1 | ! Copyright 2013-2015,2017 Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne |
2 | ! Contributor: J. Burgalat (GSMA, URCA) |
3 | ! email of the author : jeremie.burgalat@univ-reims.fr |
4 | ! |
5 | ! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute |
6 | ! microphysics processes using a two-moments scheme. |
7 | ! |
8 | ! This library is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and |
9 | ! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, |
10 | ! modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B |
11 | ! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL |
12 | ! "http://www.cecill.info". |
13 | ! |
14 | ! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, |
15 | ! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only |
16 | ! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the |
17 | ! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited |
18 | ! liability. |
19 | ! |
20 | ! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated |
21 | ! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the |
22 | ! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, |
23 | ! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also |
24 | ! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced |
25 | ! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore |
26 | ! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their |
27 | ! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or |
28 | ! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the |
29 | ! same conditions as regards security. |
30 | ! |
31 | ! The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had |
32 | ! knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. |
33 | |
34 | !! file: mm_globals.f90 |
35 | !! summary: Parameters and global variables module. |
36 | !! author: J. Burgalat |
37 | !! date: 2013-2015,2017 |
38 | |
40 | !! Parameters and global variables module. |
41 | !! |
42 | !! # Module overview |
43 | !! |
44 | !! The module defines all the parameters and global variables that are common |
45 | !! to all other modules of the library. |
46 | !! |
47 | !! It is separated in two parts : |
48 | !! |
49 | !! - Main parameters and global saved variables. Most of these variables should |
50 | !! be initialized once and should hold the same value during run-time. These |
51 | !! variables are completly public and initialized by [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init(interface)]] |
52 | !! method. |
53 | !! - The second part defines a set of vectors that defines the vertical structure of the atmosphere. |
54 | !! Each time a new atmospheric column has to be computed (either on a new timestep or on a new couple |
55 | !! of longitude/latitude), these vectors should be intialized with new values by calling |
56 | !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_column_init(function)]] method. |
57 | !! This part is separated in two sets : |
58 | !! |
59 | !! - The atmospheric structure with temperature, pressure levels and altitude definitions. |
60 | !! - The vertical profiles of tracers with the moments of the two aerosols modes (both \(M_{0}\) |
61 | !! and \(M_{3}\) for a total of 4 vectors), the _clouds_ microphysics moments tracers (i.e. |
62 | !! \(M_{0}\) and \(M_{3}\) for the ccn and \(M_{3}\) for the ice components). |
63 | !! Additionally, the module also stores intermediates variables of interest such as the |
64 | !! characteristic radii of the aerosols modes, the mean drop radius and the drop density, |
65 | !! the molar fraction of each condensible species (related to ice components) and some |
66 | !! scalar variables that holds arrays sizes. |
67 | !! |
68 | !! @note |
69 | !! All the vectors that represent the vertical structure of the atmosphere (altitude, pressure and |
70 | !! temperature...) are oriented from the __TOP__ of the atmosphere to the __GROUND__. |
71 | !! |
72 | !! @note |
73 | !! The module also imports errors module from __FCCP__ library to get definitions of the error object |
74 | !! everywhere in the library ([[mm_globals(module)]] is always imported, except in [[mm_mprec(module)]]). |
75 | !! |
76 | !! # Global variables |
77 | !! |
78 | !! [[mm_globals(module)]] module contains the declaration of all global/common variable that are shared |
79 | !! by all other modules of the model. Except for few physical constant which are declared as parameters, |
80 | !! these variables are onlu SAVEd. They are initialized by [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init(interface)]] |
81 | !! methods. |
82 | !! the following sections list all the global variables by category. |
83 | !! |
84 | !! ## Control flags |
85 | !! |
86 | !! | Name | Description |
87 | !! | :----------------- | :----------------- |
88 | !! | mm_log | Enable log mode (verbose) |
89 | !! | mm_w_haze_prod | Enable/Disable haze production |
90 | !! | mm_w_haze_sed | Enable/Disable haze sedimentation |
91 | !! | mm_w_haze_coag | Enable/Disable haze coagulation |
92 | !! | mm_w_clouds | Enable/Disable clouds microphysics |
93 | !! | mm_w_clouds_sed | Enable/Disable clouds microphysics sedimentation |
94 | !! | mm_w_clouds_nucond | Enable/Disable clouds microphysics nucleation/condensation |
95 | !! | mm_wsed_m0 | Force all aerosols moments to fall at M0 settling velocity |
96 | !! | mm_wsed_m3 | Force all aerosols moments to fall at M3 settling velocity |
97 | !! | mm_no_fiadero_w | Enable/Disable __Fiadero__ correction |
98 | !! |
99 | !! ### Related free parameters: |
100 | !! |
101 | !! | Name | Description |
102 | !! | :-------------- | :----------------- |
103 | !! | mm_fiadero_min | Minimum ratio for __Fiadero__'s correction |
104 | !! | mm_fiadero_max | Maximum ratio for __Fiadero__'s correction |
105 | !! | mm_coag_choice | Coagulation interaction activation flag. It should be a combination of [[mm_globals(module):mm_coag_no(variable)]], [[mm_globals(module):mm_coag_ss(variable)]], [[mm_globals(module):mm_coag_sf(variable)]] and [[mm_globals(module):mm_coag_ff(variable)]]. |
106 | !! |
107 | !! ## Physical constants |
108 | !! |
109 | !! | Name | Description |
110 | !! | :-------- | :----------------- |
111 | !! | mm_pi | Pi number |
112 | !! | mm_navo | Avogadro number |
113 | !! | mm_kboltz | Boltzmann constant (\(J.K^{-1}\)) |
114 | !! | mm_rgas | Perfect gas constant (\(J.mol^{-1}.K^{-1}\)) |
115 | !! | mm_fdes | Desorption energy (\(J\)) (nucleation) |
116 | !! | mm_fdif | Surface diffusion energy (\(J\)) (nucleation) |
117 | !! | mm_fnus | Jump frequency (\(s^{-1}\)) (nucleation) |
118 | !! | mm_akn | Approximated slip-flow correction coefficient ( |
119 | !! |
120 | !! ## Free parameters |
121 | !! |
122 | !! | Name | Description |
123 | !! | :---------- | :----------------- |
124 | !! | mm_rhoaer | Aerosol density (in \(kg.m^{-3}\)) |
125 | !! | mm_df | Fractal dimension |
126 | !! | mm_rm | Monomer radius (in m) |
127 | !! | mm_p_prod | Spherical aerosols production pressure level (Pa) |
128 | !! | mm_p_rcprod | Spherical aerosols equivalent radius production (m) |
129 | !! | mm_tx_prod | Production rate of spherical aerosols (\(kg.m^{-2}.s^{-1}\)) |
130 | !! | mm_d_prod | Time-dependent sine wve pre-factor. |
131 | !! | mm_w_prod | Angular frequency of the time-dependent production rate. |
132 | !! | mm_ne | Electric charging of aerosols (\(e^{-}.m^{-1}\)) (unused) |
133 | !! | mm_rb2ra | Bulk to apparent radius conversion pre-factor (\(m^X\)) |
134 | !! | mm_rpla | Planet radius (m) |
135 | !! | mm_g0 | Planet acceleration due to gravity constant (ground) (\(m.s^{-2}\)) |
136 | !! | mm_air_rad | Air molecules mean radius (m) |
137 | !! | mm_air_mmol | Air molecules molar mass (\(kg.mol^{-1}\)) |
138 | !! | mm_dt | Microphysic time step (s) |
139 | USE MM_MPREC |
141 | ! from swift |
144 | USE ERRORS |
146 | |
147 | PUBLIC |
148 | |
149 | PRIVATE :: cldprop_sc,cldprop_ve,read_esp,check_r1,check_i1,check_l1,check_s1 |
150 | |
151 | ! Protected variables |
152 | ! the following variables are read-only outside this module. |
153 | ! One must call the afferent subroutine to update them. |
154 | |
155 | ! initialization control flags (cannot be updated) |
156 | PROTECTED :: mm_ini,mm_ini_col,mm_ini_aer,mm_ini_cld |
157 | ! model parameters (mm_global_init) |
158 | PROTECTED :: mm_dt,mm_rhoaer,mm_df,mm_rm,mm_p_prod,mm_rc_prod,mm_tx_prod,mm_rpla,mm_g0,mm_rb2ra |
159 | ! atmospheric vertical structure (mm_column_init) |
160 | PROTECTED :: mm_nla,mm_nle,mm_zlay,mm_zlev,mm_play,mm_plev,mm_temp,mm_rhoair,mm_btemp,mm_dzlev,mm_dzlay |
161 | ! Condensible species parameters (mm_global_init) |
162 | PROTECTED :: mm_nesp,mm_spcname,mm_xESPS |
163 | ! Moments parameters (mm_aerosols_init / mm_clouds_init) |
164 | PROTECTED :: mm_m0aer_s, mm_m3aer_s, mm_m0aer_f, mm_m3aer_f, mm_m0ccn, mm_m3ccn, mm_m3ice |
165 | ! Moments parameters (derived, are updated with moments parameters) |
166 | PROTECTED :: mm_rcs, mm_rcf, mm_drad, mm_drho |
167 | |
168 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_debug = .true. !! Enable QnD debug mode (can be used for devel). |
169 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_log = .false. !! Enable log mode (for configuration only). |
170 | |
171 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_w_haze_prod = .true. !! Enable/Disable haze production. |
172 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_w_haze_sed = .true. !! Enable/Disable haze sedimentation. |
173 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_w_haze_coag = .true. !! Activate haze coagulation. |
174 | |
175 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_wsed_m0 = .false. !! Force all aerosols moments to fall at M0 settling velocity. |
176 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_wsed_m3 = .false. !! Force all aerosols moments to fall at M3 settling velocity. |
177 | |
