1 | ! Copyright Jérémie Burgalat (2010-2015) |
2 | ! |
3 | ! burgalat.jeremie@gmail.com |
4 | ! |
5 | ! This software is a computer program whose purpose is to provide configuration |
6 | ! file and command line arguments parsing features to Fortran programs. |
7 | ! |
8 | ! This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and |
9 | ! abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, |
10 | ! modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B |
11 | ! license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL |
12 | ! "http://www.cecill.info". |
13 | ! |
14 | ! As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, |
15 | ! modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only |
16 | ! with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the |
17 | ! economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited |
18 | ! liability. |
19 | ! |
20 | ! In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated |
21 | ! with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the |
22 | ! software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, |
23 | ! that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also |
24 | ! therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced |
25 | ! professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore |
26 | ! encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their |
27 | ! requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or |
28 | ! data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the |
29 | ! same conditions as regards security. |
30 | ! |
31 | ! The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had |
32 | ! knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms. |
33 | |
34 | !! file: asciiread.F90 |
35 | !! summary: ASCII data file reader source file |
36 | !! author: burgalat |
37 | !! date: 2013-2015 |
39 | !! ASCII data file reader module |
40 | !! |
41 | !! This module provides a single generic method that can be used to read 2D/3D |
42 | !! data array from ASCII file. |
43 | !! |
44 | !! ```fortran |
45 | !! FUNCTION read_data(path,data) RESULT(err) |
46 | !! ``` |
47 | !! |
48 | !! Where: |
49 | !! |
50 | !! - __path__ is a string with the path of the data file. |
51 | !! - __data__ is an output __allocatable__ 2D/3D array of real(kind=8) values. |
52 | !! |
53 | !! ## Expected Format of the data file |
54 | !! |
55 | !! The input file: |
56 | !! - must use blank space(s) as value delimiter. |
57 | !! - must have a regular number of columns, that is each data line must |
58 | !! have the same number of columns. |
59 | !! - can contains any number of empty lines and/or comment line (i.e. line |
60 | !! where first non-blank character is "#"). All other lines are assumed |
61 | !! to be data. |
62 | !! Moreover, in the case of 3D data, it must use a SINGLE empty line for "depth" block separator. |
63 | !! |
64 | !! Error occured when: |
65 | !! |
66 | !! - path does not refer to a existing file (1) |
67 | !! - Logical unit 666 is not free (1) |
68 | !! - the file does not have regular data-columns number (5) |
69 | !! - at least a value cannot be cast in double precision (5) |
70 | !! |
71 | !! On error, __data__ array is not allocated. |
72 | !! |
73 | !! ## 3D data structure |
74 | !! |
75 | !! In the case of 3D data the method assumes that the input files consists in _D_ blocks |
76 | !! of _R_ lines with _C_ columns. Each block must be separated by a single empty line |
77 | !! and each columns must separated by one or more blank spaces (no tabulation ALLOWED). |
78 | !! |
79 | !! On success, the shape of the 3D output array will be _data(R,C,D)_. |
81 | USE STRINGS, ONLY: tokenize,from_string, st_slen |
84 | |
85 | PRIVATE |
