1 | |
2 | MODULE tracer_h |
3 | !! Stores data related to physics tracers. |
4 | !! |
5 | !! The module stores public global variables related to the number of tracers |
6 | !! available in the physics and their kind: |
7 | !! |
8 | !! Currently, tracers can be used either for chemistry process (nchimi) or |
9 | !! microphysics (nmicro). |
10 | !! |
11 | !! The subroutine "initracer2" initializes and performs sanity check of |
12 | !! the tracer definitions given in traceur.def and the required tracers in physics |
13 | !! (based on the run parameters). |
14 | !! |
15 | !! The module provides additional methods: |
16 | !! |
17 | !! - indexOfTracer : search for the index of a tracer in the global table (tracers_h:noms) by name. |
18 | !! - nameOfTracer : get the name of tracer from a given index (of the global table). |
19 | !! - dumpTracers : print the names of all tracers indexes given in argument. |
20 | !! |
22 | |
23 | INTEGER, SAVE :: nqtot_p = 0 !! Total number of physical tracers |
24 | INTEGER, SAVE :: nmicro = 0 !! Number of microphysics tracers. |
25 | INTEGER, SAVE :: nice = 0 !! Number of microphysics ice tracers (subset of nmicro). |
26 | INTEGER, SAVE :: nchimi = 0 !! Number of chemical (gaz species) tracers. |
27 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(nqtot_p,nmicro,nice,nchimi) |
28 | |
29 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: chimi_indx !! Indexes of all chemical species tracers |
30 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: micro_indx !! Indexes of all microphysical tracers |
31 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: ices_indx !! Indexes of all ice microphysical tracers |
32 | |
33 | CHARACTER(len=20), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: noms !! name of the tracer |
34 | REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mmol !! mole mass of tracer(g/mol-1) |
35 | REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rat_mmol !! molar mass ratio |
36 | REAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: rho_q !! tracer densities (kg.m-3) |
37 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(noms,mmol,rat_mmol,rho_q) |
38 | |
39 | |
40 | |
41 | ! tracer indexes: these are initialized in initracer and should be 0 if the |
42 | ! corresponding tracer does not exist |
43 | |
44 | |
46 | |
47 | SUBROUTINE initracer2(nq,nametrac,talk_to_me) |
48 | !! Initialize tracer names and attributes. |
49 | !! |
50 | !! The method initializes the list of tracer names used in the physics from their |
51 | !! dynamics counterpart. |
52 | !! |
53 | !! In addition, it initializes arrays of indexes for the different sub-processs of the physics: |
54 | !! |
55 | !! - tracers_h:micro_indxs, the array of tracers indexes used for the microphysics. |
56 | !! - tracers_h:chimi_indxs, the array of tracers indexes used for the chemistry. |
57 | !! |
58 | !! The method also initializes the molar mass array (tracers_h:mmol) for the chemistry and the |
59 | !! molar mass ratio (tracers_h:rat_mmol). |
60 | !! |
61 | !! @note |
62 | !! Strict checking of chemical species name is performed here if the chemistry is activated |
63 | !! (see callchim variable). All the values of 'cnames' must be found in the tracers names |
64 | !! related to chemistry. |
65 | !! @note |
66 | !! Tests are more permissive for the microphysics and is only based on the mimimum number of |