178 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_var_prod = .false. !! Time variation of production rate control flag. |
179 | |
180 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_use_effg = .true. !! Enable/Disable effective G for computations. |
181 | |
182 | !> Enable/Disable __Fiadero__'s correction. |
183 | !! |
184 | !! This flag enables/disables the __Fiadero__ correction alogrithm for fractal mode settling velocity |
185 | !! computation. |
186 | !! |
187 | !! @bug |
188 | !! Currently, the Fiadero correction creates instatibilities on the vertical structure. It seems to be |
189 | !! related to the coupling between the two moments. In order to reduce the instabilities, settling |
190 | !! velocity of moments are forced to be the same, see [[mm_globals(module):mm_wsed_m0(variable)]] and |
191 | !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_wsed_m3(variable)]]). |
192 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_no_fiadero_w = .false. |
193 | |
194 | !> Minimum ratio for __Fiadero__ correction. |
195 | !! |
196 | !! When [[mm_globals(module):mm_no_fiadero_w(variable)]] is disabled, this variable defines the minimum |
197 | !! value of the moment's ratio between two adjacents vertical cells to be used within the correction. |
198 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_fiadero_min = 0.1_mm_wp |
199 | |
200 | !> Maximum ratio for __Fiadero__ correction. |
201 | !! |
202 | !! When [[mm_globals(module):mm_no_fiadero_w(variable)]] is disabled, this variable defines the maximum |
203 | !! value of the moment's ratio between two adjacents vertical cells to be used within the correction. |
204 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_fiadero_max = 10._mm_wp |
205 | |
206 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_w_clouds = .true. !! Enable/Disable clouds microphysics. |
207 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_w_cloud_sed = .true. !! Enable/Disable cloud sedimentation. |
208 | LOGICAL, SAVE :: mm_w_cloud_nucond = .true. !! Activate cloud nucleation/condensation. |
209 | |
210 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mm_coag_no = 0 !! no mode interaction for coagulation (i.e. no coagulation at all). |
211 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mm_coag_ss = 1 !! SS mode interaction for coagulation. |
212 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mm_coag_sf = 2 !! SF mode interaction for coagulation. |
213 | INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mm_coag_ff = 4 !! FF mode interaction for coagulation. |
214 | !> Default interactions to activate (all by default). |
215 | INTEGER, SAVE :: mm_coag_choice = mm_coag_ss+mm_coag_sf+mm_coag_ff |
216 | |
217 | !> Pi number. |
218 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_pi = 4._mm_wp*atan(1._mm_wp) |
219 | !> Avogadro number. |
220 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_navo = 6.0221367e23_mm_wp |
221 | !> Boltzmann constant (\(J.K^{-1}\)). |
222 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_kboltz = 1.3806488e-23_mm_wp |
223 | !> Perfect gas constant (\(J.mol^{-1}.K^{-1}\)). |
224 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_rgas = mm_kboltz * mm_navo |
225 | !> Desorption energy (\(J\)) (nucleation). |
226 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_fdes = 0.288e-19_mm_wp |
227 | !> Surface diffusion energy (\(J\)) (nucleation). |
228 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_fdif = 0.288e-20_mm_wp |
229 | !> Jump frequency (\(s^{-1}\)) (nucleation). |
230 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_nus = 1.e+13_mm_wp |
231 | !> Approximated slip-flow correction coefficient. |
232 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: mm_akn = 1.591_mm_wp |
233 | |
234 | !> Aerosols density (\(kg.m^{-3}\)). |
235 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_rhoaer = 1.e3_mm_wp |
236 | |
237 | !> Fractal dimension of fractal aerosols. |
238 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_df = 3._mm_wp |
239 | |
240 | !> Monomer radius (m). |
241 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_rm = 6.66e-8_mm_wp |
242 | |
243 | !> Spherical aerosols production pressure level (Pa). |
244 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_p_prod = 1._mm_wp |
245 | |
246 | !> Spherical aerosols equivalent radius production (m) |
247 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_rc_prod = 1.3101721857598102e-9_mm_wp |
248 | |
249 | !> Production rate of spherical aerosols (\(kg.m^{-2}.s^{-1}\)). |
250 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_tx_prod = 3.5e-13_mm_wp |
251 | |
252 | !> Aerosol production delta if time variations is enabled (fraction). |
253 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_d_prod = 0.25_mm_wp |
254 | |
255 | !> Aerosol production variations angular frequency if time variations is enabled (\(rad.s^{-1}\)). |
256 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_w_prod = 2.*mm_pi / (86400.*16.) |
257 | |
258 | |
259 | !> Electric charging of aerosols (\(e^{-}.m^{-1}\)). |
260 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_ne = -15.e6_mm_wp |
261 | |
262 | !> Bulk to apparent radius conversion pre-factor (\(m^{X}\)). |
263 | !! |
264 | !! It is initialized using [[mm_globals(module):mm_rm(variable)]] in |
265 | !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init(interface)]] from the following equation: |
266 | !! |
267 | !! $$ r_{a} = r_{b}^{3/D_{f}}\times r_{m}^{\frac{D_{f}-3}{D_{f}}} $$ |
268 | !! |
269 | !! Where \(r_{a}\) is the apparent radius, \(r_{b}\) the bulk radius and |
270 | !! \(rb2ra = r_{m}^{\frac{D_{f}-3}{D_{f}}}\) is the returned pre-factor |
271 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_rb2ra = 1._mm_wp |
272 | |
273 | !> Characteristic radius threshold. |
274 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_rc_min = 1.e-200_mm_wp |
275 | |
276 | !> Name of condensible species. |
277 | CHARACTER(len=30), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_spcname |
278 | |
279 | TYPE, PUBLIC :: mm_esp |
280 | !! Cloud related chemical specie properties. |
281 | !! |
282 | !! This derived type is used in thermodynamic methods related to cloud microphysics. |
283 | !! Most of its fields represent parameters of equations from \cite{reid1986}. |
284 | CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: name !! Specie name. |
285 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: mas !! Molecular weight (kg). |
286 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: vol !! Molecular volume (\(m^{3}\)). |
287 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: ray !! Molecular radius (m). |
288 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: masmol !! Molar mass (\(kg.mol^{-1}\)). |
289 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: rho !! density (liquid) (\(kg.m^{-3}\)). |
290 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: tc !! Critical temperature (K). |
291 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: pc !! Critical pressure (Bar). |
292 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: tb !! Boiling point temperature (K). |
293 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: w !! Acentric factor (--). |
294 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: a_sat !! Saturation equation A coefficient. |
295 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: b_sat !! Saturation equation B coefficient. |
296 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: c_sat !! saturation equation C coefficient. |
297 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: d_sat !! Saturation equation D coefficient. |
298 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: mteta !! Wettability. |
299 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: tx_prod !! Production rate. |
300 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: fmol2fmas !! molar fraction to mass fraction coefficient. |
301 | ! = masmol(X)/masmol(AIR) |
302 | END TYPE mm_esp |
303 | |
304 | !> Planet radius (m). |
305 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_rpla = 2575000._mm_wp |
306 | !> Planet acceleration due to gravity constant (ground) (\(m.s^{-2}\)). |
307 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_g0 = 1.35_mm_wp |
308 | !> Air molecules mean radius (m). |
309 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_air_rad = 1.75e-10_mm_wp |
310 | !> Air molecules molar mass (\(kg.mol^{-1}\)). |
311 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_air_mmol = 28e-3_mm_wp |
312 | !> Microphysic time step (s). |
313 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_dt = 5529.6_mm_wp |
314 | !> Model current time tracer (s). |
315 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_ct = 0.0 |
316 | !> Total number of clouds condensible species. |
317 | INTEGER, SAVE :: mm_nesp = -1 |
318 | !> Clouds chemical species properties. |
319 | TYPE(mm_esp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_xESPS |
320 | |
321 | !------------------------ |
322 | ! Vertical structure part |
323 | !------------------------ |
324 | |
325 | !> Number of vertical layers. |
326 | INTEGER, SAVE :: mm_nla = -1 |
327 | !> Number of vertical levels. |
328 | INTEGER, SAVE :: mm_nle = -1 |
329 | |
330 | !> Altitude layers (m). |
331 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_zlay |
332 | !> Altitude levels (m). |
333 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_zlev |
334 | !> Pressure layers (Pa). |
335 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_play |
336 | !> Pressure levels (Pa). |
337 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_plev |
338 | !> Temperature vertical profile (K). |
339 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_temp |
340 | !> Air density vertical profile (\(kg.m^{-3}\)). |
341 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_rhoair |