86 | PUBLIC :: noerror,error, error_to_string,aborting |
87 | PUBLIC :: read_data, OPERATOR(/=), OPERATOR(==) |
88 | |
89 | !! Global interface to reading methods |
90 | INTERFACE read_data |
91 | MODULE PROCEDURE read_data_2d, read_data_3d |
93 | |
95 | |
96 | |
97 | FUNCTION read_data_3d(path,data3d,delimiter) RESULT(err) |
98 | !! Read an input ASCII data file and stores its content in a 3D array |
99 | !! |
100 | !! The function reads an ASCII file and saves its values in a real(kind=8) 3D-array. |
101 | !! |
102 | !! The input file: |
103 | !! |
104 | !! - must have a regular number of columns, that is each data line must have the same number |
105 | !! of columns (according to the delimiter used). |
106 | !! - must use a SINGLE empty line for "depth" block separator. |
107 | !! - can contains any number of comment lines (i.e. line where first non-blank character is "#"). |
108 | !! All other lines (except empty lines) are assumed to be data. |
109 | !! |
110 | !! Error occured when: |
111 | !! - Path does not refer to a existing file (-11) |
112 | !! - No free logical unit available (-12) |
113 | !! - The file does not have regular data-columns number (-5) |
114 | !! - At least a value cannot be cast in double precision (-10) |
115 | !! |
116 | !! The method assumes the input files consists in _D_ block of _R_ lines |
117 | !! with _C_ columns. Each block must be separated by a single empty line and |
118 | !! each columns must separated by one or more blank spaces (no tabulation ALLOWED). |
119 | !! |
120 | !! On success, the shape of the 3D output array will be _output(R,C,D)_. |
121 | !! On error, the 3D output array is __not allocated__. |
122 | !! |
123 | !! @note |
124 | !! The function uses the logical unit 666 ! |
125 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path of the input data file |
126 | REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: data3d !! 3D-array with the output values (double precision) |
127 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! Optional column delimiter(s) |
128 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of the function |
129 | LOGICAL :: ok |
130 | INTEGER :: i,lc,tlc |
131 | INTEGER :: ndr,ndc,ndd |
132 | INTEGER :: ir,jc,kd |
133 | REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp |
134 | CHARACTER(len=5) :: slc |
135 | CHARACTER(len=15) :: i2s |
136 | CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line,lm1,zdelim |
137 | CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wrds |
138 | |
139 | zdelim = CHAR(9)//CHAR(32) |
140 | IF (PRESENT(delimiter)) zdelim = delimiter |
141 | ! Check file status |
142 | INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(path),EXIST=ok) |
143 | IF (.NOT.ok) THEN |
144 | err = error(trim(path)//": no such file",-1) ; RETURN |
145 | ENDIF |
146 | INQUIRE(unit=666,OPENED=ok) |
147 | IF (ok) THEN |
148 | err = error("lun 666 is already used",-1) ; RETURN |
149 | ENDIF |
150 | ! Open file |
152 | |
153 | ! First pass : |
154 | ! ------------ |
155 | ! - get size (rows, columns, depth) |
156 | ! - check size consistendcy |
157 | ! - check value type |
158 | lc = 0 ; tlc = 0 |
159 | ndr = -1 ; ndc = -1 ; ndd = 1 |
160 | DO WHILE(readline(666,line)) |
161 | lm1 = line |
162 | ! Read the line |
163 | lc = lc + 1 ; WRITE(slc,'(I5)') lc ; slc = ADJUSTL(slc) |
164 | ! skip comment line |
165 | IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1) CYCLE |
166 | ! An empty line: new 2D block |
167 | IF (LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) THEN |
168 | ndd = ndd + 1 |
169 | IF (ndr < 0) THEN |
170 | ndr = tlc |
171 | ELSEIF (tlc /= ndr) THEN |
172 | WRITE(i2s,'(I15)') ndd ; i2s = ADJUSTL(i2s) |
173 | err = error(trim(path)//":Invalid number of lines in block #"//i2s//"(line "//TRIM(slc)//")",-5) |
