\chapter{Zoomed simulations} \label{sc:zoom} The LMD GCM can use a zoom to enhance the resolution locally. In practice, one can increase the latitudinal resolution on the one hand, and the longitudinal resolution on the other hand. \section{To define the zoomed area} The zoom is defined in {\tt run.def}. Here are the variables that you want to set: \begin{itemize} \item East longitude (in degrees) of zoom center {\tt clon} \item latitude (in degrees) of zoom center {\tt clat} \item zooming factors, along longitude {\tt grossismx}. {\it Typically 1.5, 2 or even 3 (see below)} \item zooming factors, along latitude {\tt grossismy}. {\it Typically 1.5, 2 or even 3 (see below)} \item {\tt fxyhypb}: {\it {\bf must be set to "T" for a zoom}, whereas it must be F otherwise} \item extention in longitude of zoomed area {\tt dzoomx}. This is the total longitudinal extension of the zoomed region (degree). \newline {\it It is recommended that {\tt grossismx} $\times$ {\tt dzoomx} $< 200^o$} \item extention in latitude of the zoomed region {\tt dzoomy}. This is the total latitudinal extension of the zoomed region (degree). \newline {\it It is recommended that {\tt grossismy} $\times$ {\tt dzoomy} $< 100^o$} \item stiffness of the zoom along longitudes {\tt taux}. 2 is for a smooth transition in longitude, more means sharper transition. \item stiffness of the zoom along latitudes {\tt taux}. 2 is for a smooth transition in latitude, more means sharper transition. \end{itemize} \section{Making a zoomed initial state} One must start from an initial state archive {\tt start\_archive.nc} obtained from a previous simulation (see section~\ref{sc:newstart}) Then compile and run {\tt newstart.e} {\bf using the {\tt run.def} file designed for the zoom}. After running {\tt newstart.e}. The zoomed grid may be visualized using grads, for instance. Here is a grads script that can be used to map the grid above a topography map: \begin{verbatim} set mpdraw off set grid off sdfopen restart.nc set gxout grid set digsiz 0 set lon -180 180 d ps close 1 *** replace the path to surface.nc in the following line: sdfopen /u/forget/WWW/datagcm/datafile/surface.nc set lon -180 180 set gxout contour set clab off set cint 3 d zMOL \end{verbatim} \section{Running a zoomed simulation and stability issue} \begin{itemize} \item {\bf dynamical timestep} Because of their higher resolution, zoomed simulation requires a higher timestep. Therefore in {\tt run.def}, the number of dynamical timestep per day {\tt day\_step} must be increased by more than {\tt grossismx} or {\tt grossismy} (twice that if necessary). However, you can keep the same physical timestep (48/sol) and thus increase {\tt iphysiq} accordingly ({\tt iphysiq = day\_step/48}). \item It has been found that when zooming in longitude, on must set {\tt ngroup=1} in {\tt dyn3d/groupeun.F}. Otherwise the run is less stable. \item The very first initial state made with {\tt newstart.e} can be noisy and dynamically unstable. It may be necessary to strongly increase the intensity of the dissipation and increase {\tt day\_step} in {\tt run.def} for 1 to 3 sols, and then use less strict values. \item If the run remains very unstable and requires too much dissipation or a too small timestep, a good tip to help stabilize the model is to decrease the vertical extension of your run and the number of layer (one generally zoom to study near-surface process, so 20 to 22 layers and a vertical extension up to 60 or 80 km is usually enough). \end{itemize}