342 | !> Temperature vertical profil at interfaces (K). |
343 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_btemp |
344 | |
345 | !> Atmospheric levels thickness (m). |
346 | !! |
347 | !! Atmospheric thickness between two adjacent levels (\(m\)) from the |
348 | !! __TOP__ to the __GROUND__. |
349 | !! @note __mm_dzlev__ is defined on the total number of layers and actually |
350 | !! corresponds to the thickness of a given layer. |
351 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_dzlev |
352 | |
353 | !> Atmospheric layers "thickness" (m). |
354 | !! |
355 | !! Atmospheric thickness between the center of two adjacent layers (\(m\)) |
356 | !! from the __TOP__ to the __GROUND__. |
357 | !! @note |
358 | !! __mm_dzlay__ is defined on the total number of layers. The last |
359 | !! value of __mm_dzlay__ is set to twice the altitude of the ground layer. |
360 | !! @note This value corresponds to the thickness between the center of the |
361 | !! __GROUND__ layer and below the surface. It is arbitrary and not used. |
362 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_dzlay |
363 | |
364 | !> Spherical mode \(0^{th}\) order moment (\(m^{-3}\)). |
365 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m0aer_s |
366 | !> Spherical mode \(3^{rd}\) order moment (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
367 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m3aer_s |
368 | !> Fractal mode \(0^{th}\) order moment (\(m^{-3}\)). |
369 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m0aer_f |
370 | !> Fractal mode \(3^{rd}\) order moment (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
371 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m3aer_f |
372 | !> CCN \(0^{th}\) order moment (\(m^{-3}\)). |
373 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m0ccn |
374 | !> CCN \(3^{rd}\) order moment (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
375 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m3ccn |
376 | |
377 | !> Ice components 3rd order moments (\(m^{3}.m^{-3}\)). |
378 | !! |
379 | !! It is a 2D array with the vertical layers in first dimension, and the number of ice |
380 | !! components in the second. |
381 | !! @note |
382 | !! Both [[mm_globals(module):mm_m3ice(variable)]] and [[mm_globals(module):mm_gazs(variable)]] |
383 | !! share the same indexing (related to species order). |
384 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m3ice |
385 | |
386 | !> Condensible species molar fraction (\(mol.mol^{-1}\)). |
387 | !! |
388 | !! It is a 2D array with the vertical layers in first dimension, and |
389 | !! the number of condensible species in the second. |
390 | !! @note |
391 | !! Both [[mm_globals(module):mm_m3ice(variable)]] and [[mm_globals(module):mm_gazs(variable)]] |
392 | !! share the same indexing (related to species order). |
393 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_gazs |
394 | |
395 | !> Spherical mode characteristic radius (m). |
396 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_rcs |
397 | !> Fractal mode characteristic radius (m). |
398 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_rcf |
399 | !> Mean Drop radius (m). |
400 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_drad |
401 | !> Mean Drop density (\(kg.m^{-3}\)). |
402 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_drho |
403 | |
404 | !> Aerosols precipitations (m). |
405 | !! |
406 | !! Aerosols precipitations take into account both spherical and fractal modes. |
407 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_microphysics(subroutine)]]. |
408 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_aer_prec = 0._mm_wp |
409 | |
410 | !> Spherical mode \(M_{0}\) settling velocity (\(m.s^{-1}\)). |
411 | !! |
412 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the settling velocity for |
413 | !! the \(0^{th}\) order moment of the spherical mode. |
414 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_sedimentation(subroutine)]]. |
415 | !! @note |
416 | !! This variable is always negative. |
417 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m0as_vsed |
418 | |
419 | !> Spherical mode \(M_{3}\) settling velocity (\(m.s^{-1}\)). |
420 | !! |
421 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the settling velocity for the |
422 | !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment of the spherical mode. |
423 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_sedimentation(subroutine)]]. |
424 | !! @note |
425 | !! This variable is always negative. |
426 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m3as_vsed |
427 | |
428 | !> Fractal mode \(M_{0}\) settling velocity (\(m.s^{-1}\)). |
429 | !! |
430 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the settling velocity for the |
431 | !! \(0^{th}\) order moment of the fractal mode. |
432 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_sedimentation(subroutine)]]. |
433 | !! @note |
434 | !! This variable is always negative. |
435 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m0af_vsed |
436 | |
437 | !> Fractal mode \(M_{3}\) settling velocity (\(m.s^{-1}\)). |
438 | !! |
439 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the settling velocity for the |
440 | !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment of the fractal mode. |
441 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_sedimentation(subroutine)]]. |
442 | !! @note |
443 | !! This variable is always negative. |
444 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_m3af_vsed |
445 | |
446 | !> Spherical aerosol mass fluxes (\(kg.m^{-2}.s^{-1}\)). |
447 | !! |
448 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the mass fluxes for spherical aerosols. |
449 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_sedimentation(subroutine)]]. |
450 | !! @note |
451 | !! This variable is always negative. |
452 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_aer_s_flux |
453 | |
454 | !> Fractal aerosol mass fluxes (\(kg.m^{-2}.s^{-1}\)). |
455 | !! |
456 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the mass fluxes for fractal aerosols |
457 | !! It is updated in [[mm_haze(module):mm_haze_sedimentation(subroutine)]]. |
458 | !! @note |
459 | !! This variable is always negative. |
460 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_aer_f_flux |
461 | |
462 | !> CCN precipitations (m). |
463 | !! It is updated in [[mm_clouds(module):mm_cloud_microphysics(subroutine)]]. |
464 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), SAVE :: mm_ccn_prec = 0._mm_wp |
465 | |
466 | !> CCN mass fluxes (\(kg.m^{-2}.s^{-1}\)). |
467 | !! |
468 | !! It is a vector with the vertical layers that contains the |
469 | !! mass fluxes for CCN. |
470 | !! It is updated in [[mm_clouds(module):mm_cloud_microphysics(subroutine)]]. |
471 | !! @note |
472 | !! This variable is always negative. |
473 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_ccn_flux |
474 | |
475 | !> Ice components precipitations (m). |
476 | !! |
477 | !! It is a vector of [[mm_globals(module):mm_nesp(variable)]] values which share the same indexing |
478 | !! than [[mm_globals(module):mm_m3ice(variable)]] and [[mm_globals(module):mm_gazs(variable)]]. |
479 | !! It is updated in [[mm_clouds(module):mm_cloud_microphysics(subroutine)]]. |
480 | !! @note |
481 | !! This variable is always negative. |
482 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_ice_prec |
483 | |
484 | !> Ice components sedimentation fluxes (\(kg.m^{-2}.s-1\)). |
485 | !! |
486 | !! It is a 2D-array with the vertical layers in first dimension and the number of ice components |
487 | !! in the second. It is updated in [[mm_clouds(module):mm_cloud_microphysics(subroutine)]]. |
488 | !! @note |
489 | !! This variable is always negative. |
490 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_ice_fluxes |
491 | |
492 | !> Condensible species saturation ratio (--). |
493 | !! |
494 | !! It is a 2D-array with the vertical layers in first dimension and the number of condensible |
495 | !! species in the second. |
496 | !! It is updated in [[mm_clouds(module):mm_cloud_microphysics(subroutine)]]. |
497 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: mm_gazs_sat |
498 | |
499 | !> [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init(interface)]] initialization control flag. |
500 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC, SAVE :: mm_ini = .false. |
501 | |
502 | !> [[mm_globals(module):mm_column_init(function)]] initialization control flag. |
503 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC, SAVE :: mm_ini_col = .false. |
504 | |
505 | !> [[mm_globals(module):mm_aerosols_init(function)]] initialization control flag. |
506 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC, SAVE :: mm_ini_aer = .false. |
507 | |
508 | !> [[mm_globals(module):mm_clouds_init(function)]] initialization control flag. |
509 | LOGICAL, PUBLIC, SAVE :: mm_ini_cld = .false. |
510 | |
511 | !> Interface to cloud properties methods. |
512 | !! |
513 | !! The method computes clouds properties (mean drop radius and denstity) from their afferent |
514 | !! moments. It is overloaded to compute properties at a single level or over all the vertical |
515 | !! atmospheric structure. |
516 | INTERFACE mm_cloud_properties |
517 | MODULE PROCEDURE cldprop_sc,cldprop_ve |
519 | |
520 | !> Interface to global initialization. |
521 | !! |
522 | !! The method performs the global initialization of the model. |
523 | !! @warning |
524 | !! If OpenMP is activated, this subroutine must be called in an $OMP SINGLE statement as it |
525 | !! initializes global variable that are not thread private. |
526 | !! |
527 | !! ''' |
528 | !! !$OMP SINGLE |
529 | !! call mm_global_init(...) |
530 | !! !$OMP END SINGLE |
531 | INTERFACE mm_global_init |
532 | MODULE PROCEDURE mm_global_init_0,mm_global_init_1 |