174 | RETURN |
175 | ENDIF |
176 | tlc = 0 |
177 | CYCLE |
178 | ENDIF |
179 | tlc = tlc + 1 |
180 | ! Splits line in words |
181 | IF (.NOT.tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.)) THEN |
182 | ! cannot tokenize |
183 | err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot parse line "//TRIM(slc),-5) |
184 | RETURN |
185 | ELSEIF (.NOT.from_string(wrds,tmp)) THEN |
186 | ! cannot cast values |
187 | err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot cast values at line "//TRIM(slc),-5) |
188 | RETURN |
189 | ELSEIF (ndc > 0 .AND. ndc /= SIZE(wrds)) THEN |
190 | ! current number of columns not equal to last one |
191 | err = error(trim(path)//": Invalid number of columns (line "//TRIM(slc)//")",-5) |
192 | RETURN |
193 | ENDIF |
194 | IF (ndc == -1) ndc = SIZE(wrds) |
195 | ENDDO |
196 | |
197 | ! NOTE: |
198 | ! there is a possible bug if data file ends by an empty line: |
199 | ! we will have an extra empty bloc ! |
200 | ! current patch: we save the last line of the file and check it: |
201 | ! - if we have empty line, we reduce ndd by one. |
202 | IF (LEN_TRIM(lm1) == 0) ndd = ndd-1 |
203 | |
204 | ! Rewind input data file |
205 | REWIND(666) |
206 | ! Allocate memory |
207 | ALLOCATE(data3d(ndr,ndc,ndd)) |
208 | ir = 0 ; kd = 1 ; |
209 | DO WHILE(readline(666,line)) |
210 | IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1) CYCLE |
211 | ir = ir + 1 |
212 | ! empty line update block subscripts |
213 | IF (LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) THEN |
214 | kd = kd + 1 ; ir = 0 ; CYCLE |
215 | ENDIF |
216 | ok = tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.) |
217 | DO jc = 1,ndc ; ok = from_string(wrds(jc),data3d(ir,jc,kd)) ; ENDDO |
218 | ENDDO |
219 | CLOSE(666) |
220 | END FUNCTION read_data_3d |
221 | |
222 | FUNCTION read_data_2d(path,data2d,delimiter) RESULT(err) |
223 | !! Read an input ASCII data file and stores its content in a 2D array |
224 | !! |
225 | !! The function reads an ASCII file and saves its values in a real(kind=8) 2D-array. |
226 | !! |
227 | !! The input file: |
228 | !! |
229 | !! - can contains any number of empty lines and/or comment line (i.e. line where first |
230 | !! non-blank character is "#"). All other lines are assumed to be data. |
231 | !! - must have a regular number of columns, that is each data line must have the same |
232 | !! number of columns. |
233 | !! - must use blank space(s) as value delimiter. |
234 | !! |
235 | !! Error occured when: |
236 | !! |
237 | !! - Path does not refer to a existing file (-1) |
238 | !! - Logical unit 666 is not free (-1) |
239 | !! - The file does not have regular data-columns number (-5) |
240 | !! - At least a value cannot be cast in double precision (-5) |
241 | !! |
242 | !! On error, the 2D output array is __not allocated__. |
243 | !! @note |
244 | !! The function uses the logical unit 666 ! |
245 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in) :: path !! Path of the input data file |
246 | REAL(kind=8), INTENT(out), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: data2d !! 2D-array with the output values (double precision) |
247 | CHARACTER(len=*), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL :: delimiter !! Optional column delimiter(s) |
248 | TYPE(error) :: err !! Error status of function. |
249 | LOGICAL :: ok |
250 | INTEGER :: i,e,vc,lc |
251 | INTEGER :: nl,nc |
252 | REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmp |
253 | CHARACTER(len=5) :: slc |
254 | CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE :: line,zdelim |
255 | CHARACTER(len=st_slen), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: wrds |
256 | |
257 | zdelim = CHAR(9)//CHAR(32) |
