/* gptitan: photochimie */ /* GCCM */ /* tout est passe en simple precision */ /* sauf pour l'inversion de la matrice */ /* nitriles et hydrocarbures separes pour l'inversion */ /* flux variable au sommet */ #include "titan.h" void gptitan_(const int *NLAT, double *RA, double *TEMP, double *NB, char CORPS[][10], double Y[][NLEV], double *FTOP, double *DECLIN, double *FIN, int *LAT, double *MASS, double *botCH4, double KRPD[][NLEV][RDISS+1][15], double KRATE[][NLEV], int reactif[][5], int *nom_prod, int *nom_perte, int prod[][200], int perte[][200][2], int *aerprod, int *utilaer, double MAER[][NLEV], double PRODAER[][NLEV], double CSN[][NLEV], double CSH[][NLEV], int *htoh2, double *surfhaze) { char outlog[100],corps[100][10]; int dec,declinint,i,j,k,l; int ireac,ncom1,ncom2; double *fl,*fp,*mu,**jac,*ym1; double *fluxtop,fluxCH4; double cm,conv,cp,delta,deltamax,dv,dr,drp,drm; double rr,np,nm,factdec,s,test,time,ts,v; double *fd,**jacd; char str2[15]; FILE *out; /* va avec htoh2 */ double dyh,dyh2; /* va avec aer */ double dyc2h2,dyhc3n,dyhcn,dynccn,dych3cn,dyc2h3cn; double **k_dep,**faer; double *productaer,*csurn,*csurh,*mmolaer; if( (*aerprod) == 1 ) { k_dep = dm2d( 1, 5, 1, 3 ); /* k en s-1, reactions d'initiation */ faer = dm2d( 1, 5, 1, 3 ); /* fraction de chaque compose */ productaer = dm1d( 0, 3 ); /* local production rate by pathways */ mmolaer = dm1d( 0, 3 ); /* local molar mass by pathways */ csurn = dm1d( 0, 3 ); /* local C/N by pathways */ csurh = dm1d( 0, 3 ); /* local C/H by pathways */ } /* DEBUG */ printf("CHIMIE: lat=%d declin=%e\n",(*LAT)+1,(*DECLIN)); /**/ for( i = 0; i <= NC; i++) { strcpy( corps[i], CORPS[i] ); corps[i][strcspn(CORPS[i], " ")] = '\0'; } strcpy( outlog, "chimietitan" ); strcat( outlog, ".log" ); deltamax = 1.e5; /* DEBUG out = fopen( outlog, "a" ); fprintf(out,"CHIMIE: lat=%d declin=%e\n",(*LAT)+1,(*DECLIN)); fclose( out ); */ ym1 = dm1d( 0, NC-1 ); fl = dm1d( 0, NC-1 ); fp = dm1d( 0, NC-1 ); fd = dm1d( 0, NC-1 ); mu = dm1d( 0, NLEV-1 ); fluxtop = dm1d( 0, NC-1 ); jac = dm2d( 0, NC-1, 0, NC-1 ); jacd = dm2d( 0, NC-1, 0, NC-1 ); /* DEBUG */ /* out = fopen( "err.log", "a" ); fprintf( out,"%s\n", ); fclose( out ); */ /* initialisation krate pour dissociations */ if( ( (*DECLIN) *10 + 267 ) < 14. ) { declinint = 0; dec = 0; } else { if( ( (*DECLIN) * 10 + 267 ) > 520. ) { declinint = 14; dec = 534; } else { declinint = 1; dec = 27; while( ( (*DECLIN) * 10 + 267 ) >= (float)(dec+20) ) { dec += 40; declinint++; } } } if( ( (*DECLIN) >= -24. ) && ( (*DECLIN) <= 24. ) ) factdec = ( (*DECLIN) - (dec-267)/10. ) / 4.; else factdec = ( (*DECLIN) - (dec-267)/10. ) / 2.7; for( i = 0; i <= RDISS; i++ ) /* RDISS correspond a la dissociation de N2 par les GCR */ for( j = 0; j <= NLEV-1; j++ ) { if( factdec < 0. ) KRATE[i][j] = KRPD[*LAT][j][i][declinint-1] * fabs(factdec) + KRPD[*LAT][j][i][declinint] * ( 1 + factdec); if( factdec > 0. ) KRATE[i][j] = KRPD[*LAT][j][i][declinint+1] * factdec + KRPD[*LAT][j][i][declinint] * ( 1 - factdec); if( factdec == 0. ) KRATE[i][j] = KRPD[*LAT][j][i][declinint]; } /* initialisation mu, CH4 au sol */ for( j = 0; j <= NLEV-1; j++ ) { mu[j] = 0.0e0; for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) { if( ( strcmp(corps[i], "CH4") == 0 ) && ( Y[i][j] <= *botCH4 ) && ( j == 0 ) ) { fluxCH4 = (*botCH4 - Y[i][j]); Y[i][j] = *botCH4; } mu[j] += ( MASS[i] * Y[i][j] ); } } /* ****************** */ /* Main loop: level */ /* ****************** */ for( j = NLEV-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { /* DEBUG out = fopen( outlog, "a" ); fprintf(out,"j=%d z=%e nb=%e T=%e\n",j,(RA[j]-R0),NB[j],TEMP[j]); fclose( out ); out = fopen( "profils.log", "a" ); fprintf(out,"%d %e %e %e\n",j,(RA[j]-R0),NB[j],TEMP[j]); for (i=0;i<=NREAC-1;i++) fprintf(out,"%d %e\n",i,KRATE[i][j]); for (i=0;i<=ST-1;i++) fprintf(out,"%10s %e\n",corps[i],Y[i][j]); fclose( out ); printf("%d %e %e %e\n",declinint,(RA[j]-R0),NB[j],TEMP[j]); for (i=0;i<=RDISS-1;i++) printf("%d %e\n",i,KRPD[*LAT][j][i][declinint]); for (i=0;i<=ST-1;i++) printf("%10s %e\n",corps[i],FTOP[i]); exit(0); */ time = ts = 0.0e0; /* delta = (*FIN); */ delta = 1.e-3; for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) ym1[i] = max(Y[i][j],1.e-30); /* ++++++++++++ */ /* time loop. */ /* ++++++++++++ */ while( time < (*FIN) ) { /* Calcul de f et de la matrice jacobienne */ /* --------------------------------------- */ for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) /* productions et pertes chimiques */ { Y[i][j] = max(Y[i][j],1.e-30); /* minimum */ fp[i] = fl[i] = 0.0e0; /* init for next step */ for( l = 0; l <= ST-1; l++ ) jac[i][l] = 0.0e0; for( l = 0; l <= nom_prod[i]-1; l++ ) /* Production term */ { ireac = prod[i][l]; /* Number of the reaction involves. */ ncom1 = reactif[ireac][0]; /* First compound which reacts. */ if( reactif[ireac][1] == NC ) /* Photodissociation or relaxation */ { jac[i][ncom1] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * NB[j] ); fp[i] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * NB[j] * Y[ncom1][j] ); } else /* General case. */ { ncom2 = reactif[ireac][1]; /* Second compound which reacts. */ jac[i][ncom1] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * Y[ncom2][j] ); /* Jacobian compound #1. */ jac[i][ncom2] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * Y[ncom1][j] ); /* Jacobian compound #2. */ fp[i] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * Y[ncom1][j] * Y[ncom2][j] ); /* Production term. */ } } for( l = 0; l <= nom_perte[i]-1; l++ ) /* Loss term. */ { ireac = perte[i][l][0]; /* Reaction number. */ ncom2 = perte[i][l][1]; /* Compound #2 reacts. */ if( reactif[ireac][1] == NC ) /* Photodissociation or relaxation */ { jac[i][i] -= ( KRATE[ireac][j] * NB[j] ); fl[i] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * NB[j] ); } else /* General case. */ { jac[i][ncom2] -= ( KRATE[ireac][j] * Y[i][j] ); /* Jacobian compound #1. */ jac[i][i] -= ( KRATE[ireac][j] * Y[ncom2][j] ); /* Jacobien compound #2. */ fl[i] += ( KRATE[ireac][j] * Y[ncom2][j] ); /* Loss term. */ } } } /* Aerosols */ /* -------- */ if( (*aerprod) == 1 ) { aer(corps,TEMP,NB,Y,&j,k_dep,faer, &dyc2h2,&dyhc3n,&dyhcn,&dynccn,&dych3cn,&dyc2h3cn,utilaer, mmolaer,productaer,csurn,csurh); for( i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) { PRODAER[i][j] = productaer[i]; MAER[i][j] = mmolaer[i]; CSN[i][j] = csurn[i]; CSH[i][j] = csurh[i]; } /* DEBUG printf("AERPROD : LAT = %d - J = %d\n",(*LAT),j); if(fabs(dyc2h2*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[2]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) =%e; dyc2h2 =%e\n",corps[utilaer[2]], fp[utilaer[2]],dyc2h2*NB[j]); if(fabs(dyhcn*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[5]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) =%e; dyhcn =%e\n",corps[utilaer[5]], fp[utilaer[5]],dyhcn*NB[j]); if(fabs(dyhc3n*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[6]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) =%e; dyhc3n =%e\n",corps[utilaer[6]], fp[utilaer[6]],dyhc3n*NB[j]); if(fabs(dynccn*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[13]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) =%e; dynccn =%e\n",corps[utilaer[13]], fp[utilaer[13]],dynccn*NB[j]); if(fabs(dych3cn*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[14]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) =%e; dych3cn=%e\n",corps[utilaer[14]], fp[utilaer[14]],dych3cn*NB[j]); if(fabs(dyc2h3cn*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[15]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) =%e; dyc2h3cn=%e\n",corps[utilaer[15]], fp[utilaer[15]],dyc2h3cn*NB[j]); */ fp[utilaer[2]] -= ( dyc2h2 * NB[j] ); fp[utilaer[5]] -= ( dyhcn * NB[j] ); fp[utilaer[6]] -= ( dyhc3n * NB[j] ); fp[utilaer[13]]-= ( dynccn * NB[j] ); fp[utilaer[14]]-= ( dych3cn * NB[j] ); fp[utilaer[15]]-= ( dyc2h3cn * NB[j] ); if( Y[utilaer[2]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[2]][utilaer[2]] -= ( dyc2h2 * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[2]][j] ); if( Y[utilaer[5]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[5]][utilaer[5]] -= ( dyhcn * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[5]][j] ); if( Y[utilaer[6]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[6]][utilaer[6]] -= ( dyhc3n * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[6]][j] ); if( Y[utilaer[13]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[13]][utilaer[13]] -= ( dynccn * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[13]][j] ); if( Y[utilaer[14]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[14]][utilaer[14]] -= ( dych3cn * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[14]][j] ); if( Y[utilaer[15]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[15]][utilaer[15]] -= (dyc2h3cn * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[15]][j] ); } /* H -> H2 on haze particles */ /* ------------------------- */ if( (*htoh2) == 1 ) { heterohtoh2(corps,TEMP,NB,Y,surfhaze,&j,&dyh,&dyh2,utilaer); /* dyh <= 0 / 1.0 en adsor., 1 en reac. */ /* DEBUG printf("HTOH2 : LAT = %d - J = %d\n",(*LAT),j); if(fabs(dyh*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[0]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) = %e; dyh = %e\n",corps[utilaer[0]],fp[utilaer[0]],dyh*NB[j]); if(fabs(dyh2*NB[j])>fabs(fp[utilaer[1]]/10.)) printf("fp(%s) = %e; dyh2 = %e\n",corps[utilaer[1]],fp[utilaer[1]],dyh2*NB[j]); */ fp[utilaer[0]] += ( dyh * NB[j] ); fp[utilaer[1]] += ( dyh2 * NB[j] ); if( Y[utilaer[0]][j] != 0.0 ) jac[utilaer[0]][utilaer[0]] += ( dyh * NB[j] / Y[utilaer[0]][j] ); } for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) /* finition pour inversion */ { for( k = 0; k <= ST-1; k++ ) { jac[i][k] *= ( -THETA * delta ); /* Correction time step. */ if( k == i ) jac[k][k] += NB[j]; /* Correction diagonal. */ jacd[i][k] = (double)jac[i][k]; } fd[i] = (double)(delta * ( fp[i] - Y[i][j]*fl[i] )); } /* for( i = ST; i <= NC-1; i++ ) pas d'inversion (soot,prod): que faire? { Y[i][j] = ??? ; } */ /* Inversion of matrix cf method LU */ /* -------------------------------- */ /* inversion by blocs: */ /* Hydrocarbons */ solve( jacd, fd, 0, NHC-1 ); for( i = 0; i <= NHC-1; i++ ) { Y[i][j] += (float)fd[i]; if( Y[i][j] <= 1.0e-30 ) Y[i][j] = 0.0e0; } /* Nitriles */ solve( jacd, fd, NHC, ST-1 ); for( i = NHC+1; i <= ST-1; i++ ) { Y[i][j] += (float)fd[i]; if( Y[i][j] <= 1.0e-30 ) Y[i][j] = 0.0e0; } /* end inversion by blocs: */ for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) { /* CH4 au sol */ /* ---------- */ if( ( strcmp(corps[i], "CH4") == 0 ) && ( j == 0 ) && ( Y[i][j] < *botCH4 ) ) { fluxCH4 += (*botCH4 - Y[i][0]); Y[i][0] = *botCH4; } } /* test evolution delta */ /* -------------------- */ for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) { test = 1.0e-15; if( ( Y[i][j] > test ) && ( ym1[i] > test ) ) { conv = fabs( Y[i][j] - ym1[i] ) / ym1[i]; if( conv > ts ) { /* if( conv >= 0.1 ) { out = fopen( outlog, "a" ); fprintf( out, "Lat no %d; declin:%e;", (*LAT)+1, (*DECLIN) ); fprintf(out, " alt:%e; %s %e %e ; %e %e\n",(RA[j]-R0),corps[i],ym1[i],Y[i][j],time,delta); fclose( out ); } */ ts = conv; } } } if( ts < 0.1e0 ) { for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) if( (Y[i][j] >= 0.5e0) && (strcmp(corps[i],"N2") != 0) ) { out = fopen( outlog, "a" ); fprintf( out, "WARNING %s mixing ratio is %e %e at %d\n", corps[i], ym1[i], Y[i][j], j ); for( k = 0; k <= NLEV-1; k++ ) fprintf( out, "%d %e %e\n",k,ym1[i],Y[i][k] ); fclose( out ); // exit(0); Y[i][j] = 1.e-20; } for( i = 0; i <= NC-1; i++ ) ym1[i] = max(Y[i][j],1.e-30); time += delta; if( ts < 1.00e-5 ) delta *= 1.0e2; if( ( ts > 1.00e-5 ) && ( ts < 1.0e-4 ) ) delta *= 1.0e1; if( ( ts > 1.00e-4 ) && ( ts < 1.0e-3 ) ) delta *= 5.0e0; if( ( ts > 0.001e0 ) && ( ts < 0.01e0 ) ) delta *= 3.0e0; if( ( ts > 0.010e0 ) && ( ts < 0.05e0 ) ) delta *= 1.5e0; delta = min( deltamax, delta ); } else { for( i = 0; i <= NC-1; i++ ) Y[i][j] = ym1[i]; if( ts > 0.8 ) delta *= 1.e-6; if( ( ts > 0.6 ) && ( ts <= 0.8 ) ) delta *= 1.e-4; if( ( ts > 0.4 ) && ( ts <= 0.6 ) ) delta *= 1.e-2; if( ( ts > 0.3 ) && ( ts <= 0.4 ) ) delta *= 0.1; if( ( ts > 0.2 ) && ( ts <= 0.3 ) ) delta *= 0.2; if( ( ts > 0.1 ) && ( ts <= 0.2 ) ) delta *= 0.3; } ts = 0.0e0; /* out = fopen( outlog, "a" ); fprintf(out, " alt:%e; delta:%e; time:%e; fin:%e\n",(RA[j]-R0),delta,time,(*FIN)); fclose( out ); */ } /* +++++++++++++++++++ */ /* end of time loop. */ /* +++++++++++++++++++ */ for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) if( ( strcmp(corps[i],"CH4") == 0 ) && ( j == 0 ) ) fluxCH4 *= ( MASS[i]/(6.022e23*time) ); } /* **************** */ /* end of main loop */ /* **************** */ /* Plafond: !! OU !! flux vertical */ /* ------------------------------------ */ for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) if( FTOP[i] != 0.0e0 ) { fluxtop[i] = (- FTOP[i]/NB[NLEV-2]) * MASS[i]/6.022e23; Y[i][NLEV-2] += FTOP[i]/NB[NLEV-2]*(*FIN); Y[i][NLEV-2] = max(Y[i][NLEV-2],0.0e0); // on ajuste aussi le niveau dans la derniere couche... // pour eviter les effets vers le haut Y[i][NLEV-1] = Y[i][NLEV-2]; } /* Niveau de N2 */ /* ------------ */ for( j = 0; j <= NLEV-1; j++ ) { conv = 0.0e0; for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) if( strcmp(corps[i],"N2") != 0 ) conv += Y[i][j]; for( i = 0; i <= ST-1; i++ ) if( strcmp(corps[i],"N2") == 0 ) Y[i][j] = 1. - conv; } if( (*aerprod) == 1 ) { fdm2d( k_dep, 1, 5, 1 ); fdm2d( faer, 1, 5, 1 ); fdm1d( productaer, 0 ); fdm1d( mmolaer, 0 ); fdm1d( csurn, 0 ); fdm1d( csurh, 0 ); } fdm1d( ym1, 0 ); fdm1d( fl, 0 ); fdm1d( fp, 0 ); fdm1d( fd, 0 ); fdm1d( mu, 0 ); fdm1d( fluxtop, 0 ); fdm2d( jac, 0, NC-1, 0 ); fdm2d( jacd, 0, NC-1, 0 ); }