ! print*, idummy, q(ilayer,1), q(ilayer,nqtot) |
354 | end do |
355 | close(21) |
356 | |
357 | c Initialisation des parametres d'oro |
358 | c ----------------------------------- |
359 | |
360 | zmea(1) = 0. |
361 | zstd(1) = 0. |
362 | zsig(1) = 0. |
363 | zgam(1) = 0. |
364 | zthe(1) = 0. |
365 | zpic(1) = 0. |
366 | zval(1) = 0. |
367 | |
368 | c Initialisation albedo |
369 | c ---------------------- |
370 | |
371 | falbe(1)=0.1 |
372 | |
373 | c Ecriture de "startphy.nc" |
374 | c ------------------------- |
375 | c (Ce fichier sera aussitot relu au premier |
376 | c appel de "physiq", mais il est necessaire pour passer |
377 | c les variables purement physiques a "physiq"... |
378 | |
379 | solsw(1) = 0. |
380 | sollw(1) = 0. |
381 | fder(1) = 0. |
382 | radsol(1) = 0. |
383 | |
384 | radpas = NINT(1.*day_step/nbapp_rad) |
385 | soil_model = .true. |
386 | |
387 | call phyredem("startphy.nc") |
388 | |
389 | c deallocation des variables phyredem |
390 | c ----------------------------------- |
391 | call phys_state_var_end |
392 | |
393 | c======================================================================= |
395 | c======================================================================= |
396 | c |
397 | !TEMPOAIRE |
398 | |
399 | firstcall=.true. |
400 | lastcall=.false. |
401 | |
402 | c Ouverture du fichier d'écriture des VMR |
403 | |
404 | OPEN(5,file='chem.txt',form = 'formatted') |
405 | WRITE(5,'(2x,100a12)')'hpa',(specname(i), i=1,nqtot) |
406 | |
407 | ! debut de boucle temporelle |
408 | |
409 | DO idt=1,48000 |
410 | IF (idt.eq.ndt) then |
411 | lastcall=.true. |
412 | c toujours nulle dans le cas de Venus, pour l'instant... |
413 | zls = 0.0 |
414 | c write(103,*) 'Ls=',zls*180./pi |
415 | c write(103,*) 'Lat=', lati(1) |
416 | c write(103,*) 'RunEnd - Atmos. Temp. File' |
417 | c write(103,*) 'RunEnd - Atmos. Temp. File' |
418 | c write(104,*) 'Ls=',zls*180./pi |
419 | c write(104,*) 'Lat=', lati(1) |
420 | c write(104,*) 'RunEnd - Atmos. Temp. File' |
421 | ENDIF |
422 | |
423 | c calcul du geopotentiel |
424 | c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
426 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
427 | s(ilayer)=(play(ilayer)/psurf)**rcp |
428 | ENDDO |
429 | phi(1)=cpp*temp(1)*(1.E+0-s(1)) |
430 | DO ilayer=2,nlayer |
431 | phi(ilayer)=phi(ilayer-1)+ |
432 | & cpp*(temp(ilayer-1)/s(ilayer-1)+temp(ilayer)/s(ilayer))*0.5 |
433 | & *(s(ilayer-1)-s(ilayer)) |
434 | |
435 | ENDDO |
436 | |
437 | c appel de la physique |
438 | c -------------------- |
439 | |
440 | CALL physiq (1,llm,nqtot, |
441 | , firstcall,lastcall, |
442 | , day,time,dtphys, |
443 | , plev,play,pk,phi,phisfi, |
444 | , presnivs, |
445 | , u,v,temp,q, |
446 | c , plev,temp, ! "planetary mean" plev and temperature |
447 | , w, |
448 | C - sorties |
449 | s du,dv,dtemp,dq,dpsurf) |
450 | |
451 | c calcul de rho |
452 | rho = 0. |
453 | c print*,rho |
454 | |
455 | |
456 | c print*,"DT APRES PHYSIQ=",day,time,dtime |
457 | c print*,dtemp |
458 | c print*,temp |
459 | c print*," " |
460 | c stop |
461 | |
462 | c evolution du vent : modele 1D |
463 | c ----------------------------- |
464 | |
