1 | ! |
2 | ! All parameter variable should be modified regarding the sudied system. |
3 | ! |
4 | ! |
5 | ! All vectors arguments of the subroutines defined here should be defined from TOP of |
6 | ! the atmosphere to the Ground. |
7 | ! |
8 | ! There should be one more vertical level than layers. Layer thickness vector should be |
9 | ! defined on the number of layer. The last item dzlay(nla), where nla is the number of layer, |
10 | ! is arbitrary and can be set to dzlay(nla-1). Usually dzlay is computed from zlay: |
11 | ! |
12 | ! dzlay(1:nla-1) = zlay(1:nla-1)-zlay(2:nla) |
13 | ! dzlay(nla) = dzlay(nla-1) |
14 | ! |
15 | ! Level thickness (dzlev) is also defined on the number of layer and can be computed as follow: |
16 | ! |
17 | ! dzlev(1:nla) = zlev(1:nla)-zlev(2:nle) |
18 | ! |
19 | ! Where nle is number of vertical level (i.e. nla+1). |
20 | ! |
21 | ! |
22 | ! eta_g and lambda_g functions should be modified regarding the studied atmosphere. The current parameters |
23 | ! stands for an N2 atmosphere. |
24 | ! |
25 | ! eta_g --> air viscosity at given temperature. |
26 | ! lambda_g --> air mean free path at given temperature and pressure. |
27 | ! |
28 | ! By J.Burgalat |
29 | ! |
30 | ! ft = Theoretical Settling velocity at each vertical levels with Fiadero correction |
31 | |
32 | |
33 | !============================================================================ |
35 | !============================================================================ |
36 | FUNCTION get_r0_1(M0,M3) RESULT(ret) |
37 | |
38 | use free_param |
39 | use donnees |
40 | |
42 | |
43 | !! Compute the mean radius of the size distribution of the first mode. |
44 | !! |
45 | !! $$ r_{0,1} = \left(\dfrac{M_{3}}{M_{0}}/ \alpha_{1}(3) \right)^{1/3} $$ |
46 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: M0 |
47 | !! 0th order moment of the size-distribution |
48 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: M3 |
49 | !! 3rd order moment of the size-distribution |
50 | REAL :: ret, alpha_k |
51 | !! Mean radius of the mode 1 |
52 | ret = (m3/m0 / alpha_k(3.D0,sigma1))**0.333333D0 !SG: ok+ |
53 | END FUNCTION get_r0_1 |
54 | |
55 | |
56 | !***************************************************************************** |
57 | FUNCTION get_r0_2(M0,M3) RESULT(ret) |
58 | |
59 | use free_param |
60 | use donnees |
61 | |
63 | |
64 | !! Compute the mean radius of the size distribution of the first mode. |
65 | !! |
66 | !! $$ r_{0,2} = \left(\dfrac{M_{3}}{M_{0}}/ \alpha_{2}(3) \right)^{1/3} $$ |
67 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: M0 |
68 | !! 0th order moment of the size-distribution |
69 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: M3 |
70 | !! 3rd order moment of the size-distribution |
71 | REAL :: ret, alpha_k |
72 | !! Mean radius of the mode 2 |
73 | ret = (m3/m0 / alpha_k(3.D0,sigma2))**0.333333D0 |
74 | END FUNCTION get_r0_2 !SG: ok ++ |
75 | |
76 | |
77 | !============================================================================ |
79 | !============================================================================ |
80 | FUNCTION effg(z) RESULT(ret) |
81 | !! Compute effective gravitational acceleration. |
82 | |
83 | use free_param |
84 | use donnees |
85 | |
87 | |
88 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: z !! Altitude in meters |
89 | REAL :: ret !! Effective gravitational acceleration in \(m.s^{-2}\) |
90 | ret = g0 * (rpla/(rpla+z))**2 |
91 | RETURN |
92 | END FUNCTION effg |
93 | |
94 | |
95 | !============================================================================ |
97 | !============================================================================ |
98 | SUBROUTINE aer_production(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,zlay,dm0_1,dm3_1) |
99 | |
100 | use free_param |
101 | use donnees |
102 | |
104 | |
105 | !! Compute the production of aerosols moments. |
106 | !! |
107 | !! The method computes the tendencies of M0 and M3 of the CCN precursor. |
108 | !! Production values are distributed along a normal law in altitude, centered at |
109 | !! p_prod pressure level with a fixed sigma of 20km. |
110 | !! |