534 | |
535 | !> Check an option from the configuration system. |
536 | !! |
537 | !! The method checks for an option in the configuration system and optionally |
538 | !! set a default value if the option is not found. This is an overloaded method |
539 | !! that can take in input either a floating point, integer, logical or string |
540 | !! option value. |
541 | INTERFACE mm_check_opt |
542 | MODULE PROCEDURE check_r1,check_i1,check_l1,check_s1 |
544 | |
545 | ! --- OPENMP --------------- |
546 | ! All variable related to column computations should be private to each thread |
547 | ! |
548 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_ini_col,mm_ini_aer,mm_ini_cld) |
549 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_zlay,mm_zlev,mm_play,mm_plev,mm_temp,mm_rhoair,mm_btemp,mm_dzlev,mm_dzlay) |
550 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_m0aer_s,mm_m3aer_s,mm_m0aer_f,mm_m3aer_f) |
551 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_m0ccn,mm_m3ccn,mm_m3ice,mm_gazs) |
552 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_rcs,mm_rcf,mm_drad,mm_drho) |
553 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_aer_s_flux,mm_aer_f_flux,mm_ccn_flux,mm_ice_prec,mm_ice_fluxes,mm_gazs_sat) |
554 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_m0as_vsed,mm_m3as_vsed,mm_m0af_vsed,mm_m3af_vsed) |
555 | |
556 | !$OMP THREADPRIVATE(mm_nla,mm_nle) |
557 | |
558 | ! -------------------------- |
559 | |
560 | |
561 | CONTAINS |
562 | |
563 | FUNCTION mm_global_init_0(dt,df,rm,rho_aer,p_prod,tx_prod,rc_prod,rplanet,g0, & |
564 | air_rad,air_mmol,coag_interactions,clouds,spcfile, & |
565 | w_haze_prod,w_haze_sed,w_haze_coag,w_cloud_nucond, & |
566 | w_cloud_sed,force_wsed_to_m0,force_wsed_to_m3, & |
567 | no_fiadero,fiadero_min,fiadero_max) RESULT(err) |
568 | !! Initialize global parameters of the model. |
569 | !! |
570 | !! The function initializes all the global parameters of the model from direct input. |
571 | !! Boolean (and Fiadero) parameters are optional as they are rather testing parameters. Their |
572 | !! default values are suitable for production runs. |
573 | !! @note |
574 | !! If the method fails to initialize parameters (i.e. returned error is not 0). Then the model |
575 | !! should probably be aborted as the global variables of the model will not be correctly setup. |
576 | !! @warning |
577 | !! If OpenMP is activated, this subroutine must be called in an $OMP SINGLE statement as it |
578 | !! initializes global variable that are not thread private. |
579 | !! |
580 | !! ''' |
581 | !! !$OMP SINGLE |
582 | !! call mm_global_init_0(...) |
583 | !! !$OMP END SINGLE |
584 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: dt |
585 | !! Microphysics timestep in seconds. |
586 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: df |
587 | !! Fractal dimension of fractal aerosol. |
588 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: rm |
589 | !! Monomer radius in meter. |
590 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: rho_aer |
591 | !! Aerosol density in \(kg.m^{-3}\). |
592 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: p_prod |
593 | !! Aerosol production pressure level in Pa. |
594 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: tx_prod |
595 | !! Spherical aerosol mode production rate in \(kg.m^{-2}.s^{-1}\). |
596 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: rc_prod |
597 | !! Spherical mode characteristic radius for production in meter. |
598 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: rplanet |
599 | !! Planet radius in meter |
600 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: g0 |
601 | !! Planet gravity acceleration at ground level in \(m.s^{-2}\). |
602 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: air_rad |
603 | !! Air molecules mean radius in meter. |
604 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: air_mmol |
605 | !! Air molecules mean molar mass in \(kg.mol^{-1}\). |
606 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: coag_interactions |
607 | !! Coagulation interactions process control flag. |
608 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in) :: clouds |
609 | !! Clouds microphysics control flag. |
610 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: spcfile |
611 | !! Clouds microphysics condensible species properties file. |
612 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fiadero_max |
613 | !! Maximum moment ratio threshold for Fiadero correction (default: 10.) . |
614 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: fiadero_min |
615 | !! Minimum moment ratio threshold for Fiadero correction (default: 0.1). |
616 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: w_haze_prod |
617 | !! Haze microphysics production process control flag (default: T). |
618 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: w_haze_sed |
619 | !! Haze microphysics sedimentation process control flag (default: T). |
620 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: w_haze_coag |
621 | !! Haze microphysics coagulation process control flag (default: T). |
622 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: w_cloud_sed |
623 | !! Cloud microphysics nucleation/conensation process control flag (default: __clouds__ value). |
624 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: w_cloud_nucond |
625 | !! Cloud microphysics production process control flag (default: __clouds__ value). |
626 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: no_fiadero |
627 | !! Disable Fiadero correction for haze sedimentation process (default: F). |
628 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: force_wsed_to_m0 |
629 | !! force __all__ aerosols moments to fall at M0 settling velocity (default: T). |
630 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: force_wsed_to_m3 |
631 | !! Force __all__ aerosols moments to fall at M3 settling velocity (default: F). |
632 | TYPE(error) :: err |
633 | !! Error status of the function. |
634 | INTEGER :: i |
635 | TYPE(cfgparser) :: cp |
636 | CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: spcpath |
637 | CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: defmsg |
638 | CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: species |
639 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: zfiamin,zfiamax |
640 | LOGICAL :: zwhp,zwhs,zwhc,zwcs,zwcn,znofia, & |
641 | zwstom0,zwstom3 |
642 | |
643 | zwhp = .true. ; zwhs = .true. ; zwhc = .true. |
644 | zwcs = clouds ; zwcn = clouds |
645 | znofia = .false. ; zfiamin = 0.1_mm_wp ; zfiamax = 10._mm_wp |
646 | zwstom0 = .true. ; zwstom3 = .false. |
647 | err = noerror |
648 | IF (mm_ini) THEN |
649 | err = error("mm_global_init: YAMMS global initialization already performed !",-1) |
650 | RETURN |
651 | ENDIF |
652 | |
653 | ! Store options values in global variables... |
654 | mm_df = df |
655 | mm_rm = rm |
656 | mm_rb2ra = mm_rm**((mm_df-3._mm_wp)/mm_df) ! conversion factor for bulk -> fractal radius |
657 | mm_rhoaer = rho_aer |
658 | mm_p_prod = p_prod |
659 | mm_tx_prod = tx_prod |
660 | mm_rc_prod = rc_prod |
661 | mm_rpla = rplanet |
662 | mm_g0 = g0 |
663 | mm_dt = dt |
664 | mm_air_rad = mm_air_rad |
665 | mm_air_mmol = air_mmol |
666 | mm_coag_choice = coag_interactions |
667 | ! check coagulation interactions choice |
668 | IF (mm_coag_choice < 0 .OR. mm_coag_choice > 7) THEN |
669 | err = error("mm_global_init: Invalid choice for coagulation interactions activation",-1) |
670 | RETURN |
671 | ENDIF |
672 | |
673 | mm_w_clouds = clouds |
674 | |
675 | ! Check clouds microphysics species file |
676 | ! (only if clouds is activated) |
677 | IF (mm_w_clouds) THEN |
678 | IF (LEN_TRIM(spcfile) == 0) THEN |
679 | err = error("mm_global_init: No species properties file given",-1) |
680 | RETURN |
681 | ENDIF |
682 | ! Reads species properties configuration file |
683 | err = cfg_read_config(cp,TRIM(spcfile)) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
684 | err = cfg_get_value(cp,"used_species",species) |
685 | IF (err /= 0) THEN |
686 | err = error("mm_global_init: cannot retrieve 'used_species' values",-1) |
687 | RETURN |
688 | ENDIF |
689 | ! Now attempts to find species properties !!! |
690 | mm_nesp = SIZE(species) |
691 | ALLOCATE(mm_spcname(mm_nesp),mm_xESPS(mm_nesp)) |
692 | DO i=1,mm_nesp |
693 | mm_spcname(i) = to_lower(species(i)) |
694 | IF(.NOT.cfg_has_section(cp,TRIM(mm_spcname(i)))) THEN |
695 | err = error("mm_global_init: Cannot find "//TRIM(mm_spcname(i))//" properties",-1) |
696 | RETURN |
697 | ELSE |
698 | err = read_esp(cp,TRIM(mm_spcname(i)),mm_xESPS(i)) |
699 | ! compute conversion factor: mol.mol-1 => kg.kg-1 |
700 | mm_xESPS(i)%fmol2fmas = mm_xESPS(i)%masmol / mm_air_mmol |
701 | IF (err/=0) THEN |
702 | err = error("mm_global_init: "//TRIM(mm_spcname(i))//": "//TRIM(err%msg),-1) |
703 | RETURN |
704 | ENDIF |
705 | ENDIF |
706 | ENDDO |
707 | ENDIF |
708 | |
709 | ! optional flags |
710 | ! haze control flags |
711 | IF (PRESENT(w_haze_prod)) THEN |
712 | mm_w_haze_prod = w_haze_prod |
713 | ELSE |
714 | mm_w_haze_prod = zwhp |
715 | call printw("mm_haze_production",to_string(mm_w_haze_prod)) |
716 | ENDIF |
717 | IF (PRESENT(w_haze_sed)) THEN |
718 | mm_w_haze_sed = w_haze_sed |
719 | ELSE |
720 | mm_w_haze_sed = zwhs |
721 | call printw("mm_haze_sedimentation",to_string(mm_w_haze_sed)) |
722 | ENDIF |
723 | IF (PRESENT(w_haze_coag)) THEN |
724 | mm_w_haze_coag = w_haze_coag |
725 | ELSE |
726 | mm_w_haze_coag = zwhc |
727 | call printw("mm_haze_coagulation",to_string(mm_w_haze_coag)) |
728 | ENDIF |
729 | IF (PRESENT(force_wsed_to_m0)) THEN |
730 | mm_wsed_m0 = force_wsed_to_m0 |
731 | ELSE |
732 | mm_wsed_m0 = zwstom0 |
733 | call printw("mm_wsed_m0",to_string(mm_wsed_m0)) |
734 | ENDIF |
735 | IF (PRESENT(force_wsed_to_m3)) THEN |
736 | mm_wsed_m3 = force_wsed_to_m3 |
737 | ELSE |