465 | c la physique calcule les derivees temporelles de u et v. |
466 | c Pas de coriolis |
467 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
468 | du(ilayer)=du(ilayer)+ (gru-u(ilayer))/1.e4 |
469 | dv(ilayer)=dv(ilayer)+ (grv-v(ilayer))/1.e4 |
470 | ENDDO |
471 | c |
472 | c Calcul du temps au pas de temps suivant |
473 | c --------------------------------------- |
474 | firstcall=.false. |
475 | time=time+dtphys/daysec |
476 | IF (time.gt.1.E+0) then |
477 | time=time-1.E+0 |
478 | day=day+1 |
479 | ENDIF |
480 | |
481 | c calcul des vitesses et temperature au pas de temps suivant |
482 | c ---------------------------------------------------------- |
483 | |
484 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
485 | u(ilayer)=u(ilayer)+dtphys*du(ilayer) |
486 | v(ilayer)=v(ilayer)+dtphys*dv(ilayer) |
487 | temp(ilayer)=temp(ilayer)+dtphys*dtemp(ilayer) |
488 | ENDDO |
489 | |
490 | c calcul des traceurs au pas de temps suivant |
491 | c ------------------------------------------- |
492 | if (iflag_trac.eq.1) then |
493 | DO iq=1,nqtot |
494 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
495 | q(ilayer,iq)=q(ilayer,iq)+dq(ilayer,iq)*dtphys |
496 | ENDDO |
497 | ENDDO |
498 | endif |
499 | |
500 | c calcul des pressions au pas de temps suivant |
501 | c -------------------------------------------- |
502 | |
503 | psurf=psurf+dtphys*dpsurf(1) ! evolution de la pression de surface |
504 | DO ilevel=1,nlevel |
505 | plev(ilevel)=ap(ilevel)+psurf*bp(ilevel) |
506 | ENDDO |
507 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
508 | play(ilayer)=aps(ilayer)+psurf*bps(ilayer) |
509 | ENDDO |
510 | |
511 | c ------------------------------------------------------------ |
512 | c sortie des VMR tous les 20% d'une journée vénusienne dans le |
513 | c fichier chem.txt |
514 | c ------------------------------------------------------------ |
515 | |
516 | if (mod(idt,9600)==0) then |
517 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
518 | write (5,'(100e12.4)')play(ilayer)/100., q(ilayer,:) |
519 | $ *mmean(1,ilayer)/mmol(:) |
520 | ENDDO |
521 | end if |
522 | ENDDO ! fin de la boucle temporelle |
523 | |
524 | close(5) |
525 | c ======================================================== |
527 | c ======================================================== |
528 | |
529 | print*,"Temperature finale:" |
530 | print*,temp |
531 | |
532 | c stabilite |
533 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
534 | zlay(ilayer) = phi(ilayer)/g/1000. !en km |
535 | ENDDO |
536 | DO ilayer=2,nlayer |
537 | tmp1(ilayer) = |
538 | . (temp(ilayer)-temp(ilayer-1))/(zlay(ilayer)-zlay(ilayer-1)) |
539 | . + 1000.*g/cpp |
540 | ENDDO |
541 | |
542 | OPEN(11,file='profile.new') |
543 | DO ilayer=1,nlayer |
544 | write (11,*) zlay(ilayer),temp(ilayer),tmp1(ilayer) |
545 | ENDDO |
546 | |
547 | c ======================================================== |
548 | END |
549 | |
550 | c*********************************************************************** |
551 | c*********************************************************************** |
552 | |
553 | !#include "../dyn3d_common/disvert_noterre.F" |
554 | !#include "../dyn3d/abort_gcm.F" |
555 | |