111 | !! First M3 tendency is computed and M0 is retrieved using the inter-moments relation |
112 | !! of the first mode of drop size-distribution with a fixed mean radius (r_aer). |
113 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: dt |
114 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay |
115 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: plev !! Pressure at each vertical level (Pa). |
116 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: zlev !! Altitude of each vertical level (m). |
117 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: zlay !! Altitude at the center of each vertical layer (m). |
118 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm0_1 !! Tendency of M0 (\(m^{-3}\)). |
119 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm3_1 !! Tendency of M3 (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
120 | INTEGER :: i,nla,nle |
121 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay) :: dzlev |
122 | REAL :: zprod,cprod, alpha_k |
123 | |
124 | REAL, PARAMETER :: fnorm = 1.D0/(dsqrt(2.D0*pi)*sigz) |
125 | REAL, PARAMETER :: znorm = dsqrt(2.D0)*sigz |
126 | |
127 | nle = SIZE(zlev) |
128 | nla = nlay+1 |
129 | dzlev = zlev(1:nle-1)-zlev(2:nle) !distance between two levels, in meter |
130 | zprod = -1.0D0 ! initialization |
131 | |
132 | ! locate production altitude |
133 | DO i=1, nla-1 |
134 | IF (plev(i) .lt. p_aer.AND.plev(i+1) .ge. p_aer) THEN |
135 | zprod = zlay(i) ; EXIT ! the altitude of production is determined here |
136 | ENDIF |
137 | ENDDO |
138 | IF (zprod < 0.D0) THEN ! test |
139 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "In aer_prod, cannot find production altitude" |
140 | call EXIT(11) |
141 | ENDIF |
142 | |
143 | dm3_1(:)= tx_prod *0.75D0/pi *dt / rho_aer / 2.D0 / dzlev(1:nla) * & |
144 | (erf((zlev(1:nla)-zprod)/znorm) - & |
145 | erf((zlev(2:nla+1)-zprod)/znorm)) |
146 | |
147 | dm0_1(:) = dm3_1(:)/(r_aer**3*alpha_k(3.D0,sig_aer)) |
148 | |
149 | END SUBROUTINE aer_production |
150 | |
151 | |
152 | !============================================================================ |
154 | !============================================================================ |
155 | SUBROUTINE let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,mk,ft,dmk) |
156 | !! Compute the tendency of the moment through sedimentation process. |
157 | !! |
158 | !! |
159 | !! The method computes the time evolution of the \(k^{th}\) order moment through sedimentation: |
160 | !! |
161 | !! $$ \dfrac{dM_{k}}{dt} = \dfrac{\Phi_{k}}{dz} $$ |
162 | !! |
163 | !! The equation is resolved using a [Crank-Nicolson algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crank-Nicolson_method). |
164 | !! |
165 | !! Sedimentation algorithm is quite messy. It appeals to the dark side of the Force and uses evil black magic spells |
166 | !! from ancient times. It is based on \cite{toon1988b,fiadeiro1977,turco1979} and is an update of the algorithm |
167 | !! originally implemented in the LMDZ-Titan 2D GCM. |
168 | |
169 | use free_param |
170 | use donnees |
171 | |
173 | |
174 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: dt |
175 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay |
176 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dzlay !! Atmospheric thickness between the center of 2 adjacent layers (\(m\)) |
177 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: mk !! \(k^{th}\) order moment to sediment (in \(m^{k}\)). |
178 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1):: ft !! Downward sedimentation flux (effective velocity of the moment). |
179 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dmk !! Tendency of \(k^{th}\) order moment (in \(m^{k}.m^{-3}\)). |
180 | INTEGER :: i,nla,nle |
181 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay) :: as,bs,cs,mko |
182 | |
183 | nla = SIZE(mk,DIM=1) ; nle = nla+1 |
184 | |
185 | mko(1:nla) = 0.D0 !initialization |
186 | cs(1:nla) = ft(2:nla+1) - dzlay(1:nla)/dt |
187 | IF (ANY(cs > 0.D0)) THEN |
188 | ! implicit case |
189 | as(1:nla) = ft(1:nla) |
190 | bs(1:nla) = -(ft(2:nle)+dzlay(1:nla)/dt) |
191 | cs(1:nla) = -dzlay(1:nla)/dt*mk(1:nla) |