738 | mm_wsed_m3 = zwstom3 |
739 | call printw("mm_wsed_m3",to_string(mm_wsed_m3)) |
740 | ENDIF |
741 | IF (PRESENT(no_fiadero)) THEN |
742 | mm_no_fiadero_w = no_fiadero |
743 | ELSE |
744 | mm_no_fiadero_w = znofia |
745 | call printw("mm_no_fiadero",to_string(mm_no_fiadero_w)) |
746 | ENDIF |
747 | IF (PRESENT(fiadero_min)) THEN |
748 | mm_fiadero_min = fiadero_min |
749 | ELSE |
750 | mm_fiadero_min = zfiamin |
751 | call printw("mm_fiadero_min",to_string(mm_fiadero_min)) |
752 | ENDIF |
753 | IF (PRESENT(fiadero_max)) THEN |
754 | mm_fiadero_max = fiadero_max |
755 | ELSE |
756 | mm_fiadero_max = zfiamax |
757 | call printw("mm_fiadero_max",to_string(mm_fiadero_max)) |
758 | ENDIF |
759 | ! clouds control flags |
760 | IF (mm_w_clouds) THEN |
761 | IF (PRESENT(w_cloud_sed)) THEN |
762 | mm_w_cloud_sed = w_cloud_sed |
763 | ELSE |
764 | mm_w_cloud_sed = zwcs |
765 | call printw("mm_cloud_sed",to_string(mm_w_cloud_sed)) |
766 | ENDIF |
767 | IF (PRESENT(w_cloud_nucond)) THEN |
768 | mm_w_cloud_nucond = w_cloud_nucond |
769 | ELSE |
770 | mm_w_cloud_nucond = zwcs |
771 | call printw("mm_cloud_nucond",to_string(mm_w_cloud_nucond)) |
772 | ENDIF |
773 | ENDIF |
774 | |
775 | ! check w sed flags |
776 | err = noerror |
777 | ! special check for settling velocity |
778 | IF (mm_wsed_m0 .AND. mm_wsed_m3) THEN |
779 | err = error("'wsed_m0' and 'wsed_m3' options are mutually exclusive",-1) |
780 | ENDIF |
781 | mm_ini = err == noerror |
782 | |
783 | CONTAINS |
784 | |
785 | SUBROUTINE printw(string,value) |
786 | !! Print a warning message. |
787 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: string !! Name of the option. |
788 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: value !! (string) Value of the option. |
789 | IF (mm_log) & |
790 | WRITE(*,'(a,a,a)') "warning: Parameter "//string//"not given... Using default value: "//value |
791 | END SUBROUTINE printw |
792 | END FUNCTION mm_global_init_0 |
793 | |
794 | FUNCTION mm_global_init_1(cfg) RESULT(err) |
795 | !! Set global configuration from a configuration file. |
796 | !! |
797 | !! See [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init_0(function)]]. |
798 | TYPE(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: cfg !! Configuration file path. |
799 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function. |
800 | INTEGER :: i |
801 | TYPE(cfgparser) :: spccfg |
802 | CHARACTER(len=st_slen) :: spcpath |
803 | CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: defmsg |
804 | CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: species |
805 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: zfiamin,zfiamax |
806 | LOGICAL :: zwhp,zwhs,zwhc,zwcs,zwcn,znofia, & |
807 | zwstom0,zwstom3 |
808 | |
809 | err = noerror |
810 | |
811 | IF (mm_ini) THEN |
812 | err = error("mm_global_init: YAMMS global initialization already performed !",-1) |
813 | RETURN |
814 | ENDIF |
815 | |
816 | ! MP2M mandatory parameters |
817 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"df",mm_df),mm_df,wlog=mm_log) |
818 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
819 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"rm",mm_rm),mm_rm,wlog=mm_log) |
820 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
821 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"rho_aer",mm_rhoaer),mm_rhoaer,wlog=mm_log) |
822 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
823 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"p_prod",mm_p_prod),mm_p_prod,wlog=mm_log) |
824 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
825 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"tx_prod",mm_tx_prod),mm_tx_prod,wlog=mm_log) |
826 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
827 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"rc_prod",mm_rc_prod),mm_rc_prod,wlog=mm_log) |
828 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
829 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"planet_radius",mm_rpla),mm_rpla,wlog=mm_log) |
830 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
831 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"g0",mm_g0),mm_g0,wlog=mm_log) |
832 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
833 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"timestep",mm_dt),mm_dt,wlog=mm_log) |
834 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
835 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"air_radius",mm_air_rad),mm_air_rad,wlog=mm_log) |
836 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
837 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"air_molarmass",mm_air_mmol),mm_air_mmol,wlog=mm_log) |
838 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
839 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"haze_coag_interactions",mm_coag_choice),mm_coag_choice,wlog=mm_log) |
840 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
841 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"clouds_microphysics",mm_w_clouds),mm_w_clouds,wlog=mm_log) |
842 | IF (err/=0) RETURN |
843 | |
844 | ! computes the conversion factor for bulk -> fractal radius |
845 | mm_rb2ra = mm_rm**((mm_df-3._mm_wp)/mm_df) |
846 | |
847 | ! Check coagulation interactions choice |
848 | IF (mm_coag_choice < 0 .OR. mm_coag_choice > 7) THEN |
849 | err = error("mm_global_init: Invalid choice for coagulation interactions activation",-1) |
850 | RETURN |
851 | ENDIF |
852 | |
853 | ! Check clouds microphysics input |
854 | ! it is read only if clouds is activated. We must to check if it is self-consistent... |
855 | IF (mm_w_clouds) THEN |
856 | ! Gets species property file path |
857 | err = cfg_get_value(cfg,'specie_cfg',spcpath) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
858 | ! Reads species properties configuration file |
859 | err = cfg_read_config(spccfg,trim(spcpath)) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
860 | err = cfg_get_value(spccfg,"used_species",species) |
861 | IF (err /= 0) THEN |
862 | err = error("mm_global_init: cannot retrieve 'used_species' values",-1) |
863 | RETURN |
864 | ENDIF |
865 | ! Now attempts to find specides properties !!! |
866 | mm_nesp = SIZE(species) |
867 | ALLOCATE(mm_spcname(mm_nesp),mm_xESPS(mm_nesp)) |
868 | !mm_spcname(1:mm_nesp) = species(:) |
869 | DO i=1,mm_nesp |
870 | mm_spcname(i) = to_lower(species(i)) |
871 | IF (.NOT.cfg_has_section(spccfg,TRIM(mm_spcname(i)))) THEN |
872 | err = error("mm_global_init: Cannot find "//TRIM(mm_spcname(i))//" properties",-1) |
873 | RETURN |
874 | ELSE |
875 | err = read_esp(spccfg,TRIM(mm_spcname(i)),mm_xESPS(i)) |
876 | ! compute conversion factor: mol.mol-1 => kg.kg-1 |
877 | mm_xESPS(i)%fmol2fmas = mm_xESPS(i)%masmol / mm_air_mmol |
878 | IF (err/=0) THEN |
879 | err = error(TRIM(mm_spcname(i))//": "//TRIM(err%msg),-2) |
880 | RETURN |
881 | ENDIF |
882 | ENDIF |
883 | ENDDO |
884 | ENDIF |
885 | |
886 | zwhp = .true. ; zwhs = .true. ; zwhc = .true. |
887 | zwcs = mm_w_clouds ; zwcn = mm_w_clouds |
888 | znofia = .false. ; zfiamin = 0.1_mm_wp ; zfiamax = 10._mm_wp |
889 | zwstom0 = .true. ; zwstom3 = .false. |
890 | |
891 | ! MP2M Optional parameters |
892 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"haze_production",mm_w_haze_prod),mm_w_haze_prod,zwhp,wlog=mm_log) |
893 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"haze_sedimentation",mm_w_haze_sed),mm_w_haze_sed,zwhs,wlog=mm_log) |
894 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"haze_coagulation",mm_w_haze_coag),mm_w_haze_coag,zwhc,wlog=mm_log) |
895 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"clouds_sedimentation",mm_w_cloud_sed),mm_w_cloud_sed,zwcs,wlog=mm_log) |
896 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"clouds_nucl_cond",mm_w_cloud_nucond),mm_w_cloud_nucond,zwcn,wlog=mm_log) |
897 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"wsed_m0",mm_wsed_m0),mm_wsed_m0,zwstom0,wlog=mm_log) |
898 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"wsed_m3",mm_wsed_m3),mm_wsed_m3,zwstom3,wlog=mm_log) |
899 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"no_fiadero",mm_no_fiadero_w),mm_no_fiadero_w,znofia,wlog=mm_log) |
900 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"fiadero_min_ratio",mm_fiadero_min),mm_fiadero_min,zfiamin,wlog=mm_log) |
901 | err = mm_check_opt(cfg_get_value(cfg,"fiadero_max_ratio",mm_fiadero_max),mm_fiadero_max,zfiamax,wlog=mm_log) |
902 | |
903 | err = noerror |
904 | ! special check for settling velocity |
905 | IF (mm_wsed_m0 .AND. mm_wsed_m3) THEN |
906 | err = error("'wsed_m0' and 'wsed_m3' options are mutually exclusive",-1) |
907 | ENDIF |
908 | mm_ini = err == noerror |
909 | END FUNCTION mm_global_init_1 |
910 | |
911 | FUNCTION mm_column_init(plev,zlev,play,zlay,temp) RESULT(err) |
912 | !! Initialize vertical atmospheric fields. |
913 | !! |
914 | !! This subroutine initializes vertical fields needed by the microphysics: |
915 | !! |
916 | !! 1. Save reversed input field into "local" array |
917 | !! 2. Compute thicknesses layers and levels |
918 | !! 3. Interpolate temperature at levels |
919 | !! |
920 | !! The method should be called whenever the vertical structure of the atmosphere changes. |
921 | !! |
922 | !! @attention |
923 | !! All the input vectors should be defined from __GROUND__ to __TOP__ of the atmosphere, |
924 | !! otherwise nasty things will occur in computations. |
925 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: plev !! Pressure levels (Pa). |
926 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: zlev !! Altitude levels (m). |
927 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: play !! Pressure layers (Pa). |
928 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: zlay !! Altitude at the center of each layer (m). |
929 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: temp !! Temperature at the center of each layer (K). |
930 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function. |