67 | !! tracers expected. Strict name checking is performed in inimufi. |
68 | USE callkeys_mod |
69 | USE comcstfi_mod, only: mugaz |
71 | |
72 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nq !! Total number of tracers (fixed at compile time) |
73 | character(len=20), DIMENSION(nq), INTENT(in) :: nametrac !! name of the tracer from dynamics (from 'traceurs.def') |
74 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: talk_to_me !! Enable verbose mode. |
75 | |
76 | LOGICAL :: verb,found |
77 | CHARACTER(len=20) :: str |
78 | !! Hard-coded chemical species for Titan chemistry |
79 | CHARACTER(len=10), DIMENSION(44), PARAMETER :: cnames = & |
80 | (/"H ", "H2 ", "CH ", "CH2s ", "CH2 ", "CH3 ", & |
81 | "CH4 ", "C2 ", "C2H ", "C2H2 ", "C2H3 ", "C2H4 ", & |
82 | "C2H5 ", "C2H6 ", "C3H3 ", "C3H5 ", "C3H6 ", "C3H7 ", & |
83 | "C4H ", "C4H3 ", "C4H4 ", "C4H2s ", "CH2CCH2 ", "CH3CCH ", & |
84 | "C3H8 ", "C4H2 ", "C4H6 ", "C4H10 ", "AC6H6 ", "C3H2 ", & |
85 | "C4H5 ", "AC6H5 ", "N2 ", "N4S ", "CN ", "HCN ", & |
86 | "H2CN ", "CHCN ", "CH2CN ", "CH3CN ", "C3N ", "HC3N ", & |
87 | "NCCN ", "C4N2 "/) |
88 | !! Hard-coded chemical species molar mass (g.mol-1), shares the same indexing than cnames. |
89 | REAL, DIMENSION(44), PARAMETER :: cmmol = (/ & |
90 | 1.01 , 2.0158, 13.02, 14.03, 14.03, 15.03, 16.04 , 24.02, 25.03, 26.04 , 27.05 , & |
91 | 28.05 , 29.06 , 30.07, 39.06, 41.07, 42.08, 43.09 , 49.05, 51.07, 52.08 , 50.06 , & |
92 | 40.07 , 40.07 , 44.11, 50.06, 54.09, 58.13, 78.1136, 38.05, 53.07, 77.1136, 28.0134, & |
93 | 14.01 , 26.02 , 27.04, 28.05, 39.05, 40.04, 41.05 , 50.04, 51.05, 52.04 , 76.1 /) |
94 | |
95 | INTEGER :: i,j,n |
96 | |
97 | verb = .true. ; IF (PRESENT(talk_to_me)) verb = talk_to_me |
98 | |
99 | ! nqtot_p could be used everywhere in the physic :) |
100 | nqtot_p=nq |
101 | |
102 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) ALLOCATE(noms(nq)) |
103 | noms(:)=nametrac(:) |
104 | |
105 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(rho_q)) ALLOCATE(rho_q(nq)) ! Defined for all tracers, currently initialized to 0.0 |
106 | rho_q(:) = 0.0 |
107 | |
108 | ! Defined for all tracers, (actually) initialized only for chemical tracers |
109 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mmol)) ALLOCATE(mmol(nq)) |
110 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(rat_mmol)) ALLOCATE(rat_mmol(nq)) |
111 | mmol(:) = 0.0 |
112 | rat_mmol(:) = 1.0 |
113 | |
114 | ! Compute number of microphysics tracers: |
115 | ! By convention they all have the prefix "mu_" (case sensitive !) |
116 | nmicro = 0 |
117 | IF (callmufi) THEN |
118 | DO i=1,nq |
119 | str = noms(i) |
120 | IF (str(1:3) == "mu_") nmicro = nmicro+1 |
121 | ENDDO |
122 | ! Checking the expected number of tracers: |
123 | ! no cloud: 4 ; w cloud : 4 + 2 + (1+) |
124 | ! Note that we do not make assumptions on the number of chemical species for clouds, this |
125 | ! will be checked in inimufi. |
126 | IF (callclouds) THEN |
127 | IF (nmicro < 7) THEN |
128 | WRITE(*,'((a),I3,(a))') "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of microphysical tracers & |
129 | &(expected at least 7 tracers,",nmicro," given)" |
130 | CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) |
131 | STOP |
132 | ENDIF |
133 | ELSE IF (nmicro < 4) THEN |
134 | WRITE(*,'((a),I3,(a))') "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of microphysical tracers & |