258 | IF (PRESENT(delimiter)) zdelim = delimiter |
259 | ! Gets array size |
260 | INQUIRE(FILE=TRIM(path),EXIST=ok) |
261 | IF (.NOT.ok) THEN |
262 | err = error(trim(path)//": no such file",-1) ; RETURN |
263 | ENDIF |
264 | INQUIRE(unit=666,OPENED=ok) |
265 | IF (ok) THEN |
266 | err = error("lun 666 is already used",-1) ; RETURN |
267 | ENDIF |
269 | vc = 0 ; lc=0 ; ok = .true. |
270 | ! Read the file twice :) |
271 | lc=0 ; vc = 0 ; nc=-1 |
272 | ! First pass : get number of row values and checks everything ! |
273 | DO |
274 | ! Read the line |
275 | IF (.NOT.readline(666,line)) EXIT |
276 | lc = lc + 1 ; WRITE(slc,'(I5)') lc ; slc = ADJUSTL(slc) |
277 | ! skip empty/comment line |
278 | IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1.OR.LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) CYCLE |
279 | ! update row counter |
280 | vc = vc + 1 |
281 | ! Splits line in words |
282 | IF (.NOT.tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.)) THEN |
283 | ! cannot tokenize |
284 | err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot parse line "//TRIM(slc),-5) |
285 | RETURN |
286 | ELSEIF (.NOT.from_string(wrds,tmp)) THEN |
287 | ! cannot cast values |
288 | do i=1,size(wrds) ; write(*,*) trim(wrds(i)) ; enddo |
289 | write(1111,'(a)') line |
290 | err = error(trim(path)//": Cannot cast values at line "//TRIM(slc),-5) |
291 | RETURN |
292 | ELSEIF (nc > 0 .AND. nc /= SIZE(wrds)) THEN |
293 | ! current number of columns not equal to last one |
294 | err = error(trim(path)//": Invalid number of columns (line "//TRIM(slc)//")",-5) |
295 | RETURN |
296 | ENDIF |
297 | IF (nc == -1) nc = SIZE(wrds) |
298 | ENDDO |
299 | ! Rewind input data file |
300 | REWIND(666) |
301 | nl = vc |
302 | ! allocate memory |
303 | ALLOCATE(data2d(nl,nc)) |
304 | ! Second pass : saves values :) |
305 | vc = 0 |
306 | DO WHILE(vc <= nl) |
307 | ! Reads the line |
308 | IF (.NOT.readline(666,line)) EXIT |
309 | ! Check if we have comment or null string |
310 | IF (INDEX(TRIM(ADJUSTL(line)),"#") == 1.OR.LEN_TRIM(line) == 0) CYCLE |
311 | vc = vc + 1 |
312 | ok = tokenize(line,wrds,zdelim,.true.) |
313 | DO i = 1,nc |
314 | ok = from_string(wrds(i),data2d(vc,i)) |
315 | ENDDO |
316 | ENDDO |
317 | CLOSE(666) |
318 | RETURN |
319 | END FUNCTION read_data_2d |
320 | |
321 | FUNCTION readline(lun,line) RESULT(not_eof) |
322 | !! Read a complete line |
323 | !! |
324 | !! Each time, it is called, the function reads a complete of the file opened in __lun__ |
325 | !! logical unit and returns .false. if EOF has been reached, .true. otherwise. |
326 | !! |
327 | !! The function is intended to read a file line by line: |
328 | !! |
329 | !! ```fortran |
330 | !! lu = 1 |
331 | !! open(lu,file="path/to/the/file/to/read") |
332 | !! l=0 ! A line counter |
333 | !! DO WHILE(readline(lu,line)) |
334 | !! l = l + 1 |
335 | !! WRITE(*,'("L",I2.2,": ",(a))') il,line |
336 | !! ENDDO |
337 | !! CLOSE(1) |
338 | !! ``` |
339 | INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: lun !! Logical unit with the opened file to read. |
340 | CHARACTER(len=:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(out) :: line !! Processed line |
341 | LOGICAL :: not_eof !! .true. if EOF has NOT been reached yet, .false. otherwise |
342 | CHARACTER(len=50) :: buf |
343 | INTEGER :: e,sz |
344 | not_eof = .true. ; line = '' |
345 | DO |
346 | READ(lun,'(a)',ADVANCE="no",SIZE=sz,IOSTAT=e) buf |
347 | IF (e == IOSTAT_END) THEN |
348 | not_eof = .false. |
349 | IF (sz > 0) line=line//buf(1:sz) |
350 | EXIT |
351 | ELSE IF (e == IOSTAT_EOR) THEN |
352 | line = line//buf(1:sz) |
353 | EXIT |
354 | ELSE |
355 | line = line//buf |
356 | ENDIF |
357 | ENDDO |
358 | END FUNCTION readline |
359 | |
360 | END MODULE |