931 | INTEGER :: i |
932 | mm_ini_col = .false. |
933 | err = noerror |
934 | IF (.NOT.mm_ini) THEN |
935 | err = error("mm_column_init: Global initialization not done yet",-1) |
936 | RETURN |
937 | ENDIF |
938 | IF (mm_nla < 0) THEN |
939 | mm_nla = SIZE(play) |
940 | ELSE |
941 | IF (mm_nla /= SIZE(play)) THEN |
942 | err = error("mm_column_init: mm_nla cannot be modified dynamically within the run",-1) |
943 | RETURN |
944 | ENDIF |
945 | ENDIF |
946 | IF (mm_nle < 0) THEN |
947 | mm_nle = SIZE(plev) |
948 | ELSE |
949 | IF (mm_nle /= SIZE(plev)) THEN |
950 | err = error("mm_column_init: mm_nle cannot be modified dynamically within the run",-1) |
951 | RETURN |
952 | ENDIF |
953 | ENDIF |
954 | ! should be trashed soon or later |
955 | IF (mm_nla+1 /= mm_nle) THEN |
956 | err = error("mm_column_init: Inconsistent number of layers/levels",-1) |
957 | RETURN |
958 | ENDIF |
959 | ! Allocates if required |
960 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_plev)) ALLOCATE(mm_plev(mm_nle)) |
961 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_zlev)) ALLOCATE(mm_zlev(mm_nle)) |
962 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_play)) ALLOCATE(mm_play(mm_nla)) |
963 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_zlay)) ALLOCATE(mm_zlay(mm_nla)) |
964 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_temp)) ALLOCATE(mm_temp(mm_nla)) |
965 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_btemp)) ALLOCATE(mm_btemp(mm_nle)) |
966 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_dzlev)) ALLOCATE(mm_dzlev(mm_nla)) |
967 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_dzlay)) ALLOCATE(mm_dzlay(mm_nla)) |
968 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_rhoair)) ALLOCATE(mm_rhoair(mm_nla)) |
969 | ! Saves reversed input vectors |
970 | mm_zlay = zlay(mm_nla:1:-1) ; mm_zlev = zlev(mm_nle:1:-1) |
971 | mm_play = play(mm_nla:1:-1) ; mm_plev = plev(mm_nle:1:-1) |
972 | mm_temp = temp(mm_nla:1:-1) |
973 | ! Computes others vectors |
974 | mm_dzlay(1:mm_nla-1) = mm_zlay(1:mm_nla-1)-mm_zlay(2:mm_nla) |
975 | mm_dzlay(mm_nla) = mm_dzlay(mm_nla-1) ! actually arbitrary |
976 | mm_dzlev(1:mm_nla) = mm_zlev(1:mm_nle-1)-mm_zlev(2:mm_nle) |
977 | mm_btemp(2:mm_nla) = (mm_temp(1:mm_nla-1)+mm_temp(2:mm_nla))/2._mm_wp |
978 | mm_btemp(1) = mm_temp(1) |
979 | mm_btemp(mm_nle) = mm_temp(mm_nla)+(mm_temp(mm_nla)-mm_temp(mm_nla-1))/2._mm_wp |
980 | ! Hydrostatic equilibrium |
981 | mm_rhoair(1:mm_nla) = (mm_plev(2:mm_nle)-mm_plev(1:mm_nla)) / & |
982 | (mm_effg(mm_zlay)*mm_dzlev) |
983 | mm_ini_col = .true. |
984 | ! write out profiles (only if BOTH debug and log are enabled). |
985 | IF (mm_log.AND.mm_debug) THEN |
987 | DO i=1,mm_nla |
988 | WRITE(*,'(5(ES15.7,2X))') mm_temp(i),mm_play(i),mm_zlay(i),mm_dzlay(i), mm_rhoair(i) |
989 | ENDDO |
990 | WRITE(*,'(a)') '# TEMP PLEV ZLEV DZLEV' |
991 | DO i=1,mm_nle |
992 | IF (i /= mm_nle) THEN |
993 | WRITE(*,'(4(ES15.7,2X))') mm_btemp(i),mm_plev(i),mm_zlev(i),mm_dzlev(i) |
994 | ELSE |
995 | WRITE(*,'(3(ES15.7,2X))') mm_btemp(i),mm_plev(i),mm_zlev(i) |
996 | ENDIF |
997 | ENDDO |
998 | ENDIF |
999 | |
1000 | RETURN |
1001 | END FUNCTION mm_column_init |
1002 | |
1003 | FUNCTION mm_aerosols_init(m0aer_s,m3aer_s,m0aer_f,m3aer_f) RESULT(err) |
1004 | !! Initialize clouds tracers vertical grid. |
1005 | !! |
1006 | !! The subroutine initializes aerosols microphysics tracers columns. It allocates variables if |
1007 | !! required and stores input vectors in reversed order. It also computes the characteristic radii |
1008 | !! of each mode. |
1009 | !! @note |
1010 | !! All the input arguments should be defined from ground to top. |
1011 | !! |
1012 | !! @attention |
1013 | !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init(interface)]] and [[mm_globals(module):mm_column_init(function)]] |
1014 | !! must have been called at least once before this method is called. Moreover, this method should be |
1015 | !! after each call of [[mm_globals(module):mm_column_init(function)]] to reflect changes in the |
1016 | !! vertical atmospheric structure. |
1017 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: m0aer_s !! \(0^{th}\) order moment of the spherical mode (\(m^{-2}\)). |
1018 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: m3aer_s !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment of the spherical mode (\(m^{3}.m^{-2}\)). |
1019 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: m0aer_f !! \(0^{th}\) order moment of the fractal mode (\(m^{-2}\)). |
1020 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: m3aer_f !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment of the fractal mode (\(m^{3}.m^{-2}\)). |
1021 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function. |
1022 | err = noerror |
1023 | IF (.NOT.mm_ini) THEN |
1024 | err = error("mm_aerosols_init: Global initialization not done yet",-1) ; RETURN |
1025 | ENDIF |
1026 | IF (.NOT.mm_ini_col) THEN |
1027 | err = error("mm_aerosols_init: Column initialization not done yet",-1) ; RETURN |
1028 | ENDIF |
1029 | ! Check input size ??? |
1030 | IF (SIZE(m0aer_s) /= mm_nla) THEN |
1031 | err = error("mm_aerosols_init: Invalid size for input arrays",-1) ; RETURN |
1032 | ENDIF |
1033 | |
1034 | ! Allocate variable if required |
1035 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m0aer_s)) ALLOCATE(mm_m0aer_s(mm_nla)) |
1036 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m3aer_s)) ALLOCATE(mm_m3aer_s(mm_nla)) |
1037 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m0aer_f)) ALLOCATE(mm_m0aer_f(mm_nla)) |
1038 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m3aer_f)) ALLOCATE(mm_m3aer_f(mm_nla)) |
1039 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_rcs)) ALLOCATE(mm_rcs(mm_nla)) |
1040 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_rcf)) ALLOCATE(mm_rcf(mm_nla)) |
1041 | ! Allocate memory for diagnostics |
1042 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_aer_s_flux)) THEN |
1043 | ALLOCATE(mm_aer_s_flux(mm_nla)) ; mm_aer_s_flux(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1044 | ENDIF |
1045 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_aer_f_flux)) THEN |
1046 | ALLOCATE(mm_aer_f_flux(mm_nla)) ; mm_aer_f_flux(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1047 | ENDIF |
1048 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m0as_vsed)) THEN |
1049 | ALLOCATE(mm_m0as_vsed(mm_nla)) ; mm_m0as_vsed(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1050 | ENDIF |
1051 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m3as_vsed)) THEN |
1052 | ALLOCATE(mm_m3as_vsed(mm_nla)) ; mm_m3as_vsed(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1053 | ENDIF |
1054 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m0af_vsed)) THEN |
1055 | ALLOCATE(mm_m0af_vsed(mm_nla)) ; mm_m0af_vsed(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1056 | ENDIF |
1057 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m3af_vsed)) THEN |
1058 | ALLOCATE(mm_m3af_vsed(mm_nla)) ; mm_m3af_vsed(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1059 | ENDIF |
1060 | ! note : mm_dzlev is already from top to ground |
1061 | mm_m0aer_s = m0aer_s(mm_nla:1:-1)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1062 | mm_m3aer_s = m3aer_s(mm_nla:1:-1)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1063 | mm_m0aer_f = m0aer_f(mm_nla:1:-1)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1064 | mm_m3aer_f = m3aer_f(mm_nla:1:-1)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1065 | ! aerosols characteristic radii |
1066 | ! il faudrait peut etre revoir la gestion des zeros ici et la |
1067 | ! remplacer par une valeur seuil des moments. |
1068 | WHERE(mm_m3aer_s > 0._mm_wp .AND. mm_m0aer_s > 0._mm_wp) |
1069 | mm_rcs = mm_get_rcs(mm_m0aer_s,mm_m3aer_s) |
1070 | ELSEWHERE |
1071 | mm_rcs = 0._mm_wp |
1072 | ENDWHERE |
1073 | WHERE(mm_m3aer_f > 0._mm_wp .AND. mm_m0aer_f > 0._mm_wp) |
1074 | mm_rcf = mm_get_rcf(mm_m0aer_f,mm_m3aer_f) |
1075 | ELSEWHERE |
1076 | mm_rcf = 0._mm_wp |
1077 | ENDWHERE |
1078 | mm_ini_aer = .true. |
1079 | END FUNCTION mm_aerosols_init |
1080 | |
1081 | FUNCTION mm_clouds_init(m0ccn,m3ccn,m3ice,gazs) RESULT(err) |
1082 | !! Initialize clouds tracers vertical grid. |
1083 | !! |
1084 | !! The subroutine initializes cloud microphysics tracers columns. It allocates variables if |
1085 | !! required and stores input vectors in reversed order. It also computes the mean drop radius |
1086 | !! and density and allocates diagnostic vectors. |
1087 | !! @note |
1088 | !! All the input arguments should be defined from ground to top. |
1089 | !! |
1090 | !! @attention |
1091 | !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_global_init(interface)]] and [[mm_globals(module):mm_column_init(function)]] |
1092 | !! must have been called at least once before this method is called. Moreover, this method should be |
1093 | !! after each call of [[mm_globals(module):mm_column_init(function)]] to reflect changes in the |
1094 | !! vertical atmospheric structure. |
1095 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: m0ccn !! 0th order moment of the CCN distribution (\(m^{-2}\)). |
1096 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: m3ccn !! 3rd order moment of the CCN distribution (\(m^{3}.m^{-2}\)). |
1097 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: m3ice !! 3rd order moments of the ice components (\(m^{3}.m^{-2}\)). |
1098 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(in) :: gazs !! Condensible species gazs molar fraction (\(mol.mol^{-1}\)). |
1099 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function. |
1100 | INTEGER :: i |
1101 | err = noerror |
1102 | IF (.NOT.mm_ini) THEN |
1103 | err = error("Global initialization not done yet",-8) |
1104 | RETURN |
1105 | ENDIF |
1106 | |
1107 | IF (.NOT.mm_w_clouds) THEN |