135 | &(expected at least 4 tracers,",nmicro," given)" |
136 | CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) |
137 | ELSE IF (nmicro > 4) THEN |
138 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "initracer2:info: I was expecting only four tracers, you gave me & |
139 | &more. I'll just pretend nothing happen !" |
140 | ENDIF |
141 | ! microphysics indexes share the same values than original tracname. |
142 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(micro_indx)) ALLOCATE(micro_indx(nmicro)) |
143 | j = 1 |
144 | DO i=1,nq |
145 | str = noms(i) |
146 | IF (str(1:3) == "mu_") THEN |
147 | micro_indx(j) = i |
148 | j=j+1 |
149 | ENDIF |
150 | ENDDO |
151 | ELSE |
152 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(micro_indx)) ALLOCATE(micro_indx(nmicro)) |
153 | ENDIF |
154 | |
155 | ! Compute number of chemical species: |
156 | ! simply assume that all other tracers ARE chemical species |
157 | nchimi = nqtot_p - nmicro |
158 | |
159 | ! Titan chemistry requires exactly 44 tracers: |
160 | ! Test should be in callchim condition |
161 | |
162 | IF (callchim) THEN |
163 | IF (nchimi < SIZE(cnames)) THEN |
164 | WRITE(*,*) "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of chemical species given (",SIZE(cnames)," expected)" |
165 | CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) |
166 | ENDIF |
167 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(chimi_indx)) ALLOCATE(chimi_indx(nchimi)) |
168 | n = 0 ! counter on chimi_indx |
169 | DO j=1,SIZE(cnames) |
170 | found = .false. |
171 | DO i=1,nq |
172 | IF (TRIM(cnames(j)) == TRIM(noms(i))) THEN |
173 | n = n + 1 |
174 | chimi_indx(n) = i |
175 | mmol(i) = cmmol(j) |
176 | rat_mmol(i) = cmmol(j)/mugaz |
177 | found = .true. |
178 | EXIT |
179 | ENDIF |
180 | ENDDO |
181 | IF (.NOT.found) THEN |
182 | WRITE(*,*) "initracer2:error: "//TRIM(cnames(j))//" is missing from tracers definition file." |
183 | ENDIF |
184 | ENDDO |
185 | IF (n < SIZE(cnames)) THEN |
186 | WRITE(*,*) "initracer2:error: Inconsistent number of chemical species given (",SIZE(cnames)," expected)" |
187 | CALL abort_gcm("initracer2", "inconsistent number of tracers", 42) |
188 | ENDIF |
189 | ELSE |
190 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(chimi_indx)) ALLOCATE(chimi_indx(0)) |
191 | ENDIF |
192 | IF (verb) THEN |
193 | IF (callmufi.OR.callchim) WRITE(*,*) "===== INITRACER2 SPEAKING =====" |
194 | IF (callmufi) THEN |
195 | WRITE(*,*) "Found ",nmicro, "microphysical tracers" |
196 | call dumpTracers(micro_indx) |
197 | WRITE(*,*) "-------------------------------" |
198 | ENDIF |
199 | IF (callchim) THEN |
200 | WRITE(*,*) "Found ",nchimi, "chemical tracers" |
201 | call dumpTracers(chimi_indx) |
202 | WRITE(*,*) "-------------------------------" |
203 | ENDIF |
204 | ENDIF |
205 | |
206 | END SUBROUTINE initracer2 |
207 | |
208 | FUNCTION indexOfTracer(name, sensitivity) RESULT(idx) |
209 | !! Get the index of a tracer by name. |
210 | !! |
211 | !! The function searches in the global tracer table (tracer_h:noms) |
212 | !! for the given name and returns the first index matching "name". |
213 | !! |
214 | !! If no name in the table matches the given one, -1 is returned ! |
215 | !! |
216 | !! @warning |
217 | !! initracers must be called before any use of this function. |
219 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: name !! Name of the tracer to search. |