192 | ! (Tri)diagonal matrix inversion |
193 | mko(1) = cs(1)/bs(1) ! at the top |
194 | DO i=2,nla |
195 | mko(i) = (cs(i)-mko(i-1)*as(i))/bs(i) |
196 | ENDDO |
197 | ELSE |
198 | ! explicit case |
199 | as(1:nla)=-dzlay(1:nla)/dt |
200 | bs(1:nla)=-ft(1:nla) |
201 | ! boundaries |
202 | mko(1)=cs(1)*mk(1)/as(1) |
203 | mko(nla)=(bs(nla)*mk(nla-1)+cs(nla)*mk(nla))/as(nla) |
204 | ! interior |
205 | mko(2:nla-1)=(bs(2:nla-1)*mk(1:nla-2) + & |
206 | cs(2:nla-1)*mk(2:nla-1) & |
207 | )/as(2:nla-1) |
208 | ENDIF |
209 | dmk = mko - mk |
210 | |
211 | RETURN |
212 | END SUBROUTINE let_me_fall_in_peace |
213 | |
214 | |
215 | !***************************************************************************** |
216 | SUBROUTINE get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,mk,k,rc,sig,wth,corf) |
217 | ! call get_weff(plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m0ccn,0.D0,r0,sig,wth,fdcor) |
218 | !! Get the effective settling velocity for aerosols moments. |
219 | !! |
220 | !! This method computes the effective settling velocity of the \(k^{th}\) order moment of aerosol |
221 | !! tracers. The basic settling velocity (\(v^{eff}_{M_{k}}\)) is computed using the following |
222 | !! equation: |
223 | !! |
224 | !! $$ |
225 | !! \begin{eqnarray*} |
226 | !! \Phi^{sed}_{M_{k}} &=& \int_{0}^{\infty} n(r) r^{k} \times w(r) dr |
227 | !! == M_{k} \times v^{eff}_{M_{k}} \\ |
228 | !! v^{eff}_{M_{k} &=& \dfrac{2 \rho g r_{c}^{\dfrac{3D_{f}-3}{D_{f}}}} |
229 | !! {r_{m}^{D_{f}-3}/D_{f}} \times \alpha(k)} \times \left( \alpha \right( |
230 | !! \frac{D_{f}(k+3)-3}{D_{f}}\left) + \dfrac{A_{kn}\lambda_{g}}{r_{c}^{ |
231 | !! 3/D_{f}}} \alpha \right( \frac{D_{f}(k+3)-6}{D_{f}}\left)\left) |
232 | !! \end{eqnarray*} |
233 | !! $$ |
234 | !! |
235 | !! \(v^{eff}_{M_{k}\) is then corrected to reduce numerical diffusion of the sedimentation algorithm |
236 | !! as defined in \cite{toon1988b}. |
237 | !! |
238 | !! @warning |
239 | !! Both __df__, __rc__ and __afun__ must be consistent with each other otherwise wrong values will |
240 | !! be computed. |
241 | |
242 | use free_param |
243 | use donnees |
244 | |
246 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: dt |
247 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay |
248 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: plev |
249 | !! Pressure at each level (Pa). |
250 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: zlev |
251 | !! Altitude at each level (m). |
252 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dzlay |
253 | !! Altitude at the center of each layer (Pa). |
254 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: btemp |
255 | !! Temperature at each level (T). |
256 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: mk |
257 | !! Moment of order __k__ (\(m^{k}.m^{-3}\)). |
258 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: rc |
259 | !! Characteristic radius associated to the moment at each vertical __levels__. |
260 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: k, sig |
261 | !! Fractal dimension of the aersols. |
262 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: wth |
263 | !! Theoretical Settling velocity at each vertical __levels__ (\( wth \times corf = weff\)). |
264 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay+1), OPTIONAL :: corf |
265 | !! _Fiadero_ correction factor applied to the theoretical settling velocity at each vertical __levels__. |
266 | INTEGER :: i,nla,nle |
267 | REAL :: af1,af2,ar1,ar2 |
268 | REAL :: csto,cslf,ratio,wdt,dzb |
269 | REAL :: rb2ra, VISAIR, FPLAIR, alpha_k, effg |
270 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: zcorf |
271 | ! ------------------ |
272 | write(*,*)'yupitururu0' |
273 | nla = SIZE(mk,DIM=1) |
274 | nle = nla+1 |
275 | |
276 | write(*,*)'yupitururu1' |
277 | wth(:) = 0.D0 |
278 | zcorf(:) = 1.D0 |
279 | |
280 | ar1 = (3.D0*df -3.D0)/df |
281 | ar2 = (3.D0*df -6.D0)/df |
282 | af1 = (df*(k+3.D0)-3.D0)/df |
283 | af2 = (df*(k+3.D0)-6.D0)/df |
284 | rb2ra = rmono**((df-3.D0)/df) |
285 | write(*,*)'yupitururu2' |
286 | DO i=2,nla |
287 | IF (rc(i-1) <= 0.D0) CYCLE |
288 | dzb = (dzlay(i)+dzlay(i-1))/2.D0 |