1108 | IF (mm_debug) WRITE(*,'(a)') "WARNING: Cloud microphysic is not enabled..." |
1109 | RETURN |
1110 | ENDIF |
1111 | |
1112 | ! Note: |
1113 | ! Here we could check that mm_nla is the same size of gazs(DIM=1) |
1114 | ! Actually, mm_nla should always initialized the first time mm_column_init is called, NOT HERE. |
1115 | IF (mm_nla < 0) mm_nla = SIZE(gazs,DIM=1) |
1116 | ! Note: |
1117 | ! here we could check that mm_nesp is the same size of gazs(DIM=2) |
1118 | ! Actually, mm_nesp should be always initialized in mm_global_init, NOT HERE. |
1119 | IF (mm_nesp < 0) mm_nesp = SIZE(gazs,DIM=2) |
1120 | |
1121 | ! Allocate variable if required |
1122 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m0ccn)) ALLOCATE(mm_m0ccn(mm_nla)) |
1123 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m3ccn)) ALLOCATE(mm_m3ccn(mm_nla)) |
1124 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_m3ice)) ALLOCATE(mm_m3ice(mm_nla,mm_nesp)) |
1125 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_gazs)) ALLOCATE(mm_gazs(mm_nla,mm_nesp)) |
1126 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_drad)) ALLOCATE(mm_drad(mm_nla)) |
1127 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_drho)) ALLOCATE(mm_drho(mm_nla)) |
1128 | ! Allocate memory for diagnostics |
1129 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_ccn_flux)) THEN |
1130 | ALLOCATE(mm_ccn_flux(mm_nla)) ; mm_ccn_flux(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1131 | ENDIF |
1132 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_ice_prec)) THEN |
1133 | ALLOCATE(mm_ice_prec(mm_nesp)) ; mm_ice_prec(:) = 0._mm_wp |
1134 | ENDIF |
1135 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_ice_fluxes)) THEN |
1136 | ALLOCATE(mm_ice_fluxes(mm_nla,mm_nesp)) ; mm_ice_fluxes(:,:) = 0._mm_wp |
1137 | ENDIF |
1138 | IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED(mm_gazs_sat)) THEN |
1139 | ALLOCATE(mm_gazs_sat(mm_nla,mm_nesp)) ; mm_gazs_sat(:,:) = 0._mm_wp |
1140 | ENDIF |
1141 | |
1142 | ! note mm_dzlev already from top to ground |
1143 | mm_m0ccn = m0ccn(mm_nla:1:-1)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1144 | mm_m3ccn = m3ccn(mm_nla:1:-1)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1145 | DO i=1,mm_nesp |
1146 | mm_m3ice(:,i) = m3ice(mm_nla:1:-1,i)/mm_dzlev(:) |
1147 | mm_gazs(:,i) = gazs(mm_nla:1:-1,i) |
1148 | ENDDO |
1149 | ! drop mean radius |
1150 | call mm_cloud_properties(mm_m0ccn,mm_m3ccn,mm_m3ice,mm_drad,mm_drho) |
1151 | mm_ini_cld = .true. |
1152 | END FUNCTION mm_clouds_init |
1153 | |
1154 | SUBROUTINE mm_dump_parameters() |
1155 | !! Dump model global parameters on stdout. |
1156 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "========= YAMMS PARAMETERS ============" |
1157 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') "mm_w_haze_prod : ", mm_w_haze_prod |
1158 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') " mm_p_prod : ", mm_p_prod |
1159 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') " mm_tx_prod : ", mm_tx_prod |
1160 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') " mm_rc_prod : ", mm_rc_prod |
1161 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') "mm_w_haze_coag : ", mm_w_haze_coag |
1162 | WRITE(*,'(a,I2.2)') " mm_coag_interactions: ", mm_coag_choice |
1163 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') "mm_w_haze_sed : ", mm_w_haze_sed |
1164 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') " mm_wsed_m0 : ", mm_wsed_m0 |
1165 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') " mm_wsed_m3 : ", mm_wsed_m3 |
1166 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') " mm_no_fiadero_w : ", mm_no_fiadero_w |
1167 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') " mm_fiadero_min : ", mm_fiadero_min |
1168 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') " mm_fiadero_max : ", mm_fiadero_max |
1169 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') "mm_w_clouds : ", mm_w_clouds |
1170 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') " mm_w_cloud_sed : ", mm_w_cloud_sed |
1171 | WRITE(*,'(a,L2)') " mm_w_cloud_nucond : ", mm_w_cloud_nucond |
1172 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "---------------------------------------" |
1173 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') "mm_dt : ", mm_dt |
1174 | IF (mm_nla > -1) THEN |
1175 | WRITE(*,'(a,I3.3)') "mm_nla : ", mm_nla |
1176 | ELSE |
1177 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "mm_nla : not initialized yet" |
1178 | ENDIF |
1179 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') "mm_df : ", mm_df |
1180 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') "mm_rm : ", mm_rm |
1181 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') "mm_rpla : ", mm_rpla |
1182 | WRITE(*,'(a,ES14.7)') "mm_g0 : ", mm_g0 |
1183 | WRITE(*,'(a)') "=======================================" |
1184 | END SUBROUTINE mm_dump_parameters |
1185 | |
1186 | ELEMENTAL FUNCTION mm_get_rcs(m0,m3) RESULT(res) |
1187 | !! Get the characteristic radius for the spherical aerosols size distribution. |
1188 | !! |
1189 | !! The method computes the characteristic radius of the size distribution law |
1190 | !! of the spherical aerosols mode according to its moments and its inter-moments |
1191 | !! relation. |
1192 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: m0 !! \(0^{th}\) order moment |
1193 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: m3 !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment |
1194 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: res !! Radius |
1195 | ! arbitrary: if there is no way to compute radius |
1196 | IF (m3 <= 0._mm_wp .OR. m0 <= 0._mm_wp) res = 1._mm_wp |
1197 | res = (m3/m0/mm_alpha_s(3._mm_wp))**(1._mm_wp/3._mm_wp) |
1198 | END FUNCTION mm_get_rcs |
1199 | |
1200 | ELEMENTAL FUNCTION mm_get_rcf(m0,m3) RESULT(res) |
1201 | !! Get the characteristic radius for the fractal aerosols size distribution. |
1202 | !! |
1203 | !! The method computes the characteristic radius of the size distribution law |
1204 | !! of the fractal aerosols mode according to its moments and its inter-moments |
1205 | !! relation. |
1206 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: m0 !! \(0^{th}\) order moment |
1207 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: m3 !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment |
1208 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: res !! Radius |
1209 | ! arbitrary: if there is no way to compute radius |
1210 | IF (m3 <= 0._mm_wp .OR. m0 <= 0._mm_wp) res = 1._mm_wp |
1211 | res = (m3/m0/mm_alpha_f(3._mm_wp))**(1._mm_wp/3._mm_wp) |
1212 | END FUNCTION mm_get_rcf |
1213 | |
1214 | ELEMENTAL FUNCTION mm_effg(z) RESULT(effg) |
1215 | !! Compute effective gravitational acceleration. |
1216 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: z !! Altitude in meters |
1217 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: effg !! Effective gravitational acceleration in \(m.s^{-2}\) |
1218 | effg = mm_g0 |
1219 | IF (mm_use_effg) effg = effg * (mm_rpla/(mm_rpla+z))**2 |
1220 | RETURN |
1221 | END FUNCTION mm_effg |
1222 | |
1223 | !================================== |
1224 | ! --- private methods ------------- |
1225 | !================================== |
1226 | |
1227 | SUBROUTINE cldprop_sc(m0ccn,m3ccn,m3ice,drad,drho) |
1228 | !! Get cloud drop properties (scalar). |
1229 | !! |
1230 | !! The method computes the mean radius and mean density of cloud drops. |
1231 | !! |
1232 | !! @bug |
1233 | !! A possible bug can happen because of threshold snippet. If __drad__ is greater than |
1234 | !! __drmax__ (== 100 microns) it is automatically set to __drmax__, but computation of |
1235 | !! __drho__ remains unmodified. So __drho__ is not correct in that case. |
1236 | !! |
1237 | !! @todo |
1238 | !! Fix the bug of the subroutine, but it is rather minor, since theoretically we do not |
1239 | !! need the density of the drop. |
1240 | !! |
1241 | !! @todo |
1242 | !! Think about a better implementation of thresholds, and get sure of their consequences in |
1243 | !! the other parts of the model. |
1244 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: m0ccn !! \(0^{th}\) order moment of the ccn |
1245 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in) :: m3ccn !! \(3^{rd}\) order moment of the ccn |
1246 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: m3ice !! \(3^{rd}\) order moments of each ice component |
1247 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(out) :: drad !! Output mean drop radius |
1248 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(out), OPTIONAL :: drho !! Optional output mean drop density |
1249 | REAL(kind=mm_wp) :: vtot, wtot, ntot |
1250 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: threshold = 1.e-25_mm_wp, & |
1251 | drmin = 1.e-10_mm_wp, & |
1252 | drmax = 1.e-4_mm_wp, & |
1253 | athird = 1._mm_wp/3._mm_wp, & |
1254 | pifac = 4._mm_wp/3._mm_wp*mm_pi |
1255 | drad = 0._mm_wp |
1256 | ntot = m0ccn |
1257 | vtot = pifac*m3ccn+SUM(m3ice) |
1258 | wtot = pifac*m3ccn*mm_rhoaer+SUM(m3ice*mm_xESPS(:)%rho) |
1259 | IF (ntot <= threshold .OR. vtot <= 0._mm_wp) THEN |
1260 | drad = drmin |
1261 | IF (PRESENT(drho)) drho = mm_rhoaer |
1262 | ELSE |
1263 | drad = (vtot/ntot/pifac)**athird |
1264 | drad = MAX(MIN(drad,drmax),drmin) |
1265 | IF (PRESENT(drho)) drho = wtot/vtot |
1266 | ENDIF |
1267 | RETURN |
1268 | END SUBROUTINE cldprop_sc |
1269 | |
1270 | SUBROUTINE cldprop_ve(m0ccn,m3ccn,m3ice,drad,drho) |
1271 | !! Get cloud drop properties (vector). |
1272 | !! |
1273 | !! The method performs the same computations than [[mm_globals(module):cldprop_sc(subroutine)]] |
1274 | !! but for the entire vertical atmospheric structure. |
1275 | !! Same remarks apply here. |
1276 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: m0ccn !! 0th order moment of the ccn. |