220 | LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: sensitivity !! Case sensitivity (true by default). |
221 | INTEGER :: idx !! Index of the first tracer matching name or -1 if not found. |
222 | LOGICAL :: zsens |
223 | INTEGER :: j |
224 | CHARACTER(len=LEN(name)) :: zname |
225 | zsens = .true. ; IF(PRESENT(sensitivity)) zsens = sensitivity |
226 | idx = -1 |
227 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) RETURN |
228 | IF (zsens) THEN |
229 | DO j=1,SIZE(noms) |
230 | IF (TRIM(noms(j)) == TRIM(name)) THEN |
231 | idx = j ; RETURN |
232 | ENDIF |
233 | ENDDO |
234 | ELSE |
235 | zname = to_lower(name) |
236 | DO j=1,SIZE(noms) |
237 | IF (TRIM(to_lower(noms(j))) == TRIM(zname)) THEN |
238 | idx = j ; RETURN |
239 | ENDIF |
240 | ENDDO |
241 | ENDIF |
242 | |
243 | CONTAINS |
244 | |
245 | FUNCTION to_lower(istr) RESULT(ostr) |
246 | !! Lower case conversion function. |
248 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: istr |
249 | CHARACTER(len=LEN(istr)) :: ostr |
250 | INTEGER :: i, ic |
251 | ostr = istr |
252 | DO i = 1, LEN_TRIM(istr) |
253 | ic = ICHAR(istr(i:i)) |
254 | IF (ic >= 65 .AND. ic < 90) ostr(i:i) = char(ic + 32) |
255 | ENDDO |
256 | END FUNCTION to_lower |
257 | END FUNCTION indexOfTracer |
258 | |
259 | FUNCTION nameOfTracer(indx) RESULT(name) |
260 | !! Get the name of a tracer by index. |
261 | !! |
262 | !! The function searches in the global tracer table (tracer_h:noms) |
263 | !! and returns the name of the tracer at given index. |
264 | !! |
265 | !! If the index is out of range an empty string is returned. |
266 | !! |
267 | !! @warning |
268 | !! initracers must be called before any use of this function. |
270 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: indx !! Index of the tracer name to retrieve. |
271 | CHARACTER(len=20) :: name !! Name of the tracer at given index. |
272 | name = '' |
273 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) RETURN |
274 | IF (indx <= 0 .OR. indx > SIZE(noms)) RETURN |
275 | name = noms(indx) |
276 | END FUNCTION nameOfTracer |
277 | |
278 | SUBROUTINE dumpTracers(indexes) |
279 | !! Print the names of the given list of tracers indexes. |
280 | INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: indexes |
281 | INTEGER :: i,idx,nt |
282 | CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: suffix |
283 | |
284 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(noms)) THEN |
285 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "[tracers_h:dump_tracers] warning: 'noms' is not allocated, tracers_h:initracer2 has not be called yet" |
286 | RETURN |
287 | ENDIF |
288 | nt = size(noms) |
289 | WRITE(*,"(a)") "local -> global : name" |
290 | DO i=1,size(indexes) |
291 | idx = indexes(i) |
292 | IF (idx < 1 .OR. idx > nt) THEN |
293 | ! WRITE(*,'((a),I3,(a),I3,(a))') "index out of range (",idx,"/",nt,")" |
294 | CYCLE |
295 | ENDIF |
296 | IF (ANY(chimi_indx == idx)) THEN |
297 | suffix = ' (chimi)' |
298 | ELSE IF (ANY(micro_indx == idx)) THEN |
299 | suffix = ' (micro' |
300 | IF (ALLOCATED(ices_indx)) THEN |
301 | IF (ANY(ices_indx == idx)) suffix=suffix//", ice" |
302 | ENDIF |
303 | suffix=suffix//")" |
304 | ELSE |
305 | suffix=" ()" |
306 | ENDIF |
307 | WRITE(*,'(I5,(a),I6,(a))') i," -> ",idx ," : "//TRIM(noms(i))//suffix |
308 | ENDDO |
309 | END SUBROUTINE dumpTracers |
310 | |
311 | |
312 | END MODULE tracer_h |
313 | |