289 | csto = 2.D0*rho_aer*effg(zlev(i))/(9.D0*VISAIR(btemp(i))) |
290 | write(*,*)'yupitururu3' |
291 | ! ***** WARNING ****** |
292 | ! The 1st order slip flow correction is hidden here : |
293 | ! (rc(i-1)**ar1 * afun(af1) + cslf/rb2ra * rc(i-1)**ar2 * afun(af2)) |
294 | ! wth is simple the classical settling velocity of particle due to gravity (Stokes law). |
295 | ! It may be enhanced using a Taylor series of the slip flow correction around a given (modal) radius |
296 | cslf = akn * FPLAIR(btemp(i),plev(i)) |
297 | wth(i) = -csto/(rb2ra*alpha_k(k,sig)) * (rc(i-1)**ar1 * alpha_k(af1,sig) + cslf/rb2ra * rc(i-1)**ar2 * alpha_k(af2,sig)) |
298 | ! now correct velocity to reduce numerical diffusion |
299 | IF (.NOT.no_fiadero_w) THEN |
300 | IF (mk(i) <= 0.D0) THEN |
301 | ratio = fiadero_max |
302 | ELSE |
303 | ratio = MAX(MIN(mk(i-1)/mk(i),fiadero_max),fiadero_min) |
304 | ENDIF |
305 | ! apply correction |
306 | IF ((ratio <= 0.9D0 .OR. ratio >= 1.1D0) .AND. wth(i) /= 0.D0) THEN |
307 | wdt = wth(i)*dt |
308 | zcorf(i) = dzb/wdt * (exp(-wdt*log(ratio)/dzb)-1.D0) / (1.D0-ratio) |
309 | ENDIF |
310 | ENDIF |
311 | ENDDO |
312 | ! last value (ground) set to first layer value: arbitrary :) |
313 | wth(i) = wth(i-1) |
314 | zcorf(i) = zcorf(i-1) |
315 | IF (PRESENT(corf)) corf(:) = zcorf(:) |
316 | RETURN |
317 | END SUBROUTINE get_weff |
318 | |
319 | |
320 | !***************************************************************************** |
321 | SUBROUTINE aer_sedimentation(dt,nlay,m0,m3,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,dm0,dm3,aer_flux) |
322 | !! Interface to sedimentation algorithm. |
323 | !! |
324 | !! The subroutine computes the evolution of each moment of the aerosols tracers |
325 | !! through sedimentation process and returns their tendencies for a timestep. |
326 | !! |
327 | !! It is assumed that the aerosols size-distribution is the same as the mode 1 of cloud drops. |
328 | |
329 | use free_param |
330 | use donnees |
331 | |
333 | |
334 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: dt |
335 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay |
336 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: m0 |
337 | !! 0th order moment of the CCN precursors (\(m^{-3}\)). |
338 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: m3 |
339 | !! 3rd order moment of the CCN precursors (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)) |
340 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: plev |
341 | !! Pressure at each level (Pa). |
342 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: zlev |
343 | !! Altitude at each level (m). |
344 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dzlay |
345 | !! Altitude at the center of each layer (Pa). |
346 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: btemp |
347 | !! Temperature at each level (T). |
348 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm0 |
349 | !! Tendency of the 0th order moment of the CCN precursors (\(m^{-3}\)). |
350 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm3 |
351 | !! Tendency of the 3rd order moment of the CCN precursors (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
352 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay+1):: aer_flux |
353 | !! Aerosol mass (downard) flux |
354 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay+1):: ft,fdcor,wth |
355 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay) :: m0vsed,m3vsed,r0 |
356 | REAL :: m,n,p,get_r0_1 |
357 | REAL, PARAMETER :: fac = 4.D0/3.D0 * pi |
358 | INTEGER :: nla,nle,i |
359 | |
360 | aer_flux(:) = 0.D0 |
361 | nla = size(m0,dim=1) |
362 | nle = nla+1 |
363 | |
364 | DO i=1,nlay |
365 | r0(i) = get_r0_1(m0(i),m3(i)) |
366 | ENDDO |
367 | |
368 | ! Compute sedimentation process based on control flag |
369 | ! wsed_m0 = true, force all aerosols moments to fall at M0 settling velocity |
370 | ! use M0ccn to compute settling velocity |
371 | IF (wsed_m0) THEN |
372 | ! M0 |
373 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m0,0.D0,r0,sig_aer,wth,fdcor) |
374 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) ; m0vsed(:) = ft(1:nla) |