1277 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:) :: m3ccn !! 3rd order moment of the ccn. |
1278 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), DIMENSION(:,:) :: m3ice !! 3rd order moments of each ice component. |
1279 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:) :: drad !! Output mean drop radius. |
1280 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL :: drho !! Optional output mean drop density. |
1281 | INTEGER :: i,ns |
1282 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: vtot,wtot,ntot,rho |
1283 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), PARAMETER :: threshold = 1.e-25_mm_wp, & |
1284 | drmin = 1.e-10_mm_wp, & |
1285 | drmax = 1.e-4_mm_wp, & |
1286 | athird = 1._mm_wp/3._mm_wp, & |
1287 | pifac = 4._mm_wp/3._mm_wp*mm_pi |
1288 | |
1289 | ns = SIZE(m0ccn) ; ALLOCATE(vtot(ns),wtot(ns),ntot(ns),rho(ns)) |
1290 | drad = 0._mm_wp |
1291 | ntot = m0ccn |
1292 | vtot = pifac*m3ccn+SUM(m3ice,DIM=2) |
1293 | wtot = pifac*m3ccn*mm_rhoaer |
1294 | DO i=1,SIZE(m3ice,DIM=2) |
1295 | wtot = wtot+m3ice(:,i)*mm_xESPS(i)%rho |
1296 | ENDDO |
1297 | WHERE(ntot <= threshold .OR. vtot <= 0._mm_wp) |
1298 | drad = drmin |
1299 | rho = mm_rhoaer |
1300 | ELSEWHERE |
1301 | drad = (vtot/ntot/pifac)**athird |
1302 | drad = MAX(MIN(drad,drmax),drmin) |
1303 | rho = wtot/vtot |
1304 | END WHERE |
1305 | IF (PRESENT(drho)) drho = rho |
1306 | RETURN |
1307 | END SUBROUTINE cldprop_ve |
1308 | |
1309 | ! For configuration file (requires fccp library). |
1310 | |
1311 | FUNCTION read_esp(parser,sec,pp) RESULT (err) |
1312 | !! Read and store [[mm_globals(module):mm_esp(type)]] parameters. |
1313 | TYPE(cfgparser), INTENT(in) :: parser !! Configuration parser. |
1314 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: sec !! Name of the specie (should match a section of the configuration. |
1315 | TYPE(mm_esp), INTENT(out) :: pp !! [[mm_globals(module):mm_esp(type)]] object that stores the parameters. |
1316 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function. |
1317 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'name',pp%name) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1318 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'mas',pp%mas) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1319 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'vol',pp%vol) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1320 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'ray',pp%ray) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1321 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'mas',pp%mas) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1322 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'vol',pp%vol) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1323 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'ray',pp%ray) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1324 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'masmol',pp%masmol) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1325 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'rho',pp%rho) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1326 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'tc',pp%tc) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1327 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'pc',pp%pc) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1328 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'tb',pp%tb) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1329 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'w',pp%w) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1330 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'a_sat',pp%a_sat) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1331 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'b_sat',pp%b_sat) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1332 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'c_sat',pp%c_sat) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1333 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'d_sat',pp%d_sat) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1334 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'mteta',pp%mteta) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1335 | err = cfg_get_value(parser,TRIM(sec)//'tx_prod',pp%tx_prod) ; IF (err /= 0) RETURN |
1336 | RETURN |
1337 | END FUNCTION read_esp |
1338 | |
1339 | ! ========================================================================= |
1340 | ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1341 | ! CONFIGURATION PARSER checking methods |
1342 | ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
1343 | ! ========================================================================= |
1344 | |
1345 | FUNCTION check_r1(err,var,def,wlog) RESULT(ret) |
1346 | !! Check an option value (float). |
1347 | !! |
1348 | !! The method checks an option value and optionally set a default value, __def__ to initialize |
1349 | !! __var__ on error if given. |
1350 | TYPE(error), INTENT(in) :: err !! Error object from value getter. |
1351 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(inout) :: var !! Input/output option value. |
1352 | REAL(kind=mm_wp), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: def !! Default value to set. |
1353 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: wlog !! .true. to print warning/error message. |
1354 | TYPE(error) :: ret !! Input error. |
1355 | CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: defmsg = '... Using default value: ' |
1356 | LOGICAL :: zlog |
1357 | ret = err |
1358 | zlog = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(wlog)) zlog = wlog |
1359 | IF (err == 0) RETURN |
1360 | IF (PRESENT(def)) THEN |
1361 | var = def |
1362 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a,a,a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.),defmsg,to_string(var) |
1363 | ret = noerror |
1364 | ELSE |
1365 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.) |
1366 | ENDIF |
1367 | END FUNCTION check_r1 |
1368 | |
1369 | FUNCTION check_l1(err,var,def,wlog) RESULT(ret) |
1370 | !! Check an option value (logical). |
1371 | !! |
1372 | !! The method checks an option value and optionally set a default value, __def__ to initialize |
1373 | !! __var__ on error if given. |
1374 | TYPE(error), INTENT(in) :: err !! Error object from value getter. |
1375 | LOGICAL, INTENT(inout) :: var !! Input/output option value. |
1376 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: def !! Default value to set. |
1377 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: wlog !! .true. to print warning/error message. |
1378 | TYPE(error) :: ret !! Input error. |
1379 | CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: defmsg = '... Using default value: ' |
1380 | LOGICAL :: zlog |
1381 | ret = err |
1382 | zlog = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(wlog)) zlog = wlog |
1383 | IF (err == 0) RETURN |
1384 | IF (PRESENT(def)) THEN |
1385 | var = def |
1386 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a,a,a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.),defmsg,to_string(var) |
1387 | ret = noerror |
1388 | ELSE |
1389 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.) |
1390 | ENDIF |
1391 | END FUNCTION check_l1 |
1392 | |
1393 | FUNCTION check_i1(err,var,def,wlog) RESULT(ret) |
1394 | !! Check an option value (integer). |
1395 | !! |
1396 | !! The method checks an option value and optionally set a default value, __def__ to initialize |
1397 | !! __var__ on error if given. |
1398 | TYPE(error), INTENT(in) :: err !! Error object from value getter. |
1399 | INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: var !! Input/output option value. |
1400 | INTEGER, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: def !! Default value to set. |
1401 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: wlog !! .true. to print warning/error message. |
1402 | TYPE(error) :: ret !! Input error. |
1403 | CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: defmsg = '... Using default value: ' |
1404 | LOGICAL :: zlog |
1405 | ret = err |
1406 | zlog = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(wlog)) zlog = wlog |
1407 | IF (err == 0) RETURN |
1408 | IF (PRESENT(def)) THEN |
1409 | var = def |
1410 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a,a,a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.),defmsg,to_string(var) |
1411 | ret = noerror |
1412 | ELSE |
1413 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.) |
1414 | ENDIF |
1415 | END FUNCTION check_i1 |
1416 | |
1417 | FUNCTION check_s1(err,var,def,wlog) RESULT(ret) |
1418 | !! Check an option value (string). |
1419 | !! |
1420 | !! The method checks an option value and optionally set a default value, __def__ to initialize |
1421 | !! __var__ on error if given. |
1422 | TYPE(error), INTENT(in) :: err !! Error object from value getter. |
1423 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(inout) :: var !! Input/output option value. |
1424 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: def !! Default value to set. |
1425 | LOGICAL, INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: wlog !! .true. to print warning/error message. |
1426 | TYPE(error) :: ret !! Input error. |
1427 | CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: defmsg = '... Using default value: ' |
1428 | LOGICAL :: zlog |
1429 | ret = err |
1430 | zlog = .false. ; IF (PRESENT(wlog)) zlog = wlog |
1431 | IF (err == 0) RETURN |
1432 | IF (PRESENT(def)) THEN |
1433 | var = TRIM(def) |
1434 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a,a,a)') error_to_string(err,'',.true.),defmsg,var |
1435 | ret = noerror |
1436 | ELSE |
1437 | IF (zlog) WRITE(*,'(a)') error_to_string(err,'') |
1438 | ENDIF |
1439 | RETURN |
1440 | END FUNCTION check_s1 |
1441 | |