375 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,m0,-ft,dm0) |
376 | ! M3 |
377 | m3vsed(:) = ft(1:nla) |
378 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,m3,-ft,dm3) |
379 | ! get sedimentation flux |
380 | aer_flux(:) = fac * rho_aer * ft(:) * dm3 |
381 | write(*,*)'sedimentation- aerosol flux: ', aer_flux |
382 | |
383 | ! wsed_m3 = true, force all aerosols moments to fall at M3 settling velocity |
384 | ! use M3ccn to compute settling velocity |
385 | ELSEIF (wsed_m3) THEN |
386 | ! M3 |
387 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m3,3.D0,r0,sig_aer,wth,fdcor) |
388 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) ; m3vsed(:) = ft(1:nla) |
389 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,m3,-ft,dm3) |
390 | ! M0 |
391 | m0vsed(:) = ft(1:nla) |
392 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,m0,-ft,dm0) |
393 | ! get sedimentation flux |
394 | aer_flux(:) = fac * rho_aer * ft(:) * m3 |
395 | write(*,*)'sedimentation- aerosol flux: ', aer_flux |
396 | |
397 | ! m_wsed_m0 = false and m_wsed_m3 = false, computes the effective settling velocity for each moments |
398 | ELSE |
399 | ! M0 |
400 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m0,0.D0,r0,sig_aer,wth,fdcor) |
401 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) ; m0vsed(:) = ft(1:nla) |
402 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,m0,-ft,dm0) |
403 | ! M3 |
404 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m3,3.D0,r0,sig_aer,wth,fdcor) |
405 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) ; m3vsed(:) = ft(1:nla) |
406 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,m3,-ft,dm3) |
407 | ! get sedimentation flux |
408 | aer_flux(:) = fac * rho_aer * ft(:) * m3 |
409 | write(*,*)'sedimentation- aerosol flux: ', aer_flux |
410 | ENDIF |
411 | RETURN |
412 | END SUBROUTINE aer_sedimentation |
413 | |
414 | |
415 | !***************************************************************************** |
416 | SUBROUTINE drop_sedimentation(dt,nlay,M0mode,M3mode,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,mode,dm0ccn,dm0,dm3ccn,dm3liq) |
417 | !! Interface to sedimentation algorithm. |
418 | !! |
419 | !! The subroutine computes the evolution of each moment of the cloud drops |
420 | !! through sedimentation process and returns their tendencies for a timestep. |
421 | !! |
422 | !! m0mode,m3ccn should be vector defined on the vertical structure (top to ground). |
423 | !! m3liq a 2D array with in 1st dimension the vertical distribution (top to ground) and |
424 | !! in the 2nd the list of condensate. |
425 | !! |
426 | !! The global variables wsed_m0 and wsed_m3 control how the settling velocity is |
427 | !! applied during the sedimentation process: |
428 | !! - If both are .false., m0mode and the sum of m3 (ccn+liquid) are treated separatly. |
429 | !! - If mm_wsed_m0 is set to .true., all moments fall at m0mode settling velocity. |
430 | !! - Otherwise all moments fall at m3sum settling velocity. |
431 | !! |
432 | !! note: |
433 | !! drop sedimentation flux is not computed here. It can be done as in aer_sedimentation. |
434 | !! However the overall density of cloud drop should be used (that is the density of |
435 | !! CCN + the density of each liquid condensate) |
436 | !! cld_flux = fac *ft * (m3ccn * rho_aer + SUM(rho_liq(:) + m3liq(:))) |
437 | |
438 | use free_param |
439 | use donnees |
440 | |
442 | |
443 | REAL, INTENT(in) :: dt |
444 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nlay |
445 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay,2) :: M0mode |
446 | !! 0th order moment (\(m^{-3}\)). |
447 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay,3) :: M3mode |
448 | !! 3rd order moment (\(m^{-3}\)). |
449 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: plev |
450 | !! Pressure at each level (Pa). |
451 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay+1) :: zlev |
452 | !! Altitude at each level (m). |
453 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dzlay |
454 | !! Altitude at the center of each layer (Pa). |
455 | REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION(nlay) :: btemp |
456 | !! Temperature at each level (T). |
457 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: mode |
458 | !! Size-distribution mode. |
459 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm0 |
460 | !! Tendency of the 0th order moment of droplets (\(m^{-3}\)). |
461 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm0ccn |
462 | !! Tendency of the 0th order moment of the CCN (\(m^{-3}\)). |
463 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay) :: dm3ccn |
464 | !! Tendency of the 3rd order moment of the CCN (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
465 | REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION(nlay,2):: dm3liq |
466 | !! Tendency of the 3rd order moments of each condensate (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
467 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay+1):: ft, fdcor, wth |
468 | REAL, DIMENSION(nlay) :: r0, m3sum |
469 | REAL :: m, n, p, sig, get_r0_1, get_r0_2 |
470 | REAL, PARAMETER :: fac = 4.D0/3.D0 * pi |
471 | INTEGER :: i, nla, nle, nc |
472 | |
473 | nla = nlay |
474 | nle = nla + 1 ; nc = nlay |
475 | |
476 | m3sum(:) = 0.D0 |
477 | DO i=1,nla |
478 | m3sum(:) = M3mode(i,1) + M3mode(i,2) + M3mode(i,3) ! liq1 + liq2 + ccn |
479 | ENDDO |
480 | |
481 | IF (mode == 2) THEN |
482 | sig = sigma2 |
483 | DO i=1,nla |
484 | r0(i) = get_r0_2(M0mode(i,1),m3sum(i)) |
485 | ENDDO |
486 | ELSE |
487 | sig = sigma1 |
488 | DO i=1,nla |
489 | r0(i) = get_r0_1(M0mode(i,1),m3sum(i)) |
490 | ENDDO |
491 | ENDIF |
492 | |
493 | ! Compute sedimentation process based on control flag |
494 | ! wsed_m0 = true, force all aerosols moments to fall at M0 settling velocity |
495 | ! use M0mode to compute settling velocity |
496 | IF (wsed_m0) THEN |
497 | ! use M0mode to compute settling velocity |
498 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,M0mode(:,1),0.D0,r0,sig,wth,fdcor) |
499 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) |
500 | |
501 | ! apply the sedimentation process to all other moments |
502 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M0mode(:,1),-ft,dm0) |
503 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M0mode(:,2),-ft,dm0ccn) |
504 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,3),-ft,dm3ccn) |
505 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,2),-ft,dm3liq(:,2)) |
506 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,1),-ft,dm3liq(:,1)) |
507 | |
508 | ! Compute sedimentation process based on control flag |
509 | ! wsed_m3 = true, force all aerosols moments to fall at M3 settling velocity |
510 | ! use M3ccn to compute settling velocity |
511 | ELSEIF (wsed_m3) THEN |
512 | ! use M3ccn + M3liq = m3sum to compute settling velocity |
513 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m3sum,3.D0,r0,sig,wth,fdcor) |
514 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) |
515 | |
516 | ! apply the sedimentation process to all other moments |
517 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M0mode(:,1),-ft,dm0) |
518 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M0mode(:,2),-ft,dm0ccn) |
519 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,3),-ft,dm3ccn) |
520 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,2),-ft,dm3liq(:,2)) |
521 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,1),-ft,dm3liq(:,1)) |
522 | |
523 | ELSE |
524 | ! M0mode and M3sum fall independently |
525 | ! M0 |
526 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m0mode,0.D0,r0,sig,wth,fdcor) |
527 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) |
528 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M0mode(:,1),-ft,dm0) |
529 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M0mode(:,2),-ft,dm0ccn) |
530 | |
531 | ! M3 |
532 | call get_weff(dt,nlay,plev,zlev,dzlay,btemp,m3sum,3.D0,r0,sig,wth,fdcor) |
533 | ft(:) = wth(:) * fdcor(:) |
534 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,3),-ft,dm3ccn) |
535 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,2),-ft,dm3liq(:,2)) |
536 | call let_me_fall_in_peace(dt,nlay,dzlay,M3mode(:,1),-ft,dm3liq(:,1)) |
537 | ENDIF |
538 | |
539 | RETURN |
540 | END SUBROUTINE drop_sedimentation |